yes, but so far it hasn´t been really relevant to anyone or anything besides some side notes (if i didn´t miss anything). The conclusion that it is about as much of a player in global politics as it is irl is an easy one to make
No country other than Russia and Japan has been really relevant to anything thus far.
Hence the worldbuilding.
I´m fairly sure that he is still going to try though no matter how bad an idea it is
Not gonna happen. Alexander is a gambler, but he's not stupid.
He has been careful to avoid risking Russian troops on American soil for forty years. Even back during the Pacific War, the Russian military did not get overtly involved. And California is not the Commonwealth. It may not be First World in prosperity, but it still is near-peer in tech levels.
Its also eleven thousand kilometers from Vladivostok, which is a fuckton of distance for an invasion fleet.
Furthermore, its a nuclear state.
Attempting a land invasion of a nuclear state is asking for that army to go away in a bloom of nuclear fire.
There's a reason Israel is still there in the Med despite being surrounded by Russian allies.
As long as there's the possibility California has a couple dozen operational tacnukes tucked away, Alexei is staying home.
Economic and diplomatic sanctions yes. Covert ops yes.
But he isnt losing ten divisions because an F-35 popped a nuclear cruise missile over his invasion fleet, or a nuclear sea mine went off in the port.
The juice is not worth the squeeze.