Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
So! More theory crafting, but specifically with PLR.

Here's the flavor text for PLR, which I'm going to use to guide my discussion regarding some theories I have regarding PLR

An art born from the nature of the dreaming moon, patron of artists and innovators, granted as a favor to one who impressed at her moonlit gala. This art calls upon the memories of that chaotic spiritual revel, allowing the user to use their qi to impress them upon the waking world, and move with the grace of a trueborn maiden of moonlight

So first, a definition, again, of "Phantasmagoria" is: "A sequence of real or imaginary images like those seen in a dream" as defined by Google.

I find this definition of particular note, especially given the reveal last chapter of the alternate reality Dream. A place of imagination and creativity which is defined by it's contrast to the Real. Which means PLR's name implies that PLR is mixing the real and the imaginary when one uses it. The second sentence of the flavor text supports this implication. PLR is calling upon the "memories" and impressing them upon the waking world, which creates some ideas when paired with Phantasmagoria's definition. There is a distinction created by the definition of Phantasmagoria and memories which is contrasted the term "waking world."

The mystery deepens, however, when one considers the memories mentioned in the flavor text. It's not Ling Qi's memories, as she has little actual recall of the revel certainly not enough to create the diverse range of illusory characters that appear when we use it. Which means that the art has it's own preprogrammed "memories" of the event, the art is able to take the few memories we have of the event and just fill in the needed details, or the word "memory" is a euphemism for just doing what the art does.

But that's a tangent, and while I could go on and discuss that aspect of PLR, I am most interested in PLR establishing the dichotomy between "waking world," dreams, and "memories." Which is where the real fun begins. It seems to me that the PLR illusions are both real and unreal at the same time, that it's a mixing of the two concepts. That's why they can't block hits for us (because they aren't real) but can physically drag someone off and keep them dancing. Illusions generally don't physically interact with real things which is why I found it confusing why the PLR illusions could. However, it makes more sense if PLR is mixing reality and unreality when we use it.

The next section that interests me is that PLR is an art "born from the nature of the dreaming moon." We have just received an information dump regarding the nature of the Dreaming Moon last update, and so there is some interesting tidbits. Given Sixiang's memories, it would appear that it is in the nature of the Dreaming Moon to take dream sparks (concentrated creativity? I don't really know), bring them into reality, and then take the ideas and emotions from the real world and bring them back into the Dream. Which begs the question... was PLR born of a similar process? Was PLR crafted from the material that makes up Dream and brought into reality and left for us to use?

When we express PLR, are we impressing upon reality a shard of Dream? And if that is the case, could PLR, at later levels, impress upon its unreal material a bit of material from reality? Which is where I got my idea that PLR may eventually allow Ling Qi to dip into materials from the Dream for a short bit. There is a problem with that though, in that the flavor text specifically says that it impresses the memories upon the waking world, and it does not talk about the impressing the waking world on the memories. It could be that "[moving] with the grace of a trueborn maiden of moonlight" simply refers to the ability to properly move in the waking world, but it could also mean the ability to move between Real and Dream. After all, Sixiang is most certainly a trueborn individual of moonlight, and she could move between the Real and Dream. So I think the possibility is there.

Other than PLR theory crafting, I am interested in looking for arts that deal with the nature of dreams. We've just received almost eldritch knowledge regarding the world of Dream, and there could be some very interesting ways to manipulate and draw from that world. Possibly a dark/dream art that allows us to draw in the dreams of others? Possibly a wind/dream art that allows us to connect the dreams of others? Possibly a music/dream art that allows us to express the unreality of Dream into the real-world? The possibilities seem endless, and something that we don't have a lot of spare time for, unfortunately.
[X] Wind
[X] Darkness

I am a fan of wood abilities, sadly wood is a really small piece of what LQ is. No matter.

Something else.

I like freedom. I think everybody likes freedom, but freedom comes always at a cost.
Freedom to leace? Why not!
Freedom from laws? Nice!
Freedom from taxes? Awesome!
Freedom from self-doubt? Hell Yeah!
Freedom from family? Maybe?!
Freedom from bonds of others? Well? That is different, I think?
Freedom to survive on your own? Eh?
Freedom to suffer alone? I think a little restriction, isn`t so bad.

I am bad a this whole think. I just think it is strange that the absolute freedom angle of wind is brought up. Freedom is only worth something if you can share it or give it to another, else it seem to be taken from others.
Ugh, sry for this strange thought.
Ling Qi landed in front of her door in a flutter of silk and swept inside without pause,
Hey, this is like last year, isn't it? When Ling Qi crashed into the garden pool in her Outer Sect home she shared with Meizhen, when she broke the back of Yan Renshu'd faction.

Is Renxiang going to think Ling Qi discovered and neutralized a hitherfore-unknown enemy in a single night, again?

"It's like being a butterfly, you know? The caterpillar can't reach the world outside its cocoon, you know?" Sixiang mused.
Aww, Sixiang's metamorphosing into another being? I liked their lackadaisical temperament. She was fun, especially contrasted to the other intense personalities in the quest.

Though, what will happen with the pillow fort after Sixiang emerges from their cocoon? Typically, they are discarded or eaten after the imago form emerges. Will it be available for use with, say, Zhengui, who might like being small enough to be held by Ling Qi's own two arms?

Though, regarding Sixiang's memories, I wonder if she could perceive the rest of the Moons? The update showed he could see how the Dreaming Moon is perceived by other cultures — and that raises the question of whether different facets of the Great Spirits are a function of culture or geography — but can they see where the local avatars of the other Moons are? Those would be some interest tribulations, if Ling Qi has encountered a bottleneck in her Moon cultivation.

Which of her elements did she feel was most important to what she wanted to be?
I think Ling Qi should be focused on the understanding of poverty — of wealth, of emotional intimacy, of power — and the demand for its remedy. In other words, the most important aspect of the Ling Qi I would like to see, is the absolute rejection of deprivation, of isolation and separation from other people, in all its forms.

Of the proffered elements, only empty Darkness, who knows lack and thus demands to be filled, matches my desire.

[X] Darkness
Aww, Sixiang's metamorphosing into another being? I liked their lackadaisical temperament. She was fun, especially contrasted to the other intense personalities in the quest.

Though, what will happen with the pillow fort after Sixiang emerges from their cocoon? Typically, they are discarded or eaten after the imago form emerges. Will it be available for use with, say, Zhengui, who might like being small enough to be held by Ling Qi's own two arms?
Pretty sure this is more of a metaphor. It's more like she entered as a caterpillar and will leave as a bigger, more advanced caterpillar. Still the Sixiang we know and love, just stronger.

The big changes to personality and stuff, if they don't (also) come through narrative, come during breakthroughs to new realms, whereas this is just from Early Third to Appraisal it looks like (plus domain development).
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Killer_Whale on Feb 24, 2019 at 4:12 PM, finished with 10119 posts and 166 votes.
Huzzah! Finally! A wind bonus!

And also, maybe tiny shoulder fairy Sixiang shit-talking everything in sight? It's a mystery but hopefully it'll be a good one!