I did the math, with your goal of "build minimum viable bigship in 7 AP" you can spend Up to 33k BP If we spend 2 AP building void manufactories and then 5 AP building the ship.

Spare CP: 12500−7005=5495
Void Manufactories we could do: 5495÷40=137,375 rounds to 137

137 manufactories would be excessive (costing more than the ship itself).

VM build APVM gainedvBP gained
Needs to be less than 137

VM build APShip build AProundedtotal
4 prep build AP would increases total AP needed, aborting

AP VM buildBP Budget for ship
AP Budget for 7 total AP ship build, no VM building: (3500+1100)×7= 32200

AP Budget for 7 total AP ship build, 2 AP VM building: (3500+1100+900+1100)×5= 33000
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[X] design Mothership
-[X]A sleek black design with orange highlights
-[X] Grand Cruiser 12,000 BP, 9000x2000 meters,500 CP
-[X] 2.5 gravities 1,100 BP
-[X] Medium shields 800 BP
-[X] Medium Armor 800 BP
-[X] budget of 12,000 BP for weapons and combat equipment
-[X] Noncombat equipment: Warp Drive 1,200 BP, Warp Abacus mounting 600 BP, Psychic Shielding 2,400BP
-[X] Weapons: Heavy Teleportarium 400 BP, Medium TorpedoesX2 600 BP, Medium LancesX3 600BP, Heavy Lances 400 BP, Assault shuttlesX4 600 BP 200 CP, Point DefenseX6 300 BP, ShuttlesX3 300 BP 150 CP, Medium MacrocannonsX2 400BP, Light MacrocannonsX2 200BP
Weapons (3,800 BP - 380 = 3,420)
-[X] Combat equipment: Plasma payloads Macrocannons 600 BP, Medium Machine Spirit Jammers 1,200 BP, Medium Boarding Preparations 1,200 BP. Tuned Shields 800 BP
Combat equipment (3,800 BP)
Weapons + Combat Equipment = 7,220 BP
-[X] Installations (12,000-3,420-3,800=4,780 BP) 47 slots
--[X] Observatory (100 BP, 25 CP, 1 slot)
--[X] Basic Juvenat Production Facility (250 BP, 50 CP, 1 slot)
--[X] Basic Biology Research Lab (50 BP, 50 CP, 1 slot)
--[X] Basic Technological Research Lab (50 BP, 50 CP, 1 slot)
--[X] High-Energy Physics Research Lab (500 BP, 100 CP, 3 slots)
--[X] Medical Facility (200 BP, 50 CP, 1 slot)
--[X] Troop compartmentX5 (125 BP, 25 CP, 5 slots)
--[X] ManufactoryX20 (2000 BP, 1000 CP, 20 slots)
--[X] Crew Quarters (50 BP, 15 CP, 1 slot)
-[X] 13 slots open

Final Build cost: 12,000+1,100+800+800+1,200+600+2,400+7,220+100+250+50+50+500+200+125+2000+50=30,945 BP
Final Command cost: 500+200+150+25+50+50+50+100+50+25+1000+15=2,215 CP

I decided to modify my original design, replacing the heavy Jammers with medium so I could add the Tuned shields back in. This also gives us more slots for future installations and maybe equipment.

EDIT: Had to clear up my math a bit and factor in some CP cost I forgot about. If anyone could double check my work I would appreciate that.
EDIT2: Forgot to add in the cost of Tuned shield for Cramming
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[X] design Mothership
-[X]A sleek black design with orange highlights
-[X] Grand Cruiser 12,000 BP, 9000x2000 meters,500 CP
-[X] 2.5 gravities 1,100 BP
-[X] Medium shields 800 BP
-[X] Medium Armor 800 BP
-[X] budget of 12,000 BP for weapons and combat equipment
-[X] Noncombat equipment: Warp Drive 1,200 BP, Warp Abacus mounting 600 BP, Psychic Shielding 2,400BP
-[X] Weapons: Heavy Teleportarium 400 BP, Medium TorpedoesX2 600 BP, Medium LancesX3 600BP, Heavy Lances 400 BP, Assault shuttlesX4 600 BP, Point DefenseX6 300 BP, ShuttlesX3 300 BP, Medium MacrocannonsX2 400BP, Light MacrocannonsX2 200BP
-[X] Combat equipment: Plasma payloads Macrocannons 600 BP, Medium Machine Spirit Jammers 1,200 BP, Medium Boarding Preparations 1,200 BP. Tuned Shields
Weapons + Combat Equipment = 7,600 BP
-[X] Installations (12,000-6,840=5,160 BP) 52 slots
--[X] Observatory (100 BP, 25 CP, 1 slot)
--[X] Basic Juvenat Production Facility (250 BP, 50 CP, 1 slot)
--[X] Basic Biology Research Lab (50 BP, 50 CP, 1 slot)
--[X] Basic Technological Research Lab (50 BP, 50 CP, 1 slot)
--[X] High-Energy Physics Research Lab (500 BP, 100 CP, 3 slots)
--[X] Medical Facility (200 BP, 50 CP, 1 slot)
--[X] Troop compartmentX5 (125 BP, 25 CP, 5 slots)
--[X] ManufactoryX20 (2000 BP, 1000 CP, 20 slots)
-[X] 21 slots open

Final Build cost: 12,000+1,100+800+800+1,200+600+2,400+7,600+100+250+50+50+500+200+125+2000=31,275 BP
Final Command cost: 500+25+50+50+50+100+50+25+1000=1,850 CP

I decided to modify my original design, replacing the heavy Jammers with medium so I could add the Tuned shields back in
Would you add a Crew Quarters?
Would still stay below 33,000 BP -> Still doable in 7 AP
Crew Quarters (50 BP, 15 CP, 1 slot) Enough crew space for 500 crew to live in comfort with all necessary amenities.

Trying to get math into enough of a chokehold to plan for as efficient ship-building plan as we can. Then got help on discord from @Karnax626 once again, so we got even more BP to play with than I was initially assuming.

1st construction slot (4850 BP):
43 Manufactory (100 BP, 50 CP) --- (4300 BP, 2150 CP)
2 Spaceport (100 BP, 25 CP) --- (200 BP, 75 CP)
15 Shuttle (20 BP, 5 CP) --- (300 BP, 75 CP)
Trade goods (50 BP)

2nd construction slot (7000 BP):
7 Manufactory (100 BP, 50 CP) --- (700 BP, 350 CP)
3 Spaceport (100 BP, 25 CP) --- (300 BP, 75 CP)
35 Shuttle (20 BP, 5 CP) --- (700 BP, 175 CP)

3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th construction slot (7350 BP):
SHIP/OTHER (7350 BP) x 4 turns = 29 400 BP

5300 BP + 29 400 BP = 34 700 BP
1750 CP + 100 CP +175 CP +750 CP + 25 CP + 75 CP = 2875 CP

Using Alectai's plan as a base, which uses 29.1k BP. Leaves us with 5600 more BP available than in Alectai's original plan, though Aevon takes a bite of -25 Trade goods produced (we have +27 trade goods still left) from that. So really, 5600-25 = 5575 BP more than in Alectai's plan. Total of 34 700 BP. Two Light Lances added, a Repair Bay with 1000 BP, Tuned Shields and Alloyed Armor, as well as many installations.

[X] Plan: Spark of the Ancients
-[X] Reference Image
-[X] Hull: Grand Cruiser (12000 BP, 500 CP)
-[X] Engines: 2.5 Gravities (1100 BP)
-[X] Shields: Medium (800 BP)
-[X] Armor: Medium (800 BP)
-[X] FINAL HULL COST: 14700 + 2500 (No Shipyard Tax) = 17200. Total Cramming Budget: 12000 BP
-[X] Non-Combat Equipment (Does not contribute to Cramming)
--[X] Warp Drive (1200 BP)
--[X] Warp Abacus Mounting (600 BP)
--[X] Psychic Shielding (2400 BP)
--[X] Repair Bay (1000 BP) (Counts as combat equipment for space budget)
---[X] Hull + Non Combat Equipment Cost: 22400 BP
---[X] Total Cost: 22400 BP, 1000 in the Cramming Budget
-[X] Weapons:
--[X] 2x Heavy Plasma Cannons (2000 BP)
--[X] 1x Heavy Lances (400 BP)
--[X] 4x Light Lances (400 BP)
--[X] 3x Medium Macrocannons (600 BP)
--[X] 2x Light Macrocannons (200 BP)
--[X] 4x Point Defense (200 BP)
--[X] 1x Medium Teleportarium (200 BP)
--[X] 4x Fighters (400 BP, 200 CP)
--[X] 2x Shuttles (200 BP, 100 CP)
--[X] 2x Assault Shuttles (300 BP, 100 CP)
---[X] Total Cost: 27300 BP, 5410 in the Cramming Budget
-[X] Combat Equipment:
--[X] Tuned Shields (800 BP)
--[X] Alloyed Armor (800 BP)
--[X] High Manueverabilty Thrusters (1200 BP)
--[X] Melta Macrocannon Payloads (600 BP)
--[X] Medium Boarding Preparations (1200 BP)
---[X] Total Cost: 31900 BP, 10010 in the Cramming Budget
-[X] Installations: 12000-10010 = leftover BP means 19 modular build slots.
--[X] 10x Manufactory (100 BP, 50 CP, 1 slot) (1000 BP, 500 CP)
--[X] 1x Crew Quarters (50 BP, 15 CP, 1 slot)
--[X] 1x Basic Juvenat Production Facility (250 BP, 50 CP, 1 slot)
--[X] 1x Observatory (100 BP, 25 CP, 1 slot)
--[X] 1x Basic Technological Research Lab (50 BP, 50 CP, 1 slot)
--[X] 1x Basic Biology Research Lab (50 BP, 50 CP, 1 slot)
--[X] 1x Troop compartment (25 BP, 5 CP, 1 slot)
--[X] 1x Medical facility (200 BP, 50 CP, 1 slot)
--[X] 1x Captive Holding cells (25 BP, 10 CP, 1 slot)
--[X] 1 Empty modular slots (free)
-[X] Final Cost: 33650 BP, 1775 CP

34675 BP budget - 33650 BP cost = 1025 BP leftover

Any corrections to math and other issues are welcomed. My brain is burning after trying to get everything to work, and I'm afraid that something slipped by.

EDIT: some corrections and clarifications to the costs, no changes to the actual blueprint
EDIT2: corrected the amount of modular slots and empty modular slots
EDIT3: MAJOR error in the amount of modular slots, due to misunderstanding some wording in the combat equipment; requires cutting down manufactories to just 10x and leaves minimal room for expansion
EDIT4: amount of BP leftover besides that spent for the ship corrected
EDIT5: switched 2 light lances to a medium teleporter; now we can do the terminator teleporter thing! but without time-travel; but with many more bots than just one!
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I should. It will certainly be more than the max seven crew we'll have but it wouldn't hurt.
7 is the max for Crew (uppercase c), Special NPC with Crew bonuses.
But we can also have Staff, i.e. non-Crew NPC in the 500 crew (lower case c) capacity.

Like if we take a few Mechanicus peeps that don't have their head up their ass (with omc they could even add to our CP budget) or good psyker that don't want to stay on Denva, etc.
Yeah, I think I have a preference for Heavy Cruisers over Grand Cruisers, just for that 4G of SPEED with maximum engines. We're an explorer, not a wannabe Fleet Admiral. Don't quite have time to find a picture, but I'm imagining something pseudo-Imperial. Something that looks, on the surface, like it could have been built by the Imperium.

Edit: Reference Image found

[X] Plan: "Low" Profile Pseudo-Imperial
-[X] Name: Voidfarer Vitalis
-[X] Reference Image
-[X] Heavy Cruiser, 6000 BP, 6000x1000 meters. 300 CP.
-[X] Engines: 4G - 500BP
-[X] Shields: Medium - 400BP
-[X] Armor: Medium - 400BP
-[X] Empty ship cost: 7300BP; 0/6000 budget fill the hull.
-[X] Non-combat equipment: 2500 BP; 400 BP to budget, total 400/6000
--[X] Warp Drive - 600 BP
--[X] Warp Abacus Mounting - 300 BP
--[X] Psychic Shielding - 1200 BP
--[X] Repair Bay - 400 BP, counts for Budget
-[X] Weapons: 2400 BP; 90% to Budget, total 2200/6000, 100 CP
--[X] 2x Heavy Lance 800 BP
--[X] 4x Medium Macrocannons 800BP
--[X] 3x Point Defense 150 BP
--[X] 1x Shuttles 100 BP, 50 CP
--[X] 1x Assault Shuttles 150 BP, 50 CP
--[X] Heavy Teleportarium 400 BP
-[X] Combat Equipment: 1800 BP; all to Budget, total 4700/6000
--[X] Heavy Boarding preparations 1200 BP
--[X] High-maneuverability thrusters 600 BP
--[X] Melta Payloads (Macrocannons) 300 BP
-[X] Number of modular build slots & their installations: 1300/6000 -> 13 slots; 925 BP, 370 CP
--[X] 2x Crew Quarters 100 BP, 50 CP, -2 slots
--[X] Captive Holding Cells 25 BP, 10 CP, -1 slot
--[X] 2x Troop Compartment 50 BP, 10 CP, -2 slots
--[X] 5x Manufactory 500 BP, 250 CP, -5 slots
--[X] Basic Juvenat Production Facility 250 BP, 50 CP, -1 slot
--[X] 2 slots to be filled later
-[X] Final Cost: 7300 (empty ship)+2500 (NC-Equip.)+2400 (weapons)+1800 (C-Equip.)+1300(Modular) = 15300 BP total cost; 770 total CP
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Yeah, I think I have a preference for Heavy Cruisers over Grand Cruisers, just for that 4G of SPEED with maximum engines. We're an explorer, not a wannabe Fleet Admiral.

I get that, I want to point out this is Warhammer 40k, we can be an explorer but we'll need heavy fire power for any discoveries that turn out to be hostile.
Alectai's plan involved a staged approach, with the internal modules to be added later. Are you proposing that, or a one-gulp construction?
My approach was mostly copy-pasting Alectai's ship, and using the additional budget that me and Karnax626 calculated we could get if we front-built manufactories to speed up the construction of the modules. And especially using that to get the manufactory-modules online. This way, even if the worst happens, we won't have to start over with building our building capacity back up from zero.

And generally making the ship just thougher. Tuned Shields and Alloyed Armor is a pretty big jump in combat durability, I believe. Though asking for @Neablis for clarification on how much, as these don't have hard numbers. Also asking an another clarification about the Alloyed Armor, the question being if it can be modified into ship after the ship has been built. And the Repair Bay should be wonderful for us not needing to always have to spend Construction action even for minor damage, if we have something better to do at the moment (EDIT: also more cost/space efficient, I believe).
I like most of this plan except for the 2 heavy plasma I'd prefer 1 heavy plasma canon and in exchange 1 more heavy lance and 3 medium lances because we really don't want anything to get close to our main flagship.
Unfortunately, I don't think we can yet build something that could guarantee preventing something getting close to the ship. Best we can do at this point, I believe, is to go with a very nasty surprise if something does get close.

EDIT: some typo corrections, better flow of words in sentences, etc.
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Unfortunately, I don't think we can yet build something that could guarantee preventing something getting close to the ship. Best we can do at this point, I believe, is to go with a very nasty surprise if something does get close.

true, I'm just not happy with medium-range weapons right now the number of things that would love to get close and I'd prefer them being boarded and having their weapons or boarding capabilities being crippled before they get there.

[X] Plan: Spark of the Ancients
true, I'm just not happy with medium-range weapons right now the number of things that would love to get close and I'd prefer them being boarded and having their weapons or boarding capabilities being crippled before they get there.
Understandable, hopefully we can get to constructing everything that we want for the short-term later on. We still have space available on the ship for both weapons and modules, after all.
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I get that, I want to point out this is Warhammer 40k, we can be an explorer but we'll need heavy fire power for any discoveries that turn out to be hostile.
I think the better solution to that problem is ultimately going to be more ships, not just one massive ship that needs to do everything on its own. Possibly not just our own, but also those of allies that we lift up. This isn't going to be the last ship we design and build, certainly. The heavy cruiser right now? Its big advantage is going to be that it can reliably run away from discoveries it can't deal with immediately.
I think the better solution to that problem is ultimately going to be more ships, not just one massive ship that needs to do everything on its own. Possibly not just our own, but also those of allies that we lift up. This isn't going to be the last ship we design and build, certainly. The heavy cruiser right now? Its big advantage is going to be that it can reliably run away from discoveries it can't deal with immediately.

True enough. I just worry about our mother ship not having enough firepower on her own in case running isn't an option. Besides, building a combat ship isn't cheap this early in the campaign.
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With @meianmaru 's fancy math I will revert to my original build, but will drop one plasma for more light lances.

[X] Plan: Magellan
-[x] Reference Image
-[x] Grand Cruiser, 12,000 BP for base hull, 9000 x 2000 meters. 500 CP base
-[x] Engines: 2 gravities for 800 BP
-[x] Shields: medium for 800
-[x] Armor: medium for 800
-[x] Empty ship cost 16,900 BP, 12,000 BP "budget" available to fill the hull.
-[x] Non-combat equipment (5,200 BP):
--[x] Warp Drive (1200 BP) This ship can jump to the warp. Navigation systems sold separately.
--[x] Warp Abacus Mounting (600 BP) This ship can mount a warp abacus, sold separately.
--[x] Psychic Shielding (2400 BP) This ship has a neural network integrated throughout the whole thing, that thinks "no" as hard as possible, answering the question for any warp-corruption for any beings or objects within the hull. HP scales with ship size.
--[x] Repair Bay (1000 BP). Repairs damage across friendly ships equal to its cost in repairs.
-[x] Weapons (8,000 BP 300 CP Cost, 7,200 Size):
--[x] 16x Light Lances (16x 100 = 1600 BP). Long range, hitscan burst weapons. Not excellent at sustained fire.
--[x] 6X Heavy Lances (6x 400 = 2,400 BP). Long range, hitscan burst weapons. Not excellent at sustained fire.
--[x] 2x Heavy Plasma Cannon (2x 1000 = 2,000 BP), Medium range, high-fire rate with incredible damage potential. Extremely effective against shields, less effective against armor.
--[x] 2x Fighters (2x 100 BP, 50 CP = 200 BP, 100 CP). Parasite craft with short-ranged guns and some missile capability.
--[x] 2x Shuttles (2x 100 BP, 50 CP = 200 BP, 100 CP). 10 Shuttlecraft, combined capacity of 500 lift to or from a planet.
--[x] 2x Assault Shuttles (2x 150 BP, 50 CP = 300 BP, 100 CP). 10 Assault shuttles, with combined capacity of 1000 troops or 10 tanks in one trip. Not equipped to cut through ship hulls.
--[x] 10x Point Defense (10x 50 BP = 500 BP). A series of turrets on the hull to shoot down enemy fighters, missiles and torpedoes.
--[x] 2x Heavy Teleportarium (2x 400 = 800 BP). Can teleport a large number of organics or robots onto enemy ships from long range. Enemy shields must be down.
-[x] Combat Equipment (1800 BP):
--[x]Light Boarding preparations (600 BP) Bulkheads are reinforced, extra hatches seal all decks and turrets guard key chokepoints, making boarding annoying.
--[x]Medium Machine Spirit Jammers (1200 BP) Banks of cogitators with code to disable machine spirits. Same as light jammers, plus will also effect total thrust, weapons firing rate. Primarily effective against ships of the same weight class or smaller.
-[x] Number of modular build slots & their installations 19 / 20 Slots (1,775 BP, 760 CP):
--[x] 1x Crew Quarters (50 BP, 15 CP, 1 slot) Enough crew space for 500 crew to live in comfort with all necessary amenities.
--[x]1x Basic Biology Research Lab (50 BP, 50 CP, 1 slot) Will allow you to process basic biological samples, such as flora & fauna. Or captives.
--[x]1x Basic Technological Research Lab (50 BP, 50 CP, 1 slot) Will allow you to process basic technological samples, to understand their electronics, materials, etc.
--[x]1x Captive Holding cells (25 BP, 10 CP, 1 slot) will allow you to hold 500 captives and keep them fed and watered while you interrogate/indoctrinate/talk to them.
--[x]1x Medical facility (200 BP, 50 CP) 500 treatment rooms with autodocs capable of dealing with light injuries.
--[x]1x Observatory (100 BP, 25 CP, 1 slot) Allows long-distance surveying of a system.
--[x]10x Manufactory (100 BP, 50 CP, 1 slot.) More manufacturing capacity and the raw material harvesting to use it. +50 BP/action.
--[x]2X Troop compartment (25 BP, 5 CP, 1 slot) Can carry 10,000 soldiers or 500 medium tanks across the stars.
--[x]1x Basic Juvenat Production Facility (250 BP, 50 CP, 1 slot) A set of carefully-managed vats capable of supplying 50 people with a perennial supply of Juvenat.
-[x] Final Cost: 33,675 BP, 1,560 CP

Might need to clean this up when I'm not on my phone.

Thanks for the compliments on the ship image, I spent an indecent amount of time making it with AI.

Some comments on others

Plasma Macrocannon warheads (600 BP)

This looks like a relic from a previous design as your current plan does not have macrocannons

Why is everyone ignoring the existence of turned shields and alloyed armour? For 1600 we have better shields and armour, it looks like a steal.

It eats into the space budget of the ship so that is 1600 less weapons we can take. Since this ship isn't meant to be a main line combatant stacking shields and armor like that doesn't seem as needed.
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