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Mhm, after having been pointed out and assured overwork is safe to do, i made some refinements to my plan of full cultural immersion

[] Plan Full Cultural Immersion 2.0
-[ ] Overwork (Slot 1)
--[ ] Explore the wonders of the ancient and beautiful city of Tor Lithanel
-[ ] Immerse yourself in the culture of the 'Cityborn' Toriour inhabitants of Tor Lithanel
-[ ] Immerse yourself in the culture of the 'Forestborn' Faniour inhabitants of the woods surrounding Tor Lithanel
-[ ] Explore one of the Wards of Laurelorn (specify which: Storm, Rain, Frost)
--[] Storm Ward
-[ ] Explore one of the Wards of Laurelorn (specify which: Storm, Rain, Frost)
--[] Rain Ward
-[ ] Explore one of the Wards of Laurelorn (specify which: Storm, Rain, Frost)
--[] Frost Ward
-[ ] EIC: Have a blackpowder factory built in Wurtbad.
-[ ] The Night Prowler
-[ ] SERENITY: Observations on the Windfall north of the Dark Lands (FADING)

Mhm, I believe that attempting to gain full cultural immersion and knowledge of the elves and their individual factions would be best to know how we should aproach the waystone project moving forward.

What would once take years of cultural immersion to learn a new language and way of culture can take mere months for Malthitide. Doing a deep dive into Laurelorn to better understand it's political climate seems much desirable as it gives us the readers and Malthitide more info to better understand the elves motives and actions and weird wording ic to be better displayed to us when the elves do their wierd elf thing.

Anywho, that's my plan.
"They once ruled Kor Immarmor, and have ruled the Ward of Frost since it was destroyed by the Dwarves. They were some of the loudest voices against contact with outsiders, and had two votes on the High Council - one for Vicarius, one for being a Major House. For centuries the vote had been fifteen to ten against, or sixteen to nine when the Stormwitch was Triumvir. And his family were influential amongst those that especially venerate Asuryan, so were able to keep the Champion Triumvirs swayed. But now, with House Elwyn extinct, your Graf proving himself to me, House Ellemakil being swayed by the Queen, and a Forestborn Warden of Frost in favour of contact, the politics have shifted. Thirteen to eleven for when the Warden of the Sun is Triumvir, twelve to twelve the rest of the time, and the Vicarius Triumvir is one of the Vicarii in favour of contact and the Champion no longer has House Elwyn's whispers in their ear, so the Triumvirate rules in favour of contact."
Thinking on the politics, we'd better hope that Johann can put the Champion firmly in our court.

At the moment the Vicarius are 3 in favor, one against, so if the Warden of the Sun is in the Triumvir it doesn't go to them anyway and doesn't matter, and if they're in the High Council the Triumvir is 3-0 in favor of contact as the tie-breaker. If another Vicarius joins the opposition and the Champion is swayed to their side, we'd lose.

Side-note: the greatest diplomat to the Eonir the Empire has is Boris Todbringer. By a wide margin.

Let's see if we manage to surpass him.
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Most spells are only recorded as a set of instructions that will create a specific effect, without any record of the logic behind those instructions. Some were never recorded out of selfish pride or paranoia on the part of the inventor, others were invented by the Elves or by civilizations lost to history so the College only has access to the spell itself, still others are so steeped in a specific Wizard's unique viewpoint that they could only be understood by themselves. Consider Shadowsteed: to your mindset, Ulgu is not a swift wind, nor one especially attuned to horses. If you'd never heard of the spell, you'd think it better suited to Hysh or perhaps Ghur. But you tend to think first in terms of Elemental Ulgu, the fog and the shadow, where the inventor of the spell was much more Mystical and drew inspiration from the inexorable march of dawn and dusk that loop the world every day. Most Grey Wizards can cast the spell, but few could recreate the underlying logic unless they dedicated themselves to the study of the moments on the cusp between day and night.
Here it is, technically ambiguous, but as Elves were mentioned as a separate thing earlier and Matilde knows about the details of it's origin, it was probably invented by a grey Magister.
I guess they could have taken 'inspiration' from an elven spell though.
So I was thinking, Karak Hirn might be another place to recruit Runesmiths from. Especially when Prince Kazrik becomes King Kazrik. And from my understanding that is probably going to happen soon (as in within the next decade) given the mounting pressure for his father to take the slayer oath. We shouldn't just limit to thinking about K8P or Azul, there are other Karaks we have relationships with, and only Vlag doesn't have any Runesmiths. I do think Azul has the best chance, but we shouldn't discard these other options.
[] Plan Full Cultural Immersion 2.0
-[ ] Overwork (Slot 1)
--[ ] Explore the wonders of the ancient and beautiful city of Tor Lithanel
-[ ] Immerse yourself in the culture of the 'Cityborn' Toriour inhabitants of Tor Lithanel
-[ ] Immerse yourself in the culture of the 'Forestborn' Faniour inhabitants of the woods surrounding Tor Lithanel
-[ ] Explore one of the Wards of Laurelorn (specify which: Storm, Rain, Frost)
--[] Storm Ward
-[ ] Explore one of the Wards of Laurelorn (specify which: Storm, Rain, Frost)
--[] Rain Ward
-[ ] Explore one of the Wards of Laurelorn (specify which: Storm, Rain, Frost)
--[] Frost Ward
-[ ] EIC: Have a blackpowder factory built in Wurtbad.
-[ ] The Night Prowler
-[ ] SERENITY: Observations on the Windfall north of the Dark Lands (FADING)

I'm inclined towards this plan. I don't feel that there's a particular pressing need to speed towards the Waystone project now. Getting a feel for the territory will help us going forward. There's very clearly political and cultural issues underneath the surface, and I want to get a good grasp of them ASAP.
Side-note: the greatest diplomat to the Eonir the Empire has is Boris Todbringer. By a wide margin.

Let's see if we manage to surpass him.
That's going to be a thing with us, isn't it? Just... outdoing diplomatic efforts with every species we can find. Despite, you know, diplomacy being Mathilde's weakest skill. I like it.
Ah, the new Tobaro. Let us see if he is an equally worthy opponent.
I would hope not. Outscoring Tonaro took recovering entire holds and clearing a fair amount of Grudges. Similar occurrences can't really be depended upon.
It... looks like spending 300+ gold on living quarters. I guess I don't understand the question.
There are people going 'oh we don't need to spend 300+ we don't need solid gold toilets' and 'we don't need to ship in fancy Brettonians wines' and shit. I'm asking what do we actually get. Silk furnishings? Expensive statuary? We have no real frame of reference here. I'm assuming that you do have some idea of what will result from spending that much money, but the thread is just guessing.
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There are people going 'oh we don't need to spend 300+ we don't need solid gold toilets' and 'we don't need to ship in fancy Brettonians wines' and shit. I'm asking what do we actually get. Silk furnishings? Expensive statuary? We have no real frame of reference here. I'm assuming that you do have some idea of what will result from spending that much money, but the thread is just guessing.
Notably, this frame of reference has been stated now. 300 is about equal to Mathilde's place in Eight Peaks, 200 is a typical Magister's quarters in the College, and 100... I can't remember.
So I was thinking, Karak Hirn might be another place to recruit Runesmiths from. Especially when Prince Kazrik becomes King Kazrik. And from my understanding that is probably going to happen soon (as in within the next decade) given the mounting pressure for his father to take the slayer oath. We shouldn't just limit to thinking about K8P or Azul, there are other Karaks we have relationships with, and only Vlag doesn't have any Runesmiths. I do think Azul has the best chance, but we shouldn't discard these other options.
You're thinking of Ulthar, not Kazrik. Kazrik is prince of Karak Azul. I'd definitely support seeing him again, but the runelords should take precedence.
So, to get my head around Laurelorn politics and absorb the information of the update, I've formed the following "summary". Hope you find this as helpful as I did in making it.

First off, Laurelorn Forest was one of the stops passed by the Old Dwarf Road that led from Karaz-A-Karak to Sith Rionnisac, the former Elven Port that became Marienburg today. It contained the two cities of Kor Immamor and Tor Lithanel of the "11th Kingdom of Ulthuan: Elthin-Arvan". The only surviving city of Elthin Arvan is Tor Lithanel (Athel Loren is a different story), and Queen Marrisith seems to view Laurelorn as the 11th Kingdom itself rather than calling it Elthin-Arvan.

Laurelorn seems split by the Eonir into 4 sections. South Laurelorn, the area known to the Empire as the Schadensumpf, a wetland that encroaches into Middenland territory, is known to the Eonir as the Ward of Rain. Eastern Laurelorn, the areas of Oldenlitz etc. that Salzenmund is next to which Nordland's been encroaching on, is the Ward of Frost. Which also holds the ruins of Kor Immamor. Western Laurelorn, approaching the coast of the Sea of Claws, is known as the Ward of Storms. Northern Laurelorn is known as the Ward of Sun, and includes the city of Tor Lithanel and its surrounds.

In the Ward of the Sun is their great city of Tor Lithanel, which is their capital and center of government. Outside the city the Forest-Born Faniour reside, and within the city the City-Born Toriour reside. Inside Tor Lithanel the city is lined with two story buildings, beautiful trees and 3 notable towers, one of marble, one of obsidian and one of silver. The largest houses in the city are known as the Major Houses, and the families living in them are given a seat in the High Council and therefore a great deal of power.

Eonir society is stratified between the Faniour, who are composed of refugees from the War of Vengeance who sought shelter in Laurelorn and were forbidden from entering the city, and the Elf population of Laurelorn that immigrated there before the War of Vengeance known as the Toriour. The Grey Lords are a group of exiles and researchers who went on an expedition into Elthin-Arvan and never returned to Ulthuan, saving the city of Tor Lithanel from the hordes of Dwarves during the War of Vengeance and winning their place in the city as the result. We don't know much about the Forest Spirits of Laurelorn, but I assume they have a place in their society as they're involved in the Ward of Frost's council.

The political structure of the Eonir is split between the Triumvirate, the High Council and the Wardens. The High Council are the legislative body, currently composed of 24 seats, where votes and meetings are held for major decisions and changes made in Laurelorn. The Triumvirate act as tie breakers when the High Council are tied. The Wardens are individuals who oversee and control one of the four Wards, and are also known as Vicarius (Vicarii plural).

The Triumvirate holds 3 members. The Queen is the only permanent member, a hereditary position currently granted to Marrisith as she is the first Queen of Laurelorn's great granddaughter. The Champion of the Everqueen is granted their position every 4 years during the Festival of Games in honor to Asuryan, which is a series of tests and competitions of skill and strength. This method of choosing the champion tends to lead someone venerated to Asuryan to hold the seat, and one who would more likely be a piece than a player. The third seat is the Vicarius seat, granted to one of the four Wardens and it changes every year, cycling between them. The remaining 3 wardens sit on the High Council. The current Champion is Kadoh and the current Vicarius Triumvir is Lady Delynna, Warden of the Sun.

The High Council is made up of 24 seats currently (previously 25 before Elwyn went extinct). 3 of those seats belong to the 3 Wardens/Vicarii who aren't the Triumvirate this year. The remaining 21 seats are held by the Major Houses. As explained above, the Major Houses are the families who have a big house in Laurelorn, and as such only Toriour are allowed to be Major houses. These families all originally came from Ulthuan long ago, and tend to venerate a particular god of the Cytharai or Cadai strongly, and they all have a great deal of influence. Two of these Major Houses also have a Vicarii in the council, giving them an effective 2 votes.

The Ward of Frost used to belong to the Major House of Elwyn, the only remaining Major House from Kor Immamor (a city in Laurelorn that was destroyed by Dwarves during the War). Thanks to both being Wardens and a Major house, they held 2 votes and refused to cooperate with outsiders. They also had a lot of influence with Asuryan worshippers. With the death of Vicarius Lindalioc (former Warden of Frost) as well as his uncle and son, the family is extinct, losing their vote in the council. The Ward of Frost has now fallen into the hands of a council of Forest Born Faniour and Forest Beings, including Vicerine Cadaeth, that are in support of outside contact.

The Ward of Rain is under the control of Prince Galenstra of House Fanpatar, which also happens to be a Major House. As such he has two votes on the High Council and is often a Triumvir. The Ward of Rain contains the Tarn of Tears (source of Laurelorn's magic) and was the site of the battle that led to human and Eonir cooperation.

The Ward of Sun is under the control of Lady Delynna of House Malforric, a Major House that currently dominates Asuryan worship after the death of Elwynn. She has 2 votes as a result. The most isolationist vote, and implied to have voted against contact multiple times. Strong bloc.

The Ward of Storms is under the control of the forest born elf Kaia known as the Stormwitch. She advocates for peaceful relations with the Empire, as well as the Druchii and Norscans.

Previously, the votes for outside contact were 16 to 9 against when the Stormwitch was Triumvir, because she was the only Vicarius that voted for contact. With the death of House Elwyn, that's one vote down, and the Vicarius position went to the Ward of Frost council who were open to cooperation. Graf Boris proved himself to Prince Galentrus, giving outside contact 2 votes. House Ellemakil were swayed by the queen and became the most prominent worshippers of the fledgling Ulric temple. This shifted things, and with the Champion no longer swayed by House Elwyn, the vote is 12 to 12 with the Vicarius Triumvir as Delynna, and 2 of the Triumvirate (Marrisith and Kadoh) vote to break the tie in favor of contact.
@BoneyM did I get anything wrong?
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So I was thinking, Karak Hirn might be another place to recruit Runesmiths from. Especially when Prince Kazrik becomes King Kazrik. And from my understanding that is probably going to happen soon (as in within the next decade) given the mounting pressure for his father to take the slayer oath. We shouldn't just limit to thinking about K8P or Azul, there are other Karaks we have relationships with, and only Vlag doesn't have any Runesmiths. I do think Azul has the best chance, but we shouldn't discard these other options.
Pretty sure you have the wrong prince there. Kazrik is Kazador's soon.
First off, Laurelorn Forest was one of the stops made by the Old Dwarf Road that led from Karaz-A-Karak to Sith Rionnisac, the former Elven Port that became Marienburg today.

The road passed by Laurelorn, instead of going directly through it like it did to Middenheim and Talabheim.

Laurelorn seems split by the Eonir into 4 sections and the City of Tor Lithanel itself. South Laurelorn, the area known to the Empire as the Schadensumpf, a wetland that encroaches into Middenland territory, is known to the Eonir as the Ward of Rain. Eastern Laurelorn, the areas of Oldenlitz etc. that Salzenmund is next to which Nordland's been encroaching on, is the Ward of Frost. Which also holds the ruins of Kor Immamor. Western Laurelorn, approaching the coast of the Sea of Claws, is known as the Ward of Storms. Northern Laurelorn is known as the Ward of Sun.

The Ward of the Sun includes the city of Tor Lithanel and its immediate surrounds.

the native Elf population of Laurelorn known as the Toriour

They were immigrants from Ulthuan too, they just did so before the War of the Beard and as a result have enshrined privileges.
What I find interesting is that despite House Malforric having two votes (1 for Ward of the Sun, one for Major House), and the fact that they seem to vote against outside contact due to being isolationist, they didn't try to sway Kadoh? They're currently the most powerful worshippers of Asuryan, so they definitely have as much sway over Kadoh as House Elwynn did, but they let Kadoh break the tie in favor of outside contact despite voting against it. That seems interesting to me.
The road passed by Laurelorn, instead of going directly through it like it did to Middenheim and Talabheim.

The Ward of the Sun includes the city of Tor Lithanel and its immediate surrounds.

They were immigrants from Ulthuan too, they just did so before the War of the Beard and as a result have enshrined privileges.
Thanks for the corrections. English isn't my first language, so I didn't know how to say that the City born were there first without using the word native, even though I knew it was incorrect.
What I find interesting is that despite House Malforric having two votes (1 for Ward of the Sun, one for Major House), and the fact that they seem to vote against outside contact due to being isolationist, they didn't try to sway Kadoh? They're currently the most powerful worshippers of Asuryan, so they definitely have as much sway over Kadoh as House Elwynn did, but they let Kadoh break the tie in favor of outside contact despite voting against it. That seems interesting to me.

House Malforric and House Elwyn sharing the worship of Asuryan could easily have made them rivals, rather than allies. Kadoh having been in Elwyn's camp could have prevented Malforric from being able to catch his ear before the Queen could, especially when his duties as Champion of the Queen means she has as much access to him as she wants.
Notably, this frame of reference has been stated now. 300 is about equal to Mathilde's place in Eight Peaks, 200 is a typical Magister's quarters in the College, and 100... I can't remember.
Okay so 300 is enough to furnish one extra-fancy set of quarters. Logic thus states that accounting for shared/common areas being a single cost, private rooms sufficient to satisfy a single human wizard would be about 25-50 each, Dwarf Runesmiths would likely require more, as well as uninterrupted access to Dwarfen alcohol, I fully expect any Runesmith who is forced to drink elgi or umgi booze to immediately resign and leave, possibly Grudging us, and elves would be even more expensive than that. Let's say if we want five or six human wizards and four Dwarf runesmiths (as a start) we should shell out between 500-800 gold on living arrangements, guesstimating here.
Okay so 300 is enough to furnish one extra-fancy set of quarters. Logic thus states that accounting for shared/common areas being a single cost, private rooms sufficient to satisfy a single human wizard would be about 25-50 each, Dwarf Runesmiths would likely require more, as well as uninterrupted access to Dwarfen alcohol, I fully expect any Runesmith who is forced to drink elgi or umgi booze to immediately resign and leave, possibly Grudging us, and elves would be even more expensive than that. Let's say if we want five or six human wizards and four Dwarf runesmiths (as a start) we should shell out between 500-800 gold on living arrangements, guesstimating here.

Actually, logic states that if there was a minimum expenditure to not get Grudged I would say so, instead of waiting until you successfully recruit someone to reveal hidden prerequisites.
Okay so 300 is enough to furnish one extra-fancy set of quarters. Logic thus states that accounting for shared/common areas being a single cost, private rooms sufficient to satisfy a single human wizard would be about 25-50 each, Dwarf Runesmiths would likely require more, as well as uninterrupted access to Dwarfen alcohol, I fully expect any Runesmith who is forced to drink elgi or umgi booze to immediately resign and leave, possibly Grudging us, and elves would be even more expensive than that. Let's say if we want five or six human wizards and four Dwarf runesmiths (as a start) we should shell out between 500-800 gold on living arrangements, guesstimating here.
The 300 is not for a single person. It is to the standard of Mathilde's tower, but the nature of the vote implies that it is a figure sufficient for all researchers.

Edit: Ninjed by Boney
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