Yep, just make sure you get evidence required that they did in fact result in your dad's death before you do anything crazy
In Banditry by ElleonXan
You know what this means....
Ge Maiyu can now star in Disney Villainess songs!

Thank you for this. I reminded me that I had a half finished song that needed to be done. I mean, it's not technically Ge Maiyu singing a villain song, but...

New Situation: After having their plans and manipulations around the county revealed, the Ge family is disgraced. An angry mob forms up and storms the Ge family's manor. Due to sending off most their warriors to protect Xinshen, the mob manages to breach the manor and set it ablaze.

As most of the Ge family is put to the sword, Ge Maiyu manages to escape and after a long trip finds herself running into Chu Yan's group. Out of spite, she decides to tell them everything she knows about the defences of Xinshen, in hopes that they can take care of Liang Shu for her, whom she believes to be the main force responsible for her family's misfortunes. She is brought before Chu Yan and Zhang Niujue.

After hearing what she has to say, Chu Yan wanders off to talk to some of the other commanders about how they can use this new information, while Niujue is left in the tent with Ge Maiyu, who starts plotting/ranting to herself about how she can get her revenge on Liang Shu. After about five minutes, Zhang Niujue is sick of listening to her rant, and yet realizes just how devious she really is, and decides to try to sell her on becoming a bandit.

Ge Maiyu: ... And then I'll seduce a provincial governor, and with his wealth and power, come back and crush Liang Shu like a bug!

Zhang Niujue: Outside the law is where you live now! Maiyu, listen to me, the Middle Kingdom is a mess. Life outside the law is better than anything you're going to get from them.

*music starts*

The rice is always growing,
In somebody else's field,
But when you hold the sword,
They all gonna yield.
Just look at the world around you,
It's chaos and anarchy,
To gather power around you,
You just simply need to be...

In banditry...
In banditry...
Darlin', it's great,
There's no need to wait,
Just take what you see...
Like all the fools they slave away,
Worked to the bone for little pay,
While we're all mobbing,
To join the robbing,
In banditry.

Up here all the guys is happy,
We do what all we like,
Down there the people ain't happy,
'Cause trouble come down the pike,
Civil war on the doorstep,
But they in for a surprise,
When all our number get big enough,
Then all of us gonna rise...

In banditry...
In banditry...
Nobody top us,
They all can't stop us,
Try it and see...
We get away with a ton,
And it's really a lot of fun,
You can loot double,
With little trouble,
In banditry. (In banditry)
In banditry. (In banditry)

Since we're all stealin'
We got the feelin'
That we are free. (That we are free)
From the poor folks or the rich,
We can steal when we get the itch,
We've got desires,
to loot and start fires,
In banditry.

Zuo Xiao steals a cow,
Liu Xi steals a tree,
Wang Dan kills a man,
and takes all he see,
Huang Long commits wrong,
Ku Jiu robbed a zoo,
Chu Yan is the man who wins,
Daji breaks some knees,
Tao Sheng does his thing,
Leigong sure is strong,
Feng steals all the rings,
Thin guys or fat,
we know where it's at,
Evil acts bring on the grins.

Yeah, in banditry (In banditry)
In banditry (In banditry)
When noble brats,
Get into spats,
It's music to me! (Music to me.)
What have they got? All of the things.
We'll steal it all; become kings.
Each of the bandits,
Loot, we demand it,
In banditry.
We can be stealing,
From floor to the ceiling,
In banditry.
No rules do us hold,
So we can be bold,
That's why it's cooler,
To ignore the ruler,
Yeah, we in luck here,
Stealing from shmucks here,
In banditry.
Maybe...? I mean... we've had Mother Knows Best, A Girl Worth Fighting For, I Have a Dream, Gaston, The Mob Song, Under the Sea, Toss a Coin to Your Witcher, and several other song parodies, so... yeah, I guess this kinda is a musical now. Sort of. Maybe.

Yeah this isn't even counting the song parodies I added. Broadway here we come!
Ge Maiyu Negaverse by Erzherzog_Karl
Negaverse Ge Maiyu

Final Battle for Xinshen Preparation

While you contemplate your next move, the Soaring Hawk moves. Without any comment Liang Shu sets out and moves against the bandits. Once more it does not take long for messages of his victory to make its course. His troops seem to have finally suffered some losses, but their spirit is raised by another substantial victory against the vile bandit threat. Together with the horrendous Lu Linqi and the formidable Zhang Liao he succeeded in blunting the vanguard of the invading force. The idiotic country bumpkin tomboy even beat some ruffian in single combat.

Damn him! Damn her! Damn all their ancestors! You will show them! This is your moment. You worked too hard to have the limelight be stolen from the Ge Clan by some uptitty upstarts from the gutter.


Huo Lian goes to work and looks for troops to add to the garrison force. It becomes obvious in a short time that the pool of willing fighters is near empty in Xinshen. Most joined either the Azure Lances or the Gentry army. Even the mercenaries have already joined up with one of the mustering forces. Therefore, Huo Lian's attempt to gather men for the prefect are not crowned with success. In the end she can barely gather fifty green youths to add to the garrison. Zhang Xiu's commander is less than impressed, but hides it behind senseless platitudes.

Garrison Draftees
Troop Count - 50
Training - Green


In a surprising turn of events a great number of government positions are opened up thanks to many cases of corruption or even conspiracy with the coming bandit threat. Despicable. Ge Yan tries to take advantage of this and composes a great list of relatives or close allies of your family to give the prefect. But she is denied entry.

Yu Zhong is apparently to thank for this windfall of free posts, as he spearheaded the effort to expose them. In thanks for his effort he is given the first right of recommendation and this leaves your cousin standing in the rain.

Now the ranks are filled with sycophants of the Liang, and they stand ready to whisper vile lies about your family into the ears of the prefect. While your cousin goes on in gushing description of Yu Zhong, you can only curse him in your mind. Damn him! Damn the Silver Crane!



Hardly anyone in Xinshen does not know your aunt Ge Jie. She is friends with everyone and hardly ever misses a social event in the town. When you ask her to slander the upstart, she smiles and promises to get to work immediately. It does not take long for you to hear the first signs of her work. Liang Shu hides behind the might of the Boar or take credit for the success of Zhang Liao. It starts magnificently.

But it ends in tragedy. Your aunt is excluded for the first time in her life from a social gathering. Ji Luo one of the most ardent supporters of the late Liang Qi hears of her talk and refutes her publicly. In the following debate he crushes her and point towards the relentless efforts done by the thorn in your side to battle the bandit threat. Left without recourse, she has to publicly retract her statements and can only barely save herself from becoming a social pariah in the town.

Trying to shame one of the shining heroes of the moment seems to not be the soundest plan you had.

-100 Guanxi


Huo Man is grateful for any opportunity to help the town to prepare. With his immense stubbornness and skill he sets out to improve the city defenses. Stones are gathered for the defenders to throw down. Water is prepared to battle any attempt at using fire and a good number of volunteers gathered to help in building an extra set of barricades.

Ge Lang is one of the most renowned personages in Xinshen county. When he speaks, people listen. In this time of darkness, he is one of the shining pillars of support. He was an opponent of the vile and corrupt Leng Jun and an early support of the more competent Zhang Xiu. A number of letters are sent out, favors called and Xinshen is reminded who has supported the county since his birth. The old patriach of the Ge Clan has moved, and Xinshen listens.

+500 Guanxi


After the Gentry army was put under the control of the Ge Clan it is time to secure their support for the future. Time to make them put their money where their mouth is. And who better to secure such promise than Ge Lang himself. Your grandfather commands massive influence and there can be no better candidate to succeed in this venture.

It may be fate, rightful retribution of the heavens or just simple bad luck, but all the honeyed words of the venerate patriarch fall on deaf ears. Where earlier he was welcomed with open arms, they now whisper behind his back and bar the door. Gatherings and banquets normally held in his honor are now non-existent. The place of honor reserved for him is given to another and another. Always, with some pathetic excuse.

It seems to be the wind in Xinshen is blowing now in a different direction. And the Ge Clan suffers for it.

Ge Clan popularity and influence in Xinshen plummets!
Gentry members openly question Ge Clan leadership
-200 Guanxi


Aunty Ge Jie is hardly what someone would call a martial person, but she knows how to deal with people. She organizes a feast and a great show as entertainment for the simple recruits. Most of them can see such festivities only on rare occasion and the food left many with watering mouths standing around. With fully bellies, she has them where she wanted. As a special reward for the many recruits she has gathered many of the eligible woman of Xinshen and makes a small show. Many new pairings are made this day and many of the new recruits will fight far harder for the promises given by the fair maidens that night.

Morale for Garrison greatly increases!



It is a work of art your retainer Ling Ying can show you. While the son of some merchant tries to improve the defense of the camp outside Xinshen, she harms it foundation. Agents and paid workers are mixed into the ones gathered by Gongsun Ye. They switch out good solid wood for rotten or badly damaged wood. Orders are intercepted and misdirected. Artisans bribed to work half as hard or given other tasks deemed more important by the prefect.

In a short amount of time Ying can not only stop any improvements Gongsun Ye has tried to accomplish she has even ensured the camp is now in a worse state than when the naive boy left. Truly a good deed and a massive success for Ying.

+2 GOV for Ling Ying



The prefect of Duguo, Kang Ju, may have lost his seat of power but it is only a question of time till he returns. Establishing an amicable relationship with him is to your advantage. This is why you make an effort to make him and his family feel at home. It does not take much time or veiled threats to secure them one of the best mansions in the city, worthy of someone of their rank. You meet his wife and daughters. Escort them to the market and entertain them in the afternoon. With charm and wit, Kang Tao is easily added to your growing circle of female friends. She seems to be somewhat enamored with one of the officers under Liang Shu's command. If you remember the banquet correctly, this seems like the perfect way to throw a wedge int the plans of the pestering hawk. His sister had an interest in Zhang Liao, but what is such a shy girl compared to someone from Kang Tao's format.

Bond Forged! Tier 3 - Friendly with Kang Tao
Bond Forged! Tier 1 - Acquainted with Kang Ju
+ 200 Guanxi


Captain Huan Jue, a somewhat grizzled but dignified looking officer, is the target for the evening. His appearance was a welcome surprise for you. As future wife of the prefect of Xinshen and daughter of the most prestigious Ge Clan it was obvious it would fall to you to charm this rough soldier into following your future husband instead of the upstart from the Liang Clan.

The dinners went forth pleasantly. Huan Jue may be rough looking, but he can obviously appreciate civilized company and enjoys the music your female companions provide. During the discussions and talk it becomes obvious how he thinks the bandits to be nothing more than rabble and how he considers all of this a hassle. He would like it far more to turn south and join his general against the rebel cause. Whatever influence Liang Shu hoped to have on this man, it is obviously non-existent. Sadly he seems unresponsive towards your own inquiries or recommendations of your cousin's talents.

It seems that today you may not have won another ally, but sometimes knowing who your enemy is who is not, can be as useful as winning another man to your side.

Bond Forged! Bond Tier 1 - Acquainted with Huan Jue

Your first meeting this week with your future husband proved a sounding success. Zhang Xiu was courteous, forthcoming and the perfect gentleman. He seemed impressed by your sword dance, music skills and knowledge about the classics. His eyes did somewhat wander and you could see he was charmed by your appearance. You left him, feeling assured of your future.

But all of this changed. During the week slanderous stories about your cousin Ge Dejun were circulated around Xinshen. Nobles formerly your friends and allies, distanced themselves and your invitation to another dinner with the prefect was revoked. You tried to write him a letter. The servant bearing it was rejected at the gate. A personal visit, you were consoled and staved off. Told to visit another time.

It was infuriating. While you contemplated, how you could best ease whatever troubles your fiancées mind, the shocking message was delivered. Jia Xu is investigating your family and is looking into your activities concerning Leng Jun and the former prefect Liang Qi. Your retainer warns you that he has come far closer to the truth than can be considered safe for your well-being and of the life of your grandfather. And to make matters even worse you got a personal letter of Zhang Xiu.

In it the prefect has expressed his wishes, that now, he is no longer interested in marriage with you.

Your carefully crafted web of intrigue seems to have fallen apart and the Soaring Hawk seems triumphant.

Meeting with Zhang Xiu fails
Zhang Xiu Rapport ------- Bond decrease to Level I
Marriage plans with Prefect Zhang Xiu fall through
Ge Family Position in Xinshen severely damaged
Liang Shu has got wind of your involvement in Leng Jun's death Bond utterly broken
Jia Xu investigates death of Liang Qi and is close to unveiling dark family secret
Public retribution against Liang Clan all but impossible
Ge Lang is displeased with you
Ge Lang Rapport -----
Ge Dejun is displeased and has thrown off your command, he will near certainly try to redeem himself in the eyes of the public
- 1000 Guanxi


Archduke_Johann said:
Dice, why do you hate us? Next time I am sacrificing a whole herd of cattle.
KillingMasterMC said:
I told you guys! It is stupid to pick the dark secret as disadvantage, but did you listen? NO! OF COURSE NOT! Well, now we are screwed!
Maz said:
"Did we get outplayed by BIRD BOY?!"
PelleonMan said:
"QM are you seriously trying to tell us Liang Shu of all people is the chapter one boss of the Quest?"
PureAnime said:
"RIP all Shu shippers I guess."
Zollmeister said:
"Who the fuck is Yu Zhong anyway?!"
FieryMatter said:
SV just sucks at Intrigue!!!
Stifmeister said:
Well, who do we play when die? Can we get to play bird boy? Pretty please ^^
EIA_MasterPLayer said:
I call bull! Come on, man how can Shu know that shit? We played him like a fiddle and then bam he knows everything. That sucks!
Maniella_c2 said:
"Why did we decide that killing the prefect and trying to frame Liang Shu was a good idea again?!? Now we're going to be executed for personally killing a prefect just as Maiyu's grandpa is fucked for going after Liang Qi/ Liang Shu's dad."
Danimaster45 said:
"This is all Lingqi's fault! If she hadn't shown up and the dice apparently loved her we would have gotten Liang and not have to worry about this"
Saltlord101 said:
"I told you that trying to screw over Liang Shu was a terrible idea, but no we had to screw him over instead it didn't work. Nice job".
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@Erzherzog_Karl, I like it. One point though, I think:

Should probably be "you can use this chance to harm the reputation of Liang Shu"
Thanks was a left over from the copy of the actions from our turns. Overlooked it and is now deleted.

I do also wonder if they are aware of Jia Xu investigation, that may be something they are in the dark about
I assume it would be OOC knowledge like it is for us with some parts of what the Ge Clan did.

BTW if someone has a comment for the negaverse, I would be happy to add it at the bottom.
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I'm surprised the comments section of Ge Maiyu negaverse quest isn't full of salt and angry arguments with how badly things have just ended up for them in this turn. :p
Karl you magnificent bastard

I am picturing the comments now

"Did we get outplayed by BIRD BOY?!"

"QM are you seriously trying to tell us Liang Shu of all people is the chapter one boss of the Quest?"

"RIP all Shu shippers I guess."

"Who the fuck is Yu Zhong anyway?!"
@Erzherzog_Karl I mean, it's a negaverse quest, they aren't the actual other questors. :p

Also, @Gaz wouldn't the questers of the Ge Maiyu negaverse already know about Yu Zhong and everything since they were the ones who tried to screw Liang over? So I would think their reactions would be more like "How did our brilliant plan blow up in our face so badly!" and "This is all Lingqi's fault! If she hadn't shown up and the dice apparently loved her we would have gotten Liang and not have to worry about this". So they would had thought this could theoretically happen but would have been convinced that they wouldn't have everything blow up in their face.

Though I imagine there would be one guy going "I told you that trying to screw over Liang Shu was a terrible idea, but no we had to screw him over instead it didn't work. Nice job". :p

Edit: Well if you want an idea for what my expy would say it would probably be "Why did we decide that killing the prefect and trying to frame Liang Shu was a good idea again?!? Now we're going to be executed for personally killing a prefect just as Maiyu's grandpa is fucked for going after Liang Qi/ Liang Shu's dad."
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@Erzherzog_Karl I mean, it's a negaverse quest, they aren't the actual other questors. :p

Also, @Gaz wouldn't the questers of the Ge Maiyu negaverse already know about Yu Zhong and everything since they were the ones who tried to screw Liang over? So I would think their reactions would be more like "How did our brilliant plan blow up in our face so badly!" and "This is all Lingqi's fault! If she hadn't shown up and the dice apparently loved her we would have gotten Liang and not have to worry about this". So they would had thought this could theoretically happen but would have been convinced that they wouldn't have everything blow up in their face.

Though I imagine there would be one guy going "I told you that trying to screw over Liang Shu was a terrible idea, but no we had to screw him over instead it didn't work. Nice job". :p

Funnily enough, Yu Zhong tried to offer his services to the Ge before the quest but was rejected, so I imagine that played a part in the Negaverse.

Negaverse players also wouldn't know Yu Zhong's statline.
Funnily enough, Yu Zhong tried to offer his services to the Ge before the quest but was rejected, so I imagine that played a part in the Negaverse.

Negaverse players also wouldn't know Yu Zhong's statline.
Wow that is some ironic death stuff there. The guy who you completely blew off as a nobody turns out to be the one who utterly screws you over. The salt of the Ge Maiyu negaverse would be especially hilarious when the remember they had the option of hiring him and then it turned out he was more than competent enough to fuck them over this turn.
We are just taking risks with Shu in hope of him dying, so that we can finally play as Mi. I thought you knew that Gaz ^^

Therefore, her pairing is sacred and may never be questioned.