Voting is open
Ooh! Can I make some nonstate Revivalist organizations? Or some state Revivalist organizations? Or more American factions generally? I want to fill in some of the bad-guy warlords on the map.

This is good news. Very good news.

If we can balance support from Europe, and support from Latin America, and support from China we can keep any one foreign bloc/power from dominating us.

Particularly if we can get America reunified.

Agreed. America backed pro-American governments. Democracies in Western Europe were pro-American because they were directly threatened by the Soviet Union and because we had freed them from fascism, and because of the Marshal Plan, etc. Democracies in Latin America were anti-American because of a history of American economic exploitation and military intervention, so we sponsored military coups and dictators who would support American interests.

It's in the interest of the EU to have a stable, anti-Russian, pro-European, and at least partly reunified America for a variety of reasons. The EU can more easily achieve that by sponsoring an American democracy than any other means I can think of. It's possible that our interests may collide in the long run and that they may try monkey business in the long run... but we can deal with that in the long run. Possibly by using Latin American and/or Chinese influence to balance them out.

In the short run I care more about achieving a reunified, sovereign United States that will be more effectively able to resist foreign influence anyway than I do about preventing non-Russian influence by accepting foreign aid here and now.

For that matter accepting foreign help does not necessarily imply any kind of subservience down the road- the Soviet Union did a lot to back the PRC (including turning Manchuria over to them) and look how that ended up in the long term.

The bolded isn't quite true.
I mean it is true for central america, the banana republics, maybe for the Caribean, but for the rest of the continent? for Brazil or Argentina (and PAraguay uruguay) theere are other reasons for the anti america feeling and that isn't about American interventions (I mean the coups preceded the interventions by a mile, and while the state department and the cia did play silly games with the Schools of Americas, there is a bit of a chicken and egg situation, and, at least for Argentina I always felt it was a mater of national chauvinism.

Now to the matter at hand, we need the EU, like really need, like without them, we will sink. Even if it left us like a client state and keep this in mind we will likely be one for some time, we need them
The Boy will probably try to prove himself and show that he is his father's true heir, and if the nickname is any clue, he isn't, and he will overplay his hand.
So, that sounds like a long term bonus, but a short term malus, because we are one of the places he can use his "strength" to prove himself.
Well, Victoria, but Victoria kicking us.

So, I think that we really need to consider the shorter timeframes for the civil war and Vic War MK2, as much as I'd like a ten-year breathing room.... that isn't going to happen, not unless things go truly off the plot in the Vic Civil war (and the Russians choose not to intervene directly which is rather unlikely)
Turn 5
Word About the World
-The CFLP stabilizing is good news for us.
Internal political stability, internal political predictability, makes it more likely you'd attract investment, both domestic and foreign.

-Similarly, increased trade flowing through Commonwealth territory is good for our economy and prestige.
Also, immigration. Its also worth noting that at the moment, given Victoria's straits, that trade through the Welland is a nontrivial flow of income to the civilian economy.

-The Crusader raid on Augusta is best thought of in terms of the ISIS advance through Iraq.
Remember when the Iraqi Army lost thousands of tons of military equipment to advancing ISIS columns, from Abrams tanks to Humvees?
That's what just happened here. Especially given the Vic predilection for loot. That defeated Army division just got looted like Orks.

The morale hit of losing the national capital is going to be significant.
The administrative hit is likely to be even more extreme, and longerterm to boot. A lot of day to day records just went away, especially since you KNOW the Crusaders would have gone after Inquisitor HQ.

Then you are looking at what diplomatic embassies there were to Victoria.
Also gone if the Crusaders torched the city, which is going to hurt Blackwell's ability to source international aid and arms shipments.
I AM surprised they went after Augusta instead of Boston, which is one of their few surviving international ports for arms shipments.

Bet Blackwell is regretting Victoria burning Montreal now, eh?

-Lol Miami.

-The South China Sea standoff implies interesting things about the political situation there.
The Balabac Strait is part of the maritime border between Malaysia and the Phillipines IRL. To have PACS forces there means either Malaysia is part of PACS, or Indonesia invaded western Malaysia and the rest of PACS condoned that for some reason.

The way a Chinese squadron leaving port ended things does say interesting things about the local balance of power.
And it points to the eroding strength of ImpeJapan locally vis a vis the other powers. The fact that a Chinese squadron was ready to deploy within 12 hours of the incident suggests either PACS/China coordination or DEFCON 2 alert levels.

-Brazil and Chile considering investment in Louisiana has as a prerequisite political stability in the area.
Which says suggestive things about the state of the political situation in the area, and which political players has been playing there.

Also, given the likelihood of significant emigre American populations in both Brazil and Chile as well as Argentina, it implies possibilities.
Yup, a rumor mill post.
I don't really like these things, but there's just so much happening that it'd be a colossal pain to write it all out narratively, and I want this out. Turn update imminent!
These things are always welcome, and I would not mind getting more of them as you think necessary.

-Nitpick: An open meeting like this?
Anything from a mobile phone with a recording app to actual electronic bugs could be listening in from the press gallery.
SCIFs exist for a reason IRL for when you choose to give classified briefings.

-Ah, Little Nicky ascends the throne. As expected.

I get the impression that Alexander certainly had help shuffling off this mortal coil. If nothing else, this coup suggests that either Nicky is very good at internal skulduggery, or he has backers who are. Doesnt necessarily translate to competence in other things mind; we might be looking at a Kaiser Wilhelm with a Bismarck or Moltke somewhere in the background. But it does mean that simply dismissing him is a bad idea.

A lot of people are going to have the satisfaction of having outlivedAlex, arent they? I wonder if Burns had a drink in celebration.
Or Sandra Steele.

-Katrina may or may not have wanted to be Tsar, but she was definitely blindsided by events. Note that while Katrina probably is under some form of house arrest? Its actually quite possible that she chose not to unduly contest things, on the basis that dude would screw things up badly enough that people would come looking for a replacement. Assuming he hasnt murdered his entire family.

This puts the assassination attempt on Katrina in a very different light though. And narrows the list of suspects.

-Note that among the missing Imperial Family members are other high military officials.
There's at least one Admiral in there, for instance; Pyotr, Nicky's older half brother.
Nicky was Army.

So on top of the palace politics, there's internal service rivalries at play here.
And Nicky has materially disrupted the command structure of one of their primary force projection arms. Not a problem for the Russian Empire's defence of its land borders, but definitely an issue if you intend to project power anywhere you cant walk or drive.

-Looking at the comments from other world leaders, all I have to say is Wow. Wow.
Thats deep Cold War talk, hearkening back to the 1960s and 1980s, when you'd have things like Premier Kruschev waving his shoe while insulting diplomats to their face at the United Nations, and Reagan calling the Soviet Union an evil empire.

And it speaks volumes about their intelligence reports and opinions of Little Nicky.
Those relationships are starting out bad and getting worse fast.

-The omission of even pro forma lip service to Alexander's environmental initiatives is telling.
We are looking at someone who misses the whole point of soft power, and hasnt listened to anyone on the subject in years.
That's probably a bad thing longterm for Imperial Russia's aspirations to hegemony.

I wonder how old he is.
"My father took Russia from a failing regional power to the mightiest nation in the world," commented the new ruler in his first address as Tsar. "He was, without question, the greatest ruler Russia has ever had. He stands proud among the greatest of the Tsars. I am honored to take up his legacy, and lead Russia forward into the future." When asked about his immediate objectives, Tsar Nikolai said, "Russia is strong, but beset by enemies. Under my leadership, we will reassert ourselves as the foremost power in all the world. We will re-commit to our allies abroad. We will strengthen our position on the world stage. We will lead the world forward as first among nations."
Calling this out in particular, for those who missed it.

Odds are the Victorian Civil War is about to come to an abrupt end as Little Nicky's administration comes down off the fence and picks a side.
Depending on whether any unexpected economic shocks should happen to hit his budget
:stares meaningfully at the NCR:

I think the benefit of hosting the conference is way too marginal compared to tail risks of getting a group together to publicly announce "Hey World, America's coming back, come at me if you dare". I think that kind of move would very much empower the voices calling for Russia to do a gamer move, and as the current world hegemon they absolutely could just Afghanistan Intervention us. It might cost them everything, but it'd kill us first. I think this move would inflate our risks unnecessarily.
Furthermore, I am not convinced that the benefits outweigh the costs here - I'm not convinced that we'd get anything more than we are already in position to receive by sheer virtue of being one of the strongest central American state. This conference seems likely to increase our Legacy and strengthen a narrative of American reunification, but I don't think those narrative benefits are enough to outweigh the increased risks involved with taking such an action.
I strongly disagree.

Russia is already coming after us one way or the other, simply by nature of Alex's successor's national security apparatus continuing Alex's reflexive hostility towards us, and their support for Victoria as an instrument of foreign policy. And because we are probably the easiest target within relatively easy reach; Israel is closer, but nukes. California is twice as far away, and again, nukes.

Our very nation's legislative representatives make pronouncements like, and I quote, ["The Commonwealth was founded on the fundamental idea that Russia and its puppets must be fought]. We do not hide it. Those risks were already priced in.
Yes, we shouldnt be unduly aggressive, but a defensive crouch offers no protection and passes up a lot of benefits.

Not to mention that prominence can be its own defence.
Harder to get permission to use Arctic Conservatiate airfields to attack the Commonwealth, for example, if that will exacerbate local civilian tensions.

Furthermore, we were already planning to unveil the Declaration of Independence this year anyway.
The symbolism of its rediscovery on the three hundredth anniversary of the Old Country was already too tempting to pass up, and Alex's death just before it pops up doubles down on the symbolic significance of its re-emergence.

As for the rest, its worth remembering that claims to being the strongest central American state?
That does not means anything to an American expatriate living in a middle-income or First World country. First place in a race of cripples is not impressive to an Olympic runner.

And frankly, FCNY is economically stronger and richer.
And has more practice at threading the needle on that sort of thing anyway.
We're not going to succeed by being a knockoff FCNY.

We are in the business of selling a dream. Lean into it.
The Latin American are backing the Sons of Liberty (Shreveport)- the rival more-conservative revivalists in Louisiana who have a mysterious foreign backer. Half-a-dozen different Americas are far more manageable for Brazil than one America (while also being more valuable than the current anarchy), and backing a friendly rival government in the South would make sense for them. They're not going to offer us aid- why would they? They have their own regional ally and as long as that ally doesn't threaten to actually reunify America, they have no reason to cut them loose.
Point of order:
We cannot make assumptions about who in Latin America is pushing this, and for what reason.
Especially since Latin America is going to be lousy with American emigres. Dont jump to conclusions.

And frankly, Mexico would be an easier lift for Latin American intervention
The fact that this push is going into Louisiana means something.
Not sure what.
The Balabac Strait is part of the maritime border between Malaysia and the Phillipines IRL. To have PACS forces there means either Malaysia is part of PACS, or Indonesia invaded western Malaysia and the rest of PACS condoned that for some reason.
According to the Lore Screen, Indonesia's already vored Timor Leste, Malaysian Borneo, and Brunei, and is currently agitating to absorb Papua New Guinea. I wouldn't put it past them to try for western Malaysia as well.
I'm actually one of the people skeptical that the best idea is just putting America back together with a few key reforms, or whether that's even reasonably possible in any meaningful sense without either crushing all resistence, and especially any ideology that questions that America was not at most slightly on the wrong path on top of any anti-revivialists, or becoming more of a loose confederation.
Then you are looking at what diplomatic embassies there were to Victoria.
Also gone if the Crusaders torched the city, which is going to hurt Blackwell's ability to source international aid and arms shipments.
I AM surprised they went after Augusta instead of Boston, which is one of their few surviving international ports for arms shipments.
Because they're Vicks, and they're thinking about political and 'moral' centers of gravity, not logistical ones. Hitting the national capital disrupts the Inquisitors' ability to exercise control over the population, and humiliates Blackwell. Hitting Boston does neither of those things.

-Nitpick: An open meeting like this?
Anything from a mobile phone with a recording app to actual electronic bugs could be listening in from the press gallery.
SCIFs exist for a reason IRL for when you choose to give classified briefings.
Given the relative crudity of the Commonwealth government's arrangements, it wouldn't surprise me if that were a trick they were missing.

Calling this out in particular, for those who missed it.

Odds are the Victorian Civil War is about to come to an abrupt end as Little Nicky's administration comes down off the fence and picks a side.
I'm inclined to agree, for reasons I already mentioned.

I strongly disagree.

Russia is already coming after us one way or the other, simply by nature of Alex's successor's national security apparatus continuing Alex's reflexive hostility towards us, and their support for Victoria as an instrument of foreign policy. And because we are probably the easiest target within relatively easy reach; Israel is closer, but nukes. California is twice as far away, and again, nukes.
I don't think it's that simple. We are on literally the other side of the world and they have a lot of closer-up problems.

A hyperpower can demonstrate strength by crushing an obnoxious minor nation, but it's generally unwise to do so when that represents such a big diversion of effort.

fair enough. Probably comes from playing to many Grand Strategy Games where influences equates "Do what I say or my warships start leveling your coastal cities"
Joke's on them. We're landlocked.
[ ][MEET] No. You will not make yourself the First Nation to test Nikolai's wrath.
-[ ][MEET] You will attend, though.

FCNY can host this one, they'll be looking for a boost to legitimacy after we showed them up in the Eyie war. We're happy to attend and see where the wind takes us as far as policies or pronoucements goes, but we don't want centre stage. As others are saying I'm skeptical reunification is even ideal or possible. The NCR is probably going to be independent forever from now.

Aren't they planning to launch their revolt soon aswell? That's gonna be a clusterfuck, and while we're gonna recognize them I don't want any more heat from that.

Wonder if Russia has the capacity to intervene in both the NCR and Victoria at once - especially if the rest of the world is looking for weekness.
I'm sorry everyone. We have to invest in the libraries and in hosting the meeting.

I am positively salivating at the optics here.

It's the 300th anniversary of the United States birth. All of the revivalist states in the Mississippi basin have representatives in Chicago.
We invite them all to the grand opening of the Grand Chicago Library.
We unveal the pride of our collection: an original copy of the Declaration of Independence. Certified by FCNY.
Then, word reaches the representatives and attending press that the NCR has declared Independence.

To hell with The Boy's potential response.

It IS worth it.
Turn 5

Word About the World

well, interesting.

1)The anti-war party somehow survived our massive win. Congratulations are in order.

For all that we won, they DID have a point. It was a massive game of "chicken", and if Blackwell had just managed to convince his people NOT to attack we would have had to retreat. It was the right choice, but we couldn't have known that.

2)We're starting to make the money by selling Victoria food. It leaves a bitter taste in my mouth, but we need the money even more than Victoria needs the food.

3)The Crusaders are still going strong. That's good! The longer the fight goes on, the better for us. Even them winning wouldn't be bad for us, as it would mean Victoria would then be weak enough that we might just be able to attack them again! Hopefully they'll continue winning a bit longer...
4)wtf is happening in Miami :jackiechan: !

5)..ok, sometime being too successful can be a problem. I don't think we can refuse the revivalist conference... at least it's a good chance to reveal the constitution/declaration of independence (I can't remember which of the two we had right now...)

6)the China/Japan standoff doesn't matter much to us

7)South America is considering getting involved in North America... this could be both a problem or an opportunity...
The revialvalist conference should happen, but we're not in a position to capitalise on hosting it - so no point in committing to doing so. Especially when we're not the only revialvalist state in a position to host it.
Reunification of the USA is not in the cards for at least 3-4 decades. However, we will be trying to create a coalition in the neighboring regions to fend off Victoria and this will be jumping off point for having an actual nationstate rather than a few federated cities.
Aren't they planning to launch their revolt soon aswell? That's gonna be a clusterfuck, and while we're gonna recognize them I don't want any more heat from that.

Wonder if Russia has the capacity to intervene in both the NCR and Victoria at once - especially if the rest of the world is looking for weekness.
Intervening in Victoria is trivial. You make an announcement, send over a few SpecOps teams and annihilate the couple of militias with shotguns the opposition has. Once Nikolai decides too, it will be done.

Intervening in the NCR is difficult. As far as I understand, their military is larger, more modern since they weren't hit by the great plague of 4th generational doctrine and have a decent number of US bases. Russia's stranglehold there relies more on espionage and soft power, which the new Russian regime lacks. Intervening in California is pretty difficult as is, it's even harder when your leader is widely known as "the Boy" and currently busy preventing the next coup.
Because they're Vicks, and they're thinking about political and 'moral' centers of gravity, not logistical ones. Hitting the national capital disrupts the Inquisitors' ability to exercise control over the population, and humiliates Blackwell. Hitting Boston does neither of those things.
Given the relative crudity of the Commonwealth government's arrangements, it wouldn't surprise me if that were a trick they were missing.
Those are both fair points.

I'm not so worried about Nicholas hitting us with a whole army, I'm worried about Nicholas hitting us with airstrikes, drone strikes, and Spetsnaz bastards. Stuff he can toss at us while keeping his main focus on the problems he faces in Eurasia, which are going to be quite pressing in their own right.

Like, I'm worried that a Predatorski will drop a Hellfireski right on the convention center where the "infamous anti-Russian terrorist" Sara Goldblum happens to be in attendance because she's got lots of Revivalist pals from Wisconsin areas not part of the Commonwealth at present.

[because Russia can spin Sara Goldblum into an anti-Russian terrorist about as easily as the US could spin Anwar al-Awlaki into being one, I bet]
Worth noting, though, that he can already do that anyway.

Only a couple batteries of antiquated SAMs stand between him and dropping a Hellfireski into Sara Goldblum's bedroom this night. Only the lack of a Victorian intelligence network as support stops his having a team of GRU wetwork specialists waltz into the country with a custom chemical weapon cocktail and a manportable UAV with a sprayer.

He is actually less likely to do it in a convention center with hundreds of delegates, international journalists and foreign diplomatic observers.
Because he isnt a Vic.

Furthermore, even his Spetsnaz bastards are limited in number; something like the US Ranger Regiment maxes out around 3.5k, and from looking at Bellingcat, something like Russia's GRU Unit 29155 has like 20 members. Without the support of people who know the land, its going to be flailing in the dark and as obvious as a neon light on a moonless night.

Not to mention they are going to be quite busy on the other side of the ocean anyway, what with the EU getting more assertive in the Balkans and Eastern Europe. Otherwise, nothing stops him having Burns or Goldblum killed, the way the US killed General Soleimani.
According to the Lore Screen, Indonesia's already vored Timor Leste, Malaysian Borneo, and Brunei, and is currently agitating to absorb Papua New Guinea. I wouldn't put it past them to try for western Malaysia as well.
Worldbuilding hasnt gotten there yet.
There'd be zero reason for the Japanese, for instance, not to take the opportunity to pour arms into such a conflagration.
And no reason for PACS to object to Papua getting nommed but having no problem with Malaysia.

I don't think it's that simple. We are on literally the other side of the world and they have a lot of closer-up problems.
A hyperpower can demonstrate strength by crushing an obnoxious minor nation, but it's generally unwise to do so when that represents such a big diversion of effort.
National security establishment has been formed in Alexander's image for sixty years. Almost two generations.
Staffed with people who agreed with him. I expect them to retain his foreign policy attitudes for a LONG time.
Including his paranoia about North America.

Limitations in time and resources and political capital may vary of course, and I dont expect them to attempt to stage a land or air campaign unless the situation changes drastically. But something like US support of Iraq against Iran during the Iran-Iraq War is likely to be the baseline I expect from Little Nicky's functionaries.

[ ][SCHEDULE] Seven years. Moderate military, foreign arms with domestic ammo and parts production. Stretch goal of some domestic weapons production. Pessimistic timeline, or else assumes declaring early to hit the Vicks with a stronger force before they're ready.
[ ][MEET] Yes. Risks are made to be taken, and the potential gains are nearly priceless. Besides, Nikolai has already shown that he intends to be antagonistic.

Schedule 7 years to be safe, since we dont have a yardstick for how quickly Victoria can put iself back together.
10 years as the stretch goal, since it gives us numbers and a cushion for losses.

Yes, it gives them more time to recover.
But it also gives us time to get stronger, and to get more allies. Recruit/assimilate more people and polities, and grow the economic sinews of war.
Given the utter depths at which we started, we benefit more from drawing out an eventual confrontation than they do.

And I've made my opinion clear.

We are unveiling the Declaration of Independence this year. We are reaching out into the Diaspora to stoke Revivalist sentiment and nostalgia in order to get skilled personnel and financial investment. We are COMMITTED to being one of the first countries to recognize the NCR/California when they break loose, as the price for their sabotaging the Vic Air Force.

These thing would get us more Russian attention anyway. And Nikolai has essentially committed to Vic support anyway in his first speech.
Refusing to host the meeting is equivalent basically fretting over risk that's already priced in to our future actions, and passing up benefits that we have already paid for.
Last edited:
We must be prepared. This must be our top priority. At the moment, our greatest asset is Alexander's bizarre shift in character. We cannot-" The door at the end of the hall slams open, a staffer dashing in. You frown. "-count...on...that..."

The staffer sprints to the Moderator and whispers in their ear. The Moderator's eyes widen.

They turn to you. "Apologies, Madame President, but we must cut this short. We've just received dire news." They look up. "Tsar Alexander is dead."

* * *


ok, I have to say this before even reading the REST of the update, but...


Who got the throne? His son? His daughter?

Would his son focus on VIctoria and America as much as his father? Would her daughter stop supporting Victoria openly, and try instead to establish diplomatic ties with us?

goes back to read...
"They say Tsar Alexander died of natural causes."
"And you really believe that?"
"It's pretty natural to die after being poisoned." - overheard in a Moscow nightclub
I will support a ten year war scenario, because buying time to rearm is good, we continue to let Victoria fuck themselves up and the international situation to turn against Russia, especially if the NCR pops up.

Fighting victoria in 5 years is risky given our commitments and the need to consider diplomacy with FCNY and NCR.

Of course, that's just a random vote of mine.

As for everything else, lor, I waiting to see everyone plans
I think there's a strong argument to be made for the midwest economic summit, given that it LOWERS DCs by FIVE just like the economic legislation.
"My father took Russia from a failing regional power to the mightiest nation in the world," commented the new ruler in his first address as Tsar. "He was, without question, the greatest ruler Russia has ever had. He stands proud among the greatest of the Tsars. I am honored to take up his legacy, and lead Russia forward into the future."

, He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named did great things — terrible, yes, but great.

When asked about his immediate objectives, Tsar Nikolai said, "Russia is strong, but beset by enemies. Under my leadership, we will reassert ourselves as the foremost power in all the world. We will re-commit to our allies abroad. We will strengthen our position on the world stage. We will lead the world forward as first among nations."

..ok, things might have gotten even worse for us... though if we're lucky he might focus more on, say, EU and China that on Victoria...
Nikolai did not comment on his plans regarding his father's environmental initiatives. In response to where Princess Katerina -- Tsar Alexander's favored heir -- was, Nikolai said, "My sister has never wanted power. She has stepped aside, and retreated into mourning for our father. It is my honor to take up the post in her place."

suuuuuure, we totally believe you... :rolleyes:

eh, maybe she actually accepted as long as he continues supporting her pet cause, but with his being silent about the environmental initiatives I doubt it.

Domestically, more questions are circulating in Moscow. The Imperial Family, long-expanded by Alexander's many children, has yet to be seen in the capital, and the Kremlin has evaded questions on their whereabouts. Furthermore, many have questioned Princess Katerina's absence, finding her brother's explanation unsatisfactory. There are many shadows cast over Nikolai's coronation, despite his attempts to talk past them. Many challenges await the young Tsar. With the international environment more hostile to Russia by the year, it remains to be seen if he will be equal to them.
yeah, he probably had them all captured and/or killed.

I wonder how long will the situation stay stable. For all the mistakes he did, Alexander was a genius and knew exactly how far he could afford to go... his son doesn't seem as clever.

Nuclear war might not be out of question I fear...

Congress is divided on the question of what timeline to war to follow, and your recommendation could be decisive. What do you recommend?

[ ][SCHEDULE] Five years. Small military, foreign arms with domestic ammo production. Stretch goal of domestic parts production. Aims for a sucker punch.
[ ][SCHEDULE] Seven years. Moderate military, foreign arms with domestic ammo and parts production. Stretch goal of some domestic weapons production. Pessimistic timeline, or else assumes declaring early to hit the Vicks with a stronger force before they're ready.
[ ][SCHEDULE] Ten years. Large military, Plurality domestic arms with full domestic ammo and parts production. Stretch goal of majority domestic arms. Maximizes capabilities at the cost of giving the Vicks more time.

I'm not sure. With tensions rising everywhere the foreigners might not be as interested in supporting us.. or they might want to help us even more as to distract Russia from their own fronts...

I think I'm leaning towards 5 or 7 years, probably 7.
Several other states identifying themselves as Revivalists have approached you to ask you to host a Revivalist conference in Chicago. This would vastly increase your diplomatic reach and influence, but Nikolai's reaction would be unpredictable. Do you risk it?

[ ][MEET] Yes. Risks are made to be taken, and the potential gains are nearly priceless. Besides, Nikolai has already shown that he intends to be antagonistic.
[ ][MEET] No. You will not make yourself the First Nation to test Nikolai's wrath.
-[ ][MEET] You will attend, though.
-[ ][MEET] You also will not attend, just in case.

..I don't know if we can afford NOT to... but yeah, Nikolai is currently unpredictable. He might want to "make a statement" and take advantage of the chance we offer him...

On the other hand, if he acts too openly he'll attract the bad kind of attention from the other major powers, which could help us long term...

well, let's see the options... I'll color code them too according to my preferences.

This category has one AP.

[ ] Military Training Reform: With staff concerned, you must now implement Ron's programs in full. DC: 30. Successes Required: 2 (1 of 2 complete). AP Limit: 2. Effect: Raise army base training level to 2/5 (Trained) from 1/5 (Green), level out air force air-to-air training level to 2/5 (Trained) to match its ground attack level. New forces deploy at this level.

[ ] Forging the Sword: The Erie Campaign was a crucible for the Commonwealth military, but one does not simply tip over a crucible and announce that the resulting puddle of metal is a sword. It's time to put in the work to ensure that your military is prepared to learn the lessons of this campaign. DC: 25. Successes Required: 2. AP Limit: None. Effect: Get your roadmap set and ready to go for the next war with Victoria, in accordance with the plan approved by Congress.

[ ] Recruitment Drive: Public opinion of the military has never been higher; the time is ripe to draw up new divisions to add to your Army, new pilots to your Air Force, new sailors to your Navy. DC: 10. Successes Required: 1. AP Limit: 2. Effect: Raise three new divisions to the Army, increase CAF trained pilots to 200 duty-ready, recruit enough sailors to double your navy. Material expansion not included.

[ ] More Gunboats: It's gonna be a while before new ships designs come in, but your Navy is stretched now. Commission new Des Plaines gunboats, you need coverage and you need it now. At the very least your yards know these boats inside and out, now. DC: 1. Successes Required: 2. Effect: Double the Navy, relieving the strain on your patrol commitments. Will be obsolete, next war, but right now you need hulls yesterday, and you won't even know if you're going to be bothering to build anymore domestic designs until Congress decides on a build plan.
I think we basically want to do everything. It comes to 6 ap minimum though...

well, roadmap and gunboats seem like the most urgent, so maybe we could do only these two for 4 ap... or we could put only 1 ap on the roadmap planning. I think we definitely want the gunboats though. We NEED some ships now, especially if there's any chance of us expanding some more in the short term.

So, at the very least, I think we need to put 3 ap in here, 1+2 free ap.

This category has one AP.

[ ] Michigan Mediation: Your allies in Traverse City and the Michigan Soviet Republic has consented to your offer to arbitrate their dispute, with an eye towards normalizing relations and keeping your friendly powers on the Lower Peninsula from one another's throats. Organize the summit and get to work. DC: 30. Successes Required: 1. AP Limit: 2. Effect: Settle the grudges between Traverse City and the MSR, ensuring that your strategic allies in the LP remain settled.

[ ] Intervention In Minnesota: You have been called upon by a collection of states to lend your diplomatic weight to the question of which of the two claimants for the title of State of Minnesota is the more legitimate. This is a priceless opportunity to secure an ally to your west, and potentially further abroad, given the unexpected international attention to this flashpoint. DC: 10. Successes Required: 1. AP Limit: 1. Effect: Organize the summit to determine who is the more Minnesotan of the Minnesotas, and what to do about it. Unlocks further options.

[ ] Expand the Department: You have several demands on your government going into the future, and among them is affairs of state. Your position requires great diplomatic effort to maintain, and you must maintain it. Yet, you cannot continue to dump resources into State when Defense and Development are so much more pressing. Nicest in an expansion of the Department so that it can manage its duties without needing help from the rest of the government so often. DC: 35. Successes Required: 2. AP Limit: 2. Effect: Gain 1 additional Department of State AP per turn.

[ ] Source Foreign Arms: Any expansion of your military must reckon with a powerful need for foreign military hardware. You will need to get started right away. Successes Required: 2. AP Limit: 2. Effect: Determine who is willing to sell you weapons and what they're intending to charge for them.

[ ] Expatriate Outreach: The American stereotype in recent years is the paranoid survivalist, where it isn't a cold-blooded NCR hitman or a crazed Victorian with a gun. Not precisely what one thinks of when one imagines experts capable of conducted a crash development and militarization program. But that expertise is still out there; it's just bound up in other places. American refugees fled far and wide from the Collapse, although mostly to FCNY and Europe, and a lot of capital fled with them. By now they are established in dozens of countries, a very loose network of expatriates culturally and financially rooted on FCNY. These Americans are disproportionately wealthy residents of First World, highly developed nations, and often work in expert fields. Experts are expensive. If you want to get them for cheaper, nationalism might be a way to do it, if you can overpower the pull FCNY already has. DC: 30. Successes Required: 1. AP Limit: 2. Effect: Exploit your populace's restored ties to the American Diaspora and establish contacts who can put you in touch with people at the intersection of talent and patriotism. To an extent, will require either competing or cooperating with FCNY given how tightly the Diaspora roots in them. [/SPOILER]

well, expansion is a must, as probably are the two mediation actions. that's 4 ap. Foreign Arms can wait until we have a plan established, and Expatriate... it could wait until after the reveal of the declaration/constitution (still can't remember which), or even after the revivalist conference if we're holding it.

I'd say at least 3 AP in here (Expand and Minnesota), possibly up to 4 if we also take Michigan.

That means 1 +2 or 3 free ap.
This category has one AP.

[ ] Census Office: At this point, your estimation of your population is an extremely imprecise guess. This really is not ideal, and especially with the burgeoning refugee population, you need to be able to keep track of your population and its makeup. It's one of a government's biggest tools for domestic politics. With ambitious plans for economic development and militarization on the table, the Secretary is adamant: this can wait no longer. DC: 30. Successes Required: 2. AP Limit: 2. Effect: Establish a Census Office and finally nail down your population figures.

[ ] Refugee Crisis: The naturalization bill is complete, and it's heading for votes in the House and Senate in the coming months. Now you need to do the work of keeping support for it high; despite the increasing public pressure in favor of it, this remains a touchy issue with Congress, and you'll need to work hard at it to guarantee that it makes it through. DC: 35. Successes Required: 2 (1 of 2 complete). AP Limit: 2. Effect: Shepherd the bill through Congress. This option will close this turn whether or not it is taken. If not taken, the bill must pass a DC of 70 to clear Congress and become law.

[ ] Economic Legislation: You plan on a very aggressive expansion of your domestic industry, and the Department of Development does not, legally, have the tools required to properly organize that effort. Free enterprise is a wonderful thing, but you need specific things developed on a very rapid timescale. It's not that you have no ability to make this happen -- the relevant laws mostly need specificity and clarification -- but it will make things far easier if you can get laws passed regarding what exactly DoDev is permitted to do. With your recent address to Congress, they are ready to make this happen; it'll be less legwork if you do it now. DC: 25. Successes Required: 1 (Rises to 2 next turn). AP Limit: 1. Effect: Push Congress to approve additional and clarified powers for the Department of Development regarding their ability to control the economy, lowering all DCs relevant to your development and rearmament by 5.

...DAMN IT. We need to take them all!

Census is a must, at least 1 ap on refugee is a must, and taking economic legislation NOW means possibly saving 1 ap next turn, and APs are too important NOT to try and save some and/or get more when we can...

That's 4 ap, or 1+3 free ap... And I'm already out of free ap!

Something will have to be sacrificed...

This category has three AP.

[ ] Midwest Economic Summit: Congress is debating their preferred timeline for the next war with Victoria, but while they work, you must begin laying the foundations for them. Repurpose your plans for an industrial conference, but broaden the aim. This isn't just about the Midwest anymore; you need to attract an international audience. DC: 15. Successes Needed: 1. AP Limit: 2. Effect: Organize business interests at home, in the broader Country, and abroad who are interested in being involved in your economic development plans, lowering all DCs relevant to your development and rearmament by 5. With your control of trade down the St. Lawrence, this should catch attention far and wide.

[ ] Green Energy: Nikolai has torn up your green energy agreement, but the CAF already has the promised funds and is swearing to release them and the experts required. Best take the chance to modernize your power infrastructure now, lest something else changes. And...well, with the loss of Russian patronage for the deal, the CAF is going to lose a lot of its ability to check on your progress... DC: auto-pass from climate deal. Successes Needed: 2(/3). AP Limit: 3. Effect: Fully revamp and rationalize your power grid with renewable energy sources. 2 successes replaces and rationalizes the power grid. 3 sees you fudge the numbers and get an expansion to the power grid out of it. The option will remain for one turn past the 2nd success, if there is not a 3rd in the same turn.

[ ] Infrastructure Projects: The Collapse utterly ruined the United States' old infrastructure networks. Now you are faced with the necessity of restoring them, and it's a damn nightmare. With Detroit, and their engineers, now a part of the CFC, you have easy access to them in planning out your infrastructural initiatives. DC: 10. Successes Required: 2. AP Limit: 3. Effect: Acquire the aid of Detroiter civil engineers in assessing the state of the Commonwealth's infrastructure and what needs to be done as you move forward. Unlocks infrastructure initiatives.

[ ] Farming Equipment, Part 2: Burns's initiative to supply the worst-off with the best you can make fed your population once. With a renewed surge of refugees, you should be able to do that again. There's a wide gulf between those you supplied and the best of the best. Take advantage of better industry and a more integrated refugee population since then, and build for them. DC: 30. Successes Required: 2 (1 of 2 complete). AP Limit: 3. Effect: Subsidize the construction and distribution of additional farming equipment for your new least-advantaged rural population, shoring up your food situation and preempting another starvation crisis.

[ ] Arms Factories: The military is howling for additional materiel, and you need to expand there. Pay for the expansion of production communities presently keeping your forces supplied, taking you to the absolute limit of arms production as your polity is presently capable of and allowing you to support a single expansion of the military. DC: 45. Successes Required: 1. AP Limit: 2. Effect: Crank out that last bit of raw production that your infrastructure and economy can realistically sustain.
Thank God, FINALLY a category with more than 1 ap available in it!

Farming is a low-hanging fruit at this point (only 1 ap needed), and we need AT LEAST 2 ap on Green Energy to start with. We can probably afford to use the third ap on it next turn, but I wouldn't wait any longer, or Nikolai might do something to stop us from taking advantage of the CAF.

That's the 3 category ap. Arms Factories can probably wait, especially if we're not recruiting more soldiers.

If at all possible we should invest 1 free ap on the summit... but we're VERY short on free AP...

This category has one AP.
[ ] Vox Populi: Riding the success of his broadcast series, Barack Williams has established his own radio station, cultivating contacts acquired over a career of years. Very...extensive...contacts, in fact. Williams is not the Commonwealth's biggest fan, but he doesn't hate you; perhaps he'd be amenable to a privileged relationship? DC: 35 (20 if Detroit successfully integrated this turn). Successes Required: 1. AP Limit: 1. Effect: Bring the Vox Populi radio network aboard as an intelligence asset.

[ ] Long Tail: You have at least the makings of foreign intelligence and domestic intelligence services, and they function, but they could always use more support. Analysts, Audrey once told you, are what really makes or breaks an intelligence agency. She was always wanting more. DC: 35. Successes Required: 1. AP Limit: 3. Effect: Improve your intelligences services' efficiency by vetting and hiring additional analysts and support staff to enable your field agents to better do their jobs.

[ ] Into Victoria: The -- for now -- trickle of Victorian refugees, along with your nearly unheard-of regular contact with Victoria in Buffalo and the Inquisitors' often-fatal distraction with the war give you the perfect opportunity to make contacts that reach deeper into Victoria than the very borders. This is a priceless opportunity. DC: 10. Successes Required: 1. AP Limit: 1. Effect: Gain meaningful penetration inside Victoria with your intelligence service.

[ ] Messy Business: Information is all well and good, but it would be nice if your intelligence services were capable of acting on things they learned. DC: 40. Successes Required: 2. AP Limit: 2. Effect: Develop your intelligence service's more active capabilities in covert affairs, diversifying beyond simple asset management.

Into Victoria is a priceless opportunity. everything else is nice, but there's no comparison.

so, the category AP is already spoken for in my opinion.

IF we can get more of them, I'd probably spend one on Long Tail.

This category has one AP.

[ ] Organize the Libraries: You have more information than has possibly ever existed in one place, but it's just piled up. Desperate scholars and professors have left things in disorganized heaps over the decades. You need this organized if it's to be of use. DC: 30. Successes Needed: 3 (2/3 complete). AP Limit: 2. Effect: Found the Great Library of Chicago, and get this unholy mess sorted out.

[ ] Arms Design: You currently field an assortment of whatever firearms your industry can produce, centralized around a few different kinds of cartridges, and that's not a very efficient way to run things. Your situation is fairly unprecedented; do something unprecedented. DC: 35. Successes Needed: 2. AP Limit: 2. Effect: Taking lessons from your various existing weapon designs, design armaments built with your rather unique circumstances in mind, making your logistics yet-more-superior to anybody else on the continent.

[ ] Old Relics: The United States built a lot of heavy industrial presses back in the Cold War. None are in your territory, but their locations aren't exactly secret. Send out expeditions with the goal of studying these machines and gathering notes; perhaps, sometime in the future, you may be able to build your own. With the Victorian Army now defeated, the biggest possible obstacle to this journey has suddenly disappeared, and the chances of success are much higher. DC: 35. Successes Needed: 3. AP Limit: 1. Effect: Gain a group of experts capable of building heavy industrial presses for you; also confirm the status of the old presses.

[ ] Department of Education: Standardized education was one of the first things to implode during the Collapse. People could hardly be bothered to fund schools when the Country was healthy. The result is that the state of education in your territory is utterly deplorable. Fixing that will be a project of years, and it demands its own department of government. Establish this department and set up the taxes you need to fund it. DC: 35. Successes Needed: 2. AP Limit: 3. Effect: Found the Department of Education, which will be responsible for establishing and standardizing public schools within the Commonwealth.

Libraries is a must. Education would be nice, but I doubt we have the AP for it...

Sadly I don't think we'll be able to spend more than the exactly needed number of ap in the best case scenario for the various actions. We simply can't afford to spend multiple APs to reduce failure chances... I MIGHT be willing to make an exception for the refugee crisis think, and that's probably it. MAAAAYBE for farming too... but we REALLY can't afford multiple APs on those actions...
While I'm considering postponing Department of Education myself, you're missing a trick here.

Education doesn't only mean schools for little children.* It also means adult education. Taking young adults who were born in the 2050s on the farm where their parents' generation was forced to run to to subsistence-farm for food because the national economy had collapsed in the '30s and '40s, young adults who were only taught to read and write based off their parents' own half-assed high school educations dating back to the 2030s when America was already collapsing... and turning those young adults into the trade-workers and white-collar workforce the Commonwealth is going to need.

I think we're going to see much more immediate payoffs from getting the school system up and running than you might expect.

*(and note that a baby boom would have begun in our territory starting three or four years ago, because that's when we got rid of the Vick spies and started establishing our new government and began getting swarms of refugees).

To add to everything else. If we are planning to be a cheap source of labor a-la the asian tigers, Department of education offers another benefit. Admittedly one I find kinda... distasteful? Public schools provide children a place to be, so that parents don't have to watch them at home. Admittedly I find talking about that benefit distasteful, since far to many schools have treated that as the ONLY real purpose, warehousing kids so that parents can work. But it is there, and it will be offering benefits immediately.
The ending of emergency powers and return to Congress.

It deserves a parade of sorts.

I can just imagine veterans of the war trooping the colours and singing songs like this .
One more thing that just occurred to me.
If those are Revivalists down in Louisiana, holding a meeting of Revivalist governments is the fastest course of action that brings us into contact with them in a formal, organized diplomatic setting. Ditto other Revivalist governments and factions along the Mississipi River.

And even if they arent, theyll probably send representatives to talk.
Which, incidentally, gives us the opportunity to get some influence that far down the river before outside players can get entrenched agreements into place with the factions there.
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I think one Refugee Crisis is reasonable since it takes us from a DC 70 to a DC 35 - however, a second action only takes us to around DC 12, and that's not really worth it
That is not how it works. :p

If the Refugee Crisis action isn't taken -- or if it fails -- the bill must pass a DC 70 check to make it through Congress anyway. If you succeed in the DC 35 check, you get the bill through Congress. There's no end state where the bill gets through on a DC of 12.
Depending on whether or not the Census needs to succeed to avoid the resignation I have tentatively shuffled the second action there to the refugee crisis because of how important it is for that legislation to pass.
She won't resign if you at least try.
Ooh! Can I make some nonstate Revivalist organizations? Or some state Revivalist organizations? Or more American factions generally? I want to fill in some of the bad-guy warlords on the map.
Go ahead and make some submissions, and I'll rule on 'em!
Frankly, I'm not too torn up about not reclaiming literially all of America? We're gonna reach down to at least St Louis if not further, and we're undoubtly going to end up asborbing Ontario as part of our conflict with Victoria so that already not-American land. We've already started doing so with those Blue mountain people and Detroits outskirts containing land that was once over the Canadian border. Sea access is vital to secure, for sure. But I don't see why that has to be the Mississippi (1300km away and many different powers to fight to secure it) rather than Quebec (only 1000km, already have access, need to fight only 1 already hostile power to secure it.)

But in a world where we still have to secure our control over the Upper Peninsula, I think planning for control of foreign ports is a hugw amount of hubris reguardless of which ones.
The reason you want the Mississippi is because it is not physically possible to have a wholly domestically-supplied military by the next war, and Burns has no desire to race his stockpiles down the St. Lawrence Seaway when Victoria closes it immediately upon the outbreak of hostilities.

Technically, as long as the Mississippi is politically navigable for your trade by the time the next war kicks off, then that's fine, regardless of how it gets that way. Y'all just have no idea what the ABC would even want, in that situation.
@PoptartProdigy , important question. Are we or are we not still staring down the barrel of a famine in Turn 6 if we don't get Farming Equipment, Part 2 sorted? Because if we're importing food in sufficient quantity that we can turn around and resell to the Vicks at markup, then that's a good sign that we're not still staring down that barrel... but this is something where we really really need to know. Because my original plan draft assumed we were.
Famine, no. Domestic food shortfalls, yes. Basically, very soon you will not be producing enough food to feed everybody in your territory. The good news is that the Seaway opening up means cheap foreign food exporters who don't feel like charging highway robbery prices like your neighbors (or, indeed, you) did are now available. So, you can buy food, and you can pay for it with the rest of the trade you're now conducting with Victoria. You'd still feel more comfortable strengthening your farming sector, mind; you'd rather be producing enough food that you can make it an asset rather than something you can financially cover. But no, you are no longer at imminent risk of famine.
-[ ][MEET] You will attend, though.
Unnecessary; the question of your attendance does not enter into it if you're hosting the thing.
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