It's Liang Shu - by Sertorius
My own little contribution to the Quest, courtesy of Chu Yan:

Chu Yan - It's Liang Shu

Long ago some nobleman from Xinshen
Hired me for a top secret mission
I was to rape, pillage and steal at will
Plus Prefect Liang Qi a target to kill
The operation went smoothly and swell
But the turd Ge Lang betrayed me as well
So now I have brought to him a real war
Wait, who is that attacking with a roar

It's Liang Shu
It's Liang Shu
He's armed with a ji

It's Liang Shu
It's Liang Shu
He will skewer me

But one mistake, that's all it really took
For him to have at me with his right hook
Like father like son some wise man once said
So I'll laugh out loud when I take his head
"Don't underestimate him!" I stated
Yet here I stand so cruely fated
Today the Swallow shall battle the Hawk
While everybody else shall stand and gawk

It's Liang Shu
It's Liang Shu
He's armed with a ji

It's Liang Shu
It's Liang Shu
He will skewer me

Big Eyes, Zuo and the valiant Huang Long
For all of them he proved to be too strong
Poison warned that this raid shall end my spree
Who in this world would dare to challenge me?

It's Liang Shu
It's Liang Shu
He's armed with a ji

It's Liang Shu
It's Liang Shu
He will skewer me

It's Liang Shu
It's Liang Shu
He's armed with a ji

It's Liang Shu
It's Liang Shu
He will skewer me
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I would absolutely love it if Chu Yan greets us in the Main Hall of the Manor, clapping his hands while chuckling and saying something along the lines of 'I told everyone not to underestimate you and yet, here I am', in a tone that makes it clear he appreciates the Irony of it all. I feel like he's the kind of person who would do that.
I would absolutely love it if Chu Yan greets us in the Main Hall of the Manor, clapping his hands while chuckling and saying something along the lines of 'I told everyone not to underestimate you and yet, here I am', in a tone that makes it clear he appreciates the Irony of it all. I feel like he's the kind of person who would do that.

I have legit wrote something very similar to that in my draft, haha
Get your tinfoil hats for I am about to propose that Yu Zhong is, in fact, Chu Yan

Evidence 1: They have a reputation for smart schemes
Evidence 2: They do shady stuff like torture
Evidence 3: They dislike the Han goverment
Evidence 4: Nobody has ever seen them in the same room at the same time

Wake up sheeple!
wut - By Aleadrex
Swallow the Hawk

The Ge Domains were vast, rich, and, well-maintained. The roads were clean, and paved with smooth stone, with bushes and fruit-bearing trees providing shade. The houses were of fine make, built with sturdy wood and steadfast stone, all plastered a clean white. The markets were rich, stocked daily with fresh vegetables and fresher fruit, carrying fine and exotic wares from across the Empire. Their peasants carried themselves with a sort of quiet pride and dignity, knowing they were serving the strongest and richest Clan in Bing, and you knew they thought themselves all privileged to work these lands.

They were all a far cry from the domains of the Liang, fallen from grace.

That was but yesterday.

Today, the domains of the Ge are a ruin; a battlefield. The paved roads are cracked and caked with filth and gore. The scent of flower and fruit wane, replaced with the stench of smoke and blood. The markets are looted, the doors of the pretty houses kicked down, and despite your earlier efforts, a not insignificant amount of the peasantry are stolen away by the bandits.

Though it pains you to avert your gaze from their screams and cries for help, you steel yourself. You must think ahead, of the bigger picture. By rushing to the aid of those poor souls, you may perhaps doom all of Xinshen. You turn away, and keep your eyes forward, straight ahead, to where the Ge Mansion stands, surrounded by the best-equipped bandits you'd ever seen.

Chu Yan is here.

"Azure Lances!" you cry out, brandishing your ji onwards, its blue pennants fluttering in the wind. "Charge!"

Hundreds of voices cry out behind you, swords raised, spears thrust forward, and your most elite cavalry - your trusted retainers and friends, they who have been with you since the very beginning of it all - charge.

You strike, and the Azure Lances strike with the force of hundreds.

The battle, though in your favor, is not lopsided like your earlier victories. The swallows are organized, experienced, and well-equipped with arms and armor that rival even that of your veterans. More than that, these are no strangers wary of each other, but comrades loyal to their own. You and yours batter them, but they do not bend. You snarl, and swing your ji with all your rage, and only then do they break.

You blink as Lu Lingqi parries aside a curved sword that would have cleaved through the top of your head, and before you can react, Lingqi has already slain your attacker.

Lingqi frowns, breathing hard. Eyes darting to you, then to the mansion, then to the roads. The sound of approaching horses and bandit reinforcements echo like thunder.

"Go!" Lingqi decides, her hand squeezing your shoulder. "We'll hold them off here!"

"I-I can't -" your heart hammers in your chest. "I can't leave you behind!"

"Chu Yan," Lingqi looks you in the eye. "Slay Chu Yan and the bandits will crumble, it's the best chance that we have, now go!"

Lingqi gives your shoulder one last squeeze, before she turns on her heel. Barking orders, your veterans rally around her without fear, without even the makings of doubt in their eyes.

You nod once, twice, before spurring your mare onwards, into the Ge Mansion, into vengeance.

The Ge Mansion is rich, opulent, even now. Rich, dyed silks grace the walls, and the fine furniture hold jewels and treasures which could feed smaller villages many years and still have gold to spare.

It is these riches that distract the Swallows long enough for you to cleave through them like wheat.

Your rage and anger build. Is it perhaps your newfound hatred of the Ge, who despite having all this wealth, sought even more in their boundless greed and orchestrated the demise of your father? Is it that Ge Maiyu too, plotted your death, your life only saved by the timely intervention of the virtuous Dong Zhuo? Is it that Chu Yan stalks these corridors, the man responsible not just for your father's death, but for the death and suffering of thousands?

A bandit thrusts a spear at you, and you turn to the side and yank it from his grasp.

An azure banner hangs from his lance.

Or is it because these damned bandit scum dare sully the symbols of your Azure Lances?

You draw your sword, better for such close quarters, before you suddenly freeze.

"B-Boss?" the bandit, no, your trusty guard, Pi Lei, stares back at you.

Before you can speak, the other bandits(?) stir, finally getting a better look at your face.

"Lord Liang!" Yi Cao greets, sword red with blood.

"Sir!" Xia Feng salutes, his pockets laden with loot.

"Boss!" Pi Lei salutes, getting down to one knee. "You've arrived just in time!"

What is the meaning of this?

But before you can speak, a strange sense of calm overtakes you. Your shoulders relax. You had Pi Lei his spear back. You smile.

"Well done, all of you," you speak, not out of your own volition. "Lu Lingqi should be warding off the rest of the swallows. As we have planned, corral them, and allow her to finish off the rest of the swallows."

"Yes, sir!" they salute.

"They have long outlived their usefulness," you grin, wide, as if you were used to it. "Do not allow any witnesses to survive."

"At once, sir!" Yi Cao makes to move, before you urge him to wait.

"Oh, and ah..." you smirk. "The Ge will probably keep the best of their treasures in the storehouses by the east. Ensure that you... pass by, before rendezvousing with Lingqi, would you?"

Nasty smirks mar the faces of your once still trusted men, and they go off to do their bidding. Only once you are alone again does control over your body return.

"Impressive, Liang Shu" a smooth voice cuts through the silence. "You have not disappointed."

You whirl around. No longer are you in the same corridor, but rather, in the lavish hall of the Ge.

"No... You... You are -"

You turn, and there Ge Lang sits, his hands and feet bound, staring at you with horror.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm..."

Ge Maiyu kneels at your feet, forehead pressed to the ground, pale lips whispering apologies over and over again.

Before you can stop, breathe, and try to figure out what in the hells is going on, the sound of clapping resounds in the deathly silent room, directly behind you.

"Well done, Liang Shu," declares Chu Yan, not ceasing his clapping, his hat, fluffier than yours could ever hope to be, his cape, flowing almost horizontally, despite being completely indoors. "You have exceeded my greatest expectations."

"Murderer!" you thunder, brandishing your ji. "You killed my father!"

"Oh, Shu," Chu Yan has the gall to laugh. "Is it still not clear to you, yet?"

You swing your ji in an overhead crescent, not wasting any of your words on the madman.

The ji, Dawnfall, swings true, and your weapon crashes Chu Yan's form into a million pieces.

You stare dumbly at what used to be an expensive, full-body, glass mirror.

"Oh, Shu," Chu Yan laughs at you from the broken shards of glass. "Do you need me to refresh your memory about what truly befell Liang Qi?"

Years Ago....

"Holy shit, Shu, I'm telling you, I was this close," Liang Qi gestures. "This close, to getting shot in the face."

"Whoa," you, young Liang Shu, gasped. "That was pretty close."

"I know," Liang Qi nods. "He managed to kill all my men, and leave me the sole survivor of my army, but I managed to get him in the end."

"That's so cool!" you exclaim. "How did you do it!"

"It's better if I show you," Liang Qi grins, handing you his bow and arrow, putting it in your hands, adjusting the grip, and pulling the arrow back for you. "So you see, pretend I'm that bandit, and I was chasing you, me, whatever, down, and -"

You open your eyes, all of them.

"Remember what we're here for," the voice whispers, and you turn, for naught.

The broken shards of glass no longer reflect Chu Yan's visage.

With an almost contemptuous backhand, you remove Maiyu from your foot.

"No, Shu!" Maiyu cries out. "Stop!"

You do not stop. You do not even spare her a glance.

You walk, slowly, lightly, almost completely unburdened, towards Ge Lang. Your sword is caked in bloodrust, but never before has it felt so light, so easy.

"This, this can't be true,
" Ge Lang whispers. "This has to be a lie... No, you can't -"

You smile, and with a flick of your wrist, you cut the voluminous sleeves of his robes off.

"No!" Ge Maiyu screams, in true anguish.

"Please, Liang Shu," Ge Lang begs. "Anything but this..."

You raise your sword once more.

For in a secret pocket, in a specially made case, tied to Ge Lang's own person, is a treasure worth drowning Xinshen in blood many times over for. You see it every night in your dreams... in both your dreams.

Misc - Even More Antique Kettle (Tier II Misc) (Boosts chances of raising Rapport some more) - An even more classical tea kettle that is extra sure to impress guests.

You stagger out from the Ge Mansion, bloodied, but unbowed.

You look, dazedly, upon the sky, and realize that the sun is rising.

"Liang Shu!" Lingqi all but throws herself at you, her arms steadying you up. "It-It's a miracle! The bandit army dispersed, and Chu Yan's entourage have been routed!"

"L-Lingqi?" you turn your head, confused.

"Shu?!" Lingqi frowns, concern shining in her eyes. "Bird Boy? Are you alright? Are you wounded? What of Chu Yan? What of the Ge?"

"The Ge," you frown. "Chu Yan slew the Ge. Chu Yan, he... he cut Ge Maiyu down in front of her grandfather, before leaving him to bleed out slowly." You take a steadying breath, "And... And I fought him, and... and I think I, I think I won."

"You did what you could, and Liang Qi's spirit will surely rest much easier now that his death has been avenged." Lingqi's features soften. "Come on, Bird Boy, we should get you to a doctor, and get you some rest, and... by the way -"

You turn to Lingqi, and her eyes are drawn to your hands.

"What's that kettle you've got over there?"


"Ah," you nod, memories returning to your fragmented mind. Ge Maiyu starts weeping onto your trousers, and Ge Lang appears to be trying to convince himself that this is a mad dream.

"Yeah," Chu Yan sighs. "We ended up taking the bow and running for it. Well, at least I did. Pretty wild coincidence the pseudonym we ended up using happened to be the name of the bandit Ge Lang over there hired."

"But wait," you frown, "If we're Chu Yan, how did we lead the Bandits?"

"Well," Chu Yan strokes his beard. "You ever notice how, every time you make camp, you mark the third tree by the left as your favorite piss tree?"


"Yu Du knows to find it, climb up and listen while we monologue."

"Ah," you nod. "Is that why we never found the gigantic bandit army?"

"That, and Yu Zhong talks in his sleep."

"Ah," you nod. "We hyped you up to try and impress Lu Bu, didn't we?"

"It better. If only you could hear the kinds of rumors they believed of both our respective martial skills now."
If the Emperor stands in your way, kill him. If the Buddha stands in your way, kill him. If the Heavens stand in your way, kill them.

Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill.

Kill till you get the teapot.
-A nursery rhyme that the Liang family learns
Look Gaz, we can still make it work with Ge Maiyu. How hard can it be?:V
Speaking of the Ge Maiyu route.
One thing I will discuss once this is over is a general idea of what if you got to this point on the "Maiyu Route".
I do hope we get a general idea of what kind of (entertaining) clusterfuck has been avoided by the dogged pursuit of Lu Bu. And his daughter.

You know, in a month or six.;)
luckly we swapped miss frame us for murder as a wife and mr he hired a man to kill our father as a grandfather and we got mr dubious loyality as a father in law, okay that sounds bad but not as bad as the first
Technically Lu Bu could actually be loyal, if you treat him right. For us we would probably allow him to do what he wants and we could not cockblock him so that wouldn't be a problem either.
Shu is Handsome as a starting bonus so wouldnt be suprised if as he gets higher fame and status more girls start liking him.

And since are end goal is going Emperor we can go Harem and would need to. :V