Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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Probably not, since this quest allows you to approval vote for whatever you want, including mutually exclusive options.

People just aren't seeing the value in making friends with other libraries at the expense of making our own library less prestigious.

I saw the value, but then I thought about the value of growing our word-hoard, and that value was a lot bigger and more satisfying, so I went with more hoard.

Wow, we are just taking everything huh. Honestly expected to leave at least something for someone else, I wonder if there being so many different choices to give to other people lowers the odds of any one option surpassing the You option.

Everyone that signed up for this venture knew that they were signing up for Mathilde to get More Books.

If anyone else wanted our mined books, they should have come and cleaned up Drakenhof first. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
We came here specifically to hunt for books. Why would we give away the thing we came here for in the first place? We're giving away the money, so it's not like we're being completely selfish.

Like, if some of them were books we weren't interested in we'd probably try and exchange them for ones we were, but that's not the case.
It just occurred to me that the reason Morr has dreams as a domain and the reason his afterlife is a place you sleep in is to make the phrase "rest in peace" more literal. May you not get disturbed by a necromancer or something else while you're sleeping in the afterlife.
It just occurred to me that the reason Morr has dreams as a domain and the reason his afterlife is a place you sleep in is to make the phrase "rest in peace" more literal. May you not get disturbed by a necromancer or something else while you're sleeping in the afterlife.
Maybe that's why so many undead are hostile.

Cranky after being woken from their naptime.
It just occurred to me that the reason Morr has dreams as a domain and the reason his afterlife is a place you sleep in is to make the phrase "rest in peace" more literal. May you not get disturbed by a necromancer or something else while you're sleeping in the afterlife.
"Sleep, cousin of death" has a long long LONG history in human conception. Any connection between rest in peace and sleep is honestly probably incidental compared to drawing from the Cousin of Death well.
It's just that the vote can be summed up as

() gold
() books

And then () books gets an extra vote for each very rare book we found, and why would we ever give those up?

so we are basically just picking
(x) books.
The first von Carsteins didn't bother with romance novels; they were already living the romance novel dream, the murderous lovebird power couple. :p
They literally had a secret bedroom for canoodling in, they absolutely were Romance Novel Protagonists.

It's remarked in Night's Dark Masters that the distance since the last Vampire War (and no doubt influence from the Lahmians) have seen Vampires often cast in a romantic light in popular media- plays and all that.

If you want romance novels about Vampires, they're probably already in Mathilde's collection.
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The Amarium is do we want to earn favor with some flavor of religious militants order so we have an easier time getting their help in the future, or do we want to increase the prestige of the library? Well we want to increase the prestige of the library right at the moment.

The Scrolls are a bit trickier because those won't really benefit the Library. They're so dangerous we can't admit to having them, so it's earning favor versus another research project for the pile of research projects. I guess people want the research project, but again the Scrolls will not contribute to the Library directly. They're more going to be in Mathilde's private collection hidden inside the Library.

The Flesh is perhaps a bit more interesting, because donating it to the University of Altdorf or the Cult of Verenna could actually be of direct benefit to the Library. Give Altdorf/Verenna a copy of the Flesh and they'll probably be more more open to book-sharing agreements and letting us have copies of much of their lesser volumes. So then it becomes a question of do we want to have an easier time getting copies of less prestigious books from one of those two sources, or are we more concerned with attracting prestigious scholars to the Library by telling them if they want to read the Creeping Flesh they're going to have to travel to K8P? The consensus seems to be, use the Flesh as a tool to get scholars to make the trek out to K8P to see the wonders of the Library (and tell all their friends).

Do I have all this correct?
It's just that the vote can be summed up as

() gold
() books

And then () books gets an extra vote for each very rare book we found, and why would we ever give those up?

so we are basically just picking
(x) books.
The other thing is that some people are voting to give away some of the books, but each person has a different book they are voting to give away.
The Scrolls are a bit trickier because those won't really benefit the Library. They're so dangerous we can't admit to having them, so it's earning favor versus another research project for the pile of research projects. I guess people want the research project, but again the Scrolls will not contribute to the Library directly. They're more going to be in Mathilde's private collection hidden inside the Library.
I mostly agree with your post, but I would add a point I think you're missing regarding the scrolls, which is that the favour we'll be earning is of unclear value - the Priory of the Spear just doesn't seem like an organization we have much reason to care about. The Templars are more likely to be useful allies, but Mathilde doesn't like them. So, better a bird in the hand than an unknown-but-probably-low-number of birds in the bush, especially if the bush worships Sigmar. I think the arguments people have made for giving the scrolls away have mostly been phrased as 'get rid of the scrolls' for that reason, and at that point we're in a similar situation to the ring notes, which the overwhelming consensus is also to keep.
Recently I learned that Barnes and Noble is apparently one of the bigger suppliers of Warhammer books out there? I don't know how they managed it, but they have several exclusive deals with GW for stuff exclusive to them.

Somehow. And they're not in the UK so I can't even access it. Of all the stores to pay up for exclusivity deals with GW, why was it Barnes and Noble?
Recently I learned that Barnes and Noble is apparently one of the bigger suppliers of Warhammer books out there? I don't know how they managed it, but they have several exclusive deals with GW for stuff exclusive to them.

Somehow. And they're not in the UK so I can't even access it. Of all the stores to pay up for exclusivity deals with GW, why was it Barnes and Noble?

Apparently GW partnered with them to try to break into the board games market.

I find it weird to try to investigate some decision GW made and find the information right there on their website. It used to be the only way they communicated anything was via White Dwarf and the annual reports to investors. What a strange new era to live in.
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I'm not exactly sure they succeeded. Lots of the games they made for Barnes and Noble aren't supported anymore, and they've gone back to the same stuff they usually do. GW still have board games in the form of Warhammer Underworlds, but it's as niche as ever.

Let me just throw some words out and maybe people can chime in on whether they heard of them. Harrowdeep, Shadespire, Nethermaze, Beastgrave, Nightvault, Direchasm. They're all seasons of the Warhammer Underworlds board game, but I think most people buy the miniatures because they're small bands of high quality miniatures. Good for kitbashing and conversion and can be used in regular games of AoS.

I guess a good thing is that Blood Bowl is back in relevance. Although I think that was influenced by the video game, not GW's board game initiative.
I guess a good thing is that Blood Bowl is back in relevance. Although I think that was influenced by the video game, not GW's board game initiative.

Blood Bowl has a really weird history. It was entirely abandoned and for years and years it chugged along under its own steam on a fan-made online league called FUMBBL with fan-made rulebooks and a bodged-together client to play online. The only reason the video games got made is that Cyanide wanted to make BB into a game and when GW said no they made it anyway and called it 'Chaos Bowl', and somehow after the dust settled from the lawyer slapfight GW owned Chaos Bowl but Cyanide had a license to make an official Blood Bowl game. So it had a head start on everything else, coming out many years before GW's current approach to video game licensing.
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