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I just skip/skim through most anything regarding her.
Wait. Why do you hate a character enough to literally not want to read the parts of the story you usually like if said character happens to appear?
Does it trigger a trauma?
This quest was recommended on Something Awful
That place recommends stuff? I only stumbled on there two or three times while looking for something on Google and it seemed like it is dedicated to shitting on everything.
Wait. Why do you hate a character enough to literally not want to read the parts of the story you usually like if said character happens to appear?
Does it trigger a trauma?

That place recommends stuff? I only stumbled on there two or three times while looking for something on Google and it seemed like it is dedicated to shitting on everything.

It's probably the biggest traditional internet forum on the internet. Yes, at least two of their forums are pretty much the ancestors of /b/, but that's two out of something close to fifty.
Wait. Why do you hate a character enough to literally not want to read the parts of the story you usually like if said character happens to appear?
Because aside from that Vampire/Rampire joke, nothing regarding her interested me at all.

I thought the minor shaming of the Empire with that sword bestowal was interesting, but it turned out to not have been that relevant at all.

Roswita being shoehorned it just seemed like the more "sensible" outflow of threadmadness. Thread just moved too fast that most any characters close to us became too potentially boring in comparison.
It turns out that Warhammer Fantasy has a lot of cool stuff to offer as a setting, and we actually get to see a pretty good swathe of it through this protagonist.
Well, given that you've now come to appreciate Warhammer as a setting, I made a post recently recommending other quests that are currently active.
New ones or in general?

Eh, I'll do both. Bearing in mind that I'm only naming (more-or-less) active quests.

Older, very good Quests
  • Dynasty of Dynamic Alcoholism- take control of the very drunk Count of Ostland as he somehow survives everything, despite how hard the players and GM try to kill him.
  • Divided Loyalties (this one)
  • Paradox of Choice: Ulthuan Quest- take control of the newly-elected Phoenix King and try to revitalize the High Elves. Rather on the complex side, been a while since the last update, but that's not unusual.
Newer Quests (most of these popped up in the last couple weeks. By my personal experience, most of them will be dead within a few months, but who knows?)
  • Of Wolves and Witches- Control Erika Kurtsdottir, Journey(wo?)man mage of the Bright Order as she stumbles through disasters and one-night-stands.
  • Hearts as Cold As Ice- Control an Ice Witch, Anastasia Bohka, the daughter of the Tzarina, as she deals with her sudden exile over her... overly honest nature.
  • Clan Rakidum- Control a Dwarf clan of Rangers as they establish themselves in the Vaults.
  • An Empire Divided- Control the Count of Nordland as he tries to navigate the politics of the Empire in the Age of Three Emperors.
  • Blood in the Reikmouth- Unusual one- the head of the Elf enclave in Marienburg has been killed, and you need to solve his murder before the riots start. Occurs post-canon.
  • An Empire, Long Divided, Must Unite!- Control the head of an Estalian polity as he seeks to unite Estalia, and possibly all of the Southern Realms, into one kingdom.
  • Heretic Gods- It's about a Norscan who would doesn't worship one of the 4- not that her god is any more pleasant. Possibly dead, including it anyway, because why not.
  • RHUNRIKKI STROLLAR- Control a Dwarf Runelord during the Dwarf golden age, starting before even the Vortex has been made.

Also, if you like strategy games, you might enjoy the Total War: Warhammer series. Probably going to be a sale sometime in the next few months.
Amethyst Ambition 2
It's said that three can keep a secret if two are dead.


Whoever coined that phrase has clearly never met an Amethyst.


"Answer my questions!" I glare menacingly at the disembodied soul.


It has no apparent effect.

"Are you dumb as well as dead?" The words echo with an unnatural cadence, reverberating through the chamber of my impromptu interrogation.

"Technically, yes..." the soul drifts off.


Muttering invectives, I turn to consult my spellbook.

Final Words: Ask one question of the recently dead

Oh. Right. Question, not command. That should've been obvious. And of course the soul returned to rest after answering once. Now I'd have to cast the spell again. Ugh.

"Well, that was a bust, but at least you tried. Good show, dear."

Wathilde Meber, ladies and gentlemen. Dame, Magister, and now Loremaster of Karak Seven Peaks. The Dämmerlichtreiter. The Sängerkritisch. Identified by the looming shadow spilling from her still armored robes, the slumbering man sized beast of a wolf at her feet, and the genuine witch hunter's hat crowning her head.

I am not intimidated. I'm not! So what if her sword has killed more beings than I've ever met? Totally fine. Really. Just means more Shyish.

"I guess I'll have to find some other means to track that damned book. Oh! Before you go, do you want another cookie?"

I'm going to die.

Gretel, while I can appreciate the efforts you take to write out the beastmen

Gretel, that was nothing like our first meeting. and


Frustrated, Mathilde crossed out the beginning of her review again. This was starting to give her a headache.
Well, we have to assume that the Grey College has an entire wing dedicated to people who meticulously study the papers that are sent in, along with possible edits in case the information needs to be disseminated to people without the required security clearances, since The Grey College seems to be the unholy spawn of The University of Cambridge, MI6 and Bletchley Park.
I'm more than certain that they've learnt by now that even an offhand comment about something, someone, or someplace, can have ridiculous strategic value once applied.

If you're considering the safekeeping of such papers, it wouldn't surprise me if they keep the master copy in storage and produce an exact copy of that before it even hits the editing stage.

I would be surprised if the Grey College doesn't have the biggest and most extensive library of all the colleges, if not the Empire. In retrospect, I'm surprised that Mathilde didn't send the Cathayan books she acquired back to the colleges to be copied.
Keep in mind copying books without electronic means involves time intensive, skill intensive, error prone labor. They do not have unlimited clerks with the clearance to copy everything.

And then to recopy it for records and books which have reached the point of needing replacement due to degradation of ink or writing surface. To the point where the cap on your library is often the ability to keep scribing up for any books you can't get on the open market.

Basically any ink made from organic material would oxidize and fade in time. Inks made from metallic salts are long lasting, but are more sensitive to moisture, unless the page is treated to seal it in.

And then you have the whole array of ways which paper self destructs over time, from lingering acids from the pulping or bleaching processes, to drying out and becoming brittle, or mold or vermin eating it...and nevermind the use of parchment or vellum, which is all that but worse.

Suffice to say that the Grey Order is probably pretty busy transcribing high value papers written on low value paper onto more lasting surfaces.
Keep in mind copying books without electronic means involves time intensive, skill intensive, error prone labor. They do not have unlimited clerks with the clearance to copy everything.

And then to recopy it for records and books which have reached the point of needing replacement due to degradation of ink or writing surface. To the point where the cap on your library is often the ability to keep scribing up for any books you can't get on the open market.

Basically any ink made from organic material would oxidize and fade in time. Inks made from metallic salts are long lasting, but are more sensitive to moisture, unless the page is treated to seal it in.

And then you have the whole array of ways which paper self destructs over time, from lingering acids from the pulping or bleaching processes, to drying out and becoming brittle, or mold or vermin eating it...and nevermind the use of parchment or vellum, which is all that but worse.

Suffice to say that the Grey Order is probably pretty busy transcribing high value papers written on low value paper onto more lasting surfaces.
Heh. Makes me think about the dwarven method of simply carving/engraving the text into thin slabs of non-oxidizing metal, for something that will truly last. Though they probably just have dwarves painstakingly copy text onto new (high quality) paper regularly for all but the most important texts.

Mathilde: "No worries. The Grey College knows everything."

Weeks later, overheard in Altdorf: "What do you mean, the College doesn't know anything?!"
Algard: "Honestly, we rely a great deal on you to supply information about the more subtle matters of the Karaz Ankor. You are the logical expert, after all."

Mathilde: "...huh."
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All jokes aside, Mathilde is getting up to Lord Magister level, which implicitly carries with it the recognition that's she's a unique expert on a lot of topics for the Grey College, or even to the Colleges or Empire as a whole.
Indeed. Romance novels, adventure novels, smut novels, thinly veiled self-insert romantic adventure novels... the list of her areas of valuable expertise is extensive.
I mean, I'm pretty sure at this point nobody has read as much skaven anything as Mathilde has. There's a reason publishing a translation book is considered so groundbreaking.
Mathilde is pretty much THE expert on skaven for the Grey College at the moment. She's probably near the top for dwarves too, though as there's a lot more contact with them in general I'm pretty sure there are other Greys who know more than her, and quite high up for orcs and goblins.
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