Yeah no, we are not losing our strategist over the matter of the Ge clan, he's too important. We follow his advice on the matter (provided we will even be allowed to intervene, which might not happen). End of story.
The irony when you get triggered by a conversation you yourself started
I don't remember being that supportive of shipping her once Yu Zhong revealed it though I was really dead curious what would happen in a what if should the knowledge be revealed long after the ship sailed on target with babies ever after that Hawkboy goes crazy for a familicide like some messed up romance novel after he confronts her about that and she just smirks and admits it.

If you meant others who do continue the ship you have a fair point though when I brought up that tidbit of Yu Zhong pointing it out as the oldest trick in the book, it has also been pointed out fictionally (I'm not as sure on real life) by Li Ru to Dong Zhuo when he and Lu Bu were chasing the same woman to just let Lu Bu have her and he'll secure his loyalty. He was considering it but later refused and Li Ru knew then they were doomed.

I'm not sure why you had to go on a rant. I only brought it up to say it's an old trick in the book. I'm not a Ge Maiyu shipper. My talks with you before was to explain possible reasons why the shipping persists. It also doesn't help when people forget things and vote without having to check so far back for hints but that's the questing life for you.

If you guys wanna vote to waifu Maiyu I won't stop you. I'll just assume y'all want Yu Zhong to go full Sima Yi :V
Wonder what it would look like if Chen Gong or Li Ru did that instead.
If you guys wanna vote to waifu Maiyu I won't stop you. I'll just assume y'all want Yu Zhong to go full Sima Yi :V
Cao Cao really has nice subordinates to look after him. Did cost him retainers and a member of that family that one time though.
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Waifu Wars are boring and old hat anyway and not worth getting heated over. Bro Bouts on the other hand...
Zhu Fang vs Xu Jian vs Yu Zhong vs Zhang Liao :V
I don't remember being that supportive of shipping her once Yu Zhong revealed it though I was really dead curious what would happen in a what if should the knowledge be revealed long after the ship sailed on target with babies ever after that Hawkboy goes crazy for a familicide like some messed up romance novel after he confronts her about that and she just smirks and admits it.
Oh nononono I'm talking about myself where you quote me too be clear, I should edit that post
Honestly while Meiyuu did screw us. I'm also not like that upset by it? She put her family over the cute boy she maybe liked, which fair. Filial piety is pretty heavily beaten into kids at a young age at this period. To expect her to ignore all of her education for some hot feather action just wasn't realistic.

She chose to be loyal to her family, can't hate someone making that call even if the family are objectively assholes.
Filial piety is very important, as we know, since it is one of the reasons we chose our path as a man of action.

Yet, when it leads to blatant treason against the state, she still went along with it. This is probably one of the reasons why collective punishement was used so liberally. She has only herself to blame, not her grandfather.
The only form of mercy I'm interested in giving the Ge are swift deaths and sparing the children and their vassals and servants.

And not just because that might let us grab Taishi Ci as one of our retainers to help soften the blow of Zhang Liao and Zhu Fang one day going their own way.

But because China got dark. A quick hanging or beheading would be seen as benevolent and merciful in comparison to being pulled apart by horses or death by a thousand cuts. Both of which are very real punishments the Ge are likely to suffer. And sparing the vassals and children would be incredibly merciful, as 'nine familial extermination' was an actual thing. As was mass collective punishment.
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Though if the idea is to be really entertained, the CK2 concubine system where you get a real playa who's as virile as Genghis Khan ain't for this quest I'm afraid.

I do have to admit abject curiosity about the idea but the character of this quest is not a scoundrel played by Stephen Chow in those Chinese films with absurd luck and a brain for bullshittery to collect a harem of concubines.

If Hawkboy was more like that idea of a character he can keep his retainers while collecting concubines left and right including the ones that want to kill him or ruin him it would make Cao Cao green with envy.
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Away from the Ge and over towards courtesy names. It's a little early, but, based off our current nickname, Soaring Hawk, I suggest we eventually gain the name Feiying, which is a combination of the words Flying Hawk, which in turn reflects our connection to Fengxian (the flying general) while still embodying our current nickname. Bonus points to it because we'd take the name after marrying Lu Bu's daughter.

Also if we used Soaring Hawk as our courtesy name would be Aoxiang Deying which isn't as catchy.

Other possibilities would be:
Azure Bird- Qingniao
Blue Hawk- Lanying (remember blue is associated with the Han)
Hawk Rider- Yingqishi
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Yeah the ephitets don't really translate too well from English to Chinese sadly. Just gotta imagine they sound equally decent in either language I guess
Very cool courtesy names and I do have to admit, that Feiying has a certain catch to it. :) We will surely pick something sooner, rather than later.

What I would like to see at the end of the arc is a recreation of our oath from the tavern with Zhu Fang and Yu Zhong to rid the county of the bandit menace, but this time with a much larger number of people present. This time our trio would toast to our success and to the memory of the fallen along with the rest of our named characters, the surviving original members of our veteran cavalry and the surviving Xinshen Youths, with an emphasis put on everybody, that believed in our cause and lofty words before Soaring Hawk Ridge (with some members absent for reasons). After that another toast with our little army and some words of encouragement.
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Waifu Wars are boring and old hat anyway and not worth getting heated over.

Guys I just want to get over Maiyu quickly, because Gaz said Dong Bai is an option. The star of the Han General rises high and bright, and we must ride the big Dong nice and long.

Who knows, we might even get Diao Chan in the mix. What could possibly go wrong.

Yeah the ephitets don't really translate too well from English to Chinese sadly. Just gotta imagine they sound equally decent in either language I guess

It is simple arithmetic. We are hawk boy. Chu Yan was swallow boy. We triumphed over the Swallow and his Fierce Swallows, ergo, 1 plus 1, and we are the Swallowing Hawk

Away from the Ge and over towards courtesy names. It's a little early, but, based off our current nickname, Soaring Hawk, I suggest we eventually gain the name Feiying, which is a combination of the words Flying Hawk, which in turn reflects our connection to Fengxian (the flying general) while still embodying our current nickname. Bonus points to it because we'd take the name after marrying Lu Bu's daughter.

I genuinely really like this. It embodies Shu's roots, story, his connections to Lu Bu, as well as his aspirations to rise higher. Should Lu Bu die in the near future, and Shu becomes a warlord, it would be a striking reference to the man in the future.
Guys I just want to get over Maiyu quickly, because Gaz said Dong Bai is an option. The star of the Han General rises high and bright, and we must ride the big Dong nice and long.

Who knows, we might even get Diao Chan in the mix. What could possibly go wrong.
You're gonna have to attract a Wang's attention. The pun is intentional.
That was purposeful.

We couldn't steal his cape, so we'll steal his epitaph for our courtesy name!
I wonder about stealing other bits but it maybe too gruesome for the quest in terms of human trophies when Hawkboy is already getting increasing dread points without having to go overboard.

Though you might still be able to get a fur cape from a random animal if you manage to kill let's say a wild tiger.
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Yeah the ephitets don't really translate too well from English to Chinese sadly. Just gotta imagine they sound equally decent in either language I guess
I ran into this when I read a translation for condor heroes during the pandemic. I'm certain the names and titles flow real well in Chinese but in English they get real clunky.
Lu Linqi and Dong Bai are indeed powerful forces for Liang Shu to unite with. With the bonus being that Lu Bu and Dong Zhou are such doting parents that it would only endear them to Liang Shu more if things go well. Hell, Dong already likes Shu for his principles. Marrying him to Dong Bai might just achieve his dream of having a non-disappointing son/grandson.
Lu Linqi and Dong Bai are indeed powerful forces for Liang Shu to unite with. With the bonus being that Lu Bu and Dong Zhou are such doting parents that it would only endear them to Liang Shu more if things go well. Hell, Dong already likes Shu for his principles. Marrying him to Dong Bai might just achieve his dream of having a non-disappointing son/grandson.
Dong Zhuo did like his son in law Niu Fu. It's just Niu Fu wasn't overly exceptional.

Liang Shu becoming his grandson via marriage and then by adoption definitely would make Liang Shu his hair essentially. Which would become very crucial in helping to reign in Dong's generals of Lu Bu ends up killing him.

Which…would be awkward. And best case scenario for that would be stripping Lu Bu of all his non martial ranks while Shu becomes regent as a comprise candidate.
Which…would be awkward. And best case scenario for that would be stripping Lu Bu of all his non martial ranks while Shu becomes regent as a comprise candidate.
Please... all this speculation is way above our heads and who knows, whether any of this will actually ever happen.

What if Big Daddy Dong Zhuo chokes on a bone during his next meal? Maybe Lu Bu will have a stroke, that shall turn him into a cripple? Or perhaps the Yellow Turbans shall achieve some spectacular success along the way? We have already created a ton of butterflies with smiting Chu Yan alone. The whole world may as well turn out to be a very different place.
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I wasn't part of the waifu wars, but when I was catching up to the quest, I liked Ge Maiyu because she was an ambitious and talented woman who wielded intrigue in one hand and diplomacy in the other.

And her betrayal is the not-that-unexpected downside of such a woman.
I have to give her respect for that play, it was a good one.

(And kudos to Gaz for writing such a good character)
If people want an intrigue Waifu then maybe Dong Bai will be that? Or maybe we could snag a Yang of Hongnong girl. They lived and breathed court politics.