I think
@Alectai has the right of it, we won't be hurting for BP to build in whatever is missing as we go.
I made another pass at mine (below) that has a 29,075 cost. I'm sticking with the mainly lance based loadout, primarily for range reasons. Copying Alectai's idea further I have swapped weapons around to focus on smaller targets. As a big slow ship we wont always get to dictate range, so building for a long range engagement prevents us from getting kited around. If we are facing a peer ship we should be able to keep the range open to turn around and kite them. I think macrocannons are fantastic weapons for mainline combatants that fight at medium/short range, but that's not where I want our ship to operate.
Also, if we are building this ship as a potential bug-out-bag it should have repair/manufacturing capabilities from the start. That way if we have to leave as soon as it is done we can rebuild elsewhere. Which brings up a very important question,
@Neablis will we be able to move the Void Abacus from our old ship to the new one? If so, will that take an action or just happen for free when it is done?
[] Plan: Magellan
Reference Image
-[] Grand Cruiser, 12,000 BP for base hull, 9000 x 2000 meters. 500 CP base
-[] Engines: 2 gravities for 800 BP
-[] Shields: medium for 800
-[] Armor: medium for 800
-[] Empty ship cost 16,900 BP, 12,000 BP "budget" available to fill the hull.
Non-combat equipment (5,200 BP):
--[] Warp Drive (1200 BP)
--[] Warp Abacus Mounting (600 BP)
--[] Psychic Shielding (2400 BP)
--[] Repair Bay (1000 BP)
Weapons (5,700 BP 300 CP Cost, 5,130 Size):
--[] 16x Light Lances (16x 100 = 1600 BP). Long range, hitscan burst weapons. Not excellent at sustained fire.
--[] 4x Heavy Lances (4x 400 = 1,600 BP). Long range, hitscan burst weapons. Not excellent at sustained fire.
--[] 1x Heavy Plasma Cannon (1x 1000 = 1,000 BP), Medium range, high-fire rate with incredible damage potential. Extremely effective against shields, less effective against armor.
--[] 2x Fighters (2x 100 BP, 50 CP = 200 BP, 100 CP)
--[] 2x Shuttles (2x 100 BP, 50 CP = 200 BP, 100 CP). Total 20 Shuttlecraft / 1000 Lift
--[] 2x Assault Shuttles (2x 150 BP, 50 CP = 300 BP, 100 CP). Total 20 Assault shuttles
--[] 8x Point Defense (8x 50 BP = 400 BP)
--[] 1x Heavy Teleportarium (1x 400 = 400 BP). Can teleport a large number of organics or robots onto enemy ships from long range. Enemy shields must be down.
Combat Equipment (0 BP):
Number of modular build slots & their installations 19 / 20 Slots (1,275 BP, 510 CP):
--[]1x Crew Quarters (50 BP, 15 CP, 1 slot) 500 crew
--[]1x Basic Biology Research Lab (50 BP, 50 CP, 1 slot)
--[]1x Basic Technological Research Lab (50 BP, 50 CP, 1 slot)
--[]1x Captive Holding cells (25 BP, 10 CP, 1 slot) will allow you to hold 500 captives
--[]1x Medical facility (200 BP, 50 CP) 500 treatment rooms with autodocs capable of dealing with light injuries.
--[]1x Observatory (100 BP, 25 CP, 1 slot) Allows long-distance surveying of a system.
--[]5x Manufactory (100 BP, 50 CP, 1 slot.) Total of +250 BP/action.
--[]2x Troop compartment (25 BP, 5 CP, 1 slot) Total of 20,000 soldiers or 1,000 medium tanks across the stars.
--[]1x Basic Juvenat Production Facility (250 BP, 50 CP, 1 slot)
-[] Final Cost: 29,075 BP, 1,310 CP