Okay, so I think I see a Marsden Early Start strategy, but it comes down to how we use our perks and what we spend our time building in turns.
The Marsden Start gives us:
Revivalist Connections, Good Reputation, Independent Merchants, Established, Russian Attention, and +2 Legitimacy. 0 CP.
The two almost-defining features of the start is Russian Attention, and Legitimacy. I will argue, however, that Independent Merchants, Revivalist Connections, and Good Reputation make for a potent economic package, but the 0 CP nearly shoots the whole damn thing in the foot.
So how do we go about playing this?
First, we have to look at what Russian attention means. It's worth noting that Russian attention is distinct from Victorian attention, so keep that in mind.
The text of Russian attention is
You will face Russian intervention at some point during turns 1-4. Now, remembering that turns are 6 months apiece, we have to ask what that attention means for Chicago. We're going to have 6 months minimum to act, because Russia doesn't have perfect information from a place where we don't have perfect information either.
So how are they going to intervene?
- CRUISE MISSILE - wait hold on are launching cruise missiles over chinese or german airspace? abort! abort! abort!
- Launch from the NCR? Do you not understand the concept of "don't give orders that won't be followed?"
- INVASION - wait how what with what bombers (can't be strategic) or troop deployments or logistics this far away from resupply
- PATSY INVASION - more plausible, but still difficult, because unless they already have surplus military the Russians can't just snap their fingers and roll over Chicago
- The Victorians are the danger here; if they mobilize we're not going to have a fun time, but I'm hoping that because of the label "Victorian attention" that this isn't covered.
- ASSASSINATION - The most likely course of action; Russia's Okhrana are among their best units, it fits their previous MO, and most of all it's quick and doesn't depend on some other idiot who could fuck it up.
- oh shit NUKE - welp. gg. fuck I forgot this was still in the wild. pray that Russia decides just to take the nuke and not use it.
So now that we're attempting to solve for the issue of "how do we not get assassinated" and "survive a patsy invasion" plus "let's be economic powerhouse and revivalist", the path forward I think becomes pretty clear.
pray for clouds and very little instant sunshine
REQUIRED PERK: Good Security. It sure as hell isn't going to be sufficient, but we need to start with a leg up or we're just not going to be able to keep up.
-1 CP.
Now we have to make a decision. I elect to drop the Brown Water Navy, and develop that with actions, ditto too for the Rail Companies. This cuts my requirements down to Independent Merchants, Libraries, and Universities.
In order to pay for Good Security and Libraries, I will take:
Population Boom: The effects can be mitigated through Independent Merchants and Revivalist Connections, but it's still a major debuff, one that almost necessitates taking Widespread Vaccinations.
+2 CP.
Widespread Vaccinations: Mitigates Population Boom's downsides, gives the socialists a bone, restarts a pharmaceutical industry. Only thing not to love is the damn price tag.
-3 CP.
Disunified Economy: We have to pay for the CP somehow, and this looks like the "best" drawback to take. It sure as hell isn't a good approach, but we kinda have to take it. Plus, Independent Merchants helps offset this too with their bonus to starting trade.
+3 CP.
Disastrous Start: To get us over that last CP for Libraries, we can take this. Hopefully, if we can diploannex our neighbors, the lack of an effective early game intelligence agency won't fuck us over too hard.
+1 CP.
Incompetent Military: It's the easiest of the 2 CP drawbacks to work around, which is not saying much; it'll still take shittons of dedicated actions when we're desperately pressed otherwise, but it can be overcome and what we get in return is university experts.
+2 CP.
Universities: Because experts will greatly help us reconstruct economically, which is the key to our success: survive and grow the economy.
In the actual game itself, we'd want to focus on:
- Unfucking the economy
- Unfucking the economy
- Improving our internal security
- Improving our internal security
- brown water boting
- infrastructure
- getting troops up to par