I think people are starting to lean towards 'crazy awesome' in regards to using magic, getting too caught up in what we can do and not thinking about whether or not we should. We are going to deliver to the Dwarves a magic alter that will turn somebody into a dragon, by using well-known as unreliable and dangerous magic which Dwarves almost as a whole despise, and only a few reluctantly admit as be dangerous but situational useful. This reeks the same as 'let's try to enshrine the god of thieves as the patron god of our law enforcers'.
This is not going to be a great success, the Dwarves are not going to like this. At best they might tolerate it, but this might be the first time Belegor is going to have to pull us to the side and ask us WTF we were thinking. Instead of making a 'tried and true' weapon in a new tower, or some kind of magic AA missle launcher or flak cannon or other weapon, we need to get a volunteer human, because no dwarf will ever volunteer to have magic turn them into anything else (which is for the best because their innate magic resistance would mess with the spell i'm sure), and have them go through a dangerous, and I'm sure painful and gruesome, transformation to turn them into something to fight an Ice Dragon. And then they're going to have to fight the Ice Dragon.