With another round of high rolls in the thread's favour and an excellent plan come more new Traits for your retainers.

Router of Rabble-Rousers
Intricate plans, treasonous plots and conspiracies to cause dissent mean little to a woman who has expertise in kicking down doors and smacking skulls.
Lu Lingqi may use WAR instead of INT in any action or event that involves counter-espionage or catching saboteurs.

Young Mastermind of Xinshen
At a startlingly young age, Yu Zhong has displayed terrifying proficiency in turning woven webs of conspiracy into his own puppet strings.
Effect is unknown.

Asuming the marriage goes through....

I can't help but wonder if one our heirs will become the three kingdoms version of Sennator Armstrong.
Final Battle for Xinshen X - Discomfiture
[X] Plan Follow sound advice
-[X] Follow Yu Zhong's advice to ascertain the situation
-[X] Detain Ge Dejun and ask Jia Xu to continue
--[X] Use the knowledge appropriately
-[X] Jia Xu and Yu Zhong interrogate Bu Chong
-[X] Prepare the Azure Lances to move out
-[X] If scouts reveal the possibility to turn a trap against them, move out with everything necessary.
--[X] If not, stay put.
--[X] Any force to move out will have scouts in front and in their backs.
--[X] Zhang Xiu with part of his own forces and/or the Imperial Forces will always stay put
-[X] Send constant scouts to Fenshan Valley with orders to routinely report back
-[X] Increase defense of Xinshen and especially increase the guards for food and water

You need to think rationally about this, and not make any rash decisions. Even though time may very well be of the essence, there is too much at stake for you to rely on emotion over reason. Recalling Yu Zhong's harsh, stern but ultimately fair words to you, you block out the sounds of the wailing Ge Dejun and think this over.

The details given are too vague to ascertain whether this really is a bandit attack, or some manner of deception or even a trap. Even if Ge Dejun is ignorant and innocent of the crimes of Ge Lang and other members of his clan, it does not mean his own foppish nature cannot be used as a tool against you. Even though you promised friendship with him, a degree of caution is essential here, especially considering Yu Zhong's own advice. The movements of Chu Yan's army still elude your gaze, so there is a very real possibility this is all just a carefully calculated distraction to turn your attention away from the greater situation at a critical moment. Still, the thought of innocent civilians being looted and slaughtered and imprisoned pangs at your heart. Those farmers who tend the Ge lands, the servants, the guards, and their families...they cannot be held accounted for the traitorous deeds of their masters. You made lofty promises to protect and shepherd the people of Xinshen. What would your conscience say if you allowed the denizens of the Ge estates to willingly be put to the sword?

"I made my decision." You say firmly, after a few moments of thinking every possibility over.

"Oh, Liang Shu, lord Liang, will you help me? Help my family?" Ge Dejun is practically begging you, as the stave-wielding sentries hold him at bay. "Please, Liang Shu, please!"

You turn away from his pitiful display. "Yu Zhong. Before I announce my decision, I would request that you give me some brief words of wisdom. If you have any advice, I would be grateful to hear it, my friend."

A look of slight, yet satisfied surprise appears on your adviser's face. "Ah, well, regarding this alleged "attack" on..." He begins, but then stops himself, shaking his head. "Actually, Liang Shu, allow me to suggest that you permit Master Jia Xu to conclude his report to the council. I can assure you, what he is about to reveal will make your own path more clear."

"T-there is no time for this!" Ge Dejun splutters.

You look to Zhang Xiu's shadowy strategist, and nod. "Master Jia Xu, please continue. I would like to hear the rest of your report before I announce my own decision."

"I agree with the Commandant." Zhang Xiu says, curtly.

Ge Dejun lets out a wail, and you hear him grunt as the guards continue to restrain him. "Liang Shu, did you not hear me? The time is of the essence! Please, please we need to go now! Let me go, at least!"

Without looking at him, you address the rest of the room. "I would request Master Jia Xu is given courteous silence from the council and the time he needs to finish."

"B-but-!" Ge Dejun's protests are cut off by a heavy hand shoving him to the ground.

"Didn't you hear Commandant Liang?" Zhu Fang grunts at the scion of the Ge, having pushing him quite hard across the shoulder to knock him to his knees. "Shut up and allow the man to speak! Or would you rather I rip off your tongue?"

Said tongue is clicked by Ge Dejun, who otherwise kneels in silence.

A slight smile crawls its way up Jia Xu's lips. "My thanks, Commandant Liang. Oh, but I had a thought. Perhaps my report is best concluded by another? Without the invaluable contributions, and networking and local knowledge, of young sir Yu Zhong, I never would have been able to so complete such a thorough investigation when I did. It would not be fair to take away the credit from the man who achieved so much, now should I deny him his chance to address the council. Yu Zhong, would you be so kind?"

You snap your head to turn to your friend. He knew more than what he had already told you? Could this be why he had acted in such a way earlier?

Yu Zhong gives Jia Xu a bow. "If the council allows, then very well." He stands, and makes his way to the centre of the hall. His arms cross to bring his hands under his sleeves, and a rather satisfied and fulfilled look lights up his face. "Given the potential need for swiftness and urgency, I would ask for your forgiveness, gentlemen, and allow me to be brief and blunt. As the esteemed Master Jia Xu previously began, a conspiracy has been uncovered that brewed and festered at the very heart of these county offices. A conspiracy that both undermined the administration of the late Prefect Leng Jun, but also lead to his untimely demise. This act, paramount to rebellion and treason against the Empire itself, was headed by the well respected local gentleman, Lord Ge Lang, as well as other prominent members of his kin."

Very loud gasps and murmurings come from the clerks, officials and officers in the room not aligned to your own faction. As Zhang Xiu calls for order, one voice shouts over the rest.

"You LIE! Your words are poison! How dare you say such a thing?!" As you may have predicted, Ge Dejun is hardly pleased with this announcement. "Prefect, tell this liar to cease his nonsense and dispel him from this hall!"

"Oi! I told you to be quiet!" Zhu Fang shoves Ge Dejun down again before he stand.

"I must be frank, but unfortunately, these words are true. My investigation was most thorough. I received confessions from many involved in this conspiracy and possess more than enough evidence." Yu Zhong continues, now pacing back and forth and waggling a finger, in his usual manner. "For instance, I found conclusive proof that the young lady, Ge Maiyu, personally hired the men who slew poor Leng Jun. Furthermore she even attempted to plant false evidence that put the blame in the hands of Liang Shu - thankfully after conferring with the Prefect and his advisers, we can confirm the Liang family are innocent of any wrongdoings."

Ge Dejun is snarling, trying to push back against Zhu Fang. "You say these lies about young Maiyu too?! I will make you suffer for this indignity, mark my words!"

Ignoring him entirely, Yu Zhong pivots his body to address the county's clerks and civil officials. "In recent days, I was able to... ahem... meet with several members of the Ge clan and their extended relatives, those who were residing within the city walls, at least. After some...well, rather thorough "persuading" they finally were able to enlighten me with some newly uncovered information. This was something I had suspected for some quite time but did not dare bring to light without definitive proof..."

You wonder what exactly this new information is. Could this be why Zhang Xiu and Jia Xu saw it fit to expedite the reveal of the Ge clan's treachery? What else had they been plotting and scheming?

"What did you do to my family?" Ge Dejun stares up at Yu Zhong with gritted teeth.

Yu Zhong looks at his finger nails, a rather smug smile on his face. "Oh, I assure you, Lord Ge, I did nothing that would not be considered fair and permissible against those guilty of treason against the Han government." He lowers his hand slightly. "Now, if you will allow me to get to my point..."

He waits for silence again, almost dramatically.

When he is given the ears of the room, he suddenly extends both his arms outwards.

"I have proof that the Ge clan is responsible for not only the downfall of Leng Jun, but the death of another Prefect as well."

An immense pang strikes you in both the chest and head, and you feel your limbs numbing. Everything feels...still for a moment. You can hear uproars from the court. You hear Zhu Fang swearing. You hear the muffled protests of Ge Dejun.

No. No, it could not be. You already knew who killed your father, you knew who your ultimate enemy was.

Yu Zhong... he was talking about someone else, for sure. Yes, it had to be.

The Ge clan were heinous, but they hadn't gone that far. It did not make sense You have to cling to some semblance of reality and sanity...

Above the din of the court, you regain your focus and speak out.

"...What did you just say, Yu Zhong...?" Your words themselves feel numb.

"It...it with regret that I have to announce this..." Yu Zhong says, giving you a guilty look for a moment. "Myself and Master Jia Xu have uncovered undeniable proof that in previous years, the Ge clan and their allies in the county provided weapons, armour, supplies and horses to various rebel factions throughout the commandary. In an effort to decrease the stability and security of the region, they also provided intelligence to these bandits regarding the moments and numbers of local militia. They were promised protection, in exchange for these criminals... removing or weakening several of their local rivals. Chu Yan was the man that Ge Lang was in correspondence with. It appears that he promised Chu Yan a hefty reward, including land, money, government recommendations and more, provided that he brought about the downfall of..."

He does not need to finish. Feeling your hands shake slightly, and your shoulders hunched, your body moves without thinking towards the crouching Ge Dejun.

"...Your clan had my father killed."

A strange calmness comes over you, as you make one step, then another, then a third, towards Ge Dejun. Your hands clench into fists to stop them from shaking. Perhaps, deep down, you suspected something like this all along, you just never could admit it. This all started with the Ge. It was always the Ge. They masterminded everything. Even Chu Yan was just another of their tools. For what, exactly? What possibly could they hope to gain by such treachery, such betrayal?

"W-wait...wait, Liang Shu..." You can see the fear in Ge Dejun's eyes. All postulating had gone. Whether or not he knew about any of this, it did not matter. His clan were guilty of twicebound acts of treason, and the laws were quite clear. Besides, the personal slight done to you... to think that Ge Lang had spoken to you, face to face, despite knowing what he did to your father... Even if he had not swung the blade himself, he had paid for the hand who did it. It would be well within your rights to just draw your sword and cut the throat of Ge Dejun right now. You can hear him crying now in terror. Your right hand unclenches, and moves to your scabbard.

You take a deep breath. You had always known what you would do to Chu Yan, that dastardly rogue, if you caught him, but this was something else. You do have responsibilities now, as an actual officer of the Han. There are ways to do this properly...

"Ge Dejun..." You say, trying to swallow up your grief. "Consider yourself under arrest. You are to be detained until further notice. Be grateful that out of respect of both this council and the brief moments of kindness you have shown me, that I did not stain the halls with your blood. Take him away."

As the guards detain and hoist him up, Ge Dejun resumes his protests, showing no dignity or decorum. "W-wait, Liang Shu, please let me go, I can still help you! I had nothing to do with this, I swear! I swear! At least, please, save my family! Don't let them die to the bandits! Liang Shu, Liang Shu!" You deign not to respond and turn away as he is dragged out of the court. Moments later, however, Ge Dejun is momentarily able to break free from the grasp of the guards to extend an arm, and point a finger at Yu Zhong. "You! You are behind all this, are you not?! This is all your doing, isn't it? You are the real villain here! I vow I will prove my kin's innocence, and show you all that he is the real traitor! I will make you pay for all of this, you bastard! I promise you, Yu Zhong! I will find a way to make you suffer for this!"

"Shut that fool up and get him out of here!" Zhu Fang barks. "My lord may have shown restraint, but if I hear another word out of his lips, I'll show that I will give no such mercy!"

His wailing and screams finally fade away into white noise, as, at last, Ge Dejun is removed from the hall, likely for the final time.

You stand, still, near the centre of the court, silently. Moments pass that feel like hours. An uncountable array of thoughts and emotions wash through your mind.

"Hey, Liang Shu!" The words of Zhu Fang snap you back to the situation at hand. "You alright?"

You gather yourself quickly. Emotion and reaction can come later. Much later. You have a duty to fulfil first, to your home, your men and to yourself.

"Yes." You give him a simple nod, before taking a step forward. "We need to round up all members of the Ge clan within the city, including their relatives, in-laws, and close friends and companions. We also need to detain anyone else that may be involved in this ploy, at once. Zhu Fang, gather some men."

Yu Zhong raises a hand. "Forgive me, but that will not be needed, Commandant Liang. Even as we speak, Lady Lu Lingqi is in the process of leading some handpicked soldiers to arrest and capture everyone who might even be tangibly connected. I did give her a rather long list, but I have full faith in the lady's capabilities."

"Lingqi is...?"

Yu Zhong nods. "I apologise for not informing you, but a degree of discretion was required."

"I understand, my friend. My thanks." You give him a slight smile, before addressing the Prefect. "My lord Zhang Xiu, now that unsavoury affair has been revealed and hopefully dealt with, I can finally announce my military decision. If permitted, I would have this servant of Ge Dejun hastily questioned. I shall prepare my own forces to move out at once. I advise that your own militia remain within the city districts, and seal the gates up tightly until I return. Gather as much provisions and water as you can, and prepare your men for the defense of the city."

"You believe, then, that an attack is imminent?" Zhang Xiu questions.

"It is very possible, yes. At the very least, our foe is preparing to act. An advantage is that we may have nullified our own internal threats as well, without him realising this."

Zhang Xiu stands at this point. "Very well! Commandant Liang, you have permission to enact your plans freely. All else here, prepare the city for siege! Now that dissonant elements within the county have finally be dealt with, let us act as one to protect Xinshen!"

Bows and words of affirmation echo throughout the administrative halls, before you, Zhu Fang, Yu Zhong and Zhang Liao depart to make your own preparations.

As you finish putting on your armour in your tent, you recall that Yu Zhong found nothing suspicious about the stable hand, Bu Chong. Just a peasant whose entire family worked on the Ge lands, and little more. His words were vague and panicked, but were collaborated with testimonies from other refugees fleeing that area. Some manner of attack had certainly occurred near the Ge fiefs, but the nature of it was still as of yet unknown.

The possibility that this still could be a trap was still in your mind. You had to keep your brain occupied, you had to keep thinking, lest..

"Hey! Hey, Shu!" A familiar, welcoming voice enters the tent. "Yu Zhong told me everything, are you alright?" Lu Lingqi, dressed in her armour with her weapons at her side and back, rushes in and places a comforting hand on your cheek. Her look of genuine concern is comforting to you at this time, and you feel yourself calming with every word from her lips. "I always knew those Ge scum were up to no good! I might not be an investigator like Yu Zhong, but I always had this...feeling, or something! Warrior's intuition, I guess. Listen, what they did...they did to your father...I will make them regret that, don't you worry! Leave this all to me, Shu!"

"Hey." You reply, placing a hand on her's over your cheek. "It is fine, Lingqi. I appreciate it, but I will be fine. There will be time to mourn and time to rage later. For now, well... for now, I have to complete my mission and duty. Yu Zhong has had his little moment of triumph, and finally expelled the corruption infesting the county. Now, we need to do our part, and bring ultimate victory. Tell me, how did you get on? Yu Zhong said you were rather...thorough indeed!"

She regales you of a quick tale of how she rounded up men related to, and connected to, the Ge clan in the city and out. Some tried to flee, but none escaped her grasp. She even, independently of Yu Zhong's instructions, burst into a lair of ten men who were planning to spoil the city's granaries, after she overheard a suspicious conversation. With just an intimidating glance, they admitted to her that they were minions of the bandit leader, Yu Du, and surrendered to her.

"Well now, you certainly are proficient in booting down doors and smacking heads together." You say with a teasing smirk. "Almost frighteningly so, in fact! Enemies beware, lest the terrifying Lingqi smash her way into your lair and ruin your morning!"

"C-come on, you almost make me sound like a demon!" She protests, her cheeks pinkening.

"If you are, then you are on that I am proud to have at my side, at least." You place a hand on her armoured shoulder. "You know, if we survive this, maybe I can recommend your talents in dealing with rabble-rousers to the court..."

She gives you a grin. "You better had, Liang Shu! After doing all your dirty work, I deserve official recognition and, ranks and titles!"

"General Who Boots Down Doors, perhaps..."

"You're terrible..."

You are grateful that you have time to spend, and enjoy, some brief yet pleasant and enjoyable moments with Lu Lingqi before you ride out. Enough to put your mind off things, and boost your own spirits before what is to come.

Not much time had passed since the fateful court meeting, however for you, it felt like an eternity had passed. Only your closest advisers and retainers knew so far of the Ge clan's treachery, but you know it will only be a matter of time before all the Azure Lances are aware of the reality. Sitting atop your horse at the head of your army, you watch as the sky billows with smokescreens. Before you, fields, manors and villages burn. The familiar sight of panicked, fleeing refugees pass by you, escaping from the maelstrom that has spread throughout the lands of the Ge. In their arrogance, Ge Lang and his kin likely felt themselves safe from pillaging. If this was some manner of deception or trap, it was a very, very good one.

"Cousin, we need to do something!" Ce Xiang speaks up. "All these people are in danger, and there are certainly more out there who need our aid! I can see fighting in the distance from here."

Xu Jian adds, "I concur, there may still be time to save lives here, Commandant Liang. Dispatch the cavalry and drive away the attackers!"

"The scouts will be back soon." You say. "We must be patient." Drowning out distant screams from the valley below, and the sight of more and more smoke billowing into the air, you wait.

Fortunately, it does not take too long for the first scout to arrive back. Former bandit, Bi Guang, arrives, dismounting his horse before you.

"My lord!" He says, saluting. "It is hard to say how many for sure are attacking, but there are at least a hundred riders, slaughtering everyone in sight. Scores more have dismounted, to finish off the wounded or deal with resistance. Young, old, even the children are being...well, butchered. Even in my experiences, I have never seen such savagery. The Ge compound itself is being breached even as we speak, and from what I gathered, the Ge family and their retainers are attempting a last stand there. Oh... and, well, the attackers, are carrying... azure coloured banners."

"What, are you sure?" You ask, surprised. When Bi Guang nods, you cock a head to Yu Zhong.

He shrugs. "Before you ask, this one has nothing to do with me. I would rather the Ge clan pay for their crimes as per the law of the land, not get butchered like pigs. Ah, um, no offense, Zhu Fang."

"...why did you have to add that, Yu Zhong?" Zhu Fang grumbles. "But, forget that! What does this mean?"

Yu Zhong raises a finger to his chin. "Hmm. I an unsure yet. Although, learning this, mayhaps it is fortunate that we arrived when we did..."

"I have one more thing to report, my lord." Bi Guang pants. "The leader of the men attacking the Ge manor, was a fellow with a long cape with a pattern like a bird wing. He had a green cloth on his head, and was carrying a multitude of swords and hand axes."

"That is Chu Yan." Zhang Liao affirms, firmly. "Of that, I am certain."

"Chu Yan himself is there?!" You exclaim. He is personally massacring the Ge clan? Why? What did this mean, exactly?

"Shu, this is our chance! That Chu bastard is down there! We need to get him before he escapes!" Zhu Fang announces, raising a fist.

"Surely protecting civilians must take priority over personal grudges?" Zhang Liao shakes his head. "There is also the matter that this could still be a trap."

"The Ge clan are doomed regardless." Yu Zhong points out. "If they are saved, they will be spared for only as long as it takes for the executioner to sharpen his blade."

Before you make your decision, riding frantically towards you is a waving Cao Xing. "Report! REPOOOOOOORT!"

"Speak, Cao Xing!"

"Yes, boss!" Panting slightly, he dismounts next to Bi Guang. "I circumvented the valley to scout, as you asked, and I found it! I found it!"

"You found what, Xing? Speak plainly, already!" Zhu Fang says.

"Right, yes, okay! Everyone, I found the enemy army! Many thousands of them, just beyond this valley, past all that fire and smoke! They seem to be advancing towards this position. They are...marching in a real, organised formation, with banners and cavalry and everything, and are coming quite quickly towards us!" He reports.

"For them to elude us for so long until this moment...tsk..." Yu Zhong mutters something under his breath.

"Shu, we need to do something! The Azure Lances are exposed out here!" Lu Lingqi shouts over to you. "We are in serious danger if the enemy main army is heading right for us! We are all ready to fight, of course, but..."

"Lady Lu is correct, this is not favourable ground for us, Commandant." Zhang Liao adds. "Either a retreat back to the city, or a bold and unexpected offense are likely our best options."

"We need to hold them off, though, to save as many lives we can!" Xu Jian suggests.

Yu Zhong shrugs. "Regardless, we should likely withdraw from this place. The Ge are all dead anyway." He says, rather callously. "I see no reason for us to linger."

"No reason?!" Zhu Fang yells. "Chu Yan is right there, Zhong! He's not leading his main army right now! This is a real chance, a real opportunity! Not just for Shu to get his revenge but for us to decapitate their forces!"

"Besides," Lu Lingqi adds, "It would be a shame for Maiyu and her ilk to just get wiped out down there. After all they have done, is it not better than we deal with them on our own terms, Shu?"

The chance to deal with Chu Yan is right before you...but the enemy main force is close by, and approaching fast. Your officers are debating, but there is no time for discussion. As leader, you must make a swift decision.

[] [Ge Estate] You and Lu Lingqi will lead an elite cavalry unit - the priority is to take Chu Yan's head.
[] [Ge Estate] You and Lu Lingqi will lead an elite cavalry unit - the priority is to save as many lives as possible.
[] [Ge Estate] It is regrettable, but there is nothing you can do here. Let the Ge burn, and let Chu Yan slip away.

[] [Main Army] Hold your ground here and prepare to meet the enemy's main army, despite being outnumbered.
[] [Main Army] Have your army move around to attack the enemy forces head on. It is quite possibly literally the last thing they will expect.
[] [Main Army] Withdraw to the city and regroup. Give up the momentum so you may survey the situation from behind your walls.

No Write Ins. 12 hour Moratorium on this vote.

Welcome back and thanks for the chapter
I'm gonna have to reread to remember everything but welcome back


This is complicated...

On one hand, killing Chu Yan right now would decapitate the Enemy Forces. On the other hand, the Enemy Main Army needs to be driven back.

Plus, could Chu Yan be counting on us trying to strike him then and there? I actually think that his attack on the Ge is sincere, but he may still have done it intentionally to lure us to him.
The biggest lure would be to try and trap forces out of place- for example if we had a mixed company of foot and horse the foot would be trapped but if we only have the horse forces here we have the speed to hit this detachment and with draw. Of course you can thank Cao Xing to being an amazing scout without him we would not know of the main army.

Hmm, wonder if the route is viable for horse archers to strike and fade.
even if its a trap I think its worth it to at least try to take Chu Yan head he is the most dangerous person not called lu bu in this area (speaking of he sure is taking his time getting here)
Glad your back again, and really happy we decided to focus on scouting, that big army is troublesome

I want to go for decapitation strike, but do we know how out numbered our main army is?
"General Who Boots Down Doors, perhaps..."
We need to remember to actually give her that title when we have the authority to. :V

Oh... and, well, the attackers, are carrying... azure coloured banners.
Sounds like a false flag operation.

As for our course of action, I'm torn. On the one hand, I want to go after Chu Yan, since as was pointed out, a decapitation strike could cause the bandit coalition to fall apart, but on the other hand, the enemy main force is approaching fast, I don't think we have the manpower to fight them here and now, and I don't like the idea of leading a strike force after Chu Yan while sending the rest of our troops back to the city because of the risk of the strike force getting pincered between Chu Yan's troops and the main force.
I forgot but did the Get clan do dealings with Chu Yan?

Yes, they did...
Jia Xu is close to finding evidence implicating the Ge clan hired Chu Yan to raid Xinshen last year, to try and kill your father.
Regarding the false flag possibility... if we're lucky (which I doubt) then Chu Yan may be unaware that we've realized that the Ge are traitors and is pulling this manouver in an attempt at shattering the unity of the defenders, by making it look like the forces under our banner are opportunists who were seeking to become the strongest family in Xinshen.
Go for his head, innocents will be saved when that demon is dead. Could probably do a pincer with the main army holding the enemy off.
Fortune favours the bold.

Since the ground is not on our side, if we are to fight the bandit army, we need to rectify that. Thus, we march towards them and find a more advantageous terrain to engage. Our scouts must have found a better place to fight and mitigate the enemy's numbers, like some choke point, a hill, a forest road or a even a stream. It would be ideal if we could pounce on them during their supposedly safe march, so that we can kill them before they can even form ranks.

Taking on the Ge raiders can only commence if we attack, otherwise we risk ourselves needlessly. If so, our priority should be saving the people. Our vengeance has to play second fiddle to rescuing the peasants (one of our original goals after all) and getting the Ge back safe and sound to see them dishonoured and beheaded. We can still get Chu Yan in the commotion, so it's not entirely impossible to kill two birds with one stone. We have good officers with us, they can control the army while we are gone.
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As I alluded to prior, given we had another hiatus, please refresh yourself with the rest of the thread, if you haven't already, before voting. Also please give Reactions to my posts if you have not yet done so, I literally only do this because I crave getting Likes