So... how common is it for children to be executed for being related to a clan?

I... would rather avoid that.
Depends on the crime, if it is serious enough like treason, it happens in that time.

Why am I like that...

So the basis for this punishment or talk about it in media is the so-called "extirpation of three generations". It was "invented" during the Qin Dynasty (disputable because there are accounts of it happening before but who cares). As should be obvious it was a form of capital punishment and advocated that not only the culprit but also his relatives should be executed. It normally includes the parents, brothers and sisters, wife and children of the convicted.

Theoretically speaking it was similar to the Five Punishments abolished during the reign of Emperor Wen. But there are still instances where it happened after the abolishment, especially to high profile traitors.

In this case, I think the true perpetrators get executed and the family will lose a massive amount of prestige and actually be done for in Xinshen. But it should not come to a true punishment of Three Generations. It may sound dismissive, but killing an official is not that big of a deal. There could even be a similar option on the table to the one given the surrendering bandits. Redemption for battle accomplishments. The instigators still die, but the rest of the family can redeem themselves.
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I think you guys might be overestimating how much authority Liang Shu himself has in dealing out punishment for crimes. A lot of this will unfortunately be out of your hands at this stage.
So... how common is it for children to be executed for being related to a clan?

I... would rather avoid that.
They're involved in the murders of two different imperial prefects, there is a considerable chance we get literally 0 input on the matter. Hell in the worst case we might be struggling to protect our own retainers with mere tangential relationships multiple generations back if the powers that be decide to get REALLY serious.
I don't see the Han being forgiving
"It appears that is the prevailing theory." Zhang Xiu replies. "Regardless of Leng Jun's tenure as prefect, or his personal character, murdering an official of the Han is a most serious crime. As the mercenaries were hired in Xinshen, it is my duty to find out who they are, and who hired them. Rest assured, once I know the names of these sellswords, I will look at their prior employers and see if anyone had a grudge against Leng Jun. Whoever is behind this murder will be found out and brought to justice."
Also it is out of our hands since I am sure the Eunuchs will want to do the punishment themselves.
I think you guys might be overestimating how much authority Liang Shu himself has in dealing out punishment for crimes. A lot of this will unfortunately be out of your hands at this stage.
Do we get a female Vegeta? That would be awesome. Ge Maiyu, the femme fatale of the Three Kingdoms era. Her family humiliated by the shining example of paragonhood Liang Shu had her turn away from the shining world and toward a world of darkness. Becoming the apprentice of the bandit queen she gathers men and troops under her banner with only the cry of vengenace on her lips...Fuck I want that to happen XD
Honestly If Maiyu was involved like she seems to be she's probably going to be executed she seems to have actually been in on/helped plan the last prefects death.
Honestly If Maiyu was involved like she seems to be she's probably going to be executed she seems to have actually been in on/helped plan the last prefects death.
I think the major problem would be evidence. The last update has only told us that Jia Xu is close to finding incriminating evidence. For a clan it is better to then bring forward an obvious scapegoat and accept punishment for him/her. With how much Ge Maiyu was valued by the patriarch it is doubtful they would not try to protect her in some way. The Worst case is some form of exile and her running away like historical characters did after harming or killing officials. I would be surprised, if the Ge Clan would not be able to do something like that or not even try it.

It is a basic sign of competence to have fail-safes or a backup plan, if the initial scheme fails. Ge Dejun would make an easy and obvious scapegoat for example and power does not vanish so quickly. Furthermore, with all the surrounding problems it would be easy to hide among refugees.
Honestly, I don't think I can write ROTK OC. Not really versed with the history and culture. I'm much more on sengoku jidai.

If someone want some merits, I'm willing to donate it.
I don't personally see much of an issue. Just gonna hang on for a short while before confirming it, in case anyone comes up with balance concerns
Woud any of the local ROT3K experts be willing to explain how significant this is and/or point possible consecuences of it?
Spoiler incoming
OTL three armies were sent out under Hunagfu Song, Lu Zhi and Zhu Jun. The one under Lu Zhi was sent against the "main force" of the Yellow Turbans in Ji Province under their leader Zhang Jue. The other two went together against the major Turban army in Yingchuan, Zhu Jun went to face Bo Cai and Huangfu Song garrisoned Changshe. Jun lost the initial battle and then came the famous fire attack of Huangfu Song and the counterattack, which included the man, the myth himself Cao Cao.
On the other hand Lu Zhi has, as far as I am aware, only a story of successes to his name. He broke the Yellow Turbans and forced them back to their stronghold Guangzong. Then there is the story of the young Eunuch who came and wanted to be bribed by him, but Lu Zhi told him to go fuck himself. Well, he did not take this well and told the emperor that Lu Zhi was taken his time because he was indecisive and weak. So he got recalled, humiliated and Big Dong took over. But things were not so easy. Zhang Jue died but his successor was Zhang Liang, who commanded some of the best troops the Yellow Turbans had and with death as the only option they fought like hell. In the end Huangfu Song was called forth to replace Big Dong, and he crushed them at last.

So going by this history it is simple. An earlier attack by Lu Zhi could lead to an earlier setback of the Yellow Turban cause in this region. Compared to the other fronts, there was no mention of him ever losing against his opponents and with the leadership under threat the other regions will more likely turn their attentions inward instead of towards new regions.

Because I don't know where Dong Zhuo's army is going to be I cannot guess what is going to happen outside of that. If he is with Lu Zhi, this could make the campaign even more go into our way, and he would be pragmatic enough to bribe the eunuch, which would allow the army to deal with the rebels in one swoop instead of having to wait for one new general after another.

I don't personally see much of an issue. Just gonna hang on for a short while before confirming it, in case anyone comes up with balance concerns
Depending on how many would combine such points I would say just to keep an eye on the overall balance. If enough of us throw our points together, it could create some substantial bonus to our side or to another ones. I don't want the balance to get broken, it will just mean more work for you. It could also be strange from a story perspective if in the next month or so a small cadre of monster just join up with Liang Shu and stay eternally loyal.
I mean give us some in-game years and someone that would now come across as awesome would be just good or a great addition. I mean when the Emperor dies I see us easily being on the same level as Cao Cao or Liu Bei from stats. Just if we get someone on that level right now it could break things and force the intended minor character into a major role. And the latter is one of the main issues. The introduction of OCs, especially created by questers is such a delicate thing. It is understandable that the creator would likely hype "his" character up and would want to see him or her treated with a modicum of respect. If they are then forced into the limelight just because of their stats in the current situation, it can feel like the quest with "our" main character got hyjacked by special badass 101.

@Gaz Could be an easy way to stop it from easily leading to the creation of some monsters right now. I am not sure if there even is such a big interest in giving these points away.
I am waiting on seeing the various factions and try to give some love to those with less officers historically (Gongsun Zan, Yuan Shao and such)
Only the Emperor of Zong is worthy of any contributions...I will wait till I could make someone worthwhile and add him to someone interesting. If I get him to be killed by Shu, I would call it a massive success.
I think you guys might be overestimating how much authority Liang Shu himself has in dealing out punishment for crimes. A lot of this will unfortunately be out of your hands at this stage.
funny thing about filial piety is that killing the murderer of your parents is accepted by heaven and society.

There was an official case where an women killed the murderer of her father and it was due to her brother dying before he could do it. The courts didn't even bother to sentence her or punish her.

The head of the Ge family is dying by our hand.