Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Turn 11 Arc 2-1: Expedition
Two metal clad fists crashed together. "Greetings, honorable allies!"

Gan Guangli was much the same as he had been when Ling Qi had seen him last. He had gained a few centimeters in height, and his shoulders were a touch more broad and his short blonde hair had been grown out just a bit. Yet he was still Guan Guangli. Tall and boisterous, a hulk in gilded white and red armor.

"My, aren't you a bright one," Meng Dan mused, tilting his head as he examined Gan Guangli.

Xia Lin eyed him in silent appraisal, her arms crossed over her breastplate.

Cai Renxiang stood beside him, any hint of uncertainty she had shown last evening gone from her austere expression. "This Gan Guangli, oldest of my retainers. He will be accompanying us on this journey as well."

Xia Lin clasped her hands and bowed, very precisely. "Greetings Baron Gan, I am Sergeant Xia Lin of the White Plumes. I have been assigned the duty of guarding your Mistress."

She seemed slightly nonplussed when Gan Guangli beamed at her.

Meng Dan toyed with the frames of his glasses, casting an unreadable look at Xia Lin. "And I am Meng Dan, your lady has invited me for my expertise on ancient cultures."

"And I would hope that you remember me, Gan Guangli," Ling Qi said dryly.

They stood under the eaves of a stone pavilion on the Inner Sect Peak where Cai Renxiang currently lived. The sun was still low in the sky having only recently risen over the horizon.

"Naturally Miss Ling. It pleases me to make your acquaintance as well, Sir Meng! As for you, Sergeant Xia," Gan Guangli said cheerfully, straightening to his full height. "It is reassuring that my Lady will have a soldier so elite at her side! My own circumstances have caused me some trouble in keeping pace."

He was only Foundation Green and Bronze, a full stage behind everyone here. There was no shame in his voice though. Gan Guangli really was irrepressible.

"...Lady Cai's safety will be secure," Xia Lin said, her gaze flicked away from Gan Guangli's face down to Cai Renxiang. "On that matter, my Lady, what are the plans for our expedition?"

"We have two days of preparatory time. During the first half of our journey, we will be traveling with a combined war party of the Sect and the White Plumes, which will be cooperating with Wang and," Cai Renxiang paused her to nod to Meng Dan. "Meng forces in a limited offensive against the barbarians. This will provide us with cover during the second half, when we split from the main forces."

"Oh my, how delightfully bold," Meng Dan mused. "As expected from Yuan He and the Heron General."

Cai Renxiang simply inclined her head. "We will leave the main force and travel to the edge of the territory known to be held by tribes which are participating in the current hostilities with a scouting element. Then we will split again for the final leg of the journey."

Ling Qi hummed to herself, she had heard this already discussing matters with Renxiang the night before. They would probably have an observer as well, but since interference would mean failure, it was best to plan as if they did not.

"What are our plans for extraction?" Xia Lin asked. "I have reviewed the documentation and the target location is very deep in the Wall, near the edge of reliable mapping."

"My Mother has crafted us a single use transport talisman," Renxiang replied. "We are to attempt to negotiate the placement of a transportation tag at a designated meeting location if possible."

It shouldn't be an impossible ask. Allowing a potential enemy to mark your location was dangerous… but in controlling the placement they would be able to prepare defensive measures as they liked.

"Mutual untrustworthiness. Diplomacy is fun isn't it," Sixiang chuckled.

"I mean no offense, but what is to be done if the talisman fails, or is interdicted? I had heard that our foes have some proficiency in that." Meng Dan said.

There was a moment of bewildered silence in the field. Xia Lin and Gan Guangli alike stared at him blankly. Even Ling Qi shifted a little uncomfortably. The mere thought was a little alarming but… even Elder Jiao's talisman had been interfered with. "It is relevant," Ling Qi said carefully. "Underestimating foes is foolish."

"Ling Qi is correct," Renxiang said crisply. "We will also have emergency communications with one of the Duchess' apprentices. They will begin a rescue operation if need be."

"That is relieving," Meng Dan said, bowing his head. "The Duchess is wise indeed."

"It is good that we are prepared for even the most unlikely contingency," Gan Guangli said with a firm nod.

"Yes," Xia Lin said slowly. Ling Qi couldn't be sure what she was thinking though. Her aura was as unreadable as her expression. "What then, are we to do until departure? Will we be participating in the cooperative drilling with the Sect?"

"I believe I have a more fruitful exercise," Renxiang said. "The core of our mission will be its final leg, and most of us are familiar with military protocol already."

"And even I know to stay out of the way and obey orders," Meng Dan said lightly.

"Just so," Renxiang said, gesturing for Ling Qi to come forward to the table in the center of the pavilion. "Ling Qi has a lead on a more useful exercise."

Eyes fell on her, and Ling Qi dipped her head humbly as she stepped forward. "I have in the course of my cultivation gained a number of treasures. Among them is a map of the Sect grounds which marks numerous sites of interest."

"Intriguing," Meng Dan said, leaning forward eagerly as Ling Qi gestured and the map materialized on the table. "You are fortunate indeed Miss Ling."

"I am," Ling Qi agreed, she looked upon the silvery surface with some trepidation. She had used the map very sparingly. She still remembered her last major use after all.

She would not be so weakly resolved again.

"A shorter expedition in safer ground as a test then," Xia Lin said, stepping forward herself to peer at the map. "Practical enough."

"I have not been able to quest into the Sect grounds often," Gan Guangli boomed. "What a good opportunity!"

"Indeed, it is possible that we may achieve some additional benefit," Renxiang said.

"Sect cultivated spirits are often beneficial," Xia Lin acknowledged. She looked to Ling Qi. "Have you selected a destination?"

"I have some ideas, but I had hoped to ask Sir Meng's assistance," Ling Qi replied easily. Really when inspecting the map she simply got hunches about where was best to go. "There is some element of divination in the maps use, and a fellow expert's opinion would be welcome."

Calling herself an expert of divination was a stretch, but she managed to say it with a straight face. Meng Dan's amused gaze told her he saw through it however. "Naturally Miss Ling. What portents have you deciphered thus far?"

"Well," Ling Qi said, sweeping her hand over the map. "The signs seemed to point to these…"

Meng Dan spent the better part of an hour examining the map, questioning Ling Qi on her feelings regarding specific sites, and flipping through a regional atlas drawn from his storage ring, and scattering odd platinum coins carved with different characters across the map before he delivered his verdict. The signs for best fortune pointed to a site on the southeastern edge of the map, marked by three concentric circles of carved silver trees.

With the destination selected, Ling Qi fell back from the forefront as Cai Renxiang organized the expedition, taking a slow pace to simulate moving carefully through hostile territory, it would be a one day trip. She and Meng Dan were set the task of gathering information on the site from other disciples while Gan Guangli and Xia Lin were set to determining the best route.

Ling Qi rather wished that she had done such research the last time she had done this, but then again, it probably wouldn't have been so easy before. There were far fewer people willing to give her the time of day then. She found her best source was one of the young men who was part of the caldera assault group. He had been there at the end, and he was more than willing to share what he knew.

It was a defunct trial site, where the spirit companion of a deceased Elder from the pre Ogodei Sect slept away their remaining days. It was no longer a proper challenge site, but the dreams of the fading spirit that lived there made it dangerous, twisting the forest into a maze and filling it with hostile figments. He had made it to the second circle of trees before leaving and had gotten valuable materials for medicine crafting, but he had heard from his older brother that the spirit at the center could sometimes awaken and give disciples boons.

Returning to Meng Dan, she delivered her information, and he was able to cross reference that with his own knowledge and determine that it was likely the place where the Elder named Lang had fallen, buying time for the Sect's evacuation.

That had drawn Ling Qi up short. She had heard that name before. It was the name of the Elder who had written Xuan Shi's books. She filed that away for later. It was strange though, according to Meng Dan's records, the man was a peerless swordsman from the Alabaster Sands, who had come south to retire after a century of exploring outside the empire.

You would not think that one of the last men to hold the title of Sword Saint before it passed from common use would be the author of a bunch of silly books. Meng Dan certainly seemed enthusiastic about going now though.

The trip itself was uneventful, but they used it as practice for coordinating themselves. Together with Xia Lin, Ling Qi played outrider, scouting ahead and weaving their way through the interlocking grid of spirit territories to avoid conflict. Xia Lin was surprisingly adept at hiding her presence, and so was the silent warhorse she rode.

The other's stayed together, Meng Dan using the information they delivered back to further extrapolate their path and avoid snarls that the two of them had missed. When they reached a twisted copse that couldn't easily be bypassed, Gan and Xia Lin took point in carving a path while Ling Qi picked off and drank the energy of the lesser spirits that tried to swarm them.

Only Renxiang herself did little, but that too was part of the plan. The arts of the Cai were unsubtle and distinctive, and although she could tell that it frustrated her liege, she stuck to enhancing everyone else's efforts.

They soon reached the site itself, a towering circle of old growth that reached a hundred meters into the sky, and whose bark glimmered with veins of steel, dark fog seeped from between the ancient trunks, and the canopy blotted out the already dim fall sun. All the same…

"This place is dying," Meng Dan said with a rare frown, peering upward at the gentle rain of withered brown leaves.

"According to your information, that should not be a surprise," Xia Lin commented, sliding down from her horse. "The spirit here is supposed to be fading."

"It is not just one spirit dying here," Meng Dan replied.

"This is a place of despair," Gan Guangli rumbled, crossing his thick arms across his chest. He peered up at the withering trees and the veins of rusting steel that ran through their bark with an expression of dislike. "Miss Ling, Sir Meng, are you certain of your divinations."

Ling Qi understood his disquiet. The fog was far too familiar here. It felt like Tonghou in the depths of winter. Cheer curled up and died here, among the gnarled roots. Yet all the same the map had never directed her to an unhelpful place.

...Even if she didn't like all of the results.

"I don't think this place is dangerous, not in the same way," Sixiang murmured.

"I am confident, don't let the aura of the place pick at your resolve," Ling Qi said, idly rubbing her arms. There was a chill here that had nothing to do with temperature.

"Just so, this is but one of the many scents of history," Meng Dan agreed.

"Indeed," Renxiang said, stepping up past them all. Her light seared the twisting fingers of mist, and scattered the gloom. Ling Qi felt the chill fade, and in that moment she fully recognized the pall that hung over this place. It was dearth of purpose, the cessation of ambition and drive.

No wonder Cai Renxiang so easily parted it.

Sixiang was certainly right. This place wasn't dangerous in a conventional way. They were as a group, too strong for mere figments to impede. Phantoms of glinting steel melted before them, and twisting passages of dream stuff and bent space parted before her fledgling experience and Meng Dan's navigational techniques.

No, the trouble was the growing whispers of doubt and ennui in her thoughts whenever she ventured from the group to scout. She could see it in everyone, although aside from Renxiang, Gan Guangli seemed to bear it the best. She could tell that he didn't like this place from the set of his jaw, but there seemed to be an inner light in his eyes, not quite like the harsh and colorless radiance her liege gave off.

As they worked their ways through the first and second rings of trees, Ling Qi didn't miss the way all of them seemed to unconsciously shift toward tightening their formation, moving closer to Renxiang, who was the only one untouched by the fog.

Soon, they found their way to the final circle, and an archway formed of trees grown together, filled by cloying fog impenetrable to all senses. It was, Ling Qi thought a touch sourly, probably a lot like what she inflicted on people.

"Not quite so fun on this side huh?" Sixiang teased half heartedly. "Ugh, let's get this over with, I feel like I've been drenched in a bucket of sewage."

She supposed, to Sixiang, this near palpable aura of listlessness was probably equivalent. "What is our plan from here, Lady Cai?"

Her liege frowned at the nearly solid wall of fog, even her ambient glow failing to penetrate it. "Given the intelligence we have, brute force is a poor choice, the entity here is not an enemy. However, peaceful contact cannot be guaranteed. Gan Guangli, Xia Lin, you will take the point and press through. I will fortify your spirits."

Xia Lin Lin grimaced, withdrawing her hand from the fog, it clung like liquid mud to her fingers. "By your command."

Gan Guangli squared his shoulders and gave a simple nod.

"Ling Qi, Meng Dan, prepare your divinatory arts, I will require your assistance to coordinate should our senses be scrambled," Renxiang said crisply.

Ling Qi nodded, silver flickering in her eyes as she renewed her sense enhancing arts. Meng Dan simply bowed, showing no visible change.

They pressed through the fog, and emerged in a grave.

They stood on the edge of a great, rounded depression in the ground, surrounded by the innermost ring of trees. Below them lay a field of bones. Ling Qi found her grip on her flute tightening as her mind flashed back to another field, seen in a dream.

But it wasn't the same, these bones were half returned to earth, overgrown with moss and buried in loam. She saw the bones of men, and horses, and more exotic things, they had all been cut. Skulls lay where they had fallen, bisected at the eye sockets, rib cages lay on their sides, cut vertically through the center, and at the bottom, what she took as white moss was a fine powder of bone shards, cut too small to hold any shape.

"A grave indeed," Meng Dan mused, his voice sounding muffled to her ears. "Do you see the pattern?"

Ling Qi squinted following where his finger pointed.

She saw the pattern in the bones, tracing out the gigantic figure of an old man lying on his side, curled in on himself.

The air thrummed, and she tore her eyes away to zero in on the source. There, lying among the bones, lay a broken sword. It was rust pitted, it's handle bare of padding, but it still hurt her eyes to look at the edge.

"Hoh, is it my time to burn at last, Daughter of Wildfire?" The voice was a corroded whisper, the sound of a smooth draw corrupted by rust.

Ling Qi frowned, glancing around at the others. No one here was a fire cultivator of any note. "Honored ancestor," she said, stepping forward and allowing the smooth flow of her spirit arts to take affect, dulling the cutting edge in the air. "Although we are not all disciples of the Sect, we mean no harm."

"...too bad," the voice whispered. "I had thought the fire cleansing the land had come for me. Why then?"

Ling Qi glanced at Renxiang then, and she thought she understood. One could liken the Duchess to a fire in some aspects. "We are on the eve of an important mission, which may save the Sect from great harm. Divination indicated that this was an auspicious place to explore."

She eyed the others, Gan Guangli and Xia Lin stood on either side of Renxiang, watching their surroundings intently. Xia Lin frowned though, her eyes tracking back to the broken blade again and again, the halberd in her hand seemed to vibrate with dissatisfaction.

Meng Dan was beside her, studying everything with faint interest in his eyes.

"There was no need to come so far then, harvest materials, sharpen yourselves on my nightmares. I care not," the voice whispered.

"Why would the Sect leave such a superlative blade to moulder?" Xia Lin hissed to her. "It is a disgrace. If this is meant as a memorial, it is a poor one."

Ling Qi glanced to her, but before she could reply, the blade itself did.

"I will not cut again, Blade of Glass. I will die here. It is not the scabbard I had hoped for, but it serves well enough," the voice ground out. "Take that as your lesson, if you like, there is no other end than this for a weapon, no matter how you strive."

She glanced at the other girl, silently beseeching her to hold her tongue. She glared down at the sword, but she didn't speak.

"There is something of value to be gained here," Meng Dan murmured. She glanced his way and his lips were not moving, his voice whispered directly in her ears. "I am certain of that. It is the specifics of the matter I am unsure of."

Ling Qi was silent for a moment, pondering what to say. It occurred to her that the master of this old blade was an explorer. The spirit had an impatient air however and she was not certain how long they would get to question it.

[] Question if the blade has any insights regarding the lands of ice in the far south. [certainty of actionable information, knowledge of a peoples homes grants insights]
[] Question if the blade had ever met any of the peoples descended of the mountain tribes. [uncertain actionable information, may reveal previous imperial contact?]

AN: Well I said it would be one, but I suppose it's more one and half since we will be going right into the actual expedition after this.
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Turn 11: Arc 2-2
"Honored Ancestor," Ling Qi began carefully. "Before we leave you to your… rest, might you have any wisdom on the lands beyond the wall to pass. Your wielder is well known for his travels."

"Those days were ending, afore we departed the blood slick sea, and left the treasure fleet behind," the sword spirit murmured.

Beside her, Meng Dan looked fit to burst at holding back the questions on his lips.

"Still, can it be true that such a man never ventured far?" Ling Qi pressed. "We will be journeying there, or close at least. Any knowledge you have to give would be helpful."

The swirling mists of the graveyard thickened around them, and silence answered her words. Carefully, Ling Qi prepared the weaves of qi that aid in their flight if need be, and she felt the others doing the same.

Eventually the grinding voice spoke. "The endless wind upon the frozen plain is a blade, shearing away chaff. It is a place where the sun shows not his face for weeks and months, and the dark is full of terrors that cannot be cut. It is a place of obstinate refusal of inevitability, where each blade of grass clings to life with vitality beyond the limits of its frame. It is a place where the Law of Man does not rule supreme. That is all a blade can say."

Ling Qi shuddered, not at the words themselves, but at the spiritual weight that hung in the air, carving images into her mind's eye. Of wind that would cut immortal flesh. A plain of hardy grass stretching out beyond sight, interrupted only by blots of huddled black trees. A sky with no sun, where the moon was wan and far away and the stars shone cold. A wall of fiery peaks far far in the south, beyond which a curtain of wicked daemon lights winked and flowed in an alien sky.

The pressure let up, and Ling Qi took a sharp breath, the sound loud in her own ears. "Thank you for your words, honored ancestor."

The words and visions spoke to her of the depths of Zeqing's demesne made more cruel and hostile still. Even if they were not to descend on those hostile plains, they would need to prepare well to traverse the southern mountains.

What kind of people would live in such a place, she wondered. It was a question she thought she would be pondering for some time. Still she sensed the simmering irritation in the air and knew that their time was up.

For now. She was going to be back here, if in different company.

"Thank you for your words, Honored Ancestor," Ling Qi said, offering a final bow. She glanced at the others, and jerked her head toward the exit.
As they turned to go however, the sword spoke again. "Child of Wildfire, what is the blade at your side?"

Cai Renxiang, who had observed the proceedings in impassive silence until then, frowned, her fingers brushing the hilt of her saber. "It is one tool among many, no more," she said crisply.

The mist churned, but whether in approval or disapproval she could not say. "Go," rumbled the sword.

And so they did.

"I will see that we are provided with sufficient environmental gear from the underground stockpiles on our return," Renxiang said as they stepped back into the lighter mist of the second ring.

"I had not been under the impression that the lands beyond the wall were as hostile as the western jungles, or the deeplands," Meng Dan mused. "An odd oversight in the records."

"If clans and individuals shared their findings freely with the wider province, the world would be unrecognizable," Xia Lin replied a touch sourly. She still seemed very unhappy with what she had seen in the grave.

"Still, I think that was at least productive?" Ling Qi said tentatively.

"I agree. I have a wider view of everyone's capabilities," Xia Lin agreed, striding ahead through the mist. The bent space was lighter now that they were leaving, the paths direct instead of twisting.

"Hm, I would have liked a more in depth interview with a survivor of the first treasure fleet," Meng Dan said, sounding a little dissatisfied. "Alas that primary sources are always so difficult."

"It is a shame for a relic to be left in a place like this, still," Xia Lin agreed.

"It is better," Gan Guangli said, less boisterous than normal. "Despair such as this is poison of the mind. No good would come of this spirits return. Let the Sect remember the Elder Lang as the hero he was."

Ling Qi watched out of the corner of his eye as Gan Guangli rubbed his cheek as if remembering some phantom blow.

Meng Dan hummed thoughtfully, but didn't say anything further.

The expedition was over. It was time to prepare for the real thing.

The army camp was a hive of activity as the Sect prepared to move out in force for barbarian lands. Elder Jiao had recovered from the worst of his wounds, and so Sect Head Yuan himself, along with General Xia Ren would be sallying forth. In addition to soldiers and combat disciples, there were a great deal of production cultivators and disciples and a multitude of wagons and vehicles full of supplies. The Sect planned to march and claim territory, building roads and temporary fortifications as they went, requiring far more material than simple storage formations could hold.

On the initial march, Zhengui had volunteered to work among the other spirit beasts hauling material, and the quartermaster had been happy with his presence. Hanyi planned to stay with her, not caring much for the regimented atmosphere. Soon enough, the march was on.

It felt painfully slow to Ling Qi, moving at the pace of this great mass of people. Even when she was assigned to a scouts duty, she found herself feeling restless, knowing that no matter how far out she ranged she always had to circle back. It wasn't helped by the endless storm that rumbled overhead, stretching for kilometers in every direction. Heavy black clouds hung fat in the sky, never releasing their rain and lightning, instead gathering around the golden coils of the Dragon King that flew overhead.

Ling Qi swiftly began to miss the moon and the stars

Still for these first few days at least they were in friendly territory and so there was not too much need for vigilance, which left Ling Qi with some time free of duty. She found herself…

[] Spending time with Gan Guangli and Zhengui in the company of the road layers.
[] In the vanguard with Xia Lin, observing the White plumes, sharing observations with Sixiang.
[] In the communications wagons with Meng Dan, while Hanyi tried to draw Yinhui into conversation.

Special thanks go to my Cyan patrons: Alaco, Alectai, Gregory O'Niell, Leviathan, NotAlwaysFanfic, Pickle and Vanguard_D, and everyone else that supports me!

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Turn 11: Arc 2-3
From a great enough height, it really was like watching ants at work, Ling Qi mused. She sat atop a scraggly tree clinging to a high cliff, overlooking a wide and shallow valley that lay at the edge of the Sect's territory.

"It's not such a bad comparison," Sixiang mused from beside her. They fluttered around at the edge of her vision, a bird of indeterminate species with shimmering rainbow feathers. "Humans aren't that much different from us. A bunch of smaller pieces acting as part of something bigger."

Ling Qi hummed thoughtfully, she didn't fully agree, but she couldn't say Sixiang was entirely wrong. "Maybe that's why no Great Spirit of the Empire ever formed," Ling Qi mused, staring down at the hundreds of people and beasts tearing up the valley to lay down a road. "It's been here all along."

"Hm, why are they bothering anyway?" Sixiang asked curiously, alighting on her head. "It's not like you really need a road, if you weren't bringing all the building stuff."

"This is how you defeat the Cloud Tribes," Ling Qi replied, thinking back to lessons and books. "If you just defeat them and drive them away, even if you kill tribes entirely, new ones will flow back in like water into an empty river bed. If you want to keep them out you need to take the land."

"Ah, I think I get it," Sixiang said. "It's about making the land and the spirits yours and not theirs."

Ling Qi nodded absently, watching as production students climbed down into the trench that had been formed armed with trowels and formation carved stones to place the foundations. It was a function of geomancy, that is, shaping the flows of qi in the land. Even mortals did it, with dikes and irrigation and windbreaks, but cultivators could do so much more.

Towns and cities were the same, there was a reason that the safest settlements in the empire were the oldest ones, the ones deeply enmeshed in a network of roads and satellite settlements. The places where the spirits of the land had been tamed and bound by millenia of agreements and simple human presence. "You start with a road and fort, and then more roads and forts, and then towns and villages."

"Real expensive and slow though," Sixiang agreed, taking flight once more. They were having fun with their constructed bodies. "Seems easy to disrupt."

Ling Qi nodded absently, but below, her eyes caught a commotion among the people below and a flare of magmatic light.

The thin and clinging tree swayed slightly as she vanished.


"ORRRAAA!!" Gan Guangli's bellow echoed through the valley.
From above, Ling Qi saw him wrap his enlarged arms around the trunk of a squirming pine, ignoring the lashing branches clattering against his armor as he leapt, ripping grasping roots from the earth, and slammed the canopy backward over his shoulder with a thunderous crack, shattering branches and cracking the trunk.

The tree, now buried upside down in the dirt, it's roots wriggling like frantic wooden worms, thrashed all the harder as a spray of boiling venom coated it top to bottom and it began to burn.

Ling Qi reflexively rubbed her ear with her palm, despite the fact that it's cries were wholly spiritual.

All around were shattered and burned stumps, and already disciples were digging them out with tool and technique.

"Everything going smoothly?" Ling Qi called, alighting a top Zhengui's shell.

"Just a momentary inconvenience Miss Ling!" Gan Guangli called back, dusting the splinteres from his gauntlets. "This copse was quite recalcitrant!"

"Hmph, stupid trees dared reject the kindness of I, Zhen," her little brother scoffed from above her. "Now they see their error!"

"It would have been nice if they listened," Gui agreed cheerfully.

"You've been talking to the tree spirits?" Ling Qi asked curiously.

"Uh huh, Gui has gotten many to move!" her little brother chirped.

She followed his gaze to the workers around. Here and there she saw trees that were being carried by teams of disciples, their roots removed rather more carefully from the dirt. Alongside the road she saw others that had already been replanted new loam gathered around the base of their trunks.

"Sir Zhengui has been most helpful," Gan Guangli chuckled. "He has grown quite well since last year, hasn't he!"

"He really has," Ling Qi said fondly, reaching up to stroke Zhen's eye ridges.

Zhen preened.

"Gui is having fun, the other road people are very nice. They do not mind answering Gui's questions," his other half agreed. "Mister Gan is funny too."

"Is he now?" Ling Qi asked, giving him an amused look. Below her Gui began to trundle forward, making room for workers to come and clear the debris of their brief battle

"I am merely doing my duty in keeping spirits up," Gan Guangli chuckled falling in beside Zhengui as he began to shrink from stride to stride,returning to a human height. "Sir Zhengui has had many stories to tell of the Inner Sect."

"It has been quite a year," Ling Qi agreed. She had spent enough time brooding like an overgrown crow for now.

"But you manage to look so good doing it," Sixiang chuckled in her head.

"It has," Gan Guangli agreed. "Ah, might I ask, how Miss Su is fairing?"

Ling Qi tilted her head curiously. She had hoped that Su Ling might make friends with the Cai remnants in the Outer Sect, but this was the first she had heard of them knowing each other.

"I'll put it on the list to needle her over when we get back," Sixiang whispered.

"She's adjusting. Last I had heard she was finishing up her calligraphy lessons," Ling Qi said. "It's been a bit difficult to find time to talk to her, thanks to our schedules."

"I see," gan Guangli said, stroking his chin. "Unfortunate. Miss Su can forget to take care of herself sometimes, I think."

"You're not wrong," Ling Qi agreed

"Crescent Lady is a grouch, but she is not mean. Gui hopes that she is doing okay," Gui agreed.

"Why the road work anyway, Gan Guangli?" Ling Qi asked curiously.

"Hm, I think it is where i am best positioned," he replied thoughtfully. "And as we are currently auxiliary that is the best I can do. I way as well act to protect those most likely to need it."

"I would have expected you to stick to Lady Cai's side," Ling Qi admitted. Even if the girl was deep in the center of the camp, receiving instruction from General Xia on her bladework.

"There is little I can do," he admitted. "Though I will enjoy taking my evening refreshment at her side. There is much for me to be caught up on."

Gan Guangli shook his head, the shadow of a troubled expression vanishing from his features.

"Regardless! Miss Ling, you should be most proud of Sir Zhengui, he has taken to this work with great talent. It seems he has a natural head for geomantic principles."
"I, Zhen am naturally talented," Zhen said proudly.

"Once Gui figured out that all the big words were just talking about making the funny lines look right it was easy," Gui said guilessly. Zhen gave him a dirty look.

"Is that so, is it something you're interested in Zhengui?" Ling Qi asked curiously.

"I, Zhen think that we could fix the garden if we understood better," Zhen hissed self consciously.

"Garden?" Gan Guangli asked curiously.

"Something we're working on together," Ling Qi said. "A little joint cultivation project."

"Ah, how wonderful!" Gan Guangli boomed. "I am sure it will be a beautiful sight!"

Ling Qi remembered the mud slide and smiled a little stiffly.

"Yes, it will be very pretty," Gui said determinedly.

...And then immediately felt bad for her doubt.

"I'm sure that our work will bear fruit," Ling Qi replied.

"I should have things ready in a day or two. Little Big Guy isn't the only one who's been benefiting from observing this stuff," Sixiang said confidently.

"How have you been though, Gan Guangli" Ling Qi asked, their walk had taken them out to the front of the work crews, where a variety of earth cultivators were at work adjusting the ground and sinking the trench that would become the road, following the contour of the small river that ran through the valley. "I've heard the reports of the Outer Sect, but after last year…"

Gan Guangli's expression sobered. "I appreciate the concern Miss Ling. I will admit I was out of sorts in those first months, but I have found my motivation and my balance. I see now that I had become complacent, although events were stacked against me, I cannot allow myself to become discouraged. It is only our own selves which we may truly command."

"That doesn't sound like you," Ling Qi mused. "You were all about others before."

"That has not changed," Gan Guangli replied confidently. "However, my trials have taught me that Mastery of self must come first. Achieve excellence and others will follow you there. Achieve that excellence and inspire them as well? This is what makes loyalty unbreakable."

Ling Qi gave him a sidelong look. Around her she saw people straighten up, begin to walk a little faster, perform their tasks with just a little more zeal. Even she felt a certain stirring of confidence and drive. She looked at Guangli and saw the way his armor gleamed just right, the way the fading sunlight caught his hair and gleamed on his smile, projecting confidence and charisma.

She recognized the feeling of qi coming from within.

"Oh no," Sixiang muttered. "That's…"

"I'm glad you found your answers," Ling Qi said. "Did one of those trials happen to be at a site dedicated to the sun?"

Gan Guangli grinned. "Just so, Miss Ling."

--To be continued.

AN: Breaking things up into two parts, may not be all the way at the top of my game yet but we're getting back on track.
Turn 11: Arc 2-4
Ling Qi hummed thoughtfully. She had never studied much of the Sun, she knew of the dawn aspect, which was similar enough to the Dreaming Moon.

"It's really not," Sixiang grumbled. "There are important differences you know! We are creation and art for its own sake! The artist expressing their inner world into the waking one. Those guys are all about showing off to other people."

<I'm sure you're not biased at all,> Ling Qi thought dryly. <What are the other sun aspects anyway?>

Sixiang made a show of grumbling further. "Dawn, Rising, Zenith, Falling, and Dusk. Th-"

"Miss Ling, are you well?" Gan Guangli's concerned voice interrupted.

Ling Qi blinked, realizing that she had fallen silent for a long moment. "Sorry about that, I was conversing with Sixiang. I don't usually get lost like that any more."

"I understand," Gan Guangli chuckled. "Though my own companion is a taciturn one! I hope you will not fault my lack of introduction."

"Not at all," Ling Qi replied. She knew Gan was keeping his spirits existence quiet. Revealing it in front of so many eyes would pretty much guarantee that was lost, no malice among the onlookers needed. "Can I ask what aspect they are?"

Their conversation at least was screened from eavesdroppers.

"Jinzha is of the Rising Sun," Gan Guangli said cheerfully, his booming voice lowered somewhat. "I could not ask for a more valorous companion."

"Could be worse I guess," Sixiang muttered. "Least he's not Zenith. Rising is patron of soldiers, all about personal excellence and self improvement. Pushy bunch."

Ling Qi was glad she didn't need to ask the question, it definitely made her look smarter. "That certainly suits you."

They had reached the front lines of the work crews now, and here Zhengui stopped. "Big Sister, Gui needs to start talking again," her little brother cut in, pointing his head toward a copse of trees standing atop a rocky hill, which the river poured down in a burbling spray.

Ling Qi cocked her head to the side, considering the auras of the land ahead. There was already a disciple there, performing placation ceremonies to the river spirit, smoothing the jagged edges of the energies flowing through the valley. In the trees and plant life, she read stubborn defiance.

Part of her wanted to insist on helping, but was that really for the best here? Zhengui had been successful before, barring a handful of exceptions.

In the end there was only one reasonable thing to do. "Okay. Do you want me to stay and help? I'm not busy right now."

"I Zhen would be pleased with Sister's help," he agreed eagerly.

"Yes!" Gui agreed cheerfully.

"Alright, you take the lead. Let me see how you handle it," Ling Qi said. She was glad he hadn't denied her.

She glanced to the left, and saw Gan Guangli watching her with a thoughtful expression. "Do you have any objections?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.

"None at all Miss Ling," Gan Guangli denied. "It is a pleasure to work with you again."


It had been a relaxing afternoon, negotiating with the spirits of the valley. The Sect's planners had easily worked her into things. As it turned out they were quite good at wrangling highly individual volunteers. Who would have thought?

...She really didn't credit Zhengui enough sometimes. She had not really had to do much, not really. At least with spirits closer to his own nature, he was better than her, in some ways. In the not-words used to communicate with inhuman spirits his own instincts served where she needed the lessons of an art.

That wasn't to say she hadn't helped, that her songs had not soothed temperamental spirits and given him more leeway to speak, but somehow in the back of her mind, she had still been expecting to be more necessary. There was something to ponder in that.

Ling Qi opened her eyes, letting the cycling of the qi in her dantian still. She sat atop the cushion-hill of Sixiang's realm, looking over the spirit's sea of colors. In the noise and motion of the Sect's warcamps, it was quite a useful cultivation aid, since she couldn't stray too far up the looming hills and cliffs to find natural silence and starlight.

"Are you almost ready?" she asked the empty air.

"Getting there," echoed Sixiang's voice, from everywhere and nowhere. The glittering rainbow stars winked and blinked down at her. "Zhengui's almost through. You can head down to the shore."

Ling Qi nodded absently, and with a thought she was there, standing ankle deep in the cool 'water'. As she watched, the rippling waves began to bubble and churn a hundred odd meters out. From the multihued waters, land emerged, black and fertile, bare of life, first a great hill in the center, and then plains spreading around.

Dull spikes erupted from the earth, followed by a fiery hiss, dirt glowed and melted, and a serpentine head punched through, the shell rose, and blunt limbs churned the dirt, dragging Zhengui up and into the realm.

"Welcome, little brother," Ling Qi said, resting her hand on his head, brushing away stray dirt. The shoreline was far behind them now, and the waters around the new island rippled, turning white as the landmasse began to move, leaving the shore behind.

"This is kinda weird," Gui said slowly peering around.

"Is the Sixiang sure we are not all the way into the Dreamplace," Zhen asked flicking his tongue warily.

"We aren't going in deep," Ling Qi said soothingly. "This place is just Sixiang."

Gui's eyes narrowed in concentration. "But if Gui is in Sixiang, who is in Sister, and Sister and Zhengui are in Sixiang, how does…"

"Don't think about it too hard, yeah?" Sixiang chuckled, their face shining down from the moon. "Doesn't do anybody any good."

"Agreed," Ling Qi said. There was a time for thinking about the actual mechanics of liminal movement and location, but she wasn't in the mood for a headache right now. "Are you ready to get to work today?"

"I have had many ideas," Zhen said. "I, Zhen think that it has been good to get away from the Sect."

"Oh, why is that?" Ling Qi asked curiously.

"Gui has not paid much attention at other times, but the Sect is weird," Gui said thoughtfully as they began to walk toward the sailing islands shore. "Um, it is…"

"Artificial," Zhen said. He looked proud of his vocabulary.

"You really think so?" Ling Qi said, furrowing her brows. "The Sect is definitely more ordered, but it's still wild enough."

"Gui does not think it is like the human homes," her little brother disagreed. "But it is not wild either. Gui thinks…"

"There is no room, for I, Zhen to be," his other half said. "Outside, there are such places."

Ling Qi was silent for a moment. It came back to the little things. She had seen the small idol in the families shrine, and the mention of the villages he had protected. Zhengui was really not an average spirit beast. "Well, we won't be at the Sect forever."

"Yes, then Sister and Gui can make a place for grandmother and little sister and Hanyi too," Gui agreed. He seemed to hesitate at the end, and Ling Qi shot him a concerned look.

"...Is that what Sister wants though?" Zhen asked quietly.

"What do you mean?" Ling Qi asked.

"Gui just wonders why Sister is doing this sometimes. Gui worries that she is just humoring him," he said, looking out over into the water.

Ling Qi frowned, feeling a pang in her chest. She wasn't humoring him, she wanted to do this. Because...

[] He was her little brother, and she wanted to work on something as equals. (Combination technique route)
[] Because she wanted him to be happy, and she wanted to be part of that. (Tech alteration route)

AN: Here we go. It's time to vote on where the mechanical rewards of this route are going. The first choice will lead to unlocking combinations with Zhengui, the second will lead to eventually altering one or more arts to better fit Zhengui's themes, who will alter some of his techniques as well.
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Turn 11: Arc 2-5
"This is something that makes you happy, and I want to be part of that," Ling Qi said firmly. There really didn't need to be any more to it than that.

It took a second for Zhengui to answer as they walked along the shore. When he did though, it was in two voices. "Okay."

But, despite the fact that she had her answer, Ling Qi still felt dissatisfaction. Because whatever her intentions were, Ling Qi knew that she had fumbled things many times, causing pain where she hadn't intended. In the end, were good intentions really enough? "You said something earlier, about not having a place. Is that why you want to do this?"

"Gui wants to make a pretty place for everyone," he replied, and flowers bloomed in the dark loam around his feet.

It wasn't a lie exactly, but it wasn't the whole truth either. "Zhengui, it's fine to have some selfish motivations to you know?" Ling Qi said gently.

The flowers withered, replaced by creeping vines spreading in a quick mat through the dirt. "The sect is too small," Gui muttered.

"I, Zhen am meant to reign," Zhen hissed. "But I am also too small. There are many big kings and no room for Zhen."

Ling Qi frowned. Even once she had her fief, she was still going to be subordinate to the Cai. She didn't see that changing. Even if she fantasized a scenario where she had the power, she would be a terrible duchess. Mostly because she didn't even want to be one. "We're never going to be the ones completely in charge of things."

Zhen shook his head as they turned back toward the core of the island. "No, Sister does not understand. It is not about human things."

"Gui isn't renewing anything," he said, his voice tinged with frustration. Yet some part of his words resonated in the Dream, an echo of something more than mere sound.

Ling Qi was silent for some minutes as they both regarded the dark soil. From her thoughts grew slender pines, resilient and green even in the depths of cold. Around their roots bloomed flowers of spring quick to live and quick to die.

...Maybe she had been misunderstanding Zhengui.

"Hey, little brother," Ling Qi said thoughtfully. "Will you explain what you mean?"

Gui looked up from his flowers in confusion. "What does Big Sister mean?"

"Renewal, what does that mean to you?" Ling Qi asked. She watched silvery ice spread across the branches, making the eaves hang low.

Gui's eyes scrunched shut in thought. "It's new things growing from old things."

"It's not about recovery and endurance?" Ling Qi asked.

"That is part of it," Gui said. "But Gui thinks it is more important for things to grow back even after they are ash."

"Old things choke new things, with hungry roots and heavy leaves," Zhen said. "Without destruction comes stagnation."

"Without renewal, destruction is stagnation too," Gui said huffily.

Ling Qi nodded absently as the two of them stared each other down. It did come down to that didn't it. Zhengui was very hard to hurt, it was true, but the real thing that had allowed him to endure enemies so much above him was his regeneration.

Really, had she been thinking too hard all this time? She knew well the nature of the world, a chain of endings, each followed by a beginning. A forest fire cleared old growth and made room for new, and a glacier crushed all beneath in their advance, but left behind clear land in their retreat. It was the same concept, expressed through different elements and frames of time.

Ling Qi eyed the trees she had crafted, and let them wither away into dream mist.

"Sister?" Gui asked, looking up at her.

"Sorry, I was just thinking that I'd like to try something a little different is all," Ling Qi replied. "If I mess up, I'll apologize in advance."

"No apologies," Zhen insisted. "We practice now, so we don't break real things."

"I suppose we do," Ling Qi mused.


In the end, they didn't make much progress that first night. Ling Qi wasn't sure what she was doing, toying with meltwater and moving ice, but she felt like she was on to something, even if she wasn't quite sure what yet.

As the days passed, Ling Qi cultivated where she could as the Sect's forces moved on, stealing moments to meditate on cliffsides and trees under the light of the moon. It felt strange, after so long using her Argent Vent and other cultivation sites, the cycling of her qi felt almost sluggish. Still, with focus and some help from Li Suyin's meridian wand, she managed to painstakingly clear three more meridians, giving her more avenues to channel the increasingly complex patterns of her arts.

Hanyi often joined her at night, if not to cultivate than at least to compose. Although, Ling Qi found herself musing for Hanyi and in the future, Ling Qi those two things might not be so different.

During the day, she mostly continued assisting Gan Guangli and Zhengui. As the first week of travel passed, here and there they ran into conflict, hostile spirits, minor groups of barbarians trying to slip around and sabotage their lines and such, but nothing truly worrying.

Well, unless you counted the continued tension in the roiling clouds overhead. The Sect Head was clearly at full alert, and yet those small problems slipped through. His attention was obviously elsewhere, and that was at least a little worrying.

Still, they had reached the site of the new fort, and in the morning, she would be meeting Cai Renxiang and the others before they split off from the main force.

The easy part was over.

Spiritual Cultivation | 1556 Dice
3 7 2 1 6 5 8 9 4 8 4 9 8 9 6 4 3 8 1 4 8 3 1 8 7 1 5 8 1 9 8 1 2 5 1 10 4 5 8 1 8 5 3 4 4 10 2 9 1 2 3 8 1 10 5 2 2 2 7 3 6 8 4 3 2 8 5 7 5 8 5 4 3 10 3 1 6 3 3 9 9 1 3 4 1 2 8 5 3 10 5 5 5 3 8 3 1 9 5 10 2 4 6 5 1 8 3 5 1 9 3 2 7 1 2 4 4 7 7 4 4 9 5 5 3 10 6 7 1 9 10 4 9 7 3 5 2 9 1 1 10 1 10 9 2 9 1 1 6 2 5 7 5 2 4 10 6 1 9 8 4 1 9 3 7 4 1 1 10 6 7 8 10 6 9 2 9 10 4 2 4 3 3 1 1 9 6 10 4 3 5 3 3 5 6 8 9 5 10 8 6 10 9 2 9 1 8 10 8 7 2 7 4 1 4 6 8 4 3 6 10 9 10 8 10 3 10 5 10 8 3 9 3 6 4 1 3 2 8 2 10 9 7 10 4 2 4 9 1 8 2 2 5 3 5 3 6 7 5 10 7 9 3 5 7 5 4 7 3 2 5 5 4 5 2 4 4 10 2 9 7 7 4 3 9 2 2 6 6 1 7 5 6 8 10 7 7 6 5 6 1 5 3 6 2 9 4 2 8 5 10 10 7 4 5 5 3 3 10 8 5 3 4 1 7 9 4 6 10 10 2 4 1 8 4 5 10 2 5 10 8 5 4 8 1 4 9 6 3 8 4 2 7 10 7 10 2 6 5 10 5 1 1 5 2 9 5 7 4 3 10 10 4 3 9 8 10 2 10 4 1 10 5 7 7 6 3 2 9 8 6 8 2 3 9 1 9 9 10 3 1 8 6 6 10 6 6 7 1 8 1 3 9 4 4 7 3 1 2 3 1 9 10 4 10 2 6 8 3 2 6 2 6 1 2 4 4 5 7 2 5 8 3 8 9 6 2 8 4 2 3 4 6 8 1 10 2 1 7 4 4 8 1 5 3 2 1 10 8 4 3 9 2 4 9 9 6 4 3 3 4 5 1 1 1 3 6 4 1 6 6 5 8 9 9 7 4 5 9 5 9 8 10 1 6 10 1 6 6 5 4 9 9 9 3 4 9 7 6 1 4 9 4 1 10 9 3 9 8 2 5 10 2 4 10 5 6 7 6 6 5 8 5 6 5 6 3 6 3 3 9 3 7 6 4 7 4 8 7 5 4 7 4 8 7 6 4 7 4 8 9 8 5 4 9 7 7 3 7 9 9 8 8 8 9 10 2 7 4 6 5 3 7 10 4 3 10 8 6 5 9 7 10 6 3 8 8 3 4 7 2 10 8 10 8 3 7 3 1 7 4 3 2 1 3 8 4 2 7 8 9 9 7 2 4 5 8 2 1 1 1 1 6 6 4 5 9 7 6 2 7 8 6 6 7 6 9 9 4 1 7 2 4 6 5 2 1 6 4 2 8 2 3 10 4 7 9 9 7 1 8 2 4 2 9 10 7 3 6 2 5 9 4 7 10 2 7 4 5 7 6 1 1 7 8 10 5 8 3 9 2 7 3 2 5 8 10 8 3 5 3 4 9 10 4 5 1 5 7 3 1 5 5 5 8 4 4 6 1 5 5 8 4 4 5 2 5 6 9 4 7 6 9 4 9 4 1 1 2 3 8 6 3 2 2 3 4 4 9 7 9 7 4 5 5 4 7 1 7 8 6 5 9 8 6 1 3 4 3 8 9 9 5 1 6 8 10 6 5 2 5 4 7 4 8 3 1 2 1 8 3 2 10 1 6 2 3 4 4 3 5 7 3 2 3 2 8 7 4 9 8 5 10 2 8 7 8 8 3 3 6 9 4 10 10 1 1 5 6 3 7 6 7 2 9 8 6 4 10 1 2 8 3 9 6 9 5 1 10 4 4 8 7 5 10 1 6 10 8 9 6 9 9 9 5 1 1 8 1 5 2 8 10 8 9 8 5 10 8 1 5 1 2 2 2 6 5 7 10 8 3 9 4 4 3 8 3 1 6 2 7 10 10 9 10 2 2 2 5 5 6 6 10 1 10 4 10 10 8 3 2 1 4 5 9 2 9 9 2 5 6 6 8 6 2 3 1 10 8 9 7 5 8 10 10 5 5 6 6 6 4 2 8 3 1 5 5 7 3 1 8 5 3 10 4 10 8 10 3 2 10 6 3 5 3 1 6 2 9 8 5 5 8 7 2 6 3 6 3 5 6 4 6 1 4 8 4 4 5 6 4 8 8 7 6 8 6 5 10 10 2 6 3 6 2 9 5 9 3 3 4 10 2 9 7 2 6 2 8 1 9 10 10 4 3 8 6 2 7 9 2 4 7 1 1 3 7 8 3 3 3 3 2 5 1 6 8 6 5 10 9 6 5 5 10 1 2 1 2 7 2 7 6 9 1 8 10 4 1 3 4 5 8 8 1 3 4 10 8 5 8 2 8 3 6 8 10 9 9 5 6 6 4 5 5 7 8 2 8 10 7 3 8 6 1 8 9 9 10 10 10 4 2 5 6 5 1 9 7 8 4 9 10 9 10 1 6 6 2 9 1 8 7 4 2 7 6 9 2 2 7 1 4 1 6 9 9 4 6 9 3 8 8 3 9 3 3 9 3 8 1 4 8 6 8 3 1 4 7 5 6 7 4 8 3 6 6 5 2 3 7 9 2 2 7 5 3 10 1 7 9 7 5 1 1 3 6 5 5 6 10 10 9 2 7 9 7 6 3 4 8 1 4 1 7 4 4 10 7 7 10 1 10 6 10 5 6 3 3 3 3 9 5 9 2 8 4 10 1 5 6 7 9 8 6 1 8 1 9 3 4 7 10 6 9 1 7 9 8 9 6 3 1 10 10 7 10 4 6 5 9 3 10 5 9 3 1 10 2 2 9 3 5 2 6 5 1 6 1 1 3 7 9 7 1 10 10 10 10 1 3 5 1 4 8 9 8 3 7 2 1 10 9 1 7 7 4 4 7 10 10 9 4 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 6 9 10 4 9 1 6 5 6 4 6 10 3 4 4 2 6 2 4 7 2 6 8 5 10 5 2 3 6 5 7 2 9 8 1 6 10 5 9 7 9 3 1 1 3 3 5 8 4 2 8 1 7 1 7 3 3 5 6 4 7 6 1 5 9 1 9 4 6 7 10 6 4 9 5 10 8 1 6 4 8 4 6 7 8 8 5 4 2 8 5 7 6 1 1 6 2 3 1 3 7 2 5 9 3 5 2 10 8 8 5 1 7 10 4 4 1 8 8 2 1 8 3 6 9 6 2 4 1 6 7 2 2 1 9 6 7 5 7 5 5 10 6 9 3 7 2 3 2 2 5 2 1 2 10 6 6 4 9 5 10 9 10 7 1 2 2 6 10 1 9 8 5 7 6 10 5 1 7 7 6 1 6 4 7 7 5 9 7 3 3 9 2 10 4 2 | 798 Successes mean: 778 standard deviation: 19.72

Rerolling 161 mean: 155.60000000000002 standard deviation: 11.83
6 6 1 3 4 10 8 6 7 5 6 2 8 5 1 5 7 7 7 7 2 4 9 2 4 7 4 7 5 10 2 7 2 10 8 2 10 9 7 2 6 8 1 10 4 2 10 4 8 10 5 1 6 6 8 7 2 1 5 9 5 5 2 6 8 2 7 5 2 7 9 2 1 2 10 3 5 4 9 7 4 2 3 2 2 2 4 4 1 1 3 3 4 5 3 7 7 6 2 5 7 2 10 7 1 9 3 8 10 3 2 7 5 7 9 5 4 7 8 10 5 10 7 3 6 1 2 8 10 6 9 6 7 10 10 7 9 6 6 3 4 9 9 8 2 4 6 4 7 5 3 4 9 9 7 3 2 8 10 4 3 | 80x2=160 Successes mean: 161 standard deviation: 12.69

958 Successes mean: 933.5999999999999 standard deviation: 28.99


+2 Spine Meridians, +1 Head Meridian

Please Vote for the arc end interlude. The character listed first is the viewpoint
[] Clockwork Blades (Cai Renxiang, Xia Lin, Xia Ren)
[] Worth of the Pen (Meng Dan, Cai Renxiang)
[] Heroes and Soldiers (Xia Lin, Gan Guangli)

AN: Not... wholly satisfied with the length here. I won't make excuses but yeah, shitty week.
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Turn 11: Arc 2-Clockwork Blades
This exhaustion had become unfamiliar, Cai Renxiang thought.

It was not a thing of the body, borne of a pounding heart and bruised flesh.

The blade resting less than a hair's breadth from her throat withdrew with a soft hiss, it's gleaming blade shimmering blue as it's impossibly sharp edge severed the air.

No, the immaculate weapon that was the Heron General Xia Ren would never need be so crude as to inflict the slightest harm on a student's body.

Cai Renxiang had felt what it was to die three hundred twenty seven times in the last hour. Although the general had limited herself to mere third realm abilities, the difference in skill was too great. Cifeng whispered frustration, her edge yearned to repay humiliation in blood. It was a titanic effort to merely maintain grasp of her hilt.

"Length of time until defeat has improved by two and thirty eight hundreths of a second since we have begun," the general said crisply. Her shining blade vanished into its scabbard with a soft hiss. Unlike Cifeng, it was silent. "A great improvement for a recruit. An acceptable improvement for a scion of Cai."

They stood in the center of General Xia's sparring chamber. Walls of pristine white cloth, unadorned by any decor surrounded them. The mirror shine of the metal beneath their feet reflected them both. Perfectly flat in angle, perfectly round in shape, bereft of the slightest flaw or scuff. Cai Renxiang lowered her saber, and bowed to her instructor. "I am pleased to have improved under your instruction, General Xia."

It was normal, in etiquette to imply that praise was excessive. This was not the case for the General. Only a mad fool would imply Xia Ren was in any way imprecise. Like her Mother, the woman before her was more ideal than flesh. Some wondered why the woman had not claimed or been given the title of sword saint. Cai Renxiang knew that it was because her Mother did not require a mere sword.

Swords did not win wars.

"You have altered the Duchess' forms beyond the adjustments created for your height and frame," the general spoke plainly, without embellishment or accusation. The demand for explanation remained plain.

Cai Renxiang met the thing of fire, steel and numbers that lurked behind the eyes of the armored woman before her despite the black spots in the corners of her vision. "Adjustments to style are necessary for growth."

"You believe your judgement is superior in this matter?" Xia Ren asked.

"My Mother does not waste her effort on managing things beneath her notice, if her chosen subordinates have not failed her," Cai Renxiang replied.

She felt no fear under the general's examination. She had found her certainty. Cai Renxiang was not Cai Shenhua. She wielded the cutting words of Cifeng, not the pitiless Truth that was her mother's saber, Zhenxiang. She could not achieve that perfection. She had not been made for it.

It had hurt her, in a way that she did not think that she could still be damaged to admit that.

However, there was no benefit in maintaining self delusion. Cai Shenhua was the sundering of the past and a new beginning. Cai Renxiang was the ticking hands of progress, taken one step at a time.

"Your efforts remain acceptable," Xia Ren replied inscrutably. "Your continuing collusion and collection of outdated elements is of concern. To preserve the past is stagnation. Stagnation is death."

"The Cai rule the province of the Emerald Seas," Cai Renxiang said. "All of Emerald Seas. In order for all to reach the future, I must understand where they are beginning."

It was true that the ways of the past would change. This was inevitable, but the seeds had been sowed. They would change, one cut and tick of the clock at a time.

"The rot of ages breaks easily with a well aimed blow," Xia Ren said. "But, I have tasted your resolve. You still walk the forward path. Your methods are not yet unacceptable."

Cai Renxiang bowed her head in acknowledgement. Those words were not idle, coming from a woman who was amongst the highest in her Mother's council.

General Xia turned toward the side of the sparring chamber, and its walls shimmered, the privacy formations fading. "Sergeant Lin, escort the Young Mistress to her tent. She requires spiritual recovery."

The cloth wall of the chamber rustled, and the younger Xia entered, her hands clasped and her head bowed. "Yes General!"

Cai Renxiang took a deep breath, and allowed Cifeng's sheath to be respun. The General was not wrong, she could recognize the fatigue clouding her mind. Naturally the spar had stopped before it could become damaging exhaustion.

Her boots clicked faintly on the mirrored floor as she marched out, following Xia Lin.

The General remained, still and silent, as an array of lights mapping the region bloomed on the wall before her.

"Is there anything you might require, Lady Cai?" Xia Lin asked crisply as the tent flap fell shut behind them.

"Just rest, as the general said," Cai Renxiang replied. Around her was the White Plume camp, where her Mother's finest soldiers were drilling and performing their camp duties.

Each piece in its place. She watched the men and women performing their duties with confidence and pride, recognizable to her even through her Mother's artifice. It was the pride of those who were working for something more inclusive than the self or the family. This, Cai Renxiang thought, was a small part of what might be, if she continued her Mother's work.

At least on the surface.

"Lady Cai?" Xin Lin asked.

She blinked, realizing that she had stopped to observe. It seemed she required rest more urgently than expected. "Just passing thoughts," she dismissed, resuming her walk.

"I am at my Lady's disposal," Xia Lin replied, resuming as she did.

Cai Renxiang considered Xia Lin. Scion of the generals clan, among the youngest of the White Plume's proper. It was difficult to judge her. That in itself was troubling.

Her martial skill and behavior were exemplary in almost all aspect. She stood as an example of what could be accomplished by the training of the White Plume. Yet Cai Renxiang found herself troubled in her judgement.

"I have not asked before," Cai Renxiang said conversationally. "What are your thoughts on our mission?"

"I am certain that Lady Cai will live up to expectations," Xia Lin replied.

Despite herself, Cai Renxiang frowned. It was an honest answer, she was not being placated, and yet, it rang hollow. Perhaps she had spent too long in the company of her other retainers. "I would prefer your opinion on the mission itself and its efficacy."

Xia Lin paused briefly. "Multi-front conflicts are suboptimal in almost all cases. I…"

She trailed off, and Cai Renxiang watched her out of the corner of her eye. There it was, the reticence that hid beneath discipline. A flaw in the steel.

"I believe that achieving a ceasefire with the barbarians is a reasonable choice of action, but the pretext does seem thin," Xia Lin finished.

She sounded uncertain. Cai Renxiang understood.

Xia Ren had said it herself, a strong blow could shatter tradition well enough. In forging the Xia from the ruin of the Sadala, the General had struck many strong blows. Cai Renxiang thought of the General, and the girl before her. The engine of war and the rootless soldier, hiding within her armor. How many of the other White Plume's were such beneath their helms?

Could plans which produced such things be perfect?

Cai Renxiang dismissed that traitorous and errant thought. Even perfection had to contend with reality and flawed tools. That was the nature of the impure world.

"I do not believe it is as thin as you believe, such arguments may be more convincing than any recounting of facts," Cai Renxiang said quietly. The spots in her vision were getting worse. "Let us say that you are correct however. The logical reasons remain. Peace is more beneficial than war when interests are not in conflict. Exchange of goods produces more value than theft. Is it wrong then to craft a story which presents a foundation on which to build those things?"

"I suppose not," Xia Lin said. "I will bow to your greater expertise."

Cai Renxiang closed her eyes for a moment as they arrived at her tent. She wished that Xia Lin would disagree. Xia Lin reminded her far too much of herself, a doll who once arrogantly believed that she could clearly see her own strings.

"You are dismissed to your other duties," Cai Renxiang said cooly, not allowing her thoughts to show.

"As you say, Lady Cai," Xia Lin said, a faint crease in her brow. She had likely noticed Cai Renxiang's dissatisfaction. Another sign that she needed her rest.

Tomorrow they would depart the main force. She would need to be at her peak.
Turn 11: Arc 3-1 First Leg
The marriage ceremony is past us, fraught as it was, but I find that my misgivings have not faded. Although the High King's effort to blend our ceremonies with those of the mountain folk seemed to have not roused any spirits of ill fortune, it displeased the people.

Few have kind words to speak of the mountain prince. His shrinking womanly demeanor earns no respect among the warriors and his foreign traditions bring much dislike from the mystics. How can a man be a husband if he cannot even provide his wife with the marriage dinner using his own hands? The dissatisfaction among the lesser kings who had hoped for the princess' hand is immense.

The High King pays too much mind to foreigners.


The High King has, I suspect, worsened this matter in his attempt to reach reconciliation. The Mystic's of the Five Sun's Temple will not be mollified that Prince Erkin's foreign rites do not conflict with their rituals nor demand participation from outsiders. They say that the spirits will be confused and angered by the disorder foreign rituals will bring.

On this at least I am ambivalent, having spoken to the Prince and observed his rites. Although the worship of the seasons manifested through the sun and moon is strange and backward, I do not see the point of conflict. This Spring Sun seems an aspect of Dawn to me. There is no wrong in the propitiation of lesser aspects, so long as the Five maintain primacy in the state rituals.

Despite my misgivings then, I will need to advise the High King that this matter has likely been instigated by less spiritual concerns. Prince Erkin, disagreeable as his personage may be, is simply a pretense to undermine his legitimacy. The Conclave of Kings is but a few decades away, and it seems likely to me that he will meet challenge for his seat there.

Despite how helpful the prince's people have been in curbing the threat of the cloud tribes, I begin to wonder if this alliance has been in error, if it exposes such faults among our people.

Ling Qi grimaced, setting down the sheet of paper on which the journal entry had been transcribed. The page was a study in contrast the elegant script of modern imperial written above the simpler characters of the old weilu dialect. "You know, I'm not sure your findings bode all that well for our mission," Ling Qi grumbled.

"It does seem that relations were quite fraught," Meng Dan agreed, peering at her over his spectactles. "This was in the period leading up to the Mason's War, and this was so far as I have been able to discern, the last time the Weilu would reach out to outsiders before the Sage Emperor brought the Conclave of Kings to heel."

Ling Qi rubbed her temple with one hand. And wasn't that a weird idea. She knew that new emperors were chosen among the previous emperors children, or if necessary siblings by the imperial clans elders, but having what were basically the counts all come together to choose who among them would be duke seemed like it could only end in war.

"I'm really not sure how this fits with what we were told about the land they live in either," Ling Qi admitted, reaching out to place the page back atop the others. Meng Dan was still working out the chronology of the entries, the fragments he had found had been scattered out of order. "This prince seemed like he was very soft."
She had expected an account of a domineering sort of man, a gender flipped image of the imperious woman she had met in the caldera.

"Not all members of a given society match it's archetypes," Meng Dan pointed out with a chuckle, "Although soft is not the word I would use. You recall the seventeenth fragment?"

Ling Qi thought back a moment, that was the one… The one with the duel. Some high ranking warrior had challenged the prince, and he'd just stood there and accepted a beating until the challenger gave up. The journal writer had seemed somewhere between disgusted and impressed.

"...Crazy then," Ling Qi grumbled under her breath. She genuinely could not fathom a mindset like that. Enduring hardship sure but just accepting hurt without trying to retaliate or escape?

That was alien.

"As you wish," Meng Dan replied. "But I believe such appellations are futile when applied to those who cultivate. All of those who are drawn to the peak of power are mentally aberrant."

"That must be a popular opinion," Ling Qi said dryly. Meng Dan smiled mysteriously.

She sighed, glancing back down at the sheaf of papers, should she reread a few and try to glean more from the scraps.

"It's time to go," Sixiang's voice put an end to her thoughts.

"Is it so late already?" Meng Dan asked curiously. He glanced around at the empty carriage, now cleared of all his things. She had originally come here on the pretense of helping him pack, and to pick up Hanyi, since she had been hanging around Meng Dan pestering Yinhui, but it had turned into a shared study session in the wee hours of the morning.

Well, it had still been productive enough, even if she's gotten side tracked from getting to know him.

"It seems so," Ling Qi said. "Thank you for giving me access to your notes."

"It is always a pleasure to share with someone genuinely interested in the past," Meng Dan replied as he stood, smoothing his robes. "Hopefully we might discern more of use as I continue piecing things together."

"Opportunities might be a little thin, but I agree," Ling Qi said. "I will see you at the rendezvous."

The main Sect force had reached its stopping point for now, camped on a low mountainside that seemed like a hill among the immense peaks of the Wall, construction on a new fortress were already underway, dirt and stone were being shaped and foundations laid.

From here, the second leg of their journey would be setting out. Joining one of the dozen odd scouting forces that would be ranging out, they would hopefully slip without significant notice further to the south. Collecting her spirits, Ling Qi met Cai Renxiang and the others at the foot of the mountain.

The heiress looked strange, wearing the presence damping cloak of the Sect's scouting fortress. Cai Renxiang seemed so small without the radiance reflecting from Liming's glittering threads. The others wore them too, but even on Gan Guangli it didn't seem so odd. The only one going without was herself.

Her skill at stealth had surpassed the cloaks ability to enhance.

"Lady Cai," Ling Qi greeted, putting the thoughts from her mind as she touched down on the beaten dirt of the staging ground.

"Ling Qi," Cai Renxiang acknowledged, glancing up from the unrolled map which Xia Lin was helpfully holding out. "You have acquired the rest of our supplies?"

"I have," Ling Qi said, holding out her hand. In it was a white jade ring. Inside it were the groups supplies for the mission, medicines to help with recovery from battles or exhaustion, a short range escape talisman for each of them, the reagents for a temporary emergency shelter, environmental protection talismans and more. In addition, it contained diplomatic tokens, gifts to provide to envoys, and guidelines for a transport agreement and a treaty of nonaggression.

Cai Renxiang accepted the ring with a simple nod.

"Then, we may move to the main discussion, I think?" Meng Dan said, toying idly with his sleeves."

"Indeed," Gan Guangli rumbled. "We must determine which scouting route best serves our interests."

"Have you all come to any conclusion on that?" Ling Qi asked.

"Lady Cai has narrowed the choices," Xia Lin replied.

She glanced to Renxiang, who turned back to the map. "Based on the movements that the Sect has shared with us, I have discerned the paths least likely to lead to discovery by Cloud Tribes Forces?"

Ling QI leaned in as Renxiang traced her finger along a circuitous path leading west and then south "This region is known to be at the edge of the territories of conflicting tribes, which are not known to have entered confederation, but with current hostilities the barbarians are keeping to their camps. Still, while the land is tame, it would present us more risk of discovery."

"The tribes in that region are quite weak, it is likely that with our abilities, any hunting parties which happened upon us could be eliminated without difficulty, and our group gone before their disappearance could be investigated," Xia Lin said

"Perhaps," Cai Renxiang said, shifting her finger to the eat, where a black line indicated a deep pass between two mountains. "This is another. It is the lair of a fifth realm underworld dragon, and the barbarians avoid it. The creature has been amenable to speaking with imperials in the past. We may be able to negotiate passage."

"The pride of dragons is quite a thing however, and the beasts of the underworld are more prone to whim than most," Meng Dan pointed out. "The last reports available are two decades out of date as well."

"That is a deterrent, but new scouting does at least indicate the creature still lives," Cai Renxiang replied. "The last route which seems viable is this valley here."

Her finger moved down, tracing a path due south and then west. "This region is heavily forested for the Wall, but the spirits are wild, not well inured to human contact and poorly documented. The terrain is however much to our advantage."

"Hm, it seems to me that it would be the shortest route as well," Gan Guangli mused. "It may behoove us to quickly move out of region. I doubt the barbarians will leave the Sect uncontested for long."

"A good point," Cai Renxiang said. "Speak freely now, what do you believe is the best path?"

Ling Qi frowned and considered along with the others. What was the best route?

Together, they decided on...

[] The Contested Lands
[] The Underworld Pass
[] The Cold Forest
Turn 11: Arc 3-2
"I think I am inclined to the forest path," Ling Qi said thoughtfully. "Is there really no other information on it though?"

"The last significant survey of this region took place in the days just after Ogodei," Cai Renxiang replied. "And that was not truly thorough."

Xia Lin frowned. "Unfortunate. I still believe dealing with and silencing human foes would be more reliable, than dealing with either unknowns or dragons."

"I do not doubt everyone's martial prowess, but stirring up the wrath of foes upon our prospective allies doorstep strikes me as rude," Meng Dan said.

"If they become allies, those tribes will be foes regardless," Xia Lin challenged.

"That may be true, but is it worth risking greater attention?" Ling Qi said carefully. "I trust in Sect Head Yuan and the General, but we do not exactly know the full extent of our enemies forces."

Xia Lin continued to frown, but eventually nodded. "A fair argument. If we must deal with spirits then, the forest seems the better path. Should the dragon be recalcitrant, we would have no recourse but to retreat. Scouting has shown no sign of such a spirit in the forest."

"I am sure that there will be a fourth realm or two in such a region," Meng Dan mused. "If things go poorly that would still be within the realm of our scout commander to intervene."

"That is true, but I trust in Miss Ling and Lady Cai to avoid that," Gan Guangli said confidently. "That is why I believe the forest to be the best path."

With their arguments made, they fell silent, waiting for Cai Renxiang to give the final decision. The heiress stared at the map in Xia Lin's hands for a moment later before nodding. "The forest then, let us prepare to depart."


They left the camp within the hour, joining the outgoing scouting platoon. Twenty five soldiers, two in five of which was third realm with an accompanying spirit beast, all led by a core disciple of the fourth realm. Their task was survey the region, and as such they wouldn't be following them directly into the forest, instead providing a cover for their presence from any watchers afar and above.

With the scouts, their path lead south, over the rocky hills and valleys that lay between the greater peaks in the Wall. For two days they traveled straight south at a swift march, and the climate swiftly cooled. Although it didn't bother Ling Qi by the time they reached the forests edge, many of the soldiers had begun to don warmer gear.

The forest itself was a strange sight. It grew from a steep 'V' shaped chasm between two cloud piercing peaks, with thick old growth trees growing at odd angles from sharply angled rock. Thick, knotty roots pierced the stone and dirt, forming a rough ground, and curved trunks sprouted upward to face the sky with a dark canopy of needles. The bottom of the chasm then, was dark as night even at midday, lit only by the faint phosphorescent light fluttering insects that hung over the shallow, sluggish river that ran down the center. Viewed from above, Ling Qi saw it as a curving line of green that ran for many hundreds of kilometers toward the south horizon.

The first task would be one of pathfinder. Xia Lin and Ling Qi were going to go ahead of the group and determine the best path before returning to the others.

Ling Qi materialized on the low hanging branch a tree at the forest's edge, sending fragrant needles raining down into the water below, where Xia Lin strode up through the ankle deep waters. She bounced her halberd on her shoulder as she peered into the darkness that lay ahead.

"What are your orders going forward?" Xia Lin asked. She stepped out of the shallow water and onto the tiny strip of stony shore that lay beneath Ling Qi's perch.

Ling Qi raised an eyebrow as she peered down. "I don't think I am in charge like that."

Xia Lin cocked her head, peering upward at her. "I think we are both aware of who Lady Cai favors, Miss Ling. You are my senior in her service besides."

"Lady Cai doesn't think like that. I am sure she means us to cooperate," Ling Qi replied. She peered into the forest. The persistent gloom was hardly a bother. Ahead the shallow river fell over a short cliffside, leading deeper into the valley. The trees were silent save for the occasional twittering birdsong and the rustling of grass.

If you only looked with mortal senses anyway. The dark branches teemed under her spiritual senses. Among the trees, thousands of mismatched knothole eyes peered back at her. Little spirits of wood and growth, hiding behind every clump of needles and clinging to every trunk. The river's burble was a low pitched song, echoing from the forest deeps. Faeries of cold and wind danced among the frost dusted canopy, fragile snowflake frames tinkling like bells. <What do you think Sixiang?>

"Sleepy place, rivers not a regular flooder, so it shouldn't be a problem. No signs of anything real spooky yet. The little tree guys are cute, I kinda want one," Sixiang replied cheerfully.

"Zhengui does not like this place much," her little brother grumbled.

"Pfft, it's fine. You're just being grumpy," Hanyi scoffed.

Ling Qi did not allow the byplay in her head to distract her as she moved to the next branch, peering over the short cliff, it was only ten or so meters deep. Unfortunately down below the trees grew right down to the waterline, their gnarled roots forming a twisted bed that left not a spot of ground to walk freely on.

Xia Lin followed her, and where the faint light cast by her halberd passed, the tree spirits and faeries retreated, shying away. Things of shadow nesting in the darkness stirred, opening blinking yellow eyes that tracked the passing light with longing. "Miss Ling, it is not necessary to humor me," Xia Lin replied, looking down into the dark as well. "Your skillset is the more valuable one here."

Ling Qi paused, glancing down at the other girl. She wondered what had brought this on.

"She's gotten it into her head that little Cai doesn't much like her," Sixiang mused. "...and I suspect she might be feeling kind of extra."

Ling Qi blinked at the odd turn of phrase, but understood the intent. On the other hand, Xia Lin wasn't wrong, they wanted to avoid conflict wherever possible. "Well, if you insist. I think it would be best for you to stay on the river. The spirit of it seems calm, so if you can check down the run, and see if there's any obstruction to just using it, I can scout the periphery."

Xia Lin nodded sharply. "Understood. Meet here in one hour?"

"Yes," Ling Qi replied.

She stepped over the edge and fell into the dark, landing in the frothing water below without a splash. Ling Qi watched her stride forward through the now calf deep water for a moment before turning her attention back to the closely packed trees.

34, 37, 95

Ling Qi kept a tight leash on her qi as she explored the forest, not letting her power leak out into the surroundings as she made her silent way through the branches. She didn't even flex her aura when faeries swirled close to toy with her hair, or wood spirits clung to her hems with little claws of sap and bark, letting her carry them for a time before dropping onto new trees or rare patches of unoccupied soil. It made it easier to listen. It made it easier to here the meaning in the soft song of wind in branch and the rustling of needles. The trees here were old and gnarled things, jealous of their places in the vale. For all the apparent silence and tranquility, the whispers of bark and root were harsh things, a silent competition and jostling for soil and sunlight.

Among the trees she found few beasts, mostly birds and rodents, though she saw signs of wolves and game beasts further from the river, where the grade of the valley lessened and fallen trees had cleared trails. But deeper in the valley, she began to find webs. At first in small patches but swiftly growing more thickly strewn. In the shadows, many legged silhouettes skittered, both tiny and large.

As she continued to descend, on the path through the chasm, it only grew worse. Only near the river did the webs grow thin, though a few delicate structures connected branches on either side. For Ling Qi, the webs did not provide any obstacle, but for her less dextrous companions, she could see it being trouble. There was little room to traverse without ruining the creatures homes.

Unless Xia Lin found something very troubling, the river would likely be the best path.

Upon meeting back with her and explaining this, Xia Lin's expression failed to instill confidence.

"The river is clear of hostiles so far as I went. The fish are not carnivorous, and the waters are calm," Xia Lin reported. They stood back at the forest's edge, where the faint light of the autumn sun was allowed to reach the ground. "However, at the lowest point of the valley there is a significant anomaly. At first I believed it to be a grove of petrified trees, but upon closer inspection, I noted the signs of artificiality. Upon further inspection, I noticed signs of energies being conducted into the further portion of the river and valley."

Ling Qi frowned. "Do you have any idea what it is doing?"

"I do not specialize in formation craft, but I suspect some form of large scale misdirection effect," Xia Lin replied, tapping the butt of her weapon thoughtfully against the ground. "A number of the northward 'trees' have suffered environmental damage, which may explain the lack on this side."

Ling Qi pinched the bridge of her nose. Cloud Nomads didn't do stonework or formations, did they. Some other additional unknown group then? She thought that was unlikely. A ruined imperial outpost? Wouldn't they know about it then?

Ling Qi glanced toward the web filled forest warily. There was one group, associated with spiders, known for their skill at illusion and subterfuge. The Hui, deposed dukes of the Emerald Seas. She met Xia Lin's eyes, and understood the grim set of her features.

"...You said the construction was weathered, suffering environmental damage, right?"

"It was," Xia Lin replied. "It implies a lack of active upkeep and hasty construction."

So it did, Ling Qi mused. They still had limited time. "Then, let's go and clear the obstacle."


The site was as Xia Lin had described it, apparently petrified trees growing from the wide, shallow water, there were dozens of them. On the northern side a few had fallen, and taken their neighbors with them, scattering rubble throughout the river. With silver gleaming in her eyes, Ling Qi examined them, and confirmed Xia Lin's suspicions. The pillars were part of a large scale formation effect, a labyrinthine illusion that should have rendered the forest impassable.

Perhaps Cai Renxiang could brute force her way through the decayed illusions, but that would probably be quite noticeable. Exploring the site, Ling Qi considered just asking Xia Lin to knock down a few more pillars, to finish disabling it.

However… she was not expert enough in formations to know which others could be broken without setting off a feedback explosion, like she had so long ago in Elder Ying's Sect trial. And for a formation this size, the blast would not be so tiny. To disable it effectively, they needed to find the power source.

Luckily, Ling Qi was skilled enough to trace the lines of energy back and up the western bank, to a boulder that was not a boulder at all.

As the two of them peered down into the damp tunnel that descended beneath the ground, Ling Qi glanced at Xia Lin. This was enemy territory, most certainly. Perhaps she should let Xia Lin take command.

[] Pass command to Xia Lin
[] Maintain command

The above vote determines the way that you approach the event encounters, the social dynamic between yourself and Xia Lin, and the overall outcome of the event.
Turn 11 Arc 3-3
There was no point in confusing things now.

"I'll go down first, follow after and hold position at the entrance while I divine the surroundings," Ling Qi said. A small wisp silver light spun out from her palm, descending into the tunnel, it went down quite far.

Xia Lin gave a silent nod, faint lines of light blooming along the joints of her armor, barely visible under the scouts cloak she wore.

Her wisp descended far enough to make out the floor, it was conspicuously damp, another sign of poor repair. There were signs of security formations spiralling down the shaft, but they too were worn by water damage and showed no signs of activation.

<Sixiang, can you follow my wisps out, give me another set of eyes on the breeze?> she asked silently.

"Can do," Sixiang affirmed.

<Zhengui, prepare to stay small if I bring you out, I doubt there's much space. Hanyi just stay ready,> Ling Qi continued absently. The bottom looked safe.

She descended in silence, her other diving wisps circling her head. Landing in a crouch, she sent them spiralling out into the chamber at the bottom. It was small, only a few meters across, but three tunnels reached out. Small and cramped they were roughly carved shaped by the quick excavation of an earth technique most likely.

As the wisps spread out sending her information from down the tunnels, Xia Lin dropped down beside her, making only a slight thump despite all of her armor. She held her halberd in a low guard position, eyes flicking from one tunnel to the next.

There were spirits down here as well, Ling Qi thought as images from all of her wisps fed in at once. Little creatures of mud and river water crouching in corners and floating in stagnant puddles. More of the little knot-hole eyed creatures clung to damp roots that poked through the ceiling as well, and down the third tunnel, where stone had caved in fungal creatures clung to muddy stones, supping on a rotting log.

Ling Qi gestured sharply to the leftmost path. "Dead-end, tunnel collapse," she said quietly.

"And the other paths?" Xia Lin asked quietly, smoothly orienting toward the other tunnels.

Ling Qi frowned. Down the middle path there were a few rooms, filled with the rotted remains of furniture, it seemed like a small barracks or waystop, beds, a few racks of weapons, there was a small chest that radiated the energies of spirit stones. Something to check later. On the right was a room with three equally spaced pools of clear clean water, over which hung a contraption of brass and mirrors, now tarnished and cracked. She wasn't expert enough to say for sure, but it looked like some kind of clairvoyance set up.
"Disused scrying chamber on the left, barracks in the middle," Ling Qi said.

"Unsurprising," Xia Lin muttered. "We are fortunate that the site seems abandoned. The Hui were fiendish in their trapmaking."

Ling Qi eyed the many intricate formations carved subtly into the walls around them. Xia Lin wasn't wrong. However she had to say comparing the style of the arrays to Xuan Shi's or the Sect work she had studied, it seemed terribly fragile. Too much complexity, relying on cascading energies that would no doubt be powerful, but which had broken so easily without maintenance.

"Do you have any experience with this sort of thing," Ling Qi asked.

"Indirectly," Xia Lin replied. "My elders in the regiment have passed down their experiences rooting out the many boltholes of the Hui. I myself have only experience in removing proscribed cults from abandoned locations."

Ling Qi pursed her lips. She had never been deeply involved in the temples or cults, she was pretty sure the Empire took a light hand with them though, so to be proscribed... "That must have been unpleasant."

Xia Lin simply nodded, her lips set in a thin line.

Ling Qi jerked her head toward the scrying room tunnel, sending a silent whisper to Sixiang to watch their back. "Anything I should be aware of?"

"Hidden entrances, dream labyrinths, blood locks," Xia Lin said quietly. "Be wary of using your insubstantial movement to pass through things, the Hui were more paranoid of their own than enemies."

Of course they were, Ling Qi thought grumpily. The web of energy for the formations above ran deep through the stone, too deep to be easily disrupted. She did not have any arts good for large scale destruction. Even Call to Ending was not suited for attacking earth and stone that did not have flesh beneath. "Do you have any formation breaking methods?" Ling Qi asked as they entered the hall.

"My blade pierces and shatters the works and lies of the wicked," Xia Lin replied confidently. "Her grace made it with that purpose in mind."

Ling Qi glanced over toward the halberd head, pointing out in front of them, and watched the faint buzz of radiant qi that hummed along the grain of the metal. It brought to mind last year, when Meizhen had brought out a tool from her clan vaults to shatter her enemy, Yan Renshu's defenses.

The skein of energies in Xia Lin's weapon were so much more refined and sharp than the obsolete siege rod Meizhen had used. "...Let me try my hand at any obstacles first. If there is anyone left, we don't want to alert them. I'll have Sixiang signal you if I want you to strike."

Xia Lin nodded her assent. There were no more words as they traversed the tunnel and entered the clairvoyance chamber. It was as old and abandoned as the rest, but entering herself, Ling Qi noted details that her wisps had missed. The contraption above was corroded and hung with webs, and the shadowed ceiling teemed with normally sized spiders, they scurried hissing from their presence as they entered and lurked between brass gears and fittings, withered spirits, half drained, twitched feebly in their webs.

Ling Qi crouched down by the closest of the water pools. It was rounded, and lined with fired clay tiles. It was shaped and sized for use with divination arts not much different than hers. If she had to guess the tarnished mirrors hanging above were some kind of focus for a more advanced form. Ling Qi pondered whether she could make use of it for anything, or if it would be better just to break it.

"There is an entrance here," Xia Lin said quietly, making her look up.

She followed the girls pointed finger to a section of wall to their right. Squinting for a moment, she saw the shimmer of illusory qi. Stone swam before her eyes and became a sheet of webbing covering a narrow gap. With a thought, she sent a wisp flying toward it, only to frown as the glimmering qi construct tried to pass, only to stick to the strands like a fly in a web.

She dismissed the wisp and stood, studying the barrier. There was no formation work that she could see, just the natural workings of a spirit in the spidersilk. Was it worth pushing through? Probably. She narrowed her eyes, peering through the strands. Inside was a funnel of webbing covering every surface, transforming the stone passage into a round tunnel. She eyed the little spiders above, some of them were developed enough to be minor spirit beasts. Perhaps…

"What was the disposition of the spirit beasts associated with the Hui afterwards?" Ling Qi asked.

Xia Lin paused in her study of the webs. "Scattered and disjointed, some followed the Hui unto death, some retreated to the woods and reverted to feral behavior, others merely requested a renewal of contracts with the Duchess."

Ling Qi grunted in annoyance, no easy answers then.She pinned a particularly fat and fuzzy brown specimen with a stern look, causing the hand sized arachnid to freeze in place. It was mid red in power, and she sensed just enough spiritual potency that it could probably understand intent. Letting musical flows of qi tinge her voice, she spoke softly but authoritatively. "If there is one who rules this place, I would parley with them. Go and inform your ruler."

She let the weight of her attention fall, and the spider bolted away, scurrying up into a crevice in the rock.

"You give up our advantage of surprise?" Xia Lin asked, more curious than accusing.

"If I had you cut through that barrier, it would do the same," Ling Qi replied. "And even if I could probably slip through, that would leave me alone with too many unknowns. If they're hostile and too strong, we can run and get the others, or bypass this place and risk the illusions with Lady Cai."

<Zhengui, I want you to burn everything and bring the passage down behind us if it comes to that,> she thought.

"Zhengui will be happy to squish dumb spiders who will not talk," her little brother asserted cheerfully.

Xia Lin nodded, seeming satisfied with her answer.

It was not long before the webbing blocking their path twitched, and the strands drew apart, fully revealing the funnel beyond, offering silent invitation. The moment that the strands parted enough, a wisp, dimmed to invisibility darted down the tunnel, and in her thoughts, she felt Sixiang focus in on the feed of information coming from it.

What lay at the end of the tunnel was a chamber woven of webs anchored to the chitinous limbs of a genuinely massive spider. They were still and empty of spirit though, an empty corpse and no more. Within the chamber itself however there were many hundreds of lesser spiders, six of them however were worth individual attention. Each one was larger than a human, closer to the size of a horse. It was difficult to get an accurate read on their cultivation, each one was covered in twitching hairs that disrupted the vision of her wisp and Sixiang's wind. They were certainly within a stage of her and Xia Lin however.

They hadn't noticed her wisp, instead they seemed to be engaged with debate among themselves, their frontmost limbs wriggling and gesticulating at one another, filling the chamber with the sound of scraping carapace.

She narrowed her eyes a touch as she realized the meaning of their movements and the vibrations they were sending through their webs. They were frantically planning an ambush. It seemed that there were at least two other greater spiders lurking about in the branching tunnels that left the chamber already.

Such a blatant use of a good faith request annoyed her. She would have to let Sixiang inform Xia Lin, whatever they did.

[] Refuse to enter, demand that they speak with you out here. You will not be trapped. If they refuse, have Zhengui seal the tunnel before you leave.
[] Enter and engage, but be prepared. Use the trappings of Cai authority and your own power to intimidate them into backing down. If they attack anyway, this is a grouping you can handle.
[] Pretend that you have not noticed their duplicity and play polite for as long as possible to draw out information. Subtly set yourself up to counterattack their ambush.
Turn 11: Arc 3-4
<We're still going in,> Ling Qi thought to Sixiang. <We can still get useful information, and I'm confident we can handle an attack that we're aware of. Relay everything to Xia Lin.>

Ling Qi glanced over toward the other girl then, in time to see her eyebrows rise slightly. Xia Lin's eyes flicked over to meet hers, but no more than that. She tapped the side of her helmet once, and a blank facemask shimmered into existence across her face. Any trace of emotion or personality vanished behind a veil of studious patience and professionalism.

That was well enough, Ling Qi would be doing the talking here. She began to walk toward the tunnel, and nudged Zhengui and Hanyi to be ready in her thoughts. Xia Lin fell in a step behind and to her side. As they walked, Ling Qi began to hum softly under her breath, letting a trickle of qi into her voice. Her senses followed the sound, the modified version of the Harmony of Dancing Winds technique joining Sixiang on the breeze to widen her sphere of awareness, slipping through the hair thin gaps in the webbing that would have caught her wisps.

The short journey down the tunnel was made in silence, save for the faint sound of metal shod feet pulling away from sticky threads. Ling Qi began to get a feel for the crumbling stonework that lay beyond the tangled webs. The chamber where the dead larger spider lay was the center of a suite of rooms, their walls long broken apart to create a larger chamber. There seemed to be a couple intact though.

Emerging into the main chamber, Ling Qi put on a smile and looked up to where four large brown spiders now hung. Their forms bristled with sharp brown hairs that quivered with every motion in the air. The other two had crept off somewhere, the webbing still distorted her senses where it lay thick, and it was taking time to decipher the movements within the narrow funnel tunnels that crisscrossed outside. Ling Qi brought her hands together and bowed, smiling as she bowed in the center of the chamber. "Greetings, honorable matriarchs. This envoy apologizes for the somewhat rude intrusion into your home."

Through the wisp still bobbing unseen in the room, Ling Qi watched them, the faint rustling of limbs and the fluctuations in their qi. The largest spider, crouched in the webs directly ahead of her, rubbed its two front limbs together, fangs quivering as it emitted a dry voice. "Your apology is accepted, but only this once," haughtiness, pride, self assurance, these Ling Qi read in the creature. No indication that it was speaking for another. "What brings you before us."

Ling Qi grew more confident that there was no hidden higher realm lurking about. The echoes of her humming continued to whisper through the webs, and she found two of the spiders creeping close to the entrance, likely to close off retreat. "We seek passage through the lands of your kin above-"

"Not kin," whispered a smaller spider to her right. Its whispery voice was joined by a sussurruss of others, angry and low. One of the larger spiders legs drummed on the webbing.

"Those above have betrayed the true-clan, they are not kin," The largest spider said.

"My apologies again," Ling Qi said obsequiously. She even meant it, after all, it was rude of her to conflate the spiders above with these, so crudely intending to betray hospitality. "Nevertheless, the mighty working of illusions above bars our path. Might I be able to convince you to lower its protection for a time while we pass?"

There was a rustling among the gathered spiders, and Ling Qi caught a little of the communication moving through vibrating webs. In the end, communication was an expression of qi between individuals, and her arts had taught her to read them regardless of medium. They were aware of the illusion formations, and perhaps how to turn it off.

"The true-clan may be willing to bargain for this service," the largest spider whispered, crawling a meter or two further down. Optimal range for a technique? Above, Ling Qi finally tracked down the other two spiders which she knew to be hidden, they were of a size with the one she spoke too, and they were directly above, weaving a technique between them, an entrapping web that would leave them vulnerable to the others.

Through Sixiang, she relayed the positions of all the hidden spiders to Xia Lin. Xia Lin remained as still as a statue of steel. "I see, and what might we do for the true-clan in exchange?" Ling Qi asked, finally straightening up.

"News," whispered one spider. Again, the word was repeated throughout the swarm again and again.

"Yes," whispered the larger spider. "Have the traitors been driven from the great Heavenly Pillar?"

Ling Qi smile was bright indeed as she nodded. She had heard enough, both from her liege and the history books and people to qualify the last generation of the Hui as such. "Though it seems the fight is ongoing."

That sent a thrill through them, whispering in the webs. She felt the vibrations murmuring of 'the Return' with almost religious intensity. The two far above weaving their trap paused just a moment, and she heard the whisper of something, a name or a title. 'Lord Scribbler?' That was a little concerning. All of the larger spiders were female.

...Was there actually a surviving Hui about? She wondered at the name, but spirits often referred to humans in odd ways. "May I ask, honored matriarchs, what you are doing so far in the south? I was not informed of your presence before beginning my own expedition."

"We wait, and watch," the larger spider whispered, fangs rubbing coarsely against one another. "Until the time comes. Many were weak, many disloyal. Not we, never we."

The spiders in the rear were now just above the exit, waiting at hidden tunnels to strike. Those above were finishing their weave. Time was growing short. "...Are there humans among you yet?"

"Lesser-kin, like you envoy, fled their duty, joined the cloud riders, the lord remains," the spider said smugly.

She didn't sense anything below, maybe one of the sealed chambers? Ling Qi felt some worry, they did have escape talismans. Calling her and Xia Lin lesser-kin, did they just mean not full blooded Hui? She was just going to ignore the nonsense about imperials even renegades joining the cloud tribes, more likely they had just fled and died or hidden themselves in the province.

More importantly the fading echoes of her song revealed the flows of energy beyond the obscuring webs, the formation aboves foundations lay here, in the one chamber still fully intact.

Regardless the time was coming. "I see, thank you for your time, matriarch," Ling Qi said politely. "Might I ask that you disable the illusion for a day then?"

"Worry not envoy," crooned the spider. "Your illusion is coming to an end."

All around them, beautiful colors began to shift and dance along the webbings string, hypnotic and soporific and from the ceiling drifted a gentle web of wonderful dreams, falling upon them with the weight of exhaustion. As one, three spiders crouched and prepared to leap down, fangs wet with venom as the fourth and largest wove her limbs in a dance that spread venomous power through the others fangs.


Ling Qi rose from the net of dream webbing as if it were no more than air, no longer smiling. Beneath her formed the solid shell of Zhengui, already aglow with volcanic light, and beside her was Hanyi, smiling viciously. Caught in mid-leap, the three spiders screeched in unison as she played the howl of a blizzard on her flute.

Behind her, the lump of webbing where Xia Lin had stood blazed with pitiless radiance before ripping apart, the thicker structural webbing beneath shattering and leaving a ragged hole where she had stood. A comet of white light roared through the air, and the largest of the spiders screamed as a radiant blade cracked open her chitinous abdomen and severed the strings of power that radiated from her, causing the hypnotic colors and venomous qi shrouding the others to fade.

Two spiders hung behind them in confusion, weaving a net to prevent a flight that wasn't coming.

Ling Qi smiled as her domain weapon finished forming, and The Mist flooded out, drowning the hundreds of lesser spiders in further confusion as she focused on the three frostbitten spiders scrambling back onto their webs in front of her. From her flute came the Spring's End and the Echoes of Winter, the air around her cooling frighteningly fast as Hanyi sang along, webbing cracking as the moisture in it froze and expanded.

The damage to the web chamber grew worse as Zhengui rumbled angrily beneath her and winters chill met volcanic heat, transforming cold mist into scalding steam as a ring of magma erupted from below. Spiders shrieked in their hundreds as silk withered, melted and caught fire.

Above, Xia Lin zipped past, leaving a blinding trail as her boots stamped down on the first spiders face, and launched her upward to pierce the ceiling and the belly of one of the spiders above, severing another web of enhancing energies before it could finish forming.

But their enemies were already beginning to regain their bearings. Three spiders leapt over the roiling ring of magma, skittering of webs of qi through the air and seeming to blink from one place to the next as they circled and closed in on her. Ling Qi and Hanyi vanished before their fangs could find purchase, leaving a trail of shadows and snowflakes as they reappeared in midair, Hanyi dangling from her back.

It left the spiders skittering across Zhengui's broad and expanding back as he took advantage of the growing space in the ruined chamber. A flicker of silver zipped past in the corner of her vision, and Ling Qi saw one of the two rearguard spiders squeal as a short arming sword buried itself in the creatures face, and radiant energy crackled through its spirit, causing its whole body to seize and convulse.

Ling Qi swooped forward, toward the recovering spider matriarch, and Hanyi leapt off of her back with a laugh as she passed over Zhengui, grasping onto one of the three spiders there. Her Singing Blade shot toward the second with the melancholy wail of a lost child, and Zhen's fangs pierced the third. Behind her, song became silence, drowning the sounds of battle. Ling Qi instead played the song of an advancing glacier as she bore down on the matriarch, and the force of her Qi punched the beast through the gray and sagging webbing, weakened by flame and radiance.

Following through, Ling Qi emerged among shattered walls and dark stone to face the hissing spider matriarch, whose sword like limbs sliced through the air, leaving ripples where they passed through Ling Qi's form. Webs of illusion and sleep wove around her, but she passed through their net as if they were not there, and the echo of the glacier mashed the spider against the stone wall again, cracking carapace further.
Ling Qi alighted upon the creatures bleeding back and sang of hoarfrost, and ichor froze as lethal cold crept into the beasts wounded body. Behind her, radiance washed out, lightning the expansive cave as Xia Lin erupted from the sagging cocoon of webbing with a spider impaled, wriggling on the end of her blade, she spun her weapon twice over her head and flung the creature off with a thunderous boom, followed shortly after by a wet splat of impact on the caves far wall.

Ling Qi looked down at the struggling spider with a touch of pity. They could not have known that Ling Qi and it seemed, Xia Lin so perfectly countered their abilities. Even now, the spider below her was confused and shocked, barely able to understand how swiftly things had gone against her. Ling Qi felt the gathered power in her lungs, the silence that would spill forth with just a little push.

She sang, and the spider matriarch grew still.

AN: Man fights have a way of being longer than intended, don't they?
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