Ok, new plan-draft ready. Also shifted 25 trade good bribes to Aevon rent stockpile, so that we have one turn's worth of it. Useful if we want to skip construction actions altogether for some reasons, even if I think its unlikely. Still costs us very little, so I included it. Also, didn't see the need for overflow in this case, as I don't really seen any big synergies in researched tech. And even if it somehow ended up happening, I believe that
@Neablis would let us put that in use without it going into a waste, even if overflow-use wasn't mentioned in the plan, right?
[] Plan: Dividing the Space Station Cake
-[] [Free] Poke around some more in the databases, looking for anything in particular.
--[] You are interested about the monasteries of Denva and the psykers that they hold, but know little about the psychic individuals beyond the bare basics. That they are seen as a danger for everyone and are ostracized for it. However, you lack the concrete facts about what they can actually do, and on what scale. So you are going to take a look into the classification the Imperium and the Inquisition use, named charmingly "The Assignment". I mean really, how bad it can be?
-[] Orders (Klyssar's Nest): Conquer and explore the rest of Klyssar's nest. Use your light/medium bots to soak the losses to preserve your heavy bots where you can. More than that, try to preserve as much of the station as you can, even if it causes heavier losses for your bots.
-[] Diplomacy/Subversion (Denva): Contact Aevon about your analysis on the reaction the other nations are likely to have to their advantage in the long-term. Work together to avoid this. Dangle Klyssar's nest as a prize for nations who cooperate with each other, with Aevon presenting the idea. A neutral ground divided equally between the nations who come to an agreement for at least some form of permanent unified political forum... With those who don't do so of course being left out of the initial cutting and sharing of the space-station-cake. Bribe people with whatever non-military goods required where needed (Aevon itself included if it comes to that) to sweeten the deal.
-[] Construction (3300 BP = 3250 GBC (3500 LC) + 50 VBC)
--[] Construction slot, 1st (3300 BP)
---[] Repair Psychic Shielding: 95/100 -> 100/100 (50 BBP)
---[] Replenish Combat Losses (35 GBP)
---[] Trade goods, Aevon (50 GBP)
---[] Trade goods, bribes (40 GBP)
---[] Humanized Heavy Infantry Bots w/ MP-MSJ (125 GBP, 200 CP)
---[] 5x Manufactory (100 GBP, 50 CP)
---[] 5x Orbital Manufactory (500 void VBP, 50 CP)
-[] Research x1 (200 + 25 RP)
--[] A Study in Physics (125/150 -> 150/150 RP)
---[] Anexa assists (+25 RP)
--[] Void Manufacturing Efficiency (50 RP)
--[] Secrets of the Machine Spirits (35/200 -> 185/200 RP)
-[] Pay rent (Trade Goods, Aevon 25 -> 0)
-[] Anexa active Action: Research (A Study in Physics)
-[] Victan active action: Subversion (Denva)
-[] Klyssar's Nest
--[] Use it for People
-[] Sigulus
--[] Send her home