Ooooh, methinks that there is some spicy plot foreshadowing going on here.
Ling Qi hummed in thought. She just might have the seed of an idea.
"...Yeah that's a you idea all right," Sixiang laughed.
Starting off on a high note with a patented Ling Qi Idea. Guaranteed to solve your problem and then some, or your money back.
"Alright then," Ling Qi said, slipping out of her authoritative tone as she grinned. "Zhengui, make this fellow stop for a moment."
"Yes!" he announced cheerfully, turning toward the hill so very slowly moving toward them. He stomped forward, and qi flooded into the earth. Grass and shrubs gleamed with emerald light as unnatural roots churned the soil growing downward and anchoring the earth as Zhengui rammed his head into the stony hillside.
"My Big Sister wants to talk, so you had better listen," Zhen announced, eyeing the great pile of earth and stone imperiously. Behind him, Ling Qi silently breathed out, and activated the Thousand Rings Unbreaking technique, enhancing the roots laid down and making her little brother truly immovable.
For a time, there was no sound save for the growl of effort made by her little brother as the stone he had pressed his head against pushed harder and against him. Ling Qi grimaced at the expense of activating the expensive technique a second time, but she was soon rewarded as stone splintered with an audible crack and the hill shook, a noise like a sub-sonic groan rattling her bones. For the first time, she felt the weight of the hill's qi shift, changing from a dissipate half awareness to a focused attention on the obstacle in its path.
Excellent job, little brother.
When the earth and the trees and the sentient animated hill is telling you to move, you look right back at him, and you say "No,
you move".
'the winter winds would awaken the crumbling titan'
That sounds like that one mega-spirit rustling around in the Cloud Tribes in the interlude, but it's been ages since I read that.
"Perhaps a powerful spirit beast died in the south and its blood is poisoning the earth."
"Seems more likely," Chun Yan agreed.
"...Yes, that seems more likely. Should we search for the source then Ma'am?" Mo Lian asked.
"That would probably be for the best," she agreed. "You'll lead us then. Focus on the ground and look for unusual traces. The rest of us will keep watch while you search."
The clear order seemed to snap them out of their thoughts, and once again Ling Qi was treated to three simultaneous 'Yes Ma'ams.'
Huh, I think Qi's performance and treatment of them has earned her a measure of respect in their skeptical eyes.
"I didn't like it either," Hanyi said, speaking up for the first time in awhile. "The mountain was being creepy, I don't like it."
"Do not worry, I Zhen, will frighten away the scary lights for Hanyi," Zhen hissed teasingly.
Now this is even more of a sibling relationship.
She left the subdual of the former to Chun Yan, who was quick and competent about striking and cutting down spirits with strong thrusts of the spear she carried on her back. The three of them worked well as a team, strengthening her suspicion that the three were quite familiar with each other. Chun Yan was the spear, Chang He was the shield. Mo Lian was the odd man out, acting to support the other two with a more varied set of skills.
It is very nice to have a group that is experienced, professional, and already have great teamwork within the group.
As Ling Qi seated herself atop a flat rock to meditate however, she saw movement out of the corner of her eye.
"Senior Brother," she greeted calmly, refusing to rise to his bait.
"Junior Sister," Laio Zhu greeted in turn, seated on the trunk of a tree that hung crookedly from the cliffside on which she was perched. "I am glad to see your nerves remain in good condition."
"Of course," she replied dryly, she was not really in a joking mood though. "Senior Brother, what do you make of what we found today?"
"Ah but that would be telling, Junior Sister, I am disappointed that you would seek to use your Senior Brothers unmatched experience to pad your score," he replied lightly. She turned her head just enough to give him a flat look.
Oh these two are always great. He's willing to tease and poke fun, and Qi is willing to call him on it.
He laughed at her, but his gaze sharpened. "It is somewhat concerning. This is not a matter for Inner disciples, I think. You did well."
Oof, yeah this is a major matter that may require the Big Boys to take a look at it. Think it is very safe to say that our decision was correct.
"Why my father told me that she performed the operation to deliver your liege herself!"
Alright, that's admittedly pretty funny.
"Perhaps," he agreed, the grin fading from his tone. "But… I have spent many long hours watching and infiltrating the Cloud Tribes," he said gravely. "There is an old tale, which they speak of in the same way that we do our Fishers, Diviners, and Conquerors. They say that, pitying the plight of the men who toiled under the dragons, Father Sky summoned the brightest star in the sky, his daughter, to free them of their bondage. Before the star, the artifice and mighty works of the dragons crumbled like dust. When the dragons fell, the star elected to remain on earth and took a husband from among the freed tribes, she bore a son who would be their first leader. However, while the star was the daughter of Father Sky, she was not born of Mother Earth, and so they and their descendants be denied the blessings of earth and live their lives in the Sky and the Mountains."
Ling Qi shifted uneasily at that no doubt abridged legend. "...Do you think the Cloud Tribes really have a Sublime Ancestor, somewhere in the Wall?"
That's slightly terrifying.
"There is no proof of such a thing," Laio Zhu replied. "And you will be laughed at if you suggest it. Imperial scholars have long debunked their primitive myths, and the living dragons scoff at such stories," she couldn't help but feel that he was being a bit disingenuous with that statement. "But… Your Senior Brother is perhaps a touch paranoid."
"...You're pretty bad at setting the mind at ease, you know?" Ling Qi replied.
"I am no such thing," he denied, in a voice full of wounded pride. "For that was not my intent. Be careful on the morrow, Junior Sister."
Before she could reply, he was gone.
Another great thing about Liao, he has successfully chipped away at the Imperial Supremacist mindset, and recognizes that Barbarian legends are not automatically inferior to our own "obviously true" origin stories.
Also, I felt a bit surprised at the level of IRL duties that Liao has taken up while being an Inner Sect student. That "you must make a significant contribution to the Sect" restriction on the Top 500 and up might be more significant than I thought. I guess I see why he is all the way up at #2, he actively infiltrates the Cloud Tribes.