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I like grimdarkness fine but my problem is that in Fantasy and especially 40K it all too often strays into grimderp territory.
Yeah, imho bad grimdark = having nothing to say, making things bad just because beyond sanity and logic would allow, creating misery for no story reason only for the "spectacle" , having a diabolus ex machina go after every good thing that happens, and portraying every single sapient being as either evil, etremely dark grey or naive.
Berserk and Worm have almost none of those (some misery for spectacle is unavoidable in the genre, I guess) which is why they should be reccomended (like anyone on SV hasn't been reccomended Worm allready, lol)
But really, the interesting thing is how much grimdark is about presentation. One Piece takes place in very grimdark settings, and the villains of Steven Universe wouldnt be out of place as a WH40K faction, objectively, but the way the stories unfold and the attitude of the stories towards human nature, good winning, optimism triumpthing et all means that the story itself feels very bright and optimistic. Homestuck is somewhere in the middle, but considering that its setting may actually surpass WH40K cosmic horror wise, being in the middle and not appearing to be grimdark is an achievement in itself...
In short: dark writing has as many bad tropes as bright writing, and its those that should be avoided imho rather than the kind of writing itself.
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