This. This I like. I can't wait for our guys to kick down the gates of the Kremlin, spitting
American Venom.
I love the Old Guard and Last Echo options. As a fervent admirer of ol' Lady Columbia, I've always been interested in military and political history and current events, especially in relation to America and how the lessons from both can be used to maintain and improve the Dream. As for Tamara and Ron themselves, I love the impression of righteous rage and, in Tamara's case especially, the lust for vengeance for both personal and national slights. But who can refrain from discussing our very own Sara M. Johnson? Feels like she came right out of a Red Dawn movie. Not a big fan of Springfield Schemer and Old Boss. The former reeks of political opportunism and the latter reminds me of familial nepotism and delusions of dynastic grandeur.
I think forming a NC + S coalition is the way to go, with us feeding the unions to the wolves as the necessary concession to acquire healthcare. First, we can't afford to devolve into partisan bickering. On that note, both of these political factions aren't as extreme as they could've been, retaining a level of moderation that makes bipartisan maneuvering both possible and politically practical. Now, why would this mean I care either way about healthcare or unions?
That brings me to my second point: unions are susceptible to corruption. Back in their heyday, the Mafia subverted construction unions for their own benefit, with a lot of broken legs and extortion of companies on top of that. Further back in the 19th century during the Gilded Age, unions could also be subverted politically, wherein bosses used their position as head of their workers to gain influence and prominence or the parties of the time operating their "political machines" to secure votes by block. With a national healthcare system, someone trying to skim off the top can feasibly paint a target on their head for our administration. The unions acquire an extra layer of protection against our intervention, considering their non-governmental status.
If the dice rolls too low on us and the New Capitalists pull out of the nascent Coalition Government? Well, we don't lose anything, as far as I can tell. We're right back to where we would've been if we had simply stuck it out alongside the Socialists in the first place. More than that, we wash our hands of the political deadlock that, I'm sure, Americans during this time still remember. They must, if they're going through such extremes as going off the beaten road from the Constitution. If the Socialists become offended by the notion of working alongside the NC, we can always give them the unions as an olive branch and to cement their loyalty to the Coalition.
So, in conclusion, I'm up for Ron, Tamara, or Sara as the Boss, with a New Capitalist and Socialist Coalition, utilizing the neutering of unions as the carrot for the NC. The worst that can happen is the NC backing out while we retain a majority alongside the Socialists.
As far as perks go, I'm up for whatever you guys number-crunch, I'm just here for the narrative. Sorry about the length, I got excited.