- Pronouns
- He/Him
Ling Qi (soon™):🌳👍
Ling Qi (soon™):🌳👍
Yup. We knew we were getting G5/B5 this turn.Wasn't Ling Qi going to reach that stage this turn anyway? I admit I don't follow the cultivation math closely, but I think I heard something to this tune.
We aren't really on the Argent Way.
It relies on equal and opposite Imperial Elements. I think LQ's only Imperial element is Wind? She uses Traditional Wood and Water with Heterodox Darkness and Dream.
Edit: I'm not sure how to characterize Moon. Sacred Moon?
Yeah I suspect the chaotic mix of elements is a reference to Ling Qi's eclectic mix of elements in the total list of Arts she has learned and mastered. More so in her early career than now. Plus Zhengui probably contributes too.We aren't really on the Argent Way.
It relies on equal and opposite Imperial Elements. I think LQ's only Imperial element is Wind? She uses Traditional Wood and Water with Heterodox Darkness and Dream.
Edit: I'm not sure how to characterize Moon. Sacred Moon?
Attempting to Fulfill the Plan People's Duchy of the Emerald Seas Edition
Hmm... I feel like there's a certain resonance there, even if we haven't really gotten more than a surface peek at the Argent Way's deeper philosophy. Here's essentially what we know about the Argent Way, off the top of my head:
1) It uses equal and opposite elements.
2) It uses all the elements--specifically, all the Imperial elements.
3) The Argent Vents in the Sect have energies specifically attuned to Argent techniques. (And it's safe to guess that the Vents came first.)
4) The strongest use of its techniques that we're aware of is their use in a military context, using the buffing and stacking effects with large numbers of soldiers.
5) The Argent Sect is well-established and respected in the Empire.
Synthesize these and I'd suspect the central insight of the Argent Way is something like this: You are in a great system. Rather than seeking to swim against the tide, establish yourself within it and use it. Work together with others. There is strength in being a cog in the great clock.
(I'd suspect the Argent Mirror is truth-focused in part because you can't have unity under a system if you don't all have a certain grounding in the common facts of reality. It's about being able to maintain individual clarity so that you can have group consensus. Consider also that Han Jian starts focusing on cultivating the Argent Way just as he resolves himself to take up the mantle of leadership he's been neglecting, placing himself back into the space prepared for him within the system.)
So many of Ling Qi's insights are about the existence of that system and the nature of being outside it, both the good and the bad. Her Way focuses on the negative space around the Imperial system, the places it overlooks and the places where it fails and the old traditions it excludes. (Why the focus on family? Because if you can't depend on the system, then who CAN you trust?) But since she was cultivating Argent techniques in an Argent environment, then I suspect she still shares certain fundamental Argent principles that form parts of her bedrock understanding of the world, such as the focus on internal unity and balance and seeing those cycles reflected in the world. Her focus is just going to be on the disunity and imbalance within the system.
So yeah, Ling Qi's relationships with Imperials are only going to get worse, because she is a living The Reason You Suck Speech. She is cultivating The Way Of Imperial Inadequacy. That makes her a great counterpart to Cai Renxiang, who is seeking to expand the tent and bring more people into the system so they can be cared for, but it also means that if you like the system, having the Anti-Imperial Diss Track Domain all around you is not going to feel great.
Perhaps gyres in the sense of a swirl, or gyrating.
Been meaning to doodle this for a whileHe stopped a moment, crossing his arms and raising his chin in defiance. Ling Qi leaned down, her loose bangs casting her eyes in shadow. Flecks of cold blue met gleaming gold, and the land around was cast in twilight by the shine of the dawn and the dark of midnight.
Given that Ling Qi has Mastered Argent Soul(gaining Argent Foundation), Mastered Argent Genesis(gaining Argent Domain) and slotted Argent Mirror into her first Insight, its fair to say the Argent Way has a defining influence on her cultivation.
What do we know of the Argent Way?
Going by the Argent Vent, it works with literally anything, but best when there is Balance.
Going by Argent Soul and Argent Genesis, it has a an emphasis on a strong foundation of Qi and spirit binding.
Going by the Argent Arts, its about the synthesis of disparate elements.
Going by Yuan He, it is about dynamic balance, the Storm being his chosen metaphor for how the elements work together, which we've seen a bit of in the Thunder Palace.
As far as I can tell, the union of opposing imperial elements is just the tutorial for the rather simple reason that its easier to balance opposing forces than to balance similar ones.
So, yes, Qi's cultivation is heavily influenced by it. Look at her mastered Arts, and note that Yrsillar said before that cultivation arts have a larger impact on your cultivation because they don't do anything BUT affect how you cultivate.
Couple that with her Insights:
-Expression x3
-Community x3
-Motion x2(Chaos x1)
-Truth x2
-Creation x2
-Causality x2
-Want x2
-Power x2
-Home x1
-Cycles x1
-Ending x1
-Isolation x1
-Freedom x1
-Persistence x1
-Courage x1
-Growth x1
-Mystery x1
And you get a ball of dynamic contrasts. Endings Cycles with Creation. Isolation and Freedom defines and defends Community and Home. Causality's linear cause and effect is churned by Motion and Mystery.
I'm guessing our similar concepts are going to blob together as we go. Its all fitted together in an Argent style layout even though the components are nonstandard.
Funny thing is that Cold is technically not that big an influence right now(FSS turn may change that), its just that its the most tangible influence after Music/Expression, which needs to be a lot more potent to start causing physical effects.
Darkness(and Water) meanwhile are closer to the background lighting - they doesn't define our major concepts, it's just a sub-component of many of them.
Motion and Community are much more subtle things, even if they are relatively important components.
The cultivation art of the Argent Sect. Created by the ancestors of Sect Head Yuan He and polished to perfection under his eye. This art offers many insights into building a strong foundation for a young cultivators future growth. The neutral balanced qi cultivated by this art mingles easily with almost every form of Imperial cultivation, making for a fine secondary art for any young scion.
Granted the Argent Domain Trait
Predecessor Art: Argent Soul
This technique for the cultivation of qi is among the easiest to understand. Rather than sheer power, versatility, or any other more practical use it is primarily focused on fortifying one's Qi and building a strong foundation for later cultivation.
Granted the Argent Foundation Trait
We really are part of the Mean Girl squad!
I feel like in the Highschool AU Meizen, CRX and Qi would most loved and most hated trio of girls. Depend who you are.
So what's the average amount of cultivation XP we get a month currently? All I can see is that we get a drip of 100XP a turn in base cultivation from SSC which is nowhere near enough to level us up.Yup. We knew we were getting G5/B5 this turn.
it was our keikaku
Eh, I don't agree with this. The crux of your argument here is that the framing of the storm isn't a core part of the Argent Way. And that's because I think you're misunderstanding what the "Argent Way" is. The Argent Way isn't an abstract cultivation philosophy that stresses balance, the Argent Way is basically the Yuan clan cultivation library. It says so right on the label of the Argent Genesis art: "Created by the ancestors of Sect Head Yuan He." And the Yuan family is clearly about the balance of storms in the same way the Bao are about the wealth of the earth, or the Hui were about weaving dreams, or the Gu are about fiery aggression. See sect head Yuan He as example 1 of this.
I suspect that this misconception arose because of the Argent Soul and Genesis arts don't have that storm alignment, which kinda ruins them as primary cultivation arts, but the Argent Sect explicitly uses them to attract potential students, so that's a fine tradeoff. I'm sure the Yuan clan has a storm themed version they use for their own members.
But all the other Argent Arts we saw were storm themed (I encourage you to reread the descriptions), and LQ very much isn't. They were also all "balanced", and LQ isn't really about balance either, seeing as how she doesn't have a single level in that concept. So yeah, LQ doesn't fit the Argent Way. And aside from the quite generic sincerity insight from Argent Mirror, I don't really see it's influence on her either. I may be misremembering the AG mastery scene, but I'm pretty sure yrs forgot the layer of Argent Qi around her dantian last update, it's been so uninfluential. The Moon and Ziqing really overshadowed the Argent Way in the end.
Is that the Dreamwalking quest with a big 'Needs Dreamwalking 10 to attempt' sign on it?So FSS+ is pretty much a given, are we going to do nightmare tribulation as well this turn?
I think we get another turn? I'm pretty sure that we are not going through the nightmare tribulation next turn.So FSS+ is pretty much a given, are we going to do nightmare tribulation as well this turn?
No. It's what Six talked to us about at Xiangman. She has a grandmother and now it's almost time for us meet her grandfather.Is that the Dreamwalking quest with a big 'Needs Dreamwalking 10 to attempt' sign on it?
Is that the Dreamwalking quest with a big 'Needs Dreamwalking 10 to attempt' sign on it?
Physical or Spiritual XP = (Cultivation XP + bonus XP) * Talent * [1.5 if all other requirements for next stage meet]So what's the average amount of cultivation XP we get a month currently? All I can see is that we get a drip of 100XP a turn in base cultivation from SSC which is nowhere near enough to level us up.
You know thinking back on some stuff from the past I think at some point it is mentioned Li Suyin knew how to perform somesort surgery to get spirit blood out of a person. I am now wondering if reverse is true? Is there a clinical way to give somebody spirit blood via surgery?
Even if not I imgaine it would be exact kind of trangessive stuff that Shenhua would like to invent.
Investigate how that works.Ling Qi is probably getting fairly close to count as spirit blooded.
It is probably easier than expected, it is just that most people would ever think of it, or have resources for it.