Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
If the world was short on heroes, she would just have to make one herself

"So I learned how to bend chitin
I learned how to make it move
And I watched as it withstood
All the hell we put men through
With hands of bone
There's not a task we couldn't do

They've waited so long for this day, someone to take the death away,
no child would ever have to say,
my mother worked into her grave."
When we consider that she is making a hero via a combination of seeds and using insects as a template there is only one objective that is possible. Li Suyin is growing her very own KAMEN RIDER
Wait is she growing her own husbando?
She's growing her own ideal of a Hero, which considering her own personal dislike of her own looks and what not it's unlikely she'll think to have whatever she's making find her attractive.

Sounds honestly like Li Suyin might be making either a spirit-husk that she can use to become the "perfect hero" or working on creating a not-quite-artificial spirit that'll exist to be said hero.
Age of Ultron 2, but with bug people instead of robots! Coming soon to a xianxia near you.
So Ling Qi has a lot of friends, most of whom would fit in a league of evil.

There's the order obsessed overlord in the making whose mother may be planning to tear the empire apart to create a authoritarian utopia in her image, the lady Voldemort who wants to make a monument of her brutalized enemies and the arrogant aristocrat with a penchant for burning everything around her whenever her superiority get's challenged.

Li Suyin always had a creepy element to her but now we know how that will end up. Her disappointment in the lack of human goodness has resulted in her wanting to create a new race of insects of all thing, because there is of course absolutely no evil tropes about genetically engineered insect people, who she believes will be not just physically and spiritually superior to humans but morally as well. Great. Building an army in reclusivity to take over the surface is just a few decades away, she just needs to start using her family art with some human experimentation first.
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. She did not want him to make a mistake when he could do so much better than a petty, stubborn, and mediocre girl like her.
Come now Li Suyin. Only two of those traits apply to you. Petty and stubborn you may be, but mediocre? You are growing... something, in the bowels of your workshop. Something that is being used through materials and techniques that the Empire at large has never had access to. You've gotten into green by the age of 15, which likely means you'll fully breakthrough in time to become a noble.

Also, you made into the inner sect. Mediocre is the last thing you are.

Now... about that horrifying, amazing, embarrassing, wonderful project you've been working on. I feel... it's going to be fantastic.
Li Suyin nodded, maintaining her smile. That… was the other rub. It was unfair of her, but… she had grown up with tales of chivalrous warrior poets, and brave and clever hero scholars. Though she had been disabused of the notion that the real world allowed for such pure images to exist, some part of her was still the little girl who had sighed over such stories and wanted a hero of her own. It was one reason why she had kept her latest project a secret, even from Ling Qi and Senior Sister Bao, it was just too embarrassing…

If the world was short on heroes, she would just have to make one herself
lmao is that some reverse hikaru genji tier logic?
Hehe, honestly, I thought she was working on a Sentai or Magical Girl transformation device. Still not convinced she isn't!

I mean, it could be that you have to build the 'suit' first rather than the transformation trinket.
I mean on one hand she is probably creating some sort of horrible inscet monster that may get her put down by the sect. On the other hand we could use a spare body for six. Not sure if they would be ok being in some weird insect thing though.
"So I learned how to bend chitin
I learned how to make it move
And I watched as it withstood
All the hell we put men through
With hands of bone
There's not a task we couldn't do

They've waited so long for this day, someone to take the death away,
no child would ever have to say,
my mother worked into her grave."
We will be heroes. (We will build heroes.)
She's growing her own ideal of a Hero, which considering her own personal dislike of her own looks and what not it's unlikely she'll think to have whatever she's making find her attractive.

Sounds honestly like Li Suyin might be making either a spirit-husk that she can use to become the "perfect hero" or working on creating a not-quite-artificial spirit that'll exist to be said hero.
In B4 it(he?) looks like a gender flipped Ling Qi.
The time had been fruitful though, the supply bags Ling Qi had taken were full of interesting things. Her glove was one of those innovations. Crafted from spider silk and the chitin of that third realm beast which had nearly collapsed the ceiling, treated with certain substances taken from that bag. Between the absorbing and consumptive properties imbued into the silk, Li Suyin was rather proud of the custom built venom injectors in the claws, which improved the efficacy of the arts which she had received from Zhenli's broodmother a great deal.
So this part is interesting to me. Specifically that Li Suyin got arts from Zhenli's broodmother, who, in case you're like me and didn't know how strong Zhenli's broodmother is, can be seen from this section in the last thread:
Ling Qi could feel a greater presence still beyond the curtain, comparable to Zeqing.

So Li Suyin got an art from a spirit comparable to Zeqing. In fact, it says arts which implies multiple. While the potency and quality of the arts may not be FSS level, given how FSS seemed to tie into Zeqing's very nature as a spirit, that is still a big deal and implies a longer-term relationship than a simple request for a spirit. If Li Suyin can establish a proper healthy relationship with Zhenli's broodmother for further instruction and materials, plus the corrupted caverns she has nearly sole access to for 10 years, Li Suyin is going to go far in the sect. I would not be surprised, if Li Suyin keeps this up, should she makes it into the core sect.

There is some huge potential for Li Suyin here at the Argent Sect, and I'm excited to see where it goes!
...Well, we better stage an intervention at some point because Li Suyin is taking the first step on the road to becoming Makiri Zolgen (And look how he turned out). And nobody wants the rapeCrest Worms in this thread.
So Li Suyin is building her own hero with black seeds from some sort of plant I suppose, her blood and some grubs. I'm wondering if functionally, it will be more like a robot like her bone creations, or a spirit beast? Because that would be quite a fit to accomplish. Or maybe the seeds of it are just growing and one day she be able to create a full army of insect-like heroic half-robot half spirit-beast.
[X] Approve of this interlude.

Very interesting! It fleshed out more about Li Suyin and told us abut what the Production students are doing.

...Can someone remind me who Du Feng was?

Furthermore, it has given us, the readers, out of character knowledge on things Li Suyin is keeping from a secret from Ling Qi.
On one hand ,I like her project, and I think it might work well as a surprise, saving-the-day moment when we really need it. Plus it's good to know Li Suyin has her own resources to protect herself, and is not defenseless or reliant on Ling Qi anymore. Every time we see her, she's grown stronger and more self-sufficient, which is good.

On the other hand... she IS keeping things secret from us. I feel like she's not the only one that is starting to close themselves to us, putting on distance and not telling us about themselves. It's worrying to see her lack of self-esteem is still warping her view of the things that happen around herself. This whole thing reminds me that we have to invest time on re-connecting more with Li Suyin, in a more personal level, more than just in a "power level progression/adventuring together" level.

Could we invite her sometime to have a bath together like we usd to do with Xiulan?