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I've written up the next negaverse, but honestly, I think we all know the most fun part of the negaverse is the comments, which are still rather sparse.
I made a few word choice changes to the dialog between the warlord and the ambassador to make them sound more midwestern (I live in Ohio, I hope i know how an ohioan speaks)... I hope that's ok?
[ ][FEUD] Pitch a Hail Mary and see if they'll listen to you if you try to mediate their disputes. Prompts a roll, DC 43.

If we can stop them from fighting, we can keep all of our basing rights. Win-win.

Also, I can't imagine any real costs to trying to mediate a dispute. This isn't an expensive or dangerous action.

[ ][COMMIES] Guarantee the Commune's independence. Another friendly power on Lake Erie is hardly a bad thing to have.

They might be awful people, but one of the big advantages of the recent war is that we can guarantee the Commune's safety from Victoria and make it stick. In fact, we should do the same whenever it is practical. Now that Victoria has no Air Force, I can see us quietly encouraging their Canadian provinces to break free and then recognizing their independence.

[ ][RIVER] Agree to the alliance. The Kingdom isn't a large problem, but it could definitely cause issues for your plans for the Mississippi. You're happy to limit their opportunities for expansion.

The Kingdom has told everyone that they want to be hostile to us, so they can deal with the consequences of that. We also want to start moving away from a system where nations feel free to invade their neighbors with little or no justification.

[ ][MEDIATE] Oh, but it is. You have no immediate interest in Minnesota but whatever's going on between Bemidji and Manitoulin intrigues you, and you very much do have a medium-term interest in resolving this conflict to your west before it becomes your problem, later. You will have the option to organize this mediation.

It would be nice to have neighbors who are on good terms with each other, or at least not actively hostile. If we can help them reach a mutually agreeable solution, we should do so.
Another question: how much has been established about the Kingdom of the Shawnee as of yet? I know that this Quest has a complicated network of canon Omake, and as a resident of Kansas City, Missouri, I am kinda curious about all of that. I do actually have some thoughts, but it depends in part on what history the QM has planned, and what has already been established beyond the text of, well, the story.

...and boy do I have ideas.
Another question: how much has been established about the Kingdom of the Shawnee as of yet? I know that this Quest has a complicated network of canon Omake, and as a resident of Kansas City, Missouri, I am kinda curious about all of that. I do actually have some thoughts, but it depends in part on what history the QM has planned, and what has already been established beyond the text of, well, the story.

...and boy do I have ideas.
The Shawnee Kingdom was an old opponent of your component State of Illinois (as distinct from Chicago), pre-unification. They were friendly to Victoria but not generally considered to be worth Victoria's time. They largely survived by exploiting the relative weakness of several surrounding polities, meaning that even before the Erie War, the CTC critically overturned that paradigm just by sitting there.
The Shawnee Kingdom was an old opponent of your component State of Illinois (as distinct from Chicago), pre-unification. They were friendly to Victoria but not generally considered to be worth Victoria's time. They largely survived by exploiting the relative weakness of several surrounding polities, meaning that even before the Erie War, the CTC critically overturned that paradigm just by sitting there.

Hmm, does their territory include Kansas City? It's hard to tell on the map how far 'south' they go at a squint. If so I might have ideas?

...if not I still have ideas, but very different ideas.
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Hmm, does their territory include Kansas City? It's hard to tell on the map how far 'south' they go at a squint. If so I might have ideas?

...if not I still have ideas, but very different ideas.

Kansas City is part of the Kansas Coalition- a generally revivalist association in eastern Kansas and western Missouri.
Kansas City is part of the Kansas Coalition- a generally revivalist association in eastern Kansas and western Missouri.

Huh. I wonder how they're handling the racial divides that defined them, and us, all the way up to where the timeline diverges (and thus, considering Victoria's general Victoria-ness, probably haven't gone away). Like, who's in charge there, you wonder, and are North Kansas City Bastards (I can say it, I'm from North Kansas City) still being a suburban-esque plague on Kansas City? :V
Hmm, does their territory include Kansas City? It's hard to tell on the map how far 'south' they go at a squint. If so I might have ideas?
...if not I still have ideas, but very different ideas.
Shawnee Kingdom is right there at the tip of Illnois state.
At the confluence of the Missouri and the Ohio. Its safe to say they do not include Kansas City.
info on the new wild west in VF off discord tumbleweeds :o

God, tumbleweed. Like 90% of Great Plains culture is going to be the eternal war against tumbleweed. The most convincing argument you might be able to offer to get Plains polities to join up with you would be, "We can help you fight the tumbleweed." And you need to make yourselves capable of that, first.

tfw the only semblance of large-scale coordination left on the Great Plains is settled people and nomads meeting to coordinate grazing patterns so the farmers can just fucking burn half a state with a fifty-mile firebreak.(redigeret)

The tumbleweed war is forever.

I feel like Victoria was their usual helpful self in this

"Why are you all coordinating? Seems suspicious."

"Listen we are only coordinating so we can light Kansas on fire let us have this."

"...I'll allow it."

Yeah like I said the Great Plains is just gonna 100% in on the eternal war against tumbleweed.

Nomads spend a year having their goats clear-cut a vast swathe around one patch

so scratch the woodchippers then

farmers then light the fucker up with the firebreak

and it's only barely in check.

Y'know come to think population density across the Plains might have risen sharply

I love how this just makes the great plains stranger and wilder

Fucking rad

yeah, too far away from any spots the Vicks or Russians consider dangerous, and out of range of Cali and Victoria

just because there's so much tumbleweed you can feed massive amounts of goats on the pre-tumble life stages of the plant.

Don't tumbleweeds like firebreaks?
clockworkchaos It's a bit more complex that that, the first few will get stuck, then the next few could roll over them but instead get stuck to them because thorny mass of vines, and this continues until there is enough wind to push a mass of tumbleweed the size of a double-decker bus out of the hole it was trapped in.

You know, nomadic pastoralists are fascinating in a Victoria universe, as there would be roving Victorian armies that you would want to trade information on in order to avoid.

I suspect that when found, the Western Victorian armies like to pull a recreation of American policy to Buffalo on goat herds.

In many ways, Victoria is the old chessnut about fascism just being colonialism come home to it's ultimate conclusion

Like I said, it's an utterly fascinating setting

If the CFC spreads into the Plains it is going to have to make and keep to very specific promises and policies.

Like fundamentally the CFC killing Victoria is nice and all, and sure they'll buy shit from your modern-ish production centers quite happily, but those things are not their foremost priority

they want to fight tumbleweeds, and they want to keep farmlands

You'd have to demonstrate a unique capability of killing tumbleweed to really get massive swathes joining up.

And then you'd have to deal with the fact that you just eradicated the foundation for 90% of the nomadic peoples you just absorbed.

And oh shit it's time for a mass restructuring of Plains society.

Perfect, this will let us purge old-world thinking, allowing true socialism to flourish!

Random Member22.10.2020
Into the cities with them all!

hahahaha no

Not that you'd be remembered as assholes who ruined their way of life. After all, they asked for the help. As long as you give them some non-societally-devastating alternative...

Random Member22.10.2020
Urbanization and proletarization

ease up on the aparatchik mindset, gentlemen

What we need is a sea change, a 'cultural revolution' if you will. And excellent idea.

let's work on developing arable lands and farmlands

Random Member22.10.2020
No no, we need to make a great leap forward in industrial capabilities

the environment is still a thing, you realize, right?

Real talk though, many I am glad we have a guaranteed social safety net,that makes these sort of changes so much easier, but yeah, I'd like an option that let's them keep their society.

Random Member22.10.2020
Our social safety net isn't that strong, I imagine

Not the same, obs, but like.. yea

we also need to avoid the pitfall the US fell into, but that's going to be a long way ahead

basically, all the money concentrated in the big cities and left the towns and villages to wither on the vine economically and socially

I mean it's food, and I hope we will have a stronger one as we get richer less totally poor,

if we're to build a brighter tomorrow, both city and country need to work together

Yeah, Tumbleweed is going to be a bitch but I would be very surprised if Kudzu was a problem

its growth is ovverrated and it's edible

It's more likely to be a solution than a problem

Can we send the food prices globally crashing down?

Once the Great Plains are open

no doubt you will
but it'll take a bit
Great Plains and Mississippi valley

laughs in Socialism

tbqh you probably are going to have massive regions of the Midwest that stay pastoralist even if you restore it fully just because the Ogalala Aquifer is fucking empty. Unless the world has created farming techniques that compete with modern farming for output while using much less water — and I'm not discounting that, I just don't know — you honestly cannot get the Great Plains back to, "absurd bounty," levels. Quite the breadbasket, yes, but not, "Every square mile can feed a ludicrous number of people," productive. Unless you refill the Aquifer somehow.

PoptartProdigy Okay, so what if we take a hose from Alexanders headquarters, and sneak it to the great plains. It's like when you wait till your neighbors out and fill your pool from their water so they are stuck with the bill. It's brilliant.:p

Unless you refill the Aquifer somehow.
Well we do have this problem with the oceans being too high, so if we can get some desalination online...

Okay, I've found 2,800 km^3 in a freshwater aquifer under the Atlantic Ocean that we can pump and pipe into the Ogallala.
Which is good for about 107 years with 2000 levels of usage.[/SPOILER

More on the new wild west:
Join the discussion on how to redefine American democracy :rofl::cry:
This is the Vic's revenge for Buffalo, I just know it :mad:... But seriously leaving this here for when we get to the Great Plains... Fuck Victoria :rage:. Even in defeat, they leave a mess behind for us to clean up. I bet Blackwall would be laughing if he could comprehend the hardships of a man whose first thought when faced with a societal challenge is not: "How do I shoot it?" :V
Oh god
I just realized
Integrating the Great Plains would be the final death of geographical Senates as a concept
Because they'd demand representation
And how the fuck does a Senate meaningfully represent nomads?

I mean, is the Senate really a powerful thing here?

No but it's still there and that pisses me off

But seriously, even the House would have issues.
Because these folks don't have a stable address.

Unicameral population based representation ftw.

Nation-wide d'Hondt-system representation

You'd either have to base it on cultural census numbers or something but that's, very unethically exploitable.

It matters dick where you show up and vote
It is counted the same

You'd need to fundamentally rework how you structure things.

You would probably want to attach government officials to follow discrete nomadic groups around the great plains, acting as basically a liaison between them and the central governmnt.

I'd say its the 1st crisis of the Chicago Accords but we had the Unionists.

But that's a matter for a later date(redigeret)

Likely said official would be recruited from said group directly.

Maybe something like NZ, where part of the legislature is locally-elected and the rest is at-large.

I propose we just let the nomads be their own entity with a few towns and villages in between. Once they settle down, then we can incorporate them properly

Random Member22.10.2020
Autonomous Communes

PoptartProdigyHonestly the way NZ organizes their representation seems to be the most fair.

While the Nomads might not get the benefit of representing a local official, they can still vote for at-large seats.

Whose number flexes based on population numbes from the census.

Fair enough
Can't we just make it one-big nomadic state
And say "no land area"
Or something like that

No because the nomads in the north might not have the same issues as nomads in the geographic south.
Lumping them all into a homogenous mass disenfranchises both.
And is not equitable.
A thought
PoptartProdigy Thoughts: Instead of assigning a nomadic group a local representative, or lumping them in with at-large, just guarantee them at least one at-large seat.
Its like a local representative, but instead of representing the interests of a single non-mobile population, you can guarantee them an at-large seat, it like an election district but it moves around.

Can't you break with the whole geographical Senate concept and go "Alright. Nomads get votes depending on where they are located as of 'this' time", and they appoint X Senators
Or something

It would encourage those nomadic groups who want to settle, to settle in their own settlements, generally.
Their at-large would would become a district seat.
Instead of losing their guaranteed at-large and merging with an existing settlement.
It becomes a lot easier if we build the foundation of our representation system on population centers and concentrations, rather than fundamentally basing it on geographic voting districts.

Then you run into the problem of gross overproportion of nomads
Which isn't really fair either to those that aren't nomads

The distracts mostly become a convenience for administrative purposes, rather then the building blocks of representation itself.
How is that?

Or rather
It depends on how granular you go with those groups

The idea is that nomads dont get guaranteed seats because they are nomads, they get seats because they are a distinct population that is part of the CFC. Their seat just follows them around representing their direct interests just as say, the Town of Bucksnorts local rep advocates for THEIR interests.

So as a distinct group of people, if the nomads become settled, their seat settles with them and turns into a geographic election district representing local geographic interests, rather than an at-large seat.

But how big are the nomad populations you are representing at-large?(redigeret)

Thats what the rest of the at-large seats are for.
You vote first for your local representative, then you list parties in order of preference, for the flex-seats to be apportioned out according to the party rankings.
So a party that has 56% of the total vote would get 56% of at-large, and so on and so forth.

So this way, you still ensure representation for distinct peoples, and groups, while also allowing the will of the people to be reflected in the unicameral legislature seat apportionment.
So if your a minority party, you would either need to win a total national vote to get an at-large, or win a guaranteed seat.
All because representation is tied to population centers and concentrations, with district boundaries serving mostly as an administrative convenience.

The thing we need to do is begin to redifine democracy as a property locations passively posses, and towarda an understanding that democracy is something that communities activly exert
Democracy as a way of life instead of democracy as a passive act with 2 to 4 year cool down for imputs

To an extent the CFC has stuff like that.
As one example among others, recall mechanisms are fucking everywhere in your system.
Regular elections, yeah, but recall mechanics for just about every elected position.

Democracy as a way of life instead of democracy as a passive act with 2 to 4 year cool down for imputs
Kiarael Democracy 2.0 patch notes: Reduces cooldowns on the 'vote' abilities


we've overtuned the autocracy patch and it resulted in an extremely unfun gameplay experience for the vast majority of players
so we've decided to implement some new hotfixes to democracies and some emergency nerfs to the new autocrats in order to fix the play rates

I might speak later (ie when I get home) about kinda councilist or municipal confederal types of stuff that I think would actually solve the nomad problem neatly)

With these new mechanics, we hope to have a more engaging, fun experience with less P2W compared to the orginal democracy

RussiaStronk: WTF this gaem is gay now, pls fix nerf.

Kiarael is making a good argument that 'Councilism' as she calls it is a very sophisticated form of local govenance.
It almost reminds me of physical particles, constantly forming and breaking part, and exchanging information with each other to create larger, ad-hoc structures that can perform sophisticated activities.

Please tell me we didn't keep the stupid elected judges and elected prosecutors that the US system has freaking everywhere

I dont think we did.
I have been convinced that local governing bodies should have a Judges board that appoints judges, rather then judges being directly elected.

edit but a smiley to make it clear your joking Clockworkchaos
and many thanks Pittauro :)
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info on the new wild west in VF off discord tumbleweeds :o
the info is probably appreciated ( I say probably because I personally follow the discord, so it doesn't matter much to me), but maybe put it in a spoiler box? it's a bit too wall-of-text-y to leave out there I think

by the way I watched that video before, I knew NOTHING about this! It was pretty educational AND interesting.
tbqh you probably are going to have massive regions of the Midwest that stay pastoralist even if you restore it fully just because the Ogalala Aquifer is fucking empty. Unless the world has created farming techniques that compete with modern farming for output while using much less water — and I'm not discounting that, I just don't know — you honestly cannot get the Great Plains back to, "absurd bounty," levels. Quite the breadbasket, yes, but not, "Every square mile can feed a ludicrous number of people," productive. Unless you refill the Aquifer somehow.

PoptartProdigy Okay, so what if we take a hose from Alexanders headquarters, and sneak it to the great plains. It's like when you wait till your neighbors out and fill your pool from their water so they are stuck with the bill. It's brilliant.
Please note that the above is me quoting PoptartProdigy, the below is my joke answer. do you box it :oops:

click to edit the post. highlight the text you want to put in the spoiler tab.

in the box where you write your post there's a small three dot icon. It's the... 12th icon, right after the emoji smile.

Click on it, then click on spoiler. Give a name to the spoiler tab if you want.

alternatively simply edit the following (with missing square bracket at the beginning), the first at the start and the second one at the end


Huh. I wonder how they're handling the racial divides that defined them, and us, all the way up to where the timeline diverges (and thus, considering Victoria's general Victoria-ness, probably haven't gone away). Like, who's in charge there, you wonder, and are North Kansas City Bastards (I can say it, I'm from North Kansas City) still being a suburban-esque plague on Kansas City? :V

Write it up, I think they are a fairly generic nation right now, and I love more omakes detailing things, and your stuff is always good.
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Hmm, does their territory include Kansas City? It's hard to tell on the map how far 'south' they go at a squint. If so I might have ideas?

...if not I still have ideas, but very different ideas.
Somebody mentioned it, but here is the link to the twice-zoomable version of the detailed map. Thanks to EBR for making it, as ever.

Kansas City is a good ways west, and slightly north, of the Shawnee Kingdom.
Okay, like. This is very interesting, even if the source material looks like something out of a drug-induced nightmare ( like, to add to everything else, fucking T34s? Seriously?! It's a good tank, but it's also a fucking old tank, even by whatever Retro fetish fantasy standards the author seems to have, but, whatever )

I will probably participate in a day or two, but I was reading through the updates and found the one with the section in Russian... well.
I'll just post the fixed version, you do what you want with it, Poptart, it was just physically painful to read without doing something about it, sorry. ( There are actually not that many mistakes, I'm overdramatizing it just a bit, but eugh. My Russian teacher would have probably caught on fire. Much of it is just picking less cringy synonyms and turns of phrase tho. )

Second, he took note of the thin circlet atop the green man's head, and immediately took a step back, dropping to a knee. He bowed his head. Then, in fluent, if accented, Russian, he said, "Ваше Императорское Величество, Александр IV Романов. Я здесь, как вы приказали."

The Tsar stared down at Blackwell for a long moment, weighing him with his gaze. Only when Blackwell's knees started to hurt did the Tsar speak. "Генерал-майор Блэквелл. Вы являетесь самым высокопоставленным выжившим офицером самого ужасного военного поражения в истории моих колоний. Объясните, что произошло."

Blackwell swallowed. "Как прикажете, ваше величество. Марксисты-"

"Остановитесь," said Alexander. "Меня не интересуют ваши нелепые политические теории. Я не хочу слышать о силе воли и природе души. То, что вы плетете, чтобы обвинять ваших более реакционных соотечественников, - это ваше личное дело. Я хочу честный и четкий отчет, предоставляющий факты о текущей ситуации. Начните заново."

Blackwell felt rage pouring up his throat at that dismissal, but he choked it down. Oh, how he choked on it. I know the truth of things, and that is enough. God stands by my shoulder in this, and that is enough. Alexander is not one of us. He is useful, but he is not one of us. I must tell him what he wants to hear. To everybody, what they want to hear, so they give me what I need to have. He swallowed again and spoke. "Мой господин, наши материальные недостатки преодолели нас. Наши минометы были превзойдены волнами дальнобойной артиллерии. Наши запасы теперь лежат на дне озера Эри благодаря судам Содружества. Наши подразделения были разделены и уничтожены мобильными элементами на стандартизированных броневиках*." He gritted his teeth. "Нам нужна поддержка. Мы должны получить поддержку, и..." He nearly gagged on the words, but just barely, he managed to say, "Учения Румфорда были ошибочны и не подходят для такой войны. Нам нужно учиться у вас, мой повелитель**. Нам нужна ваша помощь. Мне нужна ваша помощь. Мое правительство никогда не будет работать со мной без вашего слова. Мои собственные товарищи предадут меня и свергнут меня без вашей поддержки."

His soul rebelled against every syllable. Not wrong! he screamed internally. Misapplied, yes! Not wrong! When fighting men, it remains preeminent, but we face a machine now!

But the Tsar, of course, was uninterested in that line of thinking. Instead, he heard only what Blackwell said. He gazed at the man without any change in expression. "Это всё? Ваша глупость, наконец-то, возвращается дать вам по башке*****, и ты приходишь домой, плача и жуя сопли из-за того, что я безуспешно пытался сказать тебе десятилетиями?"

Blackwell winced. "Баше Величество-"

"Довольно. Вы просто повторили мне то, что я уже слышал." The Tsar turned away. "У вас нет никакой новой информации. Вы уволены."

Blackwell's head came up. "Но, Ваше Величество, как насчет-"

"Это не твоя*** забота в текущий момент, генерал," bit out Alexander. "У тебя есть свои дела, о которых нужно позаботиться, прежде чем ты сможешь начать разбираться с Содружеством." He began stepping away, slowly, held back by age.

"Но как же я, мой повелитель?" asked Blackwell. "Вы поможете мне убедить Викторию принять изменения, которые нам нужны, чтобы выиграть эту войну?"

Alexander didn't even turn. "Твоя судьба будет такой, как предначертано****. Меня она больше не заботит."

Blackwell freezed. He could not speak. He could not even blink.

"Прощай, генерал," said Alexander, fading from view. A moment later, the humming of the machine died away, and the lights came back on.

*"Броневик" is somewhat of a misappropriation, meaning "armored truck", but it actually applies to all specifically military non-tank vehicles that transport troopers. You can use "грузовик", but it'll sound really odd. The rest of the changes in the sentence are mostly mil-speak jargon.
**Knyaz' is more of a specific noble title, like a count. "Повелитель" means "the one who rules" in literal translation, and is a better fit.
*** There are two ways to say you in Russian, one singular and one plural. When referring to one person, "Вы" is a sign of polite respect or obeisance, "Ты" is a familiar way to refer to an acquaintance. IF you use it on a stranger it's considered either overly familiar or downright rude. Through the text, they both refer to each other as "Вы", Blackwell as a show of brown-nosing appropriate to a subordinate, Alex as a sheer veneer of politeness. When he says, "you're fired", he drops it, while Blackwell continues to use it to ( fail to ) earn some points. I did it mostly for consistency's sake and because I got the impression that Alex is used to speaking very formally even to people he despises, and any drop in formality of his speech is a clear indication that his interlocutor lost the last vestiges of his respect.
***roughly means "predestined". Ordered doesn't carry any religious connotations in Russian if that's what you were going for.
*****If I dig through the dictionary for idioms I might find something more appropriate, but as it is, "Your stupidity returns to hit you on the head", eh.
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Okay, like. This is very interesting, even if the source material looks like something out of a drug-induced nightmare ( like, to add to everything else, fucking T34s? Seriously?! It's a good tank, but it's also a fucking old tank, even by whatever Retro fetish fantasy standards the author seems to have, but, whatever )
Well, it works fine as long as the enemy has no antitank weapons whatsoever and you basically only ever operate your one and only armored division as a parade showpiece that occasionally rolls out to places where logistical supply is comparatively easy and you don't have to drive overland far enough for the engine filters and tracks to break down.

It's just plain stupid, of course, but fortunately we killed the shit out of all the Victorian T-34s on the Huron Line and are unlikely to ever see more, though we might see something screwy like the factory that makes the turrets getting repurposed to build static gun turrets for fortifications.
Well, it works fine as long as the enemy has no antitank weapons whatsoever and you basically only ever operate your one and only armored division as a parade showpiece that occasionally rolls out to places where logistical supply is comparatively easy and you don't have to drive overland far enough for the engine filters and tracks to break down.

It's just plain stupid, of course, but fortunately we killed the shit out of all the Victorian T-34s on the Huron Line and are unlikely to ever see more, though we might see something screwy like the factory that makes the turrets getting repurposed to build static gun turrets for fortifications.

Okay, but, like, where did they even get enough to form a division? The last modification of this tank stopped being produced in freaking 1950. That means these survived at least 120 years of relatively continuous use....

Alex must really hate these assholes ( and/or he is a huge asshole himself ) if he provided those, he could've I dunno, given them at least slightly newer T54s? So that they wouldn't fall apart with soldiers inside or stop moving due to outgrowths of moss finally completely covering the engines.
Okay, but, like, where did they even get enough to form a division? The last modification of this tank stopped being produced in freaking 1950. That means these survived at least 120 years of relatively continuous use....

Alex must really hate these assholes ( and/or he is a huge asshole himself ) if he provided those, he could've I dunno, given them at least slightly newer T54s? So that they wouldn't fall apart with soldiers inside or stop moving due to outgrowths of moss finally completely covering the engines.

My guess is that he has to actually, legit set up a new factory to make old tanks, because they insisted that newer tanks were against their religion or some nonsense.
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