If I remember right, alot of the time we didnt investigate because we had other areas we wanted to look into time management being a thing.

Yup. It did happen a LOT though, so much so it was a hot topic in the thread for a while. Shu having a few social observational issues have remained a small part of his character, at least.
Those social observational issues was why Lu Lingqi was sure Liang Shu was a dense idiot about romance up until he confessed to her I take it? :p

(Also maybe hearing from one of Liang Shu's friends about how long he took to realise Liang Zhen & Zhu Fang were into each other probably made her despair at "Oh no, I've fallen for an idiot" I imagine. :V)
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Those social observational issues was why Lu Lingqi was sure Liang Shu was a dense idiot about romance up until he confessed to her I take it? :p

At the end of the day, Bird Boy and Friends *are* still just teenagers, so some immaturity and denseness have to considered :)

The one who told Lingqi about how long it took Shu to realise Fang and Zhen liked each other was almost certainly Fang himself :V I've always had the idea that Lingqi gets irritated by Fang but kinda releases the big lug has a point a lot of the time
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Actually something I can't recall at the moment. How old are Fang, Zhong, Us, and our sisters now?
I think we like 15 at the start and now we are 16 after the year long timeskip right?
Zhu Fang is the same age but Yu Zhong is 2 years younger than us. He freaking 13/14!

both Lu Lingqi and Dong Bai are the same age which is one year younger than us.

I expect Dong Bai to be Int/Cha/Lea focus character while Lu Lingqi is War/Lea/Cha (of all things? Cha?) focus.

I can only imagine the jokes Dong Bai would make of Lu Lingqi intelligence.
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I expect Dong Bai to be Int/Cha/Lea focus character while Lu Lingqi is War/Lea/Cha (of all things? Cha?) focus.

I can only imagine the jokes Dong Bai would make of Lu Lingqi intelligence.

People voted for Lu Lingqi's stat raising focus, it actually got in the way of her WAR gains due to spreading her growth thinly!

If you guys do decide to follow Papa Dong, I of course have plans for Dong Bai.
Will we also meet an expy of the Bagslayer if we join Dong Zhou? :p

I am actually going through that quest now and I have to admit, I can't really blame the initial response of the people in charge being angry at the player character for just abandoning his post and not accurately explaining why with some form of evidence since I got past the bagslaying incident.
Will we also meet an expy of the Bagslayer? :p

I am actually going through that quest now and I have to admit, I can't really blame the initial response of the people in charge being angry at the player character for just abandoning his post and not accurately explaining why with some form of evidence since I got past the bagslaying incident.

I have referenced Captain Dao Xia somewhere, IIRC. I like to think the legendary Bagslayer does exist even in this universe
So, apparently most of the major players in that quest weren't really fans of the Bagslayer (whereas Liang Shu is already getting a really good reputation), how do you think Liang would interact with him if that is all right to ask? @Gaz

(Also if he does I do hope we can meet him if/ when we likely do join Dong Zhou, since we probably will if Lu Bu joins Dong Zhou with Lu Bu being Liang Shu's most likely future father in law, also because I would rather avoid hypothetical future two if at all possible.)
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So, apparently most of the major players in that quest weren't really fans of the Bagslayer (whereas Liang Shu is already getting a really good reputation), how do you think Liang would interact with him if that is all right to ask? @Gaz

(Also if he does I do hope we can meet him if/ when we likely do join Dong Zhou.

I don't think Shu would appreciate the Bagslayer's lack of commitment/consistency, which is one reason he was never a well liked MC in that quest. He always just seemed to do half measures and never really had strong convictions.
I hesitate to say more because it would be bad taste on me to throw shade on the MC of another quest, tbh
That's fair on both accounts. I apologise about asking since it was, in retrospect a bit of rude of me now that I am thinking about it. It just had been on my mind for a bit, but it was ultimately somewhat rude to ask.
That's fair on both accounts. I apologise about asking since it was, in retrospect a bit of rude of me now that I am thinking about it. It just had been on my mind for a bit, but it was ultimately somewhat rude to ask.

Don't apologise, it's fine! It was a Quest I enjoyed reading/participating in myself. I am basically just rather hesitant to like, properly reference the MC of another Quest in my own, especially if I brought up and highlighted his low points.

I wouldn't really have a problem if someone wrote an Omake with Zhen Jie, but I really don't think it would be kosher for me to include him in an official capacity, at least not without the permission of the QM.
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That makes sense. I just didn't want to seem rude on accident.

So, looking at the Koei/Dynasty Warriors version of Dong Bai and thinking about Dynasty Warriors since it's based on Romance of the Three Kingdoms, which we are in, in the theoretical timeline that branches off from Liang Shu being important and we do end up in a theoretical Four Kingdoms scenario (with Liang Shu ending up with Lu Lingqi naturally) how do we think Liang Shu, so far, would be portrayed personality wise with it's generally eclectic and quirky cast of characters?

(Also I wonder if in this scenario Lu Bu would be considered "part of" Liang Shu's faction despite being an independent warlord for a fair period of time since Liang probably consistently backs him up and helps him out without getting stabbed in the back.)
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That makes sense. I just didn't want to seem rude on accident.

So, looking at the Koei/Dynasty Warriors version of Dong Bai and thinking about Dynasty Warriors since it's based on Romance of the Three Kingdoms, which we are in, in the theoretical timeline that branches off from Liang Shu being important and we do end up in a theoretical Four Kingdoms scenario (with Liang Shu ending up with Lu Lingqi naturally) how do we think Liang Shu, so far, would be portrayed personality wise with it's generally eclectic and quirky cast of characters?

(Also I wonder if in this scenario Lu Bu would be considered "part of" Liang Shu's faction despite being an independent warlord for a fair period of time since Liang probably consistently backs him up and helps him out without getting stabbed in the back.)
Half of his accomplishments get assigned to Liu Bei, of course.
Zhu Fang puffs his chest out, hands on his hips, "Ah, yes, I am the Greatest Warrior in Fenshan Village, after all!" You can't help but feel a little happy that your friend is actually getting some recognition for his prowess.

"If I recall, your father was also-" Li Su begins.

Zhu Fang suddenly inhales sharply and coughs, before slamming his hands down on the desk quite suddenly. You can't help but jump a little at his unexpected reaction, "T-that's enough! Enough of this crap, little man, just register us already!"
Huh. Did we ever get the deets on Zhu Fangs daddy yet?
Real question is what happens if lu bu doesn't kill Dong Zhuo?

like if Dong Zhuo didn't went full courting death and allow Lu bu to have Diao chan? or if Dong Zhuo dies of an heart attack? Does Lu bu takes over or does the son of Dong Zhuo take over?

Or does Dong Bai take over cause she has a face portrait?

Huh. Did we ever get the deets on Zhu Fangs daddy yet?
We never did. It be interesting if Zhu Fang daddy is in fact Zhang Fei. Can you imagine Zhu Fang going up to his father and challenging him to a duel for abandoning his family. Zhang Fei left his family cause he didn't want to raise them despite his wife having an literal liquor store...maybe he left cause he was drinking all the liquor but not paying for it?

Zhu Fang vs Zhang Fei. (Zhu/Zhang bowl!)
Us vs Gang Yu (So that Yu Zhang doesn't explode when he get touch by Gang Yu. Also gotta get them lu bu points for marriage)
Yu Zhang vs Liu bei (Yu Zhang desires to Finish off the Han Dynasty last remaining hope for the han rebirth)
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Real question. Can we reach memetic levels of heaven defying IQ plays or do we need to reach 95+ INT to do such things?

Cause I want to see if we can met or surpass Sima yi and Zhuge Liang. Like actually legit try to do that kind of stuff.