Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Like, hmm. I don't want to be a downer.

However, blending disparate construct arts into a cohesive set of field effects that respects and displays the themes of those arts is an incredibly high ask. It's easy to do with our perception art, because you just say we can see through the other constructs and its fine. Beyond that though?

I don't see how it's possible. At a time when we're struggling to give screentime to our arts and actually portray their themes, character, and idea(l)s as it is, taking the step to deliberately ensure that our construct arts are constantly melting into each other in action sounds more than a bit counterproductive. We've even seen this attempted previously, with PLR/FVM/BKSD combos, and it was largely quite awkward for PLR getting all mean/gloomed up.

I get that the promise of a cohesive overarching vision of unity is tantalizing in the extreme -I feel the same way!- but it's also a bite too large for us to manage at the moment. The work isn't in place to sustain the prize. It is, imo, skipping steps. It's too ambitious on a structural level when it comes to writing; it's lacking a body of experience, choices, and aesthetic development/winnowing to draw from; and attempting to enact its promises in-action will possibly limit player agency by locking in or emphasizing/de-emphasizing themes and aesthetics in conflict with one another in unexpected and arbitrary ways. Similar to how PLR's themes got de-emphasized/erased when it had to share space with other arts, and boy did that leave us with a headache for a long while.

tl;dr: Coordination is impractical and hard to pull off well or even necessarily visibly, considering previous art interactions. What sets this trait apart as new? What are the consequences on competing art narratives with it in play? It's more of a headache than something that gives yrs more options/freedom to play with.
[X] Complexity, weaving a smoother song from simpler measures

I like this option best, smoothness is, at the end of the day, clear if you're not intentionally going for some crazed dissonant cacophony.

This is also probably easier for yrsillar to portray and give cool, standout moments to, which is important.
So, here is my two cent after clarification.

So, just to make sure, I like both.

Coordination would meld the arts more, either letting the arts tag each other , so they are more effective crowd controls or just able to benefit from the other arts stuff.
Personally, I like this, it fits with the scout theme LQ usually have, and would give us a more cohesive view of the battles, not to mention that our summons would be more flexible in their tools, as described by the arts.
It could, also, give the winged bear summon people wanted from complexity, before clarification.

Complexity would gives finer control, like being a director in a movie or dance instructor, with our constructs being able to make mundane lives easier..... (Just don't let CRX find out that we passed the paperwork to them or she will give us more work :V )
Basically we can use our constructs better, both in and out of combat.
Might get some fun scenes of it as well, as LQ tries to debug her programmed constructs lol.
But the real treasure here is that our constructs can act without our input.
Guard CRX, evacuate the wounded, fetch loot for momma, play with the mortals.

Both are great upgrades, and there is nothing saying we can't take up the other later on.

Still, I stay with coordination because it let us do telepresence earlier, like at the end of revelry, though it's only sensory input for now.
It is largely a thematic choice on how Ling Qi wields her phantoms in the future, complexity is more nuanced and well, complex constructs, coordination is about blending your disparate construct arts into a more cohesive set of field effects.

Coordination = Our summons become a voltron. :V

I don't think they become voltron with coordination. If anything I think complexity is more likely to do that. I think like Yrs said this is mostly thematic but it seems like we end up at the same place essentially.

Coordination -> We have Primal War Calling shadow beasts from BKSD attacking, our SSR Merry Moon's Eye flying around keeping an eye out, and PLR's Illustrious Phantasmal Festival hindering enemies and helping allies around. You have the animals stalking around waiting to attack, party goers through enemies into groups of wolves, silver disks float above directing everything. Then the high note of the eagle is heard, swooping in and carrying an enemy back into the middle. You end up with all the effects on the battle field but each art is helping and complementing the other. Each art and technique is a clearly separate part but they all come together to work in the same direction. I think this is the best direction if we are wanting to keep the arts and techniques separated from each other and trying to highlight the different bits.

Complexity -> We have a group of constructs with a shadowy, beastial humanoid shape with silver eyes. We've taken the measures(techniques) from BKSD(Primal War Calling), SSR(Merry Moon's Eye), and PLR(Illustrious Phantasmal Festival) and turned it into a smoother song. This new construct can do all of the things the previous ones could do, hindering enemies and dealing damage, helping allies, giving us extended senses but it's all packaged together. So what happens when we play the high note for the eagle? One or several of them grow wings and jump out, grabbing the enemy and dropping them from above. Again you end up with all the effects but you take all the bits and put them together into one thing. I think this works better if we are trying to make our constructs a more cohesive single thing.

I like metaphors and I think this one works well: Coordination is a toolbox while Complexity is several multi-tools. You can essentially do all the same things it's just with the coordination toolbox your screwdriver is always a screwdriver but you have your pliers right there ready to use while your complexity multi-tools are a screwdriver and pliers depending on what you need them to be.

It's the difference between having every tool and a tool that does everything.
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Wrong and right. We are all but children in dark, when all else is peeled away. The Hell you have made yours is that of the Forsaken, alone in the multitude, cold inside the walls.


Your own story. You clutch at the edges of mastery the animation of tales in your mist. I will help you in this. When you feel ready to spin the Fable of the Forsaken, return to me.
So... Uncle Skelly is saying that he will help us with our Domain Name Quest? That's useful, although it will take a while for us to get that far. To my understanding, we are just reaching Framing Green Soul this month and so we need to advance two more stages until we have to worry about that.

Actually, can someone remind me when Dress-chan is supposed to awaken?
So... Uncle Skelly is saying that he will help us with our Domain Name Quest? That's useful, although it will take a while for us to get that far. To my understanding, we are just reaching Framing Green Soul this month and so we need to advance two more stages until we have to worry about that.
Yrs clarified in the discord that he just wants to hear our story once we finish Phantasmal Mastery. So we will be visiting him again to tell our story sometime this turn. Probably either at the End of this current arc or the end of the turn in general imo.
[X] Complexity, weaving a smoother song from simpler measures