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No. Social actions never have any mechanical effect. The idea of them is that people can choose the interactions they want to see without worrying about what is optimal.

Ah, okay. So I guess checking Drycha's presence in Dammaz Kron as was suggested earlier is also out?

Anyway, actual suggestion to meet We again. Haven't heard from them for some time, I wonder how they developed?
Makes me wonder if the Drakwald outside of Laurelorn has a liminal realm.

Given the Beastmen concentrations there, it wouldn't be a pretty one.
Speaking of Beastmen, it would be a pretty significant achievement to figure out how the Beastpaths they use to get past encirclement and forest patrols and cover vast distances in a short time actually work. They might be examples of liminal realms, given how they've been described.
Speaking of Beastmen, it would be a pretty significant achievement to figure out how the Beastpaths they use to get past encirclement and forest patrols and cover vast distances in a short time actually work. They might be examples of liminal realms, given how they've been described.

This came up during the Karag Dum Expedition:

"I have a guess as to how they got here. Have you heard of the Beast-Paths?"

You frown. "The trails in the deep woods that Warherds travel along?"

"In part. And what of the Worldroots?"

Your frown deepens. "I don't believe so. Unless it refers to leylines."

"They might be connected to them in some way. It's a network of underground passages that once connected all the lands of the world, but in modern times many of its branches are sickened or dead, and the Beastmen burrow into the dead Worldroots like woodworms. In this way the Beast-Paths allow Beastherds to reach many parts of the world unseen and unsuspected. It may be how they have reached this place, far from the defiled woods that they usually haunt, and how their population has survived however many years of combat with the Kurgan."

You resist the urge to sigh as the list of things you intend to look up when you return to civilization grows ever longer. In your defence, who would have predicted that you should have read up on Beastmen before travelling to the steppes? "Thank you. I'll investigate the possibility when I have access to the libraries of Altdorf once more. Is this a mystery of Taal or Rhya I should keep to myself?"

He shakes his head. "A curiosity known to those that dedicate themselves to pursuing the Cloven Ones."
If anyone's got ideas for new social actions, now's a good time to share them.
Kasmir, I'm kind of curious what he's been up to, and what he thinks of what we are trying to accomplish. His interactions with Mathilde always greatly interest me considering who he was compared to who he is now, from hardcore Sigmarite to a more level-headed and pragmatic priest.
If anyone's got ideas for new social actions, now's a good time to share them.
Well there was this scene:
[Does Regimand help? Roll: 78-10(busy)-20(college politics)+100(wants to spend time with Mathilde)=148.]
Though I do practically count the mission as a Social, technically it wasn't. Maybe Mathilde goes on a mission with Regimand this time? I'm sure there's a way to divise a mlk run for Regimand to go on so there's no mechanical effects.

Qrech? How long do Skaven live again? His progress on this:
Not Doctor Quirin. Not yet. Still not done." He flexes a paw, then takes up his quill. "Still more work to do."

More stories from Deathfang?
If anyone's got ideas for new social actions, now's a good time to share them.
-Taking Panoramia on a date in Laurelorn - the forest itself, Tor Lithanel, or both.
-Adela, to see if there's anything new going on in that engineering school of hers that has been prophesied to be important (also maybe see how she'll feel about being our pilot)
-If our report to her goes well, maybe a conversation with Mira about the future of the Light Order?
-something with Kislev? Boris is probably too important for a social call, but maybe Ljiljana is up to talk to us now that we (probably) saved her life a second time. The conversation will probably be about the political situation of the Ice Witches in Kislev, maybe also about the Hags since we recruited them too.
If anyone's got ideas for new social actions, now's a good time to share them.

Hmm... knowing the Grey Lords better?

Boasting to Paranoth about Dryad buttocks?

Talking to LM Krammovitch about the Hedgefolk?

Talking to LM Walther Kupfer about the weird interaction between the Dryad and the Forest of Shadows since he seemed to know more about the place - when Mathilde got made Lady Magister he talked about how the limial space the College is in was (similar?) to the Shadows that give the Forest of Shadows its name?
If anyone's got ideas for new social actions, now's a good time to share them.
Thorgrim Grudgebearer, to see how his preparations for the expedition to Mount Silverspear are going.
Deathfang, for more cute bedtime stories.
Daroir, to check what rumours about Mathilde, if any, are making rounds in Ulthuan.
Magister Patriarch Alric, to thank him for initially sending Egrimm our way.
Remember that time Mathilde had a few social actions where she just went around showing off her shiny new vampire skull?

That, but with a Dryad butt.

(Only mostly joking, talking to a few people about it to find out wtf could be neat.)
Checking on this "Okri" fellow to see if he is actually a real person or an alias Belegar made up to make Mathilde feel better about leaving her position. (Okri? Really? He thought Mathilde would be fooled by a name meaning "Worker?").
Potential Social actions:
  1. The new Hag, by now it is traditional to have a social action for new participants in the Project
  2. Same thing for Zlata, though in her case I would also be curious to know more about her general history, how does she know Reikshpiel for instance
  3. More on that canal, are things going to plan? Has there been any news of that sickness
  4. Talk to someone (Belegar, the King of Barak Var?) about that ambush on the Skull River, just to see if the dwarfs have gone anywhere
  5. People were talking about trying to poke Heidi on the matter of the Father Coin to see if she knows
  6. Edna, shouldn't she be having a baby about now? Baby dwarf sounds adorable.
Mandred is around 7 years old now for the curious. He's around the age of being able to understand and comprehend the idea of complex sentences and that words can have more than one meaning.
Would really like to talk to the Elf clan that are practicing Uric worship.

Kind of the main dip tie for humans and elf's, would like to make sure everything is going smoothly.
Dreaming Woods poke back, and the Grey College would very much prefer that Mathilde didn't start digging into the foundations.
Can we... just ask a couple of our LM colleagues where to start? Or would that hurt our internal prestige too much? I'm not even sure we need such prestige. The other LMs already trust and admire us enough to have made us a peer, so what if they think we are not good at understanding a certain deeper secret of Ulgu with no help.
Checking on Anton and tell him that there's Eonirs interested in buying firearms.

Mathilde should not be organizing the export of cutting-edge military hardware to a foreign polity that could still end up at war with a province of the Empire.

Can we... just ask a couple of our LM colleagues where to start? Or would that hurt our internal prestige too much? I'm not even sure we need such prestige. The other LMs already trust and admire us enough to have made us a peer, so what if they think we are not good at understanding a certain deeper secret of Ulgu with no help.

Remember when Mathilde was made Lady Magister and part of that was them all collectively admitting they have nothing but a bunch of contradictory guesses about what the hell it was?
Regarding the study of liminal realms...I would like to once again remind everyone that there is a group with knowledge about a liminal realm (perhaps the liminal realm) that we can reach out to. And they would also likely have knowledge specifically about the Forest of Shadows, if we're interesting in that Dreaming Wood for Drycha related reasons.
If anyone's got ideas for new social actions, now's a good time to share them.
I remember someone brought up dropping by Ostermark to inform them about the situation in the Shirokij being resolved.

Also, if people want to discover Drycha's identity in character, aside from Laurelorn and the Dammaz Kron it's possible the Brettonians might have had an encounter or two with her.
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