I need to get slammed by work and be forced to take 4-month breaks from SV more often. It seems every time it happens when I finally get back on SV at least one of the quests I was following that was on Hiatus is active again!

Great to see you back writing @Gaz, I'm looking forward (as always) to seeing where the quest takes us.
All across the land of Fife, grim chaos reigns supreme
Shackled by the mind control of the dark lord of Dundee
Yet still there lies the chance of hope, now Gaz has returned
The sigil of the Hootsforce in the sky tonight will burn
All across the land of Fife, grim chaos reigns supreme
Shackled by the mind control of the dark lord of Dundee
Yet still there lies the chance of hope, now Gaz has returned
The sigil of the Hootsforce in the sky tonight will burn
Literally the only part of this that I understood was that you're back. Could someone please translate for me?
My plan is (because, regardless of how it may seem, I ain't no quitter) is complete the "versus bandits" arc, then do a timeskip tn 189 CE.
Timeskip, but everyone will be able to vote on Shu's activites over those five years.

We probably need a timeskip to reign things in anyway.

Stat bloat was a bit of a thing here and giving our younger folks 5 years to grow into the massive gains they got over the last year will help keep things more plausible and give us goals to keep striving to after the timeskip.

Edit: Also very pleased to see you back in action.
Great to see you back man! As a gift to you our glorious QM of taste. *ahem*
Fight for the King, for the hammer and the ring!
Fight for the ancient story!
Fight for your life!
We must fight for fight for the power and the glory!
Hootsforce arise!
A Girl Worth Fighting For by ElleonXan
Oh hey, glad to see our illustrious author again. You know what this calls for? Another song.

Scene: Everyone is working together to prepare the city for when the bandits show up. This has been going on for a long time, and everyone is quite exhausted by the work. Suddenly:
*music starts*

For a long time we've fortified this city,
And by now we're all feeling a little shi-

Ce Xiang:
*Interupts* Pretty! C'mon guys, this is a Disney song

As they bend and crack, our overworked backs,
Aren't easy to ignore!

Yu Zhong:
Hey, think of instead, a girl worth fighting for!
Yeah, that's what I said, a girl worth fighting for!

Liang Shu:
*Turns to Lingqi* I want a fighter through and through, as beautiful as the sun!

Lu Lingqi:
*blushing and turning aside* Dork.

Zhu Fang:
*looks longingly in the direction of the Liang manor* I want a girl who'll be impressed, when I recount how I won.

Liang Zhen:
*back at Liang manor, into thin air* Idiot.

Bi Guang:
I couldn't care less how she acts or what she cooks like,
It all depends on what she looks like.
*Makes obscene cupping gestures in front of his chest with his hands. Ce Xiang and Lu Lingqi both dope slap him.*

Xu Jian:
*Leans over to Gong Su* Bet the local girls think you are quite the charmer!
*Does some muscle poses* And I bet the ladies love a man in armor!

Yu Zhong:
Hey, quit slacking off and get back to work!

You know what we want the most if this turns into war,
What do we want? A girl worth fighting for!

*Turns to Zhang Liao*

Zhang Liao:
Don't all of you remember the Tangled parody? Unless my life is on the line, I do not sing.

Liang Shu:
My girl will think I have no faults.

Lu Lingqi:
You wish.

Zhu Fang:
That I'm a major find.

Yu Zhong:
How 'bout a girl who loves a brain,
And wants us for our minds?

Liang Shu and Zhu Fang:
*look at each other* Nah.

Xu Jian:
My manly ways and turn of phrase are sure to thrill her.

Ce Xiang:
*leans over to Lu Lingqi* He think's he such a lady killer. *they both burst out laughing.*

*Deep in the pits of hell, Julius Ceasar and Qin Shi Huang are standing next to Leng Jun*

Leng Jun:
I had a girl back home unlike any other.

Qin Shi Huang:
*To Ceasar* Yeah the only girl who'd love him is his mother.

*Back in the world of the living*

Azure Lances:
When we come home in victory they'll line up at the door!
What do we want? A girl worth fighting for.
Wish that we had a girl worth fighting for.
Say it again, a girl worth fighting for!

Ce Xiang:
*To Lu Lingqi* Think we should tell them that the city is probably home to hundreds of eligible girls?

Lu Lingqi:
Oh, let them have this. It's been a while since they had a chance at a Disney song.