Well, at the least we did prove ourselves somewhat capable by finally killing the guy who killed our dad. That's sure to get at least one small positive-sounding grunt from Lu Bu.
I mean. He seemed displeased with the idea of vengeance as a motivation for strength. He was very much a strength for the sake of strength guy.
Lu Bu is disappointed you didn't kill your dad yourselves :V

I guess it's time once again for another I Guess This Is How It Won't Happen omake:

Scenario: Sometime in the future, way after the Yellow Turbans are dealt with, Lu Bu pulls Liang Shu aside to talk about the facts of life.

Lu Bu: Liang Shu, my boy, it's time I tell you the true secret of filial piety.

Liang Shu: What is it?

Lu Bu: Violent, bloody murder, of course.

Liang Shu: Uh, what?

Lu Bu: Yes, it is quite simple. As men of war, war is in our blood. And by shedding blood, our blood grows stronger. And as like calls to like, spilling the father's blood strengthens the child most of all.

Liang Shu: I... see?

Lu Bu: Yes, it really is too bad you never got to feel the feeling yourself. Still, you got the next best thing. That bandit scum killed your father, and then you killed that bandit scum. By transitive property, that means you practically killed your father yourself.

Liang Shu: I'm... not sure that is how that works.

Lu Bu: Of course it is! This is basic math, pay attention my boy. Now where was I? Ah yes, I am greatly looking to the day you attempt to murder me with Lingqi. Out battle shall be legendary! Though is seems a great shame that you should have to perish from it.

Liang Shu: Right... well, that sounds... great and all, so I guess I'll go find Lingqi and start planning all that... murderization.

Lu Bu: I'll look forward to it. Oh, and tell her I love her and ask if it wouldn't kill her to write every now and again.
Final Battle for Xinshen XIV - Cloudburst New
The rains ceased, as swiftly as they started. Your first bloody clash with brigands had been marked by a downpour, making it also poetic that this climatic clash was also marred with the opening of the Heavens. Now, as you pick yourself up with heavy breaths, and stare down at the lifeless, half submerged body of Chu Yan in the pond below, the skies begin to brighten. Aching from your injuries, and exhausted from the near endless fighting, you find yourself peering down off the raised platform in almost disbelief. Lying, soaking in the garden pond below, is your most hated enemy. Your blade is still skewering through his torso, and a red stain spreads out throughout the waters, akin to a blooming flower. It had happened so...swiftly, so quickly. You had waited for months to finally come face to face with your father's killer, and you had been anticipating this inevitable meeting, playing the scenario in your head, practising what you were going to say to him, what you were going to do to him... You half expect him to leap up, alive, revealing this was all a ruse, or part of some greater scheme or ambush. Moments pass. As do more. Sunlight beams through the parting clouds. Fires crackle in the distance.

Some months ago, General Dong Zhuo had given you very wise words of advice, that you had taken to heart. When you finally cornered the murderer of your father, you would take your time with him, savour every moment, make him realise his mistake. Now, though, when opportunity presented itself, events had played out and occurred so fast. You barely even clashed blades with the villain. If anything, all you merely did was run your sword through the gut of a preening fool who should have fled whilst he still could. What choice did you have, however? Allowing him to flee would have undoubtedly brought about future miseries, and you had barely the time here to play with your food. In a way, it is fitting that Chu Yan met his end in such a fashion, or at least that is what you begin to tell yourself. With the land beset by corrupt nobles such as the Ge, and thousands of rebels and traitors across the Empire, Chu Yan was ultimately just another thug to be cut down by your just hand. The sight of his claret stained corpse tells you that, despite all and everything, Chu Yan was nothing more than yet one more petty criminal to meet a bloody and just end, a well deserved fate for such a heinous crook. As much as you once wished for a more dramatic confrontation with the cur, this is more than enough. You are hardly satisfied, but the deed is done. Your parent is avenged, as are all the other victims of his countless crimes.

"Is it...ungh..." Lu Lingqi groans and picks herself up, clutching her bleeding arm, the makeshift bandage having long been lost. "Is it over, Liang Shu? We just killed Chu Yan..."

"Yes. Yes it is." You give her a simple nod, wincing at the sharp stings of your own injuries. "For now, at least. The battle has yet to be concluded."

A wailing Ge Maiyu, the reality of the situation now fully hitting her, crawls over to the decapitated body of her grandfather and throws her arms over it. The flowing tears cannot wash away her hubris, nor will her lamentations and sobbing cause you any pity for what she and her now broken family did. As you walk past her, barely giving her a look, Lu Lingqi hoists her off the corpse with her good arm, and holds her locked in place. Descending the stone steps, you hear her loudly wail and sob and struggle behind you. Slowly, you circle around the elevated platform. You can hear some distant shouts, and smoke billows up from a nearby roof. Wordlessly, you step through the garden, making your way around the platform to the pond. Without hesitation, you step into the cold waters, ankle deep at first before steadily rising above your knees. As you retrieve your sword from the half submerged body of Chu Yan, you take a moment to stare into his face, into his still wide open eyes. His death truly captured his last moment of surprise, which you surmise is evidence of a narcissistic and arrogant belief of invincibility. Hoisting his head up by the hair, you swipe at his neck with your sword. A trophy at least to help the spirit of your murdered father rest, and bring ease all those who had their lives ruined by the actions of this unforgivable cur. The head swings from the hair you are clutching tightly, back and forth before your eyes. Resisting the urge to spit at it, you take a moment to try and surmise the meaning of some of Chu Yan's also insane sounding words, and wonder what could drive a clearly intelligent and talented man down such a destructive and chaotic path. He was not here for you, he was here for Ge Lang... Something told you there were some hidden truths to this scheme that had yet to be uncovered. You retrieve the weapons of your fallen foe, and wade back out of the waters.

As you return to the base of the platform, head of your executed nemesis under an arm, you observe Lu Lingqi practically dragging Ge Maiyu down the steps. The distressed Ge Maiyu is no longer attempting to resist. Her body hangs limp and heavy, likely overcome by grief and exhaustion. The tears continue to flow. In her dishevelled, bloody and distressed state, she is hardly recognisable to the gentlewoman you thought you befriended in this very garden last year.

"Come on." Lu Lingqi snorts, hoisting the other girl down to the bottom of the stairs. "Stop making this difficult, Ge Maiyu. I have half a mind to just kill you and leave you here with the rest, so consider cooperating."

"Why... Why..." Ge Maiyu splutters over the sobs. "Why did all this have to happen..."

"I am afraid that you and your grandfather gambled on schemes and ploys beyond your capabilities." You say, rather bitterly and bluntly. "I am still unsure what your goals were, Ge Maiyu, but you failed. Countless lives have been lost or ruined, untold damage has been caused to the reputations of respectable clans and the commandery itself, but you failed. As the Commandant of Xinshen, I am placing you under my custody until the truth of everything comes out, afterwards the law of the Han shall decide your fate."

Ge Maiyu does not bring herself to look at you. Instead, her tear-stained eyes fixate on the decapitated head of old Ge Lang, which had been rather unceremoniously booted down the stone stairs by Chu Yan. "G-Grandfather..." She whimpers, before attempting to writhe out of Lu Lingqi's grip. Perhaps with a moment of sympathy, Lingqi allows Maiyu to slip out of her grip, and she crawls down the garden path until the head of the Ge patriarch is cradled in her arms. "T-this cannot be happening... I...I am sorry, grandfather... I should have been able to protect you... It was my duty to protect you..."

"...tsk..." Lu Lingqi bites her lip and frowns, brow furrowing at this.

"My...my sisters are still somewhere in the manor..." You are unsure if Ge Maiyu is speaking to you, her deceased grandparent, or to herself. "I need to find them...before anyone else can. I need to look after them..."

"I am afraid that there is no time." You say, your voice softening. "More brigands will be upon us shortly, we have to leave this place at once. Consider your own life, and how fortunate you are to have survived."

Ge Maiyu says nothing for a moment. She holds the old man's head close in her arms, nestling it as if it were a child. "You...you self righteous, preening fool..." A venomous hiss accompanies these words. "You always think you are so...so honourable, so important, as if everything in this cursed world revolves around you, Liang Shu. All of this is your fault...all of it. You and those damned bandits, all of you. If you'd have just...just listened to me, done exactly as I'd asked, everything would have been different. I had it all planned out." Slowly, she rises to her feet, dropping the head of Ge Lang as she does so. Turning around to face you, she stands tall and proud, her loose dark hair blowing in the wind and obscuring half of her face, features that are dripping with her own blood. "Instead your own stubborn drive for your own self satisfaction caused you to keep charging ahead blindly behind your own drive for revenge. At first it was amusing, perhaps even useful, but now I see that my actions and words have created a monster. You are not going to stop, are you? You've had your vengeance, but that will not be enough for you, not for one who builds up armies from nothing so quickly, convinces entire families to follow him without thought with just a few words, not one with such a clear thrill for danger and battle. Am I to believe you are going to home to your dear sweet sisters and disband your soldiers, tell them to go home and tend to their crops? What about that leashed boar of yours, and your little pet schemer, and all the rest?! Is this satisfying enough for you, or are you going to continue until you become worse than Chu Yan ever was? I know you, Liang Shu, and see that look on your eyes. Everyone else, hell even my own clan, underestimated you but I never did. Someone like you, who truly thinks he is a hero..."

There is a moment of silence as the two of you stare at each other. You take a deep breath, as a snarl comes from Ge Maiyu.

"You are nothing more than a Villain Who Thrives on Disaster, Liang Shu."

You are taken aback by the vileness of her words, and actually find yourself taking steps away from her in surprise. What is she talking about? Has she gone quite mad? All you have ever done is for the protection of the people, for the safety of your home, and to bring a murderous bandit princeling to justice. Villain? Clearly, the shock of today's events have done harm to her senses and sanity. Before you can even begin to find words to respond with, Lu Lingqi steps forwards.

"That is quite enough, Ge Maiyu. We are leaving!"

As Lu Lingqi moves forwards to apprehend her once more, Ge Maiyu moves with a sudden burst of pace and meaning. Smacking Lu Lingqi's arm away with frankly commendable and unreal strength, she growls and strikes at her in the shoulder and chest, causing her to grunt and yelp and stumble back.

"Unhand me, you boorish, barbaric wench!" She hisses, taking a number of steps back and producing a knife that had been concealed somewhere on her tattered dress. "I am a proud daughter of the noble Ge clan, and I refuse to accept whatever false authority either of you claims! This is not where my story ends! Those bandits, your Azure damned Lances, all of you will pay, mark my words!"

She turns her head slightly, eyeing a door into the burning manor. You hear approaching shouts and noise from all sides of the garden. Many are coming, but you cannot tell what allegiance they have. Either way, you know it is best not to just assume they'll be flying your banners.

"Wait, Ge Maiyu! Listen to me! You do not have to do this!" You shout at her, as she begins to run towards the door, smoke and flames spewing out from within. You begin running after her. "Hold! Do not just toss your life away!"

As you run after her, still holding the head of Chu Yan, you yell out her name, pleading her to stop before she flings herself into the inferno. To your relief, she does stop mere steps away from the enflamed doorway. She turns around, looks to you, as you slow your pace and nod to her. Ge Maiyu takes one look at the fire, then looks to you.

Then, she hurls her knife, and dashes into the flames.

The universe seems to slow as you come to a stop, eyes widening as the dagger is flung through the air, tossed with deadly precision. Your vision of it seems to blur as it moves inevitably closer, as you realise it is aimed directly between your eyes. You try and spin and curl your body to move, but your reactions are slowed, no thanks to the pain and numbing from your prior injuries, not to mention your sheer exhaustion from the constant fighting and battles. Your weary body yearns for rest. So caught off guard you are that you barely have time to think. Your mind drifts to your beloved steed, Dappled Cloud, who had carried you to every success you enjoyed so far, and you find solace in knowing that at least the pair of you will not be parted for long...

You feel something ram into you and shove you away with momentum and purpose. This is quickly following by a sharp scream of pain and a spray of red, as you crash to the ground. Landing just next you, lying face down, is Lu Lingqi.

Your eyes widen in horror , and you yell into hoarse when you see the dagger impaled in her back.

Men scream and shout your name, and the flow of time speeds from a snail's pace to an utter blur.

Before you can even process what just happened, you find yourself back in Xinshen city.
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Just a short one today, basically cleaned up some drafts and did some rewrites of something I had half done in like April last year before Stuff Happened. Next update will be of a similar length, I think. Hopefully doesn't take me a million decades. :V
This is not where my story ends!
Main Character Syndrome, huh? Yeah, it's a pretty severe disease, but I think the gallows will–

Landing just next you, lying face down, is Lu Lingqi.

Your eyes widen in horror , and you yell into hoarse when you see the dagger impaled in her back.
...If we don't kill Ge Maiyu ourselves, I will force us to head to the afterlife to kill Ge Maiyu a second time.
Damn... I have to reread everything, cause I have no idea how we ended up like this lol.
No please tell me she isn't dead.

We've been through too much to just have this happen. Did we roll low again? Were the negatives to our rolls that bad that we would have died there?

Please have Li survive this please! We can't lose her after all this!
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Well....That happened. Literally had her in our hands and she just escaped? Shu really needs to learn how to dodge because he really shouldn't need to be pushed out of the way. I doubt Li is dead though.
honestly people like ge make piss me of piss of, its always someone else faults your plots never work out how about not working with criminals how about that but that never accours to these type of villiasn (ie the lex luthers always someone else preventing them from just being good people but in reality its their own egos and actions that catch up to them)
Well....That happened. Literally had her in our hands and she just escaped? Shu really needs to learn how to dodge because he really shouldn't need to be pushed out of the way. I doubt Li is dead though.
Again I blame the dice if we rolled low.

Honestly, what could we do to improve it or prevent something like this from happening again?

I really don't want Lingqi to be crippled because of this. Because we were too weak to beat Chu Yan and his men and too slow to dodge.
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I can't remember exactly what rolls were made since I made them like literal years ago, but I do know that Team Liang Shu rolled pretty awfully through this entire sequence.
Now, though, when opportunity presented itself, evens had played out and occurred so fast.

"Yes. Yes it is." You give her a simple nod, winching at the sharp stings of your own injuries.

Something told you there was some hidden truths to this scheme that had yet to be uncovered.
Either "was", singular, should be "were", plural, or "truths", plural, should be "truth" singular.
I can't remember exactly what rolls were made since I made them like literal years ago, but I do know that Team Liang Shu rolled pretty awfully through this entire sequence.
I knew it.

I figured that somehow our rolls were abysmal in this sequence. The dice gods decided to have laugh at our own expense and just snatched defeat from the jaws of victory because screw us I guess...

I really hope this doesn't end up being a precedent going forward...

Now I wish there were ways to get more bonuses to lessen the chance of something like this from happening.
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I knew it.

I figured that somehow our rolls were abysmal in this sequence.

Now I wish there were ways to get more bonuses to lessen the chance of something like this from happening.

It's kinda funny, but through most of the quest, Liang Shu And Pals have enjoyed some amazing luck all around, but during possibly the most crucial moment, they rolled badly - still good enough to win against Chu Yan, but badly enough to add complications.
Also for the record the next update will include actual gasp CHOICES in it! The original original plan many eons ago was to have the last few updates be one massive one instead of split into parts, but that proved infeasible.
Landing just next you, lying face down, is Lu Lingqi.

Your eyes widen in horror , and you yell into hoarse when you see the dagger impaled in her back.
By the way, Lu Bu won't be angry at Shu for what happened.

But he will skin her remaining bodyguards alive for not being there for her.