It's kinda hard to look past how bad history seems to portray Papa Dong and not questioning who is writing said history. Like why him instead of all these other warlords who done just as bad things?
Well we didn't roll personally so I'm trying to be optimistic and thinking it doesn't directly effect Shu and his friends. At least physically.
I think maybe Lu Bu stole our kill or something? That would explain why we'd be annoyed.

That or Ge Maiyu escaped somehow.
Unrelated whiny note for the day but damn, navigating SV's frontpage with all this unfunny April Fools' nonsense is a nightmare for a more casual user like me. "Hmm, I want to browse the Quest forum, but first I have to solve the riddle of the fucking sphynx to work out which of these shitty bone related puns is the one I want"
I'm probably the only person who has this issue, and maybe there's some way to disable it, but idk, I'm an old senile man, I'm gonna complain anyway!
It's pretty interesting reading posts from a while back when Papa Dong was first introduced. People were REALLY against being friendly or teaming up with him, and some of the Write Ins reflected that!
To be fair, I assume that most of us were only familiar with the 'cruel, moustache-twirlingly evil Tyrant'-Interpretation of his Character before we met him in this Quest.

But as the Updates featuring him kept coming, that isn't really the Dong Zhuo we have seen here. We have seen a charming, fun and, so far, surprisingly honest and helpful man who, as far as we know, has yet to commit any truly heinous acts.
Oh, he is ambitious, has his own Agenda and isn't helping us out of the kindness of his heart, certainly. After all, he expects us to return the favor, eventually. But he is hardly alone in all of these things among the Regional Lords during this Era. And since the Han are headed for Collapse anyway and Dong Zhuo has not only helped us out so far but might not resort to his more infamous acts at all with the way things are going...well, siding with him, at least for the nearest future, has gotten a lot more appealing for a lot of people, me included.
More worried about in character stuff. Debts to Dong Zhou is still a thing but we also accepted working under Ding Yuan and Lu Bu. Unless Ding Yuan understands the situation has changed and willing to let Shu not work under him?
A little bit back but it's been stuck in my head since I read this and I just want to comment that as far as in character goes, ditching a previous agreement isn't the greatest thing to do but also ignoring debts isn't the greatest thing to do either. In character morality wise it's basically a choice between two unideal options, neither one thus is clearly superior on that front.
Well depending on if we're lucky/unlucky Ding Yuan may end up dying heroically from the Yellow Turban rebellion and so we can joing Ding Zhou with no conflicting moral sensibilities. :p
Technically,every government officer is ambitous though.
They just channel it in different way.Someone want fame and some want position in court.