Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Hanyi's developing mentality is also surprisingly well, well, mortality-proofed. What matters lifespans of mere centuries to her thousands when she isn't planning on grasping them that long anyhow?

Also it'll be pretty funny if we end up with basically a not-evil version of Madame Grey on our hands....
Seeding a lot of winter blooded people around the emerald seas and potentially the south would be a good way of creating more common ground between us and the southerners so that small arguments or misunderstanding have a harder time escalating to full on war.
Seeding a lot of winter blooded people around the emerald seas and potentially the south would be a good way of creating more common ground between us and the southerners so that small arguments or misunderstanding have a harder time escalating to full on war.

On the contrary, Hanyi having a lot of kids would be incredibly strange to the southerners, and her kids would weird them out.
Seeding regions would imply releasing control of the offspring to the, uh, donor.

I much prefer the Ling clan sitting on the strategic half-ice baby supply personally. And in the next century or two, it's funny if we lean on Qingge to raise them.

Hmm. The Ling would probably benefit from someone with a midwife/obstetrician Way.

Think we could get away with kidnapping a Mother Moon spirit?
Adhoc vote count started by kattagarian on Sep 2, 2024 at 1:21 PM, finished with 167 posts and 55 votes.
Geomancer, this was to see if he could find some further improvements, chances are good he found some.
Year 45, Month 13 Arc 2-1 Arrival
"It's spiritual infrastructure. Shrine sites and rites being well established will allow for more effective expansion planning, and with little mortal infrastructure already in place it grants us flexibility in the establishment of norms which avoids the costly and disruptive methods that come from trying to do this after more expansion," Cai Renxiang said crisply. "While this method is impossible for most barons given the material costs, there is no use in not making full use of the advantage my heir's allowance gives us."

"Haha! It is indeed a great boon. The projects we are building out in a month or two would strain a normal new barony's yearly budget."

"We will face scrutiny and scorn for waste if we continue in this manner without rapidly growing the settlement for too long, but our accomplishments and the clear favor for southern expansion give us more leeway here," Xia Lin said

"And we can afford a little bit of scrutiny. I am certain I can smooth things over for a long time coming… particularly if we perform well on the offensive. Success gives much allowance for eccentricity."

"It does," Cai Renxiang said. "And in the end, as our own cultivation grows, there will be less available for projects such as this. By the time we are all fourth realm we will need to reassess. So self sufficiency will need to be addressed within a few years."

Ling Qi smiled faintly. It was good for Renxiang to be confident in all of them..

"Still it is best not to let infrastructure lie fallow too long," Xia Lin said. "I will comb through the available volunteers and population for more stringent testing of cultivation talent. With our excess we can allow some greater wastefulness here if it turns up a few additional talents to fill out the barracks, right now the Cai clan soldiers we are making useful will be stretched thin between the wall and patrols. And there is a certain minimum our lady must keep around her person for propriety's sake."

"It is troublesome. I've little need for a personal retinue for security, but appearances must," Cai Renxiang said, drumming her fingers against her elbow. "I would approve some further investment in searching for new minor talents."

"An excellent measure!" Gan Guangli agreed. "And I think another draw to those who might wish to come. There are always those who scramble for a place in the recruitment offices."

"Come on down to Shenglu, test yourself for cultivation! And hey if ya fail you still wrestle giant catfish or chase floating sheep around!"

She hid her laugh at Sixiang's little jest. "Well that can't hurt either. But I believe we are closing in on another checkpoint. It looks like the last one before we leave the Diao lands and cross over into the Bao, so I expect things to be even more tightly secured."
"Indeed," Cai Renxiang said. Let us prepare ourselves for inspection, as the heir, I must present a good example to be followed."

She was right, as obsequious and apologetic as the men and women manning the checkpoint were, it still took the better part of an hour before they were all fully cleared to pass into the slice of Bao land which separated the Diao's land from Xiangmen proper. But, once they were through, it was not long before their carriage was rolling along at a good pace through the massive hills formed by Xiangmen's roots. With winter well on its way the fields along the rolling slopes were fallow and black rather than shimmering green, but the settlements among the roots remained a picturesque sight.

Especially with the signs of celebrations. Red's and golds, the colors of good fortune were everywhere, with pure white's wherever the butterfly banner of the Cai was flown, which was in many places. The lights of ongoing festivity shone from the holes where light was let into Xiangmen's trunk and far, far overhead past the clouds, Ling Qi could see banners larger than the sails of ships or entire castles flying from the thin tips of the great tree's branches. From the clouds soft light shone as if from the heavens in countless colors.

The light and noise and celebration in the air only grew as they entered the great gates nestled in the roots. Even now here, in the rootways where the cities poorest lived, the roof overhead was bright with lights, colorful lanterns hung from every porch and doorway, and she could see great feasting tables lining the squares they passed, filled with food and drink that was refilled as fast as it was taken while hastily thrown together stages put on simple performances to entertain the crowds that gathered there..

And the luxury of that only grew as they wound their way up. All the city was in the throes of a great festival. The air thrummed and roared with it, a million souls and more freed of all labor to fill the streets with their joy and praise for the light above.

…And it was not forced, or at least not much. To the inhabitants of the roots, to the inhabitants of the trunk, Cai Shenhua was a legendary existence, one who had freed them all from the nightmares their grandparents and great grandparents had known, who had torn away the choking nightmare of corruption which the city had lived under for centuries uncounted to mortals.

She was reminded uncomfortably well that it would be no easy thing for Renxiang to surpass her mother in the way that she wished. That as things stood, to defy Cai Shenhua was to defy the world.

She could see by her expression looking out at the thronging crowds that her liege was thinking similar thoughts.

She didn't need to speak for Cai Renxiang to know what she was thinking. "This is why I will not do as she wishes. To tear this down with sword and flame could never be a worthy act.

Whatever was done to me pales in comparison to what she has done for the Emerald Seas."

Those words left them in contemplative silence as they rode along the final upward ramp leading out onto the branches of the Cloud districts.

Here teh displays surpassed mortal sensibility. The air shimmered and hummed with music and the projection of images onto the clouds, clouds of colored lanterns billowed like flocks of birds, playing out music played in halls far away through transference formations. Even the staid streets of the noblest houses shimmered with impossible color and movement, animated painting and frescoes mirroring the celebrations in the streets.

Even the small tidy little manor left vacant for Cai Renxiang's use on her visits had its melancholy echoed buried under a fresh coat of blazing radiant white walls and crimson shingles, strung with bright lanterns, the gardens around grown with flowers of brightest, purest white.

Outside it, they already had guests waiting.

Meng Dan bowed low as they all filed out from the carriage. In robes of pale green and light tan, and long hair falling in brown curls around his shoulders, he looked every inch the imperial scholar, save for the woven circlet of living wood on his brow, holding back his hair, thin twigs studded with budding flowers giving the mild suggestion of horns.

It wasn't as obvious and prominent as Meng Duyi's headdress, but Ling Qi wondered if there was some kind of internal signaling going on there, for Meng Dan to be wearing such a thing now.

With him were a handful attendants in his house colors, she recognized them as not being Meng directly but rather a personal retinue from the Meng's own household clans, going by the markings and cut of their clothes.

"Lady Cai Renxiang, it is my honor to receive you here and to have been allowed to prepare your guesthouse for your stay. Through me, the Meng clan offers our deepest gratitude for the understanding and conciliation of the great Cai clan."

Now that was laying it on thick, Ling Qi thought fanning out to stand behind and to Renxiang's left, while Gan Guangli and Xia Lin took up positions to her right. He was bent almost parallel to the ground. His attendants were all the way down in full kowtow upon the cobbles leading to the manors door.

"Raise your head, Meng Dan, the scions of the Western Fen need not lower their heads so far as that," Cai Renxiang said.

"The generosity of the Cai clan is without match," Meng Dan said. He gestured and his attendants rose to their feet but remained in low bows. He himself straightened up, merely lowering his head. A much more normal posture for a scion of a count greeting their liege's heir. "Will you allow me to show you in then? I have arranged the household for your stay."

"Do so, there is much to discuss," Cai Renxiang said.

"There is, the meng clan must express their gratitude in more concrete terms," Meng Dan agreed, turning and gesturing for them to follow.

"Hoo boy you can tell they're still nervous as spooked cats, huh?" Sixiang whispered.

Meng Dan might not be. She could see he was calm beneath the obsequious exterior, but the people he was representing, the faction of his family who had escaped reprisals for the treachery of their elder… Well, she couldn't blame them.

Not when they had seen a visit from the Duchess, the Tyrant of Radiance direct and in person.

They were led inside. There was no bustle or franticness from the servants, they were too well prepared for that. Everything was ready for them, the spread of food and drink on the table of the dining halls was scarce by any standard, but she could scent the expert brewing of the tea and quality of the small dishes set out for their enjoyment.

"The stewardship has been in good hands," Cai Renxiang commented.

"I am pleased you think so," Meng Dan replied, allowing them all to sit.

Ling Qi strode past him to take a seat, smiling encouragingly. She knew what was coming, for all the theater around it, this had been roughly planned out in correspondence for some time. It was as much a stage play for the servants around who would go out and whisper words of what happened when they slipped away to their own festivities.

Cai Renxiang gestured for her to join them. "Sir Meng. I see the strain these past months have put upon you, and know that the Meng wish to cleanse any remaining taint from their name. Speak the words I can see you holding back."

Meng Dan's smile widened, eyes twinkling in amusement behind his glasses. "Of course. I would not dare waste Lady Cai's time. The meng clan would offer one of our own to your direct service, to be used as you will, for whatever task or role you might require. As you might guess, I have volunteered myself for this role. I can only hope my past merits can make up for this pride on my part."
"Your aid in deciphering the old texts, and in seeing the exposure of the plot among your treacherous kin is more than enough merit for such an offer, " Cai Renxiang replied.

"I don't believe I could think of a Meng better suited to working in our circle," Ling Qi said.

"Cause you barely know any unless you wanna invite that old uncle."

There was no need to get hung up with the details.

"Some would say it is a poor way to reward loyal vassals to elevate the scion of those who must earn back the Duchess' trust," Xia Lin glowered, doing her part with admirable sincerity.

"It is true, and yet, Meng Dan cannot be counted suspicious, for his own actions aided in overcoming the plot. Indeed. To reward such virtue in putting province over clan is only just!" Gan Guangli boomed.

She could see Meng Dan's smile grow more brittle for that, though he hid it well.

"For the sake of my Meng clan and the Emerald Seas alike, I can only make this offer. Both are dear to me, and I would see any estrangement between them healed, that my family may restore its historic honor," Meng Dan said, bowing his head again.

Cai Renxiang regarded him silently for the appropriate length of time to seem judicious for all that the decision was long made.

"I say again, Sir Meng, raise your head. You will be welcome among my entourage."

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Thank you your readership and participation in the Quest!
Had to split this one will be a vote in the next
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I'm sorry guys, but now that Xuan Shi has manned up, I'm willing to knife fight you all over this. Meng Dan is cool, but if it's between him and turtle boy he's gonna have to stay in the friend zone. He seems like he'll be a good drinking buddy.
"We will face scrutiny and scorn for waste if we continue in this manner without rapidly growing the settlement for too long, but our accomplishments and the clear favor for southern expansion give us more leeway here," Xia Lin said

"And we can afford a little bit of scrutiny. I am certain I can smooth things over for a long time coming… particularly if we perform well on the offensive. Success gives much allowance for eccentricity."

"It does," Cai Renxiang said. "And in the end, as our own cultivation grows, there will be less available for projects such as this. By the time we are all fourth realm we will need to reassess. So self sufficiency will need to be addressed within a few years."

Yep, this isn't something we could do normally, but we are being bankrolled really hard in the opening stages so we can focus purely on optimizing for the long term. Establish solid relationships with the local spirits and set precedents that we don't have to adjust ad hoc later. You can do amazing things with that.

She didn't need to speak for Cai Renxiang to know what she was thinking. "This is why I will not do as she wishes. To tear this down with sword and flame could never be a worthy act.

Whatever was done to me pales in comparison to what she has done for the Emerald Seas."

That's why she's the GOAT.

Meng Dan bowed low as they all filed out from the carriage. In robes of pale green and light tan, and long hair falling in brown curls around his shoulders, he looked every inch the imperial scholar, save for the woven circlet of living wood on his brow, holding back his hair, thin twigs studded with budding flowers giving the mild suggestion of horns.

It wasn't as obvious and prominent as Meng Duyi's headdress, but Ling Qi wondered if there was some kind of internal signaling going on there, for Meng Dan to be wearing such a thing now.

They going really hard on Weilu stuff, can't remember the exact demographics but Emerald Seas Nationalism is surely on the rise.

Meng Dan's smile widened, eyes twinkling in amusement behind his glasses. "Of course. I would not dare waste Lady Cai's time. The meng clan would offer one of our own to your direct service, to be used as you will, for whatever task or role you might require. As you might guess, I have volunteered myself for this role. I can only hope my past merits can make up for this pride on my part."

Making it official, what we all expected.

Hope he learns that he has been beaten to the punch by a turtle boy, and needs to enter the race. He has a meaningful advantage in that Qi actually has a small amount of romantic interest already, but he's gotta keep it going.