Mmmh... Green 2/3 arts beginning at 4 meridians, when TRF just got its 4th meridian in Green 2, and SCS/PLR got its 5th, is not particularly low? You aren't going to have arts beginning with that many meridians usually, and so far those arts are the ones beginning with the most meridians (they are also the ones beginning the highest, cultivation wise).
In a non-standard scenario, we would still be likely to be 'stronger' with SCS than LFWT, given those sweet darkness bonuses.
Can we not have both of them? Isn't that why we squashed SCS?RE: Laughing Flight of the Wind Thief
We actually lose out on passives compared to max SCS (-10 speed including conditionals, loses all sneak attack bonuses, gain +10 conditional avoid) and we lose the persistent OWS which kinda sucks - our primary sickass movement tech. BitD is a completely different effect, though it is really strong.
If at all possible, we want to burn through to level 2 in one go to avoid what I think will be a temporary downgrade in capabilities
I adore Coldstar Blade, and want to take it badly.
Just not now. I want to train it HEAVY the turn we intend to get Green 4, so we can master it and then Modify the Blades Keyword in the same turn
There's something I like about both going back to our first weapons and training throwing knives with moon senpai. Throwing knives are just flat steel blades, right?
Granted I want Beast King and the voidshroud first.
Ah, I think this is just Yrs not having time for details:Most of them span three cultivation levels without growing in meridian count, though. That's the big thing.