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You know, there's this one fluffy, largely slice of life light novel series that goes into that, and what Johannes Gutenburg did on his own, she needed to get like, five fucking people together to match. And that was knowing exactly what she wanted to have made.
Loved ascendance, left it after the 2nd part book though.

Bah! That stuff's for schoolgirls.
Yep, chocolate-covered poison is definitely peak masculinity. The one made with 4 types of highs are definitely for those pretty pink princesses.
You know, there's this one fluffy, largely slice of life light novel series that goes into that, and what Johannes Gutenburg did on his own, she needed to get like, five fucking people together to match. And that was knowing exactly what she wanted to have made.

He was just one of those crazy, once per era confluences of Stuff to rewrite the course of history.
What was the name of that Light Novel series?
"Now, Erengrad is Kislev's main trading city and its largest port. Situated on the coast of the Sea of Claws, vessels from across the Old World, New World, and even Norsca come here with goods, slaves, gems, and precious metals."
As this quote stands it would be near impossible for me not to interpret it as meaning that either Norscans or (more likely) vessels from across the world (including Norscans) come into the port of Erengard and trade slaves successfully enough for them to be a category neatly fitting between goods and gems. It might be illegal, it might be out of sight, but it's definitely happening at the port or in or around the city.

Now if this is a quote by a named character then just who is being quoted here would matter for interpretation. And if there were other quotes that make slave trade or slave ownership illegal in Kislev then that would also make the interpretation more interesting and complicated. But otherwise if I were the interpreter my headcanon would be clear.

That said I ultimately care more about the DL canon than the canon canon. Because it's great across the board.
and the resultant consequences of those who control the spread of news also having significant exposure to molten lead and antimony
Huh. I never heard or read about this. So there's a theory that many of the more radical pamphlets in the early days are partially a result of lead and antimony poisoning? Where can I read more?
4e has something like that in Middenheim. Not wholly compatible because of the different history and attitudes of Middenheim in DL, but still a fun thing to note. WFRP 4e: Middenheim - City of the White Wolf, page 140:
Well, that's just plain awesome. I can even see individuals have favorite wizards and loud discussions using very few and sometimes very wrong facts in order to determine which College is "best".

Come to think of it, Mathilde has experienced a variety of different kinds of forests and wooded areas, ranging from the Ghoul Woods, to Laurelorn, and now the Forest of Shadows, along with all the time she may have travelled through mundane ones on shadowhorse or flown over them on gyrocopter/carriage. Is her time spent amongst them building up to anything, like impressions or observations about them, or even paper topics? Or is it something that would only really coalesce into something like a trait we'd choose at the conclusion of major arcs in the quest?
As this quote stands it would be near impossible for me not to interpret it as meaning that either Norscans or (more likely) vessels from across the world (including Norscans) come into the port of Erengard and trade slaves successfully enough for them to be a category neatly fitting between goods and gems. It might be illegal, it might be out of sight, but it's definitely happening at the port or in or around the city.

Now if this is a quote by a named character then just who is being quoted here would matter for interpretation. And if there were other quotes that make slave trade or slave ownership illegal in Kislev then that would also make the interpretation more interesting and complicated. But otherwise if I were the interpreter my headcanon would be clear.

That's what I said. That's why the three non-joke possibilities I gave still had some form of slave trading happing in or around Erengrad. The point I'm making is not that Erengrad doesn't have slave trading going on, it's that there's not enough canonical information to conclude that it's completely legal and entirely approved by government authorities, and that it's certainly not the only human city in the Old World where slave trading takes place.

Huh. I never heard or read about this. So there's a theory that many of the more radical pamphlets in the early days are partially a result of lead and antimony poisoning? Where can I read more?

I don't have a bibliography off the top of my head, it's been a decade since I was in touch with the latest theorizing in the field.


Come to think of it, Mathilde has experienced a variety of different kinds of forests and wooded areas, ranging from the Ghoul Woods, to Laurelorn, and now the Forest of Shadows, along with all the time she may have travelled through mundane ones on shadowhorse or flown over them on gyrocopter/carriage. Is her time spent amongst them building up to anything, like impressions or observations about them, or even paper topics? Or is it something that would only really coalesce into something like a trait we'd choose at the conclusion of major arcs in the quest?

Perhaps. We'll see.

Come to think of it, Mathilde has experienced a variety of different kinds of forests and wooded areas, ranging from the Ghoul Woods, to Laurelorn, and now the Forest of Shadows, along with all the time she may have travelled through mundane ones on shadowhorse or flown over them on gyrocopter/carriage. Is her time spent amongst them building up to anything, like impressions or observations about them, or even paper topics? Or is it something that would only really coalesce into something like a trait we'd choose at the conclusion of major arcs in the quest?
Mathilde going for the record of broadest paper repertoire.

Everyone: but she's a grey wizard. Why is she writing about trees?
The grey college: grey wizards get everywhere. Mathilde is our prototype for working in the public eye.
Huh. I never heard or read about this. So there's a theory that many of the more radical pamphlets in the early days are partially a result of lead and antimony poisoning? Where can I read more?

I can't speak for Renaissance radicals, but there's a theory going around that lead poisoning contributed to the downfall of the roman empire. The aristocratic classes of ancient Rome would flavour their wine with lead, leading to higher levels of incompetency within the ruling elite.

Obviously all the barbarian invasions and civil was and stuff were the main drivers of the collapse of the roman empire, but having most of your leadership addled by lead poisoning didn't help.
I can't speak for Renaissance radicals, but there's a theory going around that lead poisoning contributed to the downfall of the roman empire. The aristocratic classes of ancient Rome would flavour their wine with lead, leading to higher levels of incompetency within the ruling elite.

Obviously all the barbarian invasions and civil was and stuff were the main drivers of the collapse of the roman empire, but having most of your leadership addled by lead poisoning didn't help.
This reminds me of Sigmar's Blood from page 73 of Old World Armory 2E:

"Sigmar's Blood (Easy): To treat a variety of diseases from love to many of the plagues affecting the bowels, apothecaries make extensive use of this silvery, liquid metal. Taking its name from the patron deity of the Empire, users of mercury tend towards rash or unusual behaviour and sometimes die. Taking a single dose of Sigmar's Blood requires the imbiber to succeed on a Toughness Test or gain 2 Insanity Points. In addition, a single dose grants a +5% bonus on the target's next Toughness Test to resist the effects of a disease or poison within 24 hours."
...Why would anyone want to drink that?

Mercury actually works quite well as a laxative, albeit for mechanical rather than biological reasons, and because mercury poisoning causes excessive salivation, early doctors believed it was a very good diuretic as well. But most of its use seems to operate on the logic that because it looks so weird and cool it has to be good for you.
Mercury actually works quite well as a laxative, albeit for mechanical rather than biological reasons, and because mercury poisoning causes excessive salivation, early doctors believed it was a very good diuretic as well. But most of its use seems to operate on the logic that because it looks so weird and cool it has to be good for you.
Even today some people went so far as to eat tidepods because they looked good and because of memes despite all the stuff telling you it's not good for you. Not much justification has to be made over why people would try to eat/drink stuff that looks fancy.
Apparently, not everyone outgrows the tendency to stick bright shiny things into their mouths when they leave toddlerhood. The only difference is that there's no longer a knowledgeable adult around to tell them otherwise.
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Even today some people went so far as to eat tidepods because they looked good and because of memes despite all the stuff telling you it's not good for you. Not much justification has to be made over why people would try to eat/drink stuff that looks fancy.

A truly horrendous amount of marketing research and testing went into making tide pods look as appealing as possible to our monkey brains. They are bright and colourful and gleaming and dense and soft and smell sweet. Deep in our hindbrains, millions of years of instincts scream that tide pods are a delicious fruit.
I've been thinking about this briefly. What kind of videogames do you guys think the DL cast would enjoy?

My first thought, admittedly not thinking too deep into it, is that Mathilde would like the Soulsborne games (biased because I project onto Mathilde and I like Elden Ring a lot) and RPGs. The second thought is that Panoramia would like Stardew Valley and Animal Crossing, which is stereotypical but I think it fits. My third thought is that I think Johann would enjoy fighting games and Punch Out.

I don't know what Horstmann would like? Typing of the Dead?
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