So. Anexa either gets a Warp Travel Speciality, or a Warp Interactions Speciality, unless anyone can think of another Speciality that fits what she rolled. Either is incredibly useful, though I'd prefer Warp Interactions, personally, as it's more broadly applicable. Possibly Ship Design/Construction?
Whatever her Crit ends up getting her, her Specialities are probably going to define our research going forward, given her extra bonuses towards them. The more varied they are, the better as far as that goes. But even currently… Machine Spirits is broad, and broadly applicable, boosting most other automated techs. Once we get OMC, that boosts the tech we can offer other people as well. Her personal interest in Cybernetics notwithstanding, I hope she gets a biology Speciality as well. Eventually. I mean, she doesn't exactly have much room for it, but I'd enjoy that, given we'd have our own bean-version of Belissarius Cawl. And WAY prettier, and less insane. Just… better in every way.
I wonder if specialities that overlap provide anything…? If it's Warp Interactions that she gets, would that and her Machine Spirits specialities overlap on Psychic Machine Spirit techs, for example?
Then there's the bonus of a +30 once they're… Max level (?) on top of what bonuses we already have. Just… Anexa is going to be amazing, and she's such a beautiful, wonderful bean…~
@Neablis How would two Anexa specialities overlapping on a Tech affect the outcome? Improve it? Just narrative flavoring? Reducing possible bad outcomes? Something else? Not at all…?