There's so much we could still do with the Waystone Project that it feels wrong to me to talk about ending it. In terms of just low-hanging fruit we've got:
- Design a waystone that's (relativey) cheap and easy to deploy.
- And/or design a waystone that's the current design but without the river component.
- Deploy the above.
- Get at least Bretonia into the project both for international-scale shinies and b/c most of our continent's magic flows through them.
- [ ] Waystone: Negotiate with Ulthuan to re-erect Barak Varr's Nexus (NEW). Investigating Nexuses might be way too difficult and dangerous, but we have one Nexus we can just pay to have fixed. Take the easy win.
Theres significantly more I'd want to do, but even if you think we should wrap it up and move on to something else, there's at least two turns worth of stuff right there that we're super close to accomplishing.
To put my two cents into the ring, I feel like a list of objectives for the waystone project would consist of a set of goals that each played into the ability of project members to restore, expand, and maintain the waystone network in the long term.
- Restore damaged sections of the tributary system, and provide the means to maintain them long term. (Check)
- Provide means to repair the main waystones in the long term (Check)
These two seem self explanatory: If the goal is long term maintenance, then each of these is about direct capacity to maintain waystones. They could be
more achieved but I feel like both of them are at a point where they're sufficient.
- Stretch goal: Create new models of waystones/tributaries who's points of failure and skillset to construct are meaningfully different. (Not finished)
The intent here is to prevents single points of failure due to any institutional collapse (or fallings out) among project members, and also to aid the ability to expand the network in the event of greater ambition or sudden calamity. Not strictly necessary, but useful to the goal.
- Rebuild a Nexus, and provide a reliable means to reclaim them. (Not finished)
The major thing we haven't been able to do yet, and liable to be more involved the more piecemeal if it ends up being a matter of reclamation rather than reconstruction. Being able to establish a new nexus would be the ideal, but reliable reclamation and restoration of a subverted nexus would also be useful to furthering long term ability to maintain the network.
- Use waystones to solve several major headaches for each involved polity and prove their efficacy. (Arguable)
This one is a political goal, rather than an production goal. Inasmuch as waystones are a procurement project, people and institutions need to want to procure them for their production to be viable in the long term.
Between Sylvania, Black Water, Laurelorn forest and Praag this one is making good progress at the most pessimistic.
-Ensure the redundancy of the Old World Waystone Network as a whole. (Not finished)
This is basically about ensuring there are no single points of failure, and ideally ensuring that even pairs of critical points can't be undone by a coordinated effort. At a very rough suggestion I'd hazard the desired amount of redundancy would be to have... we
could say three, but let's say
four routes for their section of the network to drain out of the world. Whether by connections to the Great Vortex or their own methods, a la dwarven power storage or Kislev's Ice Vortex.
- Subgoal: Map the Waystone Networks of the Old World polities, and issues or points of failure within it. (Not finished)
Identifying the network's broad state across the Old World will help for identifying where any issues exist. Exactly how broad such a map should be is up for debate. I could see it extending as far as Nehekhara and Araby, or being just Project members and Brettonia. I feel like larger is better here, though. (This is also an excuse for a road trip.)
There may be something else here I'm overlooking, but I feel like all of these together present a set of goals that when completed would, definitionally, mean that the ability to restore, expand, and maintain the waystone network in the long term had been achieved, even after the main project and its members go their separate ways.
And with that all said, Votes.
[X] Orb Reveal
[X] Silk
[X] Pan's Treehouse
[X] Middenland
[X] Wissenland
[X] Reading on Nehekhara
[X] Lord Seilph, the Mystic