Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
[X] An open air gala with songs and poetry and a great deal of food, open to spirits in the old style, taking some elements from older traditions. (Best suited to Wang Chao, a little scandalous, leans the group toward Weilu Reformists factions. Moderate chance of changing Wang Chao's reputation for better or worse. May offend conservatives of all stripes)
[X] An open air gala with songs and poetry and a great deal of food, open to spirits in the old style, taking some elements from older traditions. (Best suited to Wang Chao, a little scandalous, leans the group toward Weilu Reformists factions. Moderate chance of changing Wang Chao's reputation for better or worse. May offend conservatives of all stripes)
[X] An open air gala with songs and poetry and a great deal of food, open to spirits in the old style, taking some elements from older traditions. (Best suited to Wang Chao, a little scandalous, leans the group toward Weilu Reformists factions. Moderate chance of changing Wang Chao's reputation for better or worse. May offend conservatives of all stripes)

Offending conservatives? Whattttt? Why would we ever do that? That doesn't seem like us at all!
[X] An open air gala with songs and poetry and a great deal of food, open to spirits in the old style, taking some elements from older traditions. (Best suited to Wang Chao, a little scandalous, leans the group toward Weilu Reformists factions. Moderate chance of changing Wang Chao's reputation for better or worse. May offend conservatives of all stripes)
[X] An open air gala with songs and poetry and a great deal of food, open to spirits in the old style, taking some elements from older traditions. (Best suited to Wang Chao, a little scandalous, leans the group toward Weilu Reformists factions. Moderate chance of changing Wang Chao's reputation for better or worse. May offend conservatives of all stripes)
You know, looking at it, it does specify "conservatives of all stripes." It amuses me to think of this offending the factions on the other end of the pole from the Weilu ones, and also the Weilu Conservatives.

"Yes, yes, it's a very nice revel, but the traditions specify this sort of celebration must be held in a shaded grove, and look at them! Not a tree to be seen, entirely too much sunlight! Scandalous."
Adhoc vote count started by EternalObserver on May 28, 2022 at 12:18 PM, finished with 86 posts and 56 votes.
[X] An open air gala with songs and poetry and a great deal of food, open to spirits in the old style, taking some elements from older traditions. (Best suited to Wang Chao, a little scandalous, leans the group toward Weilu Reformists factions. Moderate chance of changing Wang Chao's reputation for better or worse. May offend conservatives of all stripes)
I'm curious about it saying that it may offend conservatives of all stripes. Is there a chance it won't?
possible, like both side thinks its an attempt to pull a fast one over the other.
or we only offend one side.
or, the mentioned outcome of offending both side.
but eh, there is a limit as to how long conservatives are healthy to play with, even if they are cultivators with long lifespan.
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[X] An open air gala with songs and poetry and a great deal of food, open to spirits in the old style, taking some elements from older traditions. (Best suited to Wang Chao, a little scandalous, leans the group toward Weilu Reformists factions. Moderate chance of changing Wang Chao's reputation for better or worse. May offend conservatives of all stripes)
[X] An open air gala with songs and poetry and a great deal of food, open to spirits in the old style, taking some elements from older traditions. (Best suited to Wang Chao, a little scandalous, leans the group toward Weilu Reformists factions. Moderate chance of changing Wang Chao's reputation for better or worse. May offend conservatives of all stripes)
I think this, if it gets a rolls, is definitely something to spend omake points on to improve chances. It does quite a bit. It'll likely improve our standing with Chao; potentially big chunks of the Wang, Meng, and Luo plus their underlings (like the Old Clans under the Luo already have a 2, I wonder what a 3 from them would do to our Luo rep, maybe we can score good herding animals from them); Chao's own reputation is affected; and while it may offend conservatives of all stripes, if we can just have them be a bit scandalized and a bit huffy about a tasteful mix, like not what should be happening obviously is should be properly [Weilu/Imperial]! but nothing that you can really nit pick at without being seen as an asshole.

It could have some serious knock on effects. Trying to hybridize the culture is big work, and this is probably the biggest work we've done so far. Hanyi's concerts and music can be seen as an indulgence for a near human spirit, but this will be a roight propa Neo-Weilu gala. The first of it's kind, and we want to set good tones for it. It'll even be a nice thing to point at in our letters as roight propa Emerald Seas national kultcha, and if it goes well, Wang Chao will do more (and write home about his successful parties with a glowing tone like he did about Ling Qi), and who knows it might impress the Wang Matriarch (Who sounds very much like a Weilu Reformer/Neo-Weilu) on a personal level and she might hold a Neo-Weilu Gala, say, with the Meng invited (and probably all of the count clans it'd be a big snub to not invite them), improving relations between the two clans that they can point to little Ling Qi and her backer the Heiress.

So this is something we really do want to go well. The positive effects would be pretty far reaching, the negative effects could set us back a lot. I don't think it'd strangle the Neo-Weilu thing in the crib, but it'd definitely be ammunition for a few years. (That silly Wang Chao and Ling Qi! Oh the poor Heiress with her uncouth retainer! How dare they besmirch the [Empire/Weilu] culture!]
I think this, if it gets a rolls, is definitely something to spend omake points on to improve chances. It does quite a bit. It'll likely improve our standing with Chao; potentially big chunks of the Wang, Meng, and Luo plus their underlings (like the Old Clans under the Luo already have a 2, I wonder what a 3 from them would do to our Luo rep, maybe we can score good herding animals from them); Chao's own reputation is affected; and while it may offend conservatives of all stripes, if we can just have them be a bit scandalized and a bit huffy about a tasteful mix, like not what should be happening obviously is should be properly [Weilu/Imperial]! but nothing that you can really nit pick at without being seen as an asshole.

It could have some serious knock on effects. Trying to hybridize the culture is big work, and this is probably the biggest work we've done so far. Hanyi's concerts and music can be seen as an indulgence for a near human spirit, but this will be a roight propa Neo-Weilu gala. The first of it's kind, and we want to set good tones for it. It'll even be a nice thing to point at in our letters as roight propa Emerald Seas national kultcha, and if it goes well, Wang Chao will do more (and write home about his successful parties with a glowing tone like he did about Ling Qi), and who knows it might impress the Wang Matriarch (Who sounds very much like a Weilu Reformer/Neo-Weilu) on a personal level and she might hold a Neo-Weilu Gala, say, with the Meng invited (and probably all of the count clans it'd be a big snub to not invite them), improving relations between the two clans that they can point to little Ling Qi and her backer the Heiress.

So this is something we really do want to go well. The positive effects would be pretty far reaching, the negative effects could set us back a lot. I don't think it'd strangle the Neo-Weilu thing in the crib, but it'd definitely be ammunition for a few years. (That silly Wang Chao and Ling Qi! Oh the poor Heiress with her uncouth retainer! How dare they besmirch the [Empire/Weilu] culture!]
Idk if we can spend omake points on a different character's rolls though... If I was even right about Wang Chao rolling for some sort of social thing, that is. @yrsillar are you rolling a dice for Wang Chao?
[X] An open air gala with songs and poetry and a great deal of food, open to spirits in the old style, taking some elements from older traditions. (Best suited to Wang Chao, a little scandalous, leans the group toward Weilu Reformists factions. Moderate chance of changing Wang Chao's reputation for better or worse. May offend conservatives of all stripes)
[X] An open air gala with songs and poetry and a great deal of food, open to spirits in the old style, taking some elements from older traditions. (Best suited to Wang Chao, a little scandalous, leans the group toward Weilu Reformists factions. Moderate chance of changing Wang Chao's reputation for better or worse. May offend conservatives of all stripes)
[X] An open air gala with songs and poetry and a great deal of food, open to spirits in the old style, taking some elements from older traditions. (Best suited to Wang Chao, a little scandalous, leans the group toward Weilu Reformists factions. Moderate chance of changing Wang Chao's reputation for better or worse. May offend conservatives of all stripes)
[X] An open air gala with songs and poetry and a great deal of food, open to spirits in the old style, taking some elements from older traditions. (Best suited to Wang Chao, a little scandalous, leans the group toward Weilu Reformists factions. Moderate chance of changing Wang Chao's reputation for better or worse. May offend conservatives of all stripes)
[X] An open air gala with songs and poetry and a great deal of food, open to spirits in the old style, taking some elements from older traditions. (Best suited to Wang Chao, a little scandalous, leans the group toward Weilu Reformists factions. Moderate chance of changing Wang Chao's reputation for better or worse. May offend conservatives of all stripes)
[X] An open air gala with songs and poetry and a great deal of food, open to spirits in the old style, taking some elements from older traditions. (Best suited to Wang Chao, a little scandalous, leans the group toward Weilu Reformists factions. Moderate chance of changing Wang Chao's reputation for better or worse. May offend conservatives of all stripes)
[ ] A series of games, not just combat but other skill challenges and contests. (Moderately suited to Wang Chao's abilities, considered a little rough and low class, politically leans Weilu Moderate, low chance of changing Wang Chao's reputation either way)

I saw this option first and thought: "Hey, it isn't so bad. So what if it's considered rough? Our gatherings with Wang Chao had always been different from the usual noble court parties, more informal and casual, centered in physical activities and training. And I'm all for pushing the Neo-Weilu forward. Well, let's see the Imperial aligned option anyway"
And then I saw this:

[X] An open air gala with songs and poetry and a great deal of food, open to spirits in the old style, taking some elements from older traditions. (Best suited to Wang Chao, a little scandalous, leans the group toward Weilu Reformists factions. Moderate chance of changing Wang Chao's reputation for better or worse. May offend conservatives of all stripes)

Heck yea, let's go! No wonder there is unaminity here, this option has everything!
My idea was to turn the gatherings into a social training ground for rookie nobles and young families.
But turning it into the rallying point of the Weilu Reformists in the Argent Sect and showcase of the Neo-Weilu culture is a fantastic idea.
Specially since we can do both, introducing the new generation of barons into our way of doing things. And since the Wang are always looking for new people to occupy their lands, they can recruit the people at the gatherings, expanding the Neo-Weilu ways all over the Foundations.

The benefits far outstrip whatever offense the Conservatives of either side decide to take. And it isn't as if the Conservatives weren't going to take offense regardless of what we do. So it's better to go all in and take every chance we get instead of being mild about it.

"Gonna ask some of Gan's folk for support?"

"It will be good for them too, without Gan Guangli there they'd have less support in the Inner Sect, making our support clear and material helps Wang Chao's position,"

Hey, this means that Ma Jun and Spear Boy (can't remember the name) will be there.
Can we make Ma Jun into our succesor here?
I doubt the Bais are the only ones that noted the similarities in cultivation. So, if Spear Boy will be Gan Guanli's stand in in the Sect, Ma Jun can be ours.
Then it will be easier to bring the Ma craftimg familie to the fief under our supervision.
[X] An open air gala with songs and poetry and a great deal of food, open to spirits in the old style, taking some elements from older traditions. (Best suited to Wang Chao, a little scandalous, leans the group toward Weilu Reformists factions. Moderate chance of changing Wang Chao's reputation for better or worse. May offend conservatives of all stripes)

I'm curious about it saying that it may offend conservatives of all stripes. Is there a chance it won't?

Many conservative types already think of LQ as LQ and regard Wang Chao as socially inept. Throw in the issue that the Wang clan is young and has a history of incorporating uncouth traditions, and a neo-Weilu gala is uncultured, but also unsurprising. People who personally object to our radical cultural moves may simply lump it in with all of the other uncouth stuff we get up to without it changing their opinion of us.

Many conservative types don't personally care about aesthetic issues, identifying with their factions instead out of expectation, clan allegiance, political convenience, and so on. We had a whole talk with Diao Linqin about this sort of thing. Those people will be expected to direct some combination of dismissal or condescension our way, but they won't actually care, so whether they actually display "offense" will depend on the reactions and expectations of any other conservatives or centrists paying attention. For a simple Sect gathering, those expectations won't be that high, so their reactions may be quite muted.

For some Weilu consevatives, the fact that we're dunking on peakaboos will outweigh their concerns that we're mangling their culture. Some peakaboos won't consider this gala significantly less civilized than our existing gatherings and existences already were.

And I'm sure there's plenty of other reasons for conservatives not to really care besides.

A neo-Weilu gala is certainly an anti-conservative affair and there are plenty of reasons to expect negative reactions from conservative factions, but for all that we universally dismiss peakaboos and Weilu conservatives as chumps, their factions are hardly monolithic. Depending on how we play this, how the parties involved react, and how luck treats us, our gala might not face much backlash at all.