Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
[] The crumbling city of Tonghou, turned inward, shrinking by the decade, lit by the light of a grinning crescent.
[] A gleaming tower of light and wood, vast beyond easy comprehension, a bastion of power that cast deep shadows indeed, even under the lightless moon.

Can't decide which. I'm glad most people realize the importance of LQ facing her past, her trauma and how its skewed her view of certain things--things that may be important now or maybe later. But romance should be open as a possibility for her when she's ready, as something pleasurable and adventurous. And that's not possible with her current hangups.
I really don't get the people who have said that her past is irrelevant. It clearly still affects the way she thinks. She shouldn't deprived of romance, its an aspect of life that is very much a part of being human...and also that can help retain her humanity as she grows more powerful

When in doubt, vote for both.
[X] The crumbling city of Tonghou, turned inward, shrinking by the decade, lit by the light of a grinning crescent.
[X] A little village in the hills, new and yet old, built upon layers of bones, but peaceful and full of laughter under the light of a waning moon.
[X] A gleaming tower of light and wood, vast beyond easy comprehension, a bastion of power that cast deep shadows indeed, even under the lightless moon.
[X] A little village in the hills, new and yet old, built upon layers of bones, but peaceful and full of laughter under the light of a waning moon.
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[X] A gleaming tower of light and wood, vast beyond easy comprehension, a bastion of power that cast deep shadows indeed, even under the lightless moon.
[X] The crumbling city of Tonghou, turned inward, shrinking by the decade, lit by the light of a grinning crescent.
So, I'm going to talk a little bit about PLR and a cool synergy that I noticed. First off, here is the relevant text of PLR

Phantasmagoria of Lunar Revelry 5

Potency: Green 2
Potency Growth: Green 3(6) Green 4(9)
Moon, Motion, Revelry, Yang
Dance, Dexterity, Composure, Presence
Current Meridians: Legx4, Lung
Next Meridians: Leg(7), Lung(9)
Max Level: 9
Experience Needed: 450, 600, 800, 1000, 1200

Passive Effects

+10 bonus to Dance, Music, art and speech
+15 to Speed
+5 bonus to Physical Avoid
+5 bonus to Spiritual Avoid
+10 bonus to Dexterity when escaping grapple or confinement
+10 bonus to begin or maintain a grapple
-This Art uses Dance as mastery for all techniques

Illustrious Phantasmal Festival: B
Duration: Long
The foundational technique from which all others in the art arise. The user gathers their qi and the memories of their night of revelry and expels them through every available channel in a rush of power and gleaming many colored mist. Within Close range centered on the user, ghostly dancers ever shifting in form coalesce from the midst in a riot of color, laughter, music and movement. Amidst the revel the user is but one figure among many, and in its ever shifting tides, only those of sharp eye can even attempt to reach or strike the user directly. Within it's confines the senses of enemies are confused, penalizing perception. This technique may be renewed as if it were D rank at instant speed at the end of its duration. This technique allows for stealth and is an illusion effect, affecting all senses. The festival counts as an opponent for the purposes of determining multiattacker bonuses.

Lunatic Whirl: C
Duration: Persistent
Usable only while Illustrious Phantasmal Festival is active. The ghostly dancers gather around an intruder in the festival, laughing, singing and demanding a dance, forcing them to join the revelry. The dancers seize their arms and hands, dragging them through the chaotic revelry. Though the dancers will do no harm to their captive, the frenetic pace of the revelry is highly draining, and victim finds their qi dribbling away, siphoned to the user while the sights and sounds of the revel cloud their minds and steal the strength from their limbs. So long as their hands lie in the grasp of the dancers, they will also find the meridians in their arms blocked and unusable. Each usage of Lunatic Whirl may target up to three enemies, no more than six enemies may be under the effect of Lunatic Whirl at a time.

Joyous Toast: C
Duration: Immediate
Usable only while Illustrious Phantasmal Festival is active. The guests of the festival raise their voices and cups and stamp their feet in joy, roaring encouragement for the user and their allies and jeering at their foes. The next music, dance or art based technique used by those affected is treated as if it is one rank higher for determining effects.

Ephemeral Dreamlit Dancer: C
Duration: Short
Having begun to understand the nature of the dreams, the user flits from place to place, shrouded in the phantoms of paths not taken. While active the users speed is increased significantly. Techniques which would still hit the user have a chance(decreasing based on the attackers perception) to simply fail, shattering instead some of the dreamlike phantom images the user is shrouded in. Each use of this technique generates two 'charges' which do not stack with additional uses.

Now, we don't have PLR 5 yet, but it has a couple of very useful insights for where it is going. First off IPF will penalize the senses of opponents in IPF's range. This is important because IPF is naturally a perception gate forcing people to have a certain level of perception before even being able to hit us. Penalizing opponent's perception within IPF just means that they need even more perception before they can hit us. IPF is expensive but will prove critical for everything else it wants to do.

LW is Persistent, and so those captured by it's frantic grasp will be captured until IPF fails or they break free. Most importantly though, is that each use of LW can hit three targets, to a max of six. This pushes LW more to group fights as three targets make this technique even more efficient. This is important, the move towards group fighting, as will be explained a little bit later.

Now, PLR 5 adds something new in the form of Ephemeral Dreamlit Dancer (EDD). This is another perception gate on top of the IPF perception gate. For a short time, we have two charges which have a chance to take blows for us that would have struck us. This chance decreases the higher the opponent's perception is. Now, there is inherent synergy in that IPF reduces the perception of our opponents, but if we start thinking about group tactics, there is an even more startling synergy. With Lady Cai. Specifically with Liming.

The red silk splashed in stylized wings across her liege's chest rippled, and embroidered 'eyes narrowed. Then the world went white as the light around Cai Renxiang blazed. For the barest instant she saw a faceless, inhuman visage before Ling Qi snapped her eyes shut, drew in her senses and hurled herself backward. That technique, Celestial Revelation, was such a pain. It was similar to Deepwood Vitality, but it blocked even the residual on touch kind of techniques.

Ling Qi silently thanked Sixiang as a pulse a moon qi washed away the worst of the blindness, though her spiritual senses were still blurred and spotty.

This technique, Celestial Revelation, seems to blind both physical and spiritual senses. Which could very well be a hefty perception debuff for a short amount of time. Combine this with our various perception gates in IPF, EDD, and MotV, and we have a combination that can radically reduce a person's perception for a short amount of time, forcing them to miss their targets against us, getting lost in our mists, or hitting and shattering phantoms we shroud ourselves in. With Cai seemingly comfortable engaging in melee with an opponent, Cai will have ample opportunity to activate Celestial Revelation should we need assistance dodging an attack from a powerful foe. Not only will this allow us to last longer in the fight, it will give us more time to siphon qi off of the powerful foe's allies through LW locking them down and giving us the qi needed to launch our larger more powerful combo's (such as JT and CTE).

With Cai's ability to blind foes, our perception gates become that much more potent against our more powerful foes in group combat. It makes me really want to do some group combat with Cai against some of our peers to test this idea out and see how far it can be taken currently.
[X] A little village in the hills, new and yet old, built upon layers of bones, but peaceful and full of laughter under the light of a waning moon.
[X] The crumbling city of Tonghou, turned inward, shrinking by the decade, lit by the light of a grinning crescent.
[X] The crumbling city of Tonghou, turned inward, shrinking by the decade, lit by the light of a grinning crescent.
[X] A gleaming tower of light and wood, vast beyond easy comprehension, a bastion of power that cast deep shadows indeed, even under the lightless moon.
[X] A gleaming tower of light and wood, vast beyond easy comprehension, a bastion of power that cast deep shadows indeed, even under the lightless moon.
Hear me out on this one:
Ling Qi's traumas and hang-ups seem all built around the experience of being a stowaway and how it sucks right?
What I've been thinking for a LONG time now is she needs a counter-balance to that trauma. Going back over it with fresh eyes CAN help...But yanno, done wrongly it can just open up new wounds *glares at Bloody Moon* Admittedly I can see why Ling Qi would be bad with the Bloody beyond the whole 'did I really grow past being a street rat?' question- just look at how much of our gains came at the cost of some other person/being who had the misfortune of being in our path...
But I digress.
Something that's bugged me about Ling Qi's cultivation as a whole- it has the idea that there's plenty of BAD out there in the world, but in terms of light, of warmth, of happiness?...There's a party. There's a vague idea of a 'home' that safe from danger, but other than that...The world is dark, cold, and dangerous, full of deadly mists and generally inhospitable.
I think it was remarked upon that Ling Qi was kind of gloomy for awhile there, and while the Moons I THINK have rounded that gothic edge off Ling Qi, I still see it as a very dominant attitude to her, and frankly I think she's only one true loss or personal tragedy away from going straight-up horror monster in the vein of something like Nemo Elcobuzier.
THAT, is my beef with Ling Qi's way.
So no, I don't want to explore her painful past.
I'm leery of poking around the prescent as well, simply due to her not truly being settled yet due to all the questions and fears surrounding her now-those have defined her enough, in my opinion, and allowing them further purchase could very well lead to all sorts of unpleasant things. Like the dark implications we first thought of upon seeing Cai made all too painfully real. A new Bai nightmare waiting to be unleashed, NO!
So where can I find light and growth? at the top of the great tower, a stairway to GREATNESS.
[X] The crumbling city of Tonghou, turned inward, shrinking by the decade, lit by the light of a grinning crescent.

I think it'd be cool to go in order of appearance.
[X] A gleaming tower of light and wood, vast beyond easy comprehension, a bastion of power that cast deep shadows indeed, even under the lightless moon.

Mostly because I'm curious and also I feel the irrational need to stick it to that random Luo we met once.
Once again, he gave her a thin smile. "Under blinding light, there is little room for shadows, sleep, and secrets," he replied cryptically. "Be careful in your doings."
What was that, Luo Jie? Huh?
[X] The crumbling city of Tonghou, turned inward, shrinking by the decade, lit by the light of a grinning crescent.
It feels most thematically appropriate to return to the beginning for this journey. After all, it's that first connection with the Grinning Moon that got Xin to greet us during Zhao's trial, and how we got EPC to begin with.
Archivist of Sin....

It's easy to forget that Xin has been Jiao's partner for far longer than we've known him, that most of both of their lives have been in the service of the Ministry of Integrity.

Jiao was so devoted to his career in CoIntel he married a Kompromat spirit.
[X] The crumbling city of Tonghou, turned inward, shrinking by the decade, lit by the light of a grinning crescent.

This is a note I'd rather start than end on.
[X] The crumbling city of Tonghou, turned inward, shrinking by the decade, lit by the light of a grinning crescent.
[X] The crumbling city of Tonghou, turned inward, shrinking by the decade, lit by the light of a grinning crescent.
This technique, Celestial Revelation, seems to blind both physical and spiritual senses. Which could very well be a hefty perception debuff for a short amount of time. Combine this with our various perception gates in IPF, EDD, and MotV, and we have a combination that can radically reduce a person's perception for a short amount of time, forcing them to miss their targets against us, getting lost in our mists, or hitting and shattering phantoms we shroud ourselves in. With Cai seemingly comfortable engaging in melee with an opponent, Cai will have ample opportunity to activate Celestial Revelation should we need assistance dodging an attack from a powerful foe. Not only will this allow us to last longer in the fight, it will give us more time to siphon qi off of the powerful foe's allies through LW locking them down and giving us the qi needed to launch our larger more powerful combo's (such as JT and CTE).

With Cai's ability to blind foes, our perception gates become that much more potent against our more powerful foes in group combat. It makes me really want to do some group combat with Cai against some of our peers to test this idea out and see how far it can be taken currently.
It is interesting that while FVM is also perception gated, FVM's darkness style means it is helped much less by teaming up with CRX, while PLR being a more malfeas type stealth means that it will be helped much more.

Oh, and I am pretty sure Celestial Relevation is not the only blinding tech CRX has, either.

Something that you missed in your above analysis is that while EDD stacks really well on top of IPF, both for the perception penalising element and 'perception gated dodge on top of perception gated misses', EDD is the first tech of PLR that doesn't necessitate IPF to be there to work. So it works better if it's there, but it can work by itself.

Its conditional nature does make it iffier as a panic button that DWV, its direct competitor, but it also has a 'short' duration instead of an 'immediate' one. So it's very possible for Ling Qi's defences to look like this: IPF to make opponent miss, EDD to perfect dodge, and if both fail DWV as a last layer. That, or if both fail there is a decent odd it's a really powerful technique that would bypass DWV, so SCS the tech for the perfect dodge.

So while EDD and DWV compete in what they actually do, EDD not being immediate means that, in the defence setup, it can actually be used as a prepared defence with either DWV or SCS being the last ditch panic button, creating another layer of conditional perfect defence between our preceding existing ones.

Is there any reason why majority of peeps are voting for Grinning?
Past image is an interesting one.

It's a pity though, because Capital or Village are more interesting to me when it comes to the narrative for Ling Qi. Capital seems to be about our current centre of interests when it comes to working with CRX, and Village seems to be about 'how to build toward the future'.

There is only so much work you can do on your past hang up before you need to buckle up and actually work on how you want your work to reflect on your present and future, after all.