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Plus, they might have taken the danger to heart and built some ships of their own, which could put quite a hole in their factory growth
My bet is that building out juvenat is eating most of all of their exponential growth, they may be exactly where we left them in terms of production. Call it a 30% chance.
Generally torpedoes are fired in a spread pattern, like buckshot, so the more you put down range the more likely you are to hit. They are also great at controlling the terrain and blocking lines of approach, coupled with their technically infinite range, it seems like a good fit for a long range ship.
We've got that networked missile tech that would make torpedo boats a heck of a lot more dangerous, especially with active stealth on the torpedos.
Well I understand what you want to do and the logic behind it, other people's commentary makes sense as well that the Imperium may not use Psi Shield tech as efficiently and as widely distributed as we would like them to. Unfortunately the Imperium is not very good at doing logical things, because logic is viewed as a suspicious element in these superstitious times (thanks Tzeentch!).
The most important question to consider, with psy shields, is production costs. It looks like you could build multiple destroyers for the cost of psy-shielding a large building, and I don't think the empire can actually support building any of it even if we gave them free samples and blueprints.
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