Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
[X] Xuan Shi: For once, the odd boy has called in your offered favor. He wishes for your aid in penetrating the interior of an odd little temple full of traps and puzzles.
[X] Xuan Shi: For once, the odd boy has called in your offered favor. He wishes for your aid in penetrating the interior of an odd little temple full of traps and puzzles.
[X] Xuan Shi: For once, the odd boy has called in your offered favor. He wishes for your aid in penetrating the interior of an odd little temple full of traps and puzzles.

Mainly because I don't want to see us put the favor off forever... for what that says about Ling QI if nothing else.
Xiao Fen's First Attempt at Friendship: A Tragedy in Three Acts

Act 1: An Auspicous Meeting

*A duo of commoners leave theirmorning lessons, only to pause when one stares at a tree in dawning dread*

Victim 1: "What's wrong? We're going to be late to Elder Zhao's lesson"

Victim 2: "We can't"

Victim 1: "Why?"

Victim 2: "Because. We're being hunted."

*Unbeknownst to the two young men, two bits of silver wire serpentine their way out of the grass and ensnare their legs, dragging them up the tree with only the yelps of terror marking their passage*

Act 2: A Blooming Bond

*a growing crowd of first year disciples, wincing in collective sympathy, circle Xiao Fen and watch as she brutalizes the two young men*


"We're becoming friends!" Xiao Fen says, stomping on their junk. "Are we friends yet?"


"I might, but I only make strong friends."




This goes into the night.

Act 3: Enlightenment

*Xiao Fen sits in Elder Su's lessons, the very picture of cold elegance. No student sits within two seats of her*

*Baroness Ling gives out the most simplest of tasks*
[X] Xuan Shi: For once, the odd boy has called in your offered favor. He wishes for your aid in penetrating the interior of an odd little temple full of traps and puzzles.

Mainly because I don't want to see us put the favor off forever... for what that says about Ling QI if nothing else.

Again, these events are running on Schrodinger's timeline, they occur when they win so assuming Xuan Shi doesn't win it only means he hasn't asked for the favor yet.
[X] Xuan Shi: For once, the odd boy has called in your offered favor. He wishes for your aid in penetrating the interior of an odd little temple full of traps and puzzles.

Good that we'll get CDE operational right as we need it.
I mean she wasn't being especially cruel on purpose. The Bai Xiao fighting style is just one of those really mean ones that's all about targeting nerve clusters, joints and various soft and squishy bits. I generally envision it as being kinda muay thai-ish.

...though I might be mixing that up with some other style, not an expert on martial arts here
[X] Xuan Shi: For once, the odd boy has called in your offered favor. He wishes for your aid in penetrating the interior of an odd little temple full of traps and puzzles.
[X] Xuan Shi: For once, the odd boy has called in your offered favor. He wishes for your aid in penetrating the interior of an odd little temple full of traps and puzzles.
[X] Xuan Shi: For once, the odd boy has called in your offered favor. He wishes for your aid in penetrating the interior of an odd little temple full of traps and puzzles.
[X] Xuan Shi: For once, the odd boy has called in your offered favor. He wishes for your aid in penetrating the interior of an odd little temple full of traps and puzzles.
I mean she wasn't being especially cruel on purpose. The Bai Xiao fighting style is just one of those really mean ones that's all about targeting nerve clusters, joints and various soft and squishy bits. I generally envision it as being kinda muay thai-ish.

...though I might be mixing that up with some other style, not an expert on martial arts here

Honestly, the hilarious thing is that she actually ran into someone who could take it, and give it back in kind.

That's what really tickled the funnybone IMO.
Zhengui," it looked like saying the name physically hurt her
...we need more scenes with her, it's going to be great.

Yes, inflicting Elder Jiao's lessons on someone else, insofar as she could, would certainly be appropriate tutoring, after all, she was passing on the wisdom of a Sect Elder!
Apparently he also passed on his sense of humour, I approve!

[X] Xuan Shi: For once, the odd boy has called in your offered favor. He wishes for your aid in penetrating the interior of an odd little temple full of traps and puzzles.
[X] Shen Hu: The taciturn boy has approached you for once. He has found the abandoned lair of an underworld dragon, but is not confident that he can face the scavengers that fill it unopposed.
Oooooooh wow! Shen Hu knows how to bring in the good stuff. I really want to go to dragon lair! Unfortunately, it is true that we've been putting off Xuan Shi for too long so..yeah gonna vote for him. He's a higher investment after all.

[X] Xuan Shi: For once, the odd boy has called in your offered favor. He wishes for your aid in penetrating the interior of an odd little temple full of traps and puzzles.

I also find it amusing that Xiao Fen's way of determining friendship is through brute force. That's when you know she's definitely Bai. Her "friend" though...Liu Xin...This is a different Liu we're talking about right? Not the same Liu who owns Tonghou and harasses Qingge? A matter of same family names?

After this though, we gotta invest in CRX some more, she's already ringing a lot of warning bells.
Oooooooh wow! Shen Hu knows how to bring in the good stuff. I really want to go to dragon lair! Unfortunately, it is true that we've been putting off Xuan Shi for too long so..yeah gonna vote for him. He's a higher investment after all.

[X] Xuan Shi: For once, the odd boy has called in your offered favor. He wishes for your aid in penetrating the interior of an odd little temple full of traps and puzzles.

I also find it amusing that Xiao Fen's way of determining friendship is through brute force. That's when you know she's definitely Bai. Her "friend" though...Liu Xin...This is a different Liu we're talking about right? Not the same Liu who owns Tonghou and harasses Qingge? A matter of same family names?

After this though, we gotta invest in CRX some more, she's already ringing a lot of warning bells.

It's a different one.

CRX plot is also plot gated, as are most of our other 4-dot Relationships.
Again, these events are running on Schrodinger's timeline, they occur when they win so assuming Xuan Shi doesn't win it only means he hasn't asked for the favor yet.
The events run on Shrodinger's timeline, but not infinitely so. If we put of Xuan Shi's event for long enough, it won't show up any more - though it is entirely unclear how long "long enough" is. Point is, if it was the first or second time showing up, putting it off would almost certainly be safe, but past that things grow less certain.
Again, these events are running on Schrodinger's timeline, they occur when they win so assuming Xuan Shi doesn't win it only means he hasn't asked for the favor yet.
Counter point. Xuan Shi (and several others) actions have consistently been pushed off for 'later' until they dropped from the available options. It's why Ling Qi stopped interacting with him initially.
[X] Xuan Shi: For once, the odd boy has called in your offered favor. He wishes for your aid in penetrating the interior of an odd little temple full of traps and puzzles.
The problem is we don't really know what is driving the conflict. Old grudge on the Bai's side, desperation and doubling down to get out of a debt to a bloody goddess on the Sun's side are the hints... But this does have the shape of a story where the Sun are unwilling pawns of the jungle who are shown mercy and saved by their old enemies . Idk.
We do know. The Bais never let go. Revenge is a dish best served cold, but it will be served. Everyone knows this.

Ling Qi let out a sigh of relief, and pressed on. "Any luck on following our advice?"

Bai Xiao Fen frowned and glanced away, her indignation draining away, looking faintly shamed. "There were several… set backs. However, my current sparring partner did not crumble under the cultivation regime I set him after I informed him of our friendship. I believe I have acquired an acceptable friend."
I think I've seen this in my animes.
"...There are so many things going on between those words, I'm not sure where to start," the spirit said dryly.

"That is… good," Ling Qi replied slowly trying to find a polite way to ask her question. "What is your friend like exactly?" She finally settled on asking.

Xiao Fen paused, considering the question "Liu Xin is the son of mortal cobbler from the Lower Rootways of Xiangmen, before his talent was discovered. He is appropriately ruthless in combat, and neither cried when struck in the groin or other pain centers, nor hesitated to attempt similar effective techniques on me," here the younger girl paused again. "...I find his wit and capacity for cutting retorts in the face of unearned pride amusing. He enjoys a light White Branch Tea."

Ling Qi took a deep breath and then let it out. She wasn't going to judge.

Ling Qi, you're in no place to judge given that you routinely ask Meizhen to inflict soul deep terror on you!
I mean she wasn't being especially cruel on purpose. The Bai Xiao fighting style is just one of those really mean ones that's all about targeting nerve clusters, joints and various soft and squishy bits. I generally envision it as being kinda muay thai-ish.

...though I might be mixing that up with some other style, not an expert on martial arts here
Muay thai is a pretty hard-style art. It's a lot of knees and elbows, with some kicks, punches, and grappling thrown in for fun and texture. For nerve-strikes and such, I think you'd usually want a more soft-style. Not to say muay thai doesn't have some, I've only learned some of the more basic level stuff myself, but an art is built on its foundations.

For pressure points, you'd probably be looking for something like hapkido (Korean), taichichwan, or certain other forms of Chinese martial arts. Besides, muay thai is far too... blunt-seeming of a fighting style for me to picture it fitting the Bai branches. Soft-styles are generally more windy/flowy styles, while hard-styles are more direct.
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[x] Xuan Shi: For once, the odd boy has called in your offered favor. He wishes for your aid in penetrating the interior of an odd little temple full of traps and puzzles.

underground overgrown eel will have to wait for his turn...
[X] Xuan Shi: For once, the odd boy has called in your offered favor. He wishes for your aid in penetrating the interior of an odd little temple full of traps and puzzles.
[X] Xuan Shi: For once, the odd boy has called in your offered favor. He wishes for your aid in penetrating the interior of an odd little temple full of traps and puzzles.