The Minnesotas aren't along its course, that's the point. They're upstream from us. Our focus needs to be downstream, towards Louisiana and the Gulf of Mexico, and maybe east given the St. Lawrence Seaway. We can't send envoys in all directions and expect to pick up allies like one picks up nickels from the sidewalk. I'm more sympathetic towards Michigan because I'd like to be able to link up our two separate territories judging from the map, but I see no reason to head north. And while the map may indicate it, I highly doubt there's just nothing in Arkansas, Mississippi, and so on.
I am of the belief that over the median term, time is on our side as we prepare and Victoria continues to tear itself apart. While some diplomacy will be necessary, we must promote our domestic resources for that median term period.
After thinking it over, here's my plan ultimately.
The Minnesotas are sitting astride one of two routes for grain exports and trade good imports to and from the Farmer Federation of the Dakotas.
That matters to our economy and ability to make money by tariffing people's trade.
Even more importantly, they are right next to the port city-state of Superior, Duluth, which is explicitly stated to have a faction with Revivalist sympathies in a faction of its population, but which has a faction with strong enough Vic sympathies that the city sent a Vic trader as representative to the conference we just had.
There are realpolitik and economic reasons for us to be acutely interested in the region even before we can expand that far.
Getting sympathetic parties in there to flank Duluth will help neutralize them as a factor in the mediumterm without our having to pick a military solution.
Yes we can. Go around picking up friends, that is. We are Revivalists in the Old Country. Revivalists that kicked Victoria in the teeth, rammed through a trade treaty that gave everyone access to the international trade and are currently sitting on the most profitable trade nexus in the Midwest.Money and ideology. That buys us a LOT of friends if we ask. But we have to ask.
I assume that time is on our side as long as we continue to reach out to the rest of the country(and the world) and Little Nicky stays on his side of the pond. Unfortunately, Imperial Russia is a factor that cant be predicted.
And depending on how much treasure he is willing to throw at Victoria, assuming that we can grow faster than they can arm is not a safe bet.
Yeah. I think it'd be kinda bad, but not exactly terrible, especially with all the other giant news bombs we'd be dropping to make it very clear that the Commonwealth is busy.
Hm. I'm convinced on doubling down on the refugee crisis being more important than doubling down on the census.
[] Plan Chill Out Kids, You're Safe Now
-[] More Gunboats (Defense fixed die)
-[] Expand the Department (State fixed die)
-[] Michigan Mediation (free die)
-[] Intervention in Minnesota (free die)
-[] Census Office (Domestic Affairs fixed die)
-[] Refugee Crisis (free die)
-[] Refugee Crisis x2 (free die)
-[] Economic Legislation (free die)
-[] Farming Equipment, Part 2 (Development fixed die)
-[] Farming Equipment, Part 2 x2 (Development fixed die)
-[] Green Energy (Development fixed die)
-[] Midwest Economic Summit (free die)
-[] Into Victoria (Security fixed die)
-[] Organize the Libraries (Technological Recovery fixed die)
I'd also double down on Gunboats, at the expense of Expand the Department if necessary. It needs 2 successes to come online fully.
Sudden access to the products of international trade flooding down the arterials of the Midwest for the first time in decades is bound to draw plenty of pirates and warlords who will attempt to claim jurisdiction over the waterways.
We're gonna need gunboats for deterrence. Yesterday. Or they will choke the river trade and our economic payoff.
Basically, I'd go for something like this
[] Plan Surge
More Gunboats (Dedicated AP x1)(Free AP x1)
Michigan Mediation (Dedicated AP x1)
Intervention in Minnesota (Free AP x1)
-[][Domestic Affairs]
Census Office (Dedicated AP x1)
-[][Domestic Affairs]
Refugee Crisis (Free AP x2)
-[][Domestic Affairs]
Economic Legislation (Free AP x1)
Farming Equipment (Dedicated AP x2)
Green Energy (Dedicated AP x1)
Midwest Economic Summit (Free AP x1)
Into Victoria (Dedicated AP x1)
-[][Technological Recovery]
Organize the Libraries (Dedicated AP x1)
-[][Total] 8x dedicated AP + 6x free AP = 14 AP
[][SCHEDULE] Seven years.
[][MEET] Yes.