FCNY in particular has made Trump in general a blacklisted brand. Businesses bearing the name are illegal, and any business owned by a Trump may not operate within the City. In addition, anybody claiming membership to the ex-President's family is forbidden from seeking residence in the City. Sort of, "we recognize that you suffered greatly reaching us through the chaos of the Country, and, as we aren't monsters, we will hardly insist that you go back, but get on the next fucking boat out of here if you're going to be using that name. Free of charge." They can change their name, though, and vow on the record that they are disowning the Trump family in general. There are few words for how viscerally hated the entire Trump family is in FCNY these days.
Real estate in general did poorly with the Collapse ongoing, and a Trump made a lot of enemies. I can't see his holdings being spared the wave of property nationalizations that went around during the Collapse. In fact, quite the opposite.
As for influential families...most of them have dropped off the record. You don't even know where the Daleys got to.