Trying to get math into enough of a chokehold to plan for as efficient ship-building plan as we can. Then got help on discord from
@Karnax626 once again, so we got even more BP to play with than I was initially assuming.
1st construction slot (4850 BP):
43 Manufactory (100 BP, 50 CP) --- (4300 BP, 2150 CP)
2 Spaceport (100 BP, 25 CP) --- (200 BP, 75 CP)
15 Shuttle (20 BP, 5 CP) --- (300 BP, 75 CP)
Trade goods (50 BP)
2nd construction slot (7000 BP):
7 Manufactory (100 BP, 50 CP) --- (700 BP, 350 CP)
3 Spaceport (100 BP, 25 CP) --- (300 BP, 75 CP)
35 Shuttle (20 BP, 5 CP) --- (700 BP, 175 CP)
3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th construction slot (7350 BP):
SHIP/OTHER (7350 BP) x 4 turns = 29 400 BP
5300 BP + 29 400 BP =
34 700 BP
1750 CP + 100 CP +175 CP +750 CP + 25 CP + 75 CP =
2875 CP
Using Alectai's plan as a base, which uses 29.1k BP. Leaves us with 5600 more BP available than in Alectai's original plan, though Aevon takes a bite of -25 Trade goods produced (we have +27 trade goods still left) from that. So really, 5600-25 = 5575 BP more than in Alectai's plan. Total of 34 700 BP. Two Light Lances added, a Repair Bay with 1000 BP, Tuned Shields and Alloyed Armor, as well as many installations.
[X] Plan: Spark of the Ancients
Reference Image
-[X] Hull: Grand Cruiser (12000 BP, 500 CP)
-[X] Engines: 2.5 Gravities (1100 BP)
-[X] Shields: Medium (800 BP)
-[X] Armor: Medium (800 BP)
-[X] FINAL HULL COST: 14700 + 2500 (No Shipyard Tax) = 17200. Total Cramming Budget: 12000 BP
-[X] Non-Combat Equipment (Does not contribute to Cramming)
--[X] Warp Drive (1200 BP)
--[X] Warp Abacus Mounting (600 BP)
--[X] Psychic Shielding (2400 BP)
--[X] Repair Bay (1000 BP) (Counts as combat equipment for space budget)
---[X] Hull + Non Combat Equipment Cost: 22400 BP
---[X] Total Cost: 22400 BP, 1000 in the Cramming Budget
-[X] Weapons:
--[X] 2x Heavy Plasma Cannons (2000 BP)
--[X] 1x Heavy Lances (400 BP)
--[X] 4x Light Lances (400 BP)
--[X] 3x Medium Macrocannons (600 BP)
--[X] 2x Light Macrocannons (200 BP)
--[X] 4x Point Defense (200 BP)
--[X] 1x Medium Teleportarium (200 BP)
--[X] 4x Fighters (400 BP, 200 CP)
--[X] 2x Shuttles (200 BP, 100 CP)
--[X] 2x Assault Shuttles (300 BP, 100 CP)
---[X] Total Cost: 27300 BP, 5410 in the Cramming Budget
-[X] Combat Equipment:
--[X] Tuned Shields (800 BP)
--[X] Alloyed Armor (800 BP)
--[X] High Manueverabilty Thrusters (1200 BP)
--[X] Melta Macrocannon Payloads (600 BP)
--[X] Medium Boarding Preparations (1200 BP)
---[X] Total Cost: 31900 BP, 10010 in the Cramming Budget
-[X] Installations: 12000-10010 = leftover BP means 19 modular build slots.
--[X] 10x Manufactory (100 BP, 50 CP, 1 slot) (1000 BP, 500 CP)
--[X] 1x Crew Quarters (50 BP, 15 CP, 1 slot)
--[X] 1x Basic Juvenat Production Facility (250 BP, 50 CP, 1 slot)
--[X] 1x Observatory (100 BP, 25 CP, 1 slot)
--[X] 1x Basic Technological Research Lab (50 BP, 50 CP, 1 slot)
--[X] 1x Basic Biology Research Lab (50 BP, 50 CP, 1 slot)
--[X] 1x Troop compartment (25 BP, 5 CP, 1 slot)
--[X] 1x Medical facility (200 BP, 50 CP, 1 slot)
--[X] 1x Captive Holding cells (25 BP, 10 CP, 1 slot)
--[X] 1 Empty modular slots (free)
-[X] Final Cost: 33650 BP, 1775 CP
34675 BP budget - 33650 BP cost = 1025 BP leftover
Any corrections to math and other issues are welcomed. My brain is burning after trying to get everything to work, and I'm afraid that something slipped by.
EDIT: some corrections and clarifications to the costs, no changes to the actual blueprint
EDIT2: corrected the amount of modular slots and empty modular slots
EDIT3: MAJOR error in the amount of modular slots, due to misunderstanding some wording in the combat equipment; requires cutting down manufactories to just 10x and leaves minimal room for expansion
EDIT4: amount of BP leftover besides that spent for the ship corrected
EDIT5: switched 2 light lances to a medium teleporter; now we can do the terminator teleporter thing! but without time-travel; but with many more bots than just one!