"Then I will accept, and raise my head with the pride of serving the Cai," Meng Dan said.
The rest of them raised their voices and their cups, and meng Dan smiled, raising his own.
"We will not hold much ceremony. There is enough of that outside, and there is a great deal of work to be done," Cai Renxiang said. "I assume you have been keeping abreast of the messages arriving for us."
"I have," Meng Dan said. "All of the courtly clans have sent you invitations of course, from the highest to the lowest."
"That is to be expected, and I will decide which of them I may attend to. Reduced as they are, thee remain worthies among the courts," Cai Renxiang said.
"I would suggest the Zuo, they were only ever minor players prior to her Grace and they have grown well in her light. They have numerous interests in ceramics and beast regents, and my Jia contacts are well acquainted with their business," Gan Guangli said, not booming for once.
"Good contacts for our nascent products, and though they have less reach than the Bao, they will also not expect as much control of the arrangement." Xia Lin said.
"I will defer to sir gan's judgment," Meng Dan said. "You are of course expected in her Grace's house for much of the time, but in addition to that, we also have a missive from the Gold Autumn school…"
"Checking after their graduates," Ling Qi said.
"Indeed, I will leave that matter to you. You know my thoughts," Cai Renxiang said.
"...As well as numerous theater troupes and artists, hungry for your commission, looking to glorify your name in the boughs of Xiangmen. Some of them are even not simply oblique tendrils of influence from the count and court families," Meng Dan finished with a chuckle.
"Ling Qi, this as well. Meng Dan, you will assist her with determining what is worth our time,"
Ling Qi tilted her head slightly. She could see the logic there. While she was a quick study, Meng Dan was much more immersed in the noble culture of the Emerald Seas.
Well it wasn't like she objected. She caught Meng Dan's eye and smiled. "Of course Lady Cai. I am sure the two of us can discern who is worthy of your patronage."
Art was after all, an exercise in communication. Ensuring that her liege's name remained on the lips of the people of the capital and that their deeds remained in peoples thoughts was just the bare foundations of what they would need to do, going forward.
"Xia Lin, Gan Guangli. I expect you will look into and make contact with the Court clan's I determine to be worth our time while they do so… And I will see to my familial duties. We will begin on the morrow, and reconvene for reports and new objectives in three days time."
"Is that when you will be free of your duties next?" Ling Qi asked.
"It is," Cai Renxiang replied. "It is longer than I would expect for the mere formality of checking in. I expect Mother wishes to prepare me for the meeting with our imperial guests."
She searched Cai Renxiang's face. The fear wasn't there, even beneath the steel, just a dogged, almost angry resolve.
Her senses flicked down toward Liming, toward the hidden threads binding them.
…They were bleeding less. She wondered if Cai Renxiang knew.
It wasn't something she could bring up here though.
"Then I must wish you good fortune Lady Cai! I admit I find myself a bit nervous at the notion of being in the same place as the Empress herself," Gan Guangli chuckled, rubbing the back of his head.
"Oh? You've much to be guilty for?" Meng Dan said lightly.
"We did leave him alone with Su Ling on our last expedition," Ling Qi said, hiding a grin behind her hand.
"Miss Ling!" Gan Guangli said, scandalized.
"Amusing," Cai Renxiang said, in a voice so dry it denied any such thing. "Please attempt to be professional when I am not watching you, Gan Guangli, Ling Qi."
"And why is Xia Lin left out?" Ling QI asked.
"I do not need to say that to Xia Lin."
Xia Lin chuckled under her breath.
Xiangmen awaited.
"I'm glad to see you as well as you are," Ling Qi said, leaning against the bannister of the porch overlooking the small inner garden of the manor.
"My, I don't know what Miss Ling is talking about," Meng Dan chuckled, rising from where he had been seated at the edge of the central pond, the rhythmic cycling of his qi during cultivation falling away. "It is a tad early to be getting to work isn't it?"
"It is, I just thought I would come talk to you anyway," she said flippantly. "And you do know. I've been told many times lately that my eyes have become sharp."
The sun hadn't even properly risen yet, only appearing as a sliver of molten gold on the horizon, casting rays across the sky. "They are, I would say the passage through the fire has only made them more so, imbued the beauty of the frozen night with the sparks of dawn."
She blinked and paused, knocked off guard for a moment
His smile didn't waver, but he did turn to face her in profile, removing the glasses perched on his nose. "The Meng clan is in turmoil, and it will be for a long time. Our security was shattered. We faced the same annihilation which visited the Chu. We found there were those in our midst willing to sacrifice all of us, to betray the sacred consensus of the Labyrinthian Grove merely because their domination of certain internal fields and philosophy were
mildly challenged, and set to be tested against ours."
His voice took on a harder and harder edge as he spoke, and though he never raised his voice one bit, his anger was palpable.
"It is not only grief, or fear, or a desire to isolate which burns in the center of the fens now. There is a very real rage amongst those of us who thought that our ideas might be vetted and debated fairly among our halls and councils, that the principles of the clan were something we all held dear. I do not know yet what direction that will take us, and as a historian, that is terrifying."
He'd calmed by the time held finished, falling back into the same easy, warm amusement, as if he were just making a joke about something of little import.
"Honestly, you could make that the foreword a chronicle," Ling Qi said, recovering herself.
"I could, couldn't I? It would be one of those 'subversive' ones which purports to get at the truth hidden beneath its drier counterparts academic tone, but is mainly just a vehicle for its writer's own political interest," Meng Dan chuckled.
"No one puts words to page without at least a bit of themselves intruding on it," Ling Qi replied, leaning further over the rail.
"True! But a professional should at least try to be unbiased," Meng Dan said, strolling closer to where she stood, tilting his head back to look up at her. "Though, I suppose as Lady Cai's retainer, there's no avoiding that bent to any writings. But, I do not think you have much interest in the field, do you Ling Qi?"
"My own field has less to do with facts than their presentation," Ling Qi agreed. "That circlet, that is part of the conflict within the Meng isn't it?"
"It is… disrespectful to wear the things which mark a… let us say priest. However, many would say that their wisdom failed rather harshly, didn't it?" Meng Dan said mildly. "Authority on what is orthodox no longer belongs to the ones most infested with traitors. Also, I think it goes rather well with my features, doesn't it?"
Ling Qi made a show of studying his face. "Hmhm, I think I might swoon if I look too long."
"You would not," Meng Dan said dryly. "Who is our other listener by the way? I do not think it is your muse, the feel is different."
"This is Qiyi, she awoke not too long ago," Ling Qi said, gesturing down at herself.
The fabric shimmered, the spirit, who had been quiet of late, perked up at the introduction, and the silk of her mantle stirred, forming something like an empty evening glove to wave with.
Qiyi was getting rather good at that.
"Oh, now that is fascinating. Most of her Grace's artificial spirits are rather inaccessible. I would love to spend some time in communication with… her?"
"Meng Dan, are you more interested in my dress than me?" Ling Qi asked.
They shared a moment of silence. "We did end up leaving things on a hanging note didn't we?"
"Circumstances didn't allow anything else. I do wish I could have seen you in your recovery."
She nodded silently, glancing up at the brightening sky. "I don't begrudge you that. We have danced around the subject quite a lot. Don't think I didn't notice you getting me back for my teasing with that comment about the eyes earlier."
"There was nothing teasing about it. Your eyes are dangerous things Lady Ling, they might take a man apart as easily as they mesmerize him," Meng Dan said pleasantly, folding his arms behind his back.
She felt a little heat rise in her cheeks. "Stop that," she grumbled.
She gave him a grumpy look. He was unapologetic. "...Don't make this harder. I'm sure you already know the Bao were angling for a connection though we've not gone through with anything official."
"If a Meng cannot out court a Bao, my ancestors will look upon me with the deepest shame," Meng Dan said. "I do not think Lady Ling is only concerned with coin."
"Bao Qian isn't such a money grubber, any more than you are actually all that mysterious and unknowable," Ling Qi said dryly. "But… no. The point is, I want to inform you that Xuan Shi has expressed his interest in courting me as well, even asking after what gift he might craft to make an official suit."
Meng Dan went silent, eyebrows drawing together. "...Ah."
Ling Qi grimaced. She wished Sixiang was here, but no, the muse had just smirked and denied her request. Told her she had to do this kind of thing herself. "...I don't want to come across as some kind of greedy noblewoman, stringing suitors along for the benefits," she grumbled. "But somehow this is happening anyway.
"It's hardly unusual for a quickly rising scion to have several offers," Meng Dan said slowly."I understand things are different for mortals, but I am not insulted. I only… an offer from a ducal clan, for one of theirs to marry in? That is unprecedented."
"I know. I almost dread managing the expectations and rumors," Ling Qi said. "I understand if you don't want to be involved in such… drama."
"You underestimate yourself so badly even now. I know performative humbleness very well, but that truly is not it, is it?" Meng Dan wondered. "It pains me that you esteem yourself so little."
"I do not," Ling Qi frowned. "I know very well the potency and quickness of my cultivation allows me many luxuries, and… I do enjoy your company, though I've not had much of it. You are a good man, Meng Dan, and that is why I want you to know you do not need to tangle yourself up in this."
"Ling Qi, I stand by what I have said. Need has nothing to do with it. If you wish me to step back I will, but until you speak those words I will not withdraw. I had wanted to wait but. I have already cleared the matter with my elders. I do intend to offer you an official suit."
AN: Still getting away from me a bit, but there will be a vote next time!