Hard to tell with no birthdate but I'll say roughly 6ish I guess?

You see when you say that, I don't see a potential match for our clan, or even a useful tool. All I see is small child to dote over and protecc.

Which reminds me... When can we have mini Linqi's and mini Shu's? AKA how long are we going to wait for the marriage?
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Keeper of the Kingmakiing Flame of Shangdang

View: https://youtu.be/-O5TxWQkfr0

Yu Zhong, gaze of the argent
Holder of Kingmaking Flame

Travel back 25 years to a time before Liang Shu
There lived a learned scholar taking lectures old and new
But when he was caught between the eunuchs and the gentry
His family lost all cadence, his son sought calvarly

A crane did arise
(Masks his own desires)
The Ten Attendants must die

He's a strategist, respected
With eyes that shine silver
He plots against those who oppose
The extent of his farseeing desires, oh yeah!
He seeks to purge the gentry
The Turbans and the rest
He's a strategist, notorious
And he will restore the dynasty

Yu Zhong, master of tactics
Eyes of silver sheen
Strategist, embraces the darkness
Azure is the ends to the means
Strategist Yu Zhong, master of politics
Holder of Kingmaking Flame
Rising sage, ambition incarnate
Yu Zhong is his name!

Falling axe!
Azure blade!
Bandits vanquished!
The fall of the Ge pretenders
Shall reveal his fate

So we must ride, to the south
To the copper scented city
To advise the bloody butcher
To expel his enemies
We will fight, to expunge
With bloody impunity
To destroy the Eunuchs
And restore the Dynasty

Yu Zhong, master of tactics
Eyes of silver sheen
Strategist, embraces the darkness
Azure is the ends to the means
Strategist Yu Zhong, master of politics
Holder of Kingmaking Flame
Rising sage, ambition incarnate
Yu Zhong is his name!

He's a tactician
Dousing friendly fire
Slaying those who dare oppose
His farseeing desires, oh yeah!
He seeks nothing less than
Dominance of dynasty
Friends are a means to an end
If they oppose what he seeks

He is the wielder
Of the Kingmaking Flame
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gasp you mean the guy who could betray us in several timelines if we pick the wrong choices could leave us I refuse to believe it/s
If omake bonuses for questers get added to the protagonist rolls, does that mean omake bonuses for the QM get added to the opposition rolls? Because if so, RIP, Liang Shu, but you've been retroactively buried by Ro3K: The Musical.
since most of these songs are about shu or those around him I feel those bonuses should go towards that instead of random bandit number 17 (I think they had a name but well they are dead so they clearly don't matter)😼
I don't think Yu Zhong betrayed Shu. Even in the ATL's it took Shu making a lot of terrible mistakes to get him to turn. Besides what and who would be the incentive? Shu has been the most effective person at defeating banditry and restoring order in the Province and has the backing of the Inspector and Dong Zhuo.

I expect it's more likely the Jia Xu (on behalf of Dong Zhuo) convinced him to purge the other gentry under the cover of banditry or something like that. I can't tell at this point, but I fail to see who or what could incentivize him in turning on Shu.

To avoid betrayal we have to remember that everyone is loyal to something and would turn on you if you cross their line. Keeping their loyalty requires we understand what they want and being their best chance to get that.

Zhu Fang is most loyal to the individual and his ideal of honor. If we betray our deal to let him marry our sister and start acting like an honor-less coward he is very likely to leave. On the flip side, if we are a honorable person (more or less) or literal family, he would fight by our side no matter how bad things get.

Yu Zhong is loyal his ideals and is willing to sacrifice himself for the good of what he considers his team:

"Love?" Zhong gives a smirk, and chuckles softly "Heh. My future concerns are bettering my own family and my own prospects. That will mean I will have to find a wife from a suitable household that would give political, societal and monetary advantages. Someone in my position cannot really consider affection to be a high priority when it comes to marriage. As Liang Shu intends to marry into the family of his future overlord, I sense that he would agree with me on this!"

On the flip side he doesn't consider sentimentality and personal feelings the most relevant point. Duty is something you follow regardless of how you feel about. If Shu is not capable of being the type of man to put the world back in order he will find someone else, even if he loves Shu like a brother.

That doesn't mean he'll just stab us in the back the second we disagree on something. I see Yu Zhong as a less emotional Lelouch kindof character. A just and idealistic person (odd as it sounds), but is willing use very underhanded means to achieve his great ambition of felling the corrupt.
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Yu Zhong's ideals are simple. He wants what was denied to him and his family: political power. Then use said power to remove the corrupt and incompetent from their cushy dens of iniquity, while getting a bit of revenge himself by targeting the Eunuchs at the Imperial Court, who are the cause of his misery. By improving the administration of the Middle Kingdom he shall help a great many people and stabilize China as a whole. If Liang Shu is a means for him to achieve these goals, he shall help him in whatever way he can, but that doesn't mean he doesn't have ambitions of his own.

Maybe he shall conclude one day, that he can achieve better results on his own? Especially, if he decides to look for a powerful patron with ties to the Imperial Court, like we have in Dong Zhuo. He said it himself during his tirade after the Ge Incident, that he hopes we strive for something much greater, than our little county. If our ambitions shall be too modest for him, he will have to rethink his life choices.
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