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@BoneyM this list is missing Summer Heat.


Maybe? I mean, I'm sure Boney will find a way to make it work, I would be perfectly happy with the system being un-gameable, it just seems like an obvious oversight that we could cast a big spell like the Tower uses over and over again while a single transformation wouldn't be able to. Unless the Eye actually uses less raw magical power—which could be a thing since it's technically not a Battlemagic spell despite its size, and this is—it would come off as a little bit odd. Also, considering that the tower basically let us obliterate a massive army in an instant and turned the million-plus Waaagh into a pushover, defining what counts as game breaking is kinda difficult.
If nothing else I figure Boney can look at my random theories and hypotheticals before he starts writing and use them to cover any obvious loopholes where necessary.

A lot of the heavy lifting of the Eye is provided by Gazul and His Runes that Kragg made. Ulgu is only needed for the delivery mechanism.

A lot of the heavy lifting of the Eye is provided by Gazul and His Runes that Kragg made. Ulgu is only needed for the delivery mechanism.
Ah, that's fair enough. Slightly related question, is the magic stat linear or exponential in growth? Just so I can have a rough comparison between the magic types.
Ah, that's fair enough. Slightly related question, is the magic stat linear or exponential in growth? Just so I can have a rough comparison between the magic types.
in the rpg its always been depicted as a combo of the two.

linear for a few levels them 'boom' you can cast magic of magnitude more powerful and what you were casting with trouble is comparatively easy.
Ah, that's fair enough. Slightly related question, is the magic stat linear or exponential in growth? Just so I can have a rough comparison between the magic types.

Neither, necessarily. An increase in the magic stat could represent an ability to channel more raw magical energy, or could be an increase in fine control over that energy allowing more to be done with less, or it could be that the nature of the Wizard has changed to be more conductive to their Wind. On top of this, the amount of magic being put into a spell doesn't necessarily correlate to any measurable output. For example, Boiling Blood requires significantly more magical power than Fire Ball, but Fire Ball creates more actual heat than Boiling Blood does. And the properties of the magical energy itself changes depending on how much of it is concentrated. The Winds of Magic are born of Chaos, and retain it in their very nature. So the Magic rating is even more of an abstraction than the rest of the stats on the charsheet.
Next turn, I think I want to take the Powerstones class at the College and do the Powerstone-creation AV option.

...What I really want to do is just spend 4 actions on AV since people are getting annoyed it's taking so long, but I doubt that'll get enough support.
It can't grant new abilities.
Gilded eyes are both "perfect" and closer in nature to the ideals of Chamon, right? In theory he should be able to gild other eyes and then place them into his own empty eye sockets. Perfect eyes means compatibility isn't a problem and the idea of a materialistic world where pieces of different bodies are modal as they would be in machines of metal sounds very Chamon to me.

I'd counter all of these arguments. (Seriously some of them are fucking laughable)

But I can't because boney said i couldn't.

So yeah.
Wanna open a thread in the general talk section or wherever? I find this topic interesting.

Edit: I don't know wether it falls u der Fiction Discussion or Chat Lounge though.
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Next turn, I think I want to take the Powerstones class at the College and do the Powerstone-creation AV option.

...What I really want to do is just spend 4 actions on AV since people are getting annoyed it's taking so long, but I doubt that'll get enough support.
and we please do the enchantment experiment first, instead of for more prep work? we are so close to AV enchantments.
and we please do the enchantment experiment first, instead of for more prep work? we are so close to AV enchantments.

I suspect we can't do AV enchantments in any real way yet, we neither understand divine magic (Coin study tree) nor do we have a way to make other other winds interface with out doing so in a dhar fashion (Other wind manipulation tree)

I think all three trees are inter-related. Going down the other research trees will provide insight and inspiration on what to do with the others. I suspect the enchantment option with AV will have some effect, either as an odd reagent but in terms of making use of the magical power/energy in AV I don't think we have the means to do so in any real way yet.

I think it's going to be a foundational bit of research that leads on to us needing to learn from the coin or try out ulgu tongs and see how to interface one wind to another with out making dhar.
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Neither, necessarily. An increase in the magic stat could represent an ability to channel more raw magical energy, or could be an increase in fine control over that energy allowing more to be done with less, or it could be that the nature of the Wizard has changed to be more conductive to their Wind. On top of this, the amount of magic being put into a spell doesn't necessarily correlate to any measurable output. For example, Boiling Blood requires significantly more magical power than Fire Ball, but Fire Ball creates more actual heat than Boiling Blood does. And the properties of the magical energy itself changes depending on how much of it is concentrated. The Winds of Magic are born of Chaos, and retain it in their very nature. So the Magic rating is even more of an abstraction than the rest of the stats on the charsheet.
Huh. That's quite interesting, actually... and probably makes balancing things like this both very easy and very hard. Ah well, I imagine it'll be interesting, whatever we get. Suppose I just have to wait.
Next turn, I think I want to take the Powerstones class at the College and do the Powerstone-creation AV option.

...What I really want to do is just spend 4 actions on AV since people are getting annoyed it's taking so long, but I doubt that'll get enough support.
If it got officially assigned, maybe. Which it might with our current action on it having the potential for infinite Ancestor Runes.
I've always been hyped by Coin study, and hope that we can finally do some. Doing it because we hope it'll make AV study more fun is strange, but I'll take what I can get and be thankful for it.
So you're saying that next time, you want us to develop a superweapon that only we could make, based on resources that only we have access to at the moment? Luckily, that's something we very easily can do! We still have that thing we got way back in Stirland we can use as a basis for some really impressive magics.

And yes, I know fully well that you and I are thinking of two entirely different resources right now, but that's fine, there's room for both of us here.

… I propose a middle ground.

Mega-project: Ancestral Wrath.
Requirements – Many, many power stones or a similarly potent energy source. A direct connection to the god of an order aligned afterlife. A priest in good standing of said god. A functional knowledge of non-living animate constructs.
Plan – Convince Gazul to let some vengeful Dwarfs temporarily return to the world of the living. Provide earth elemental/metal construct/ulgu shadow-mist bodies for them to inhabit.
Result – Religious schisms, cultural upheavals, political condemnations, an army of Vengeful Intelligent Undead Constructs loyal to the Karaz Ankor and ALL THE CREDIT!
Side benefit – Prototype for pulling the same thing with Morr.

And without having to use Dhar or necromancy even once.

This has been your daily dose of Thread Madness. :D
Should we have methods of communication of the We on our papers list or is that rolled into psychology and social structure?
Gilded eyes are both "perfect" and closer in nature to the ideals of Chamon, right? In theory he should be able to gild other eyes and then place them into his own empty eye sockets. Perfect eyes means compatibility isn't a problem and the idea of a materialistic world where pieces of different bodies are modal as they would be in machines of metal sounds very Chamon to me.

It's based on the idea that the human body has an ideal form that can be achieved, just as chemicals can be made perfectly pure. This rules out transplants, because it wouldn't be refining part of the body, it would be replacing it, which would take the person even further away from perfection because their body has been adulterated.
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… I propose a middle ground.

Mega-project: Ancestral Wrath.
Requirements – Many, many power stones or a similarly potent energy source. A direct connection to the god of an order aligned afterlife. A priest in good standing of said god. A functional knowledge of non-living animate constructs.
Plan – Convince Gazul to let some vengeful Dwarfs temporarily return to the world of the living. Provide earth elemental/metal construct/ulgu shadow-mist bodies for them to inhabit.
Result – Religious schisms, cultural upheavals, political condemnations, an army of Vengeful Intelligent Undead Constructs loyal to the Karaz Ankor and ALL THE CREDIT!
Side benefit – Prototype for pulling the same thing with Morr.

And without having to use Dhar or necromancy even once.

This has been your daily dose of Thread Madness. :D

The Sally Port of Gazul, lost, and now every Dwarf fallen far from the protection of Gazul's priests is defenceless.

Should we have methods of communication of the We on our papers list or is that rolled into psychology and social structure?

It's part physiology, part social structure.
... I just had a very funny thought. What if—assuming AV effects Runes how we expect—Belegar assumes that was part of the anti-dragon measures, since from what we've seen Ancestor Runes are probably a decent way of fucking up dragons?

Belegar: This was supposed to be an easy job Mathilde. A low ball. So why, by all that is holy, did you bring me not one, but two super-weapons as a result!?
Mathilde: Oops?

Edit: oh god, Boney gave this a funny rating. Oops?
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Next turn, I think I want to take the Powerstones class at the College and do the Powerstone-creation AV option.
That sounds like a good way to make people even more annoyed with AV.

… I propose a middle ground.

Mega-project: Ancestral Wrath.
Requirements – Many, many power stones or a similarly potent energy source. A direct connection to the god of an order aligned afterlife. A priest in good standing of said god. A functional knowledge of non-living animate constructs.
Plan – Convince Gazul to let some vengeful Dwarfs temporarily return to the world of the living. Provide earth elemental/metal construct/ulgu shadow-mist bodies for them to inhabit.
Result – Religious schisms, cultural upheavals, political condemnations, an army of Vengeful Intelligent Undead Constructs loyal to the Karaz Ankor and ALL THE CREDIT!
Side benefit – Prototype for pulling the same thing with Morr.

And without having to use Dhar or necromancy even once.

This has been your daily dose of Thread Madness. :D
Strangely enough, I've had basically the same idea. We can probably use the pillar (the Optic Nerve of Gazul?) as our point of contact.:D
Mega-project: Ancestral Wrath.
Requirements – Many, many power stones or a similarly potent energy source. A direct connection to the god of an order aligned afterlife. A priest in good standing of said god. A functional knowledge of non-living animate constructs.
Plan – Convince Gazul to let some vengeful Dwarfs temporarily return to the world of the living. Provide earth elemental/metal construct/ulgu shadow-mist bodies for them to inhabit.
Result – Religious schisms, cultural upheavals, political condemnations, an army of Vengeful Intelligent Undead Constructs loyal to the Karaz Ankor and ALL THE CREDIT!
Side benefit – Prototype for pulling the same thing with Morr.
The Sally Port of Gazul, lost, and now every Dwarf fallen far from the protection of Gazul's priests is defenceless.
Could I perhaps interest you in the "Indiana Weber" faction? Finding all those lost wonders of the Dawi world?
... I just had a very funny thought. What if—assuming AV effects Runes how we expect—Belegar assumes that was part of the anti-dragon measures, since from what we've seen Ancestor Runes are probably a decent way of fucking up dragons?

Belegar: This was supposed to be an easy job Mathilde. A low ball. So why, by all that is holy, did you bring me not one, but two super-weapons as a result!?
Mathilde: Oops?
Mathilde: I always have multiple irons in the fire. I just put a 'speed order" for the Dragon altar and it came out at the same time as the Rapidly Recharging Runes(tm) :)
Next turn, I think I want to take the Powerstones class at the College and do the Powerstone-creation AV option.
Setting aside the question of whether this is something we want to incorporate into our turnplan: @BoneyM, would this be legal? Or should the turnplan not include an action dependent on another action's successful completion? It hasn't seemed like rolls were involved in our magical skills learning classes, but perhaps Powerstones do get that.
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