Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Its inaccessible until you can deal with Ultra-Moose. In a lower danger region it'd have been another site
Yeah we are basically gonna need to be cyan or high realm support to deal with it. I don't think we can convince Shu Yue to deal with it though unless it attacks us first.

Huh, so you are saying that a High Danger zone reduces the number of sites we can actually gain acces to and therefore reduces the amount of Exotic resources we can safely extract from our fief.
If only someone would have warned us about it when we were choosing where to settle.:V

But what's done is done, and our fief is still awesome. We just have to make sure the giant angry moose doesn't kill us. Or the indescribable nigthmare horror from the depths. Or the flock of mighty dragon horses. Or whatever we discover in the 3 exploration tiers we have left.

Oh, well; I'm sure everything will be just fine.
We just have to make sure the giant angry moose doesn't kill us.
It'll be a great guard for our people once we figure out how to get it on our side.
Or the flock of mighty dragon horses.
Same for them.

Or the indescribable nigthmare horror from the depths.
And whatever this asshole is guarding is bound to be amazing.

No need to get all doomy before we've even finished exploring.
It does feel like we chose the most crowded option, for sure. I'm unsure that either the moose or the kirin can actually be co-opted in the near future (ie, in less than ten years) so it does seem like no-go zones with a potential to kick out city-enders if we annoy them should be left alone.
[X] Svivla Níngshì River

Think that be mix of norse and chinse for WInd gazer river.

To match imperial and white sky parts since it's to both.
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Blue River
Water River
White Waters River
Waterfall River
Primary River Settlement Site River
Trade River River
Dry River
Orthodox Imperial Culture River
Lake Crashing River
Tunnel River
Sky River
Treasure River
River River

You are welcome for all of these seriously good ideas.
My main two thoughts:
  1. While there's nothing important on the line, the name of the central feature of our settlement feels like a statement of sorts. It'd be nice if we gave it a name that somewhat reflected our goals or nature.
  2. It's not just Ling Qi who has a stake in this river, it's GG and CRX. Whatever statement we make reflects on the group as a whole more than any individual member.
Again, nothing would go horribly wrong if we picked a name that just sounds cool or something, but I'm more likely to support a name that's a good reflection of what we stand for and what we're doing here.
Tempted to name it the Meizhen river honestly, just for her reaction. It's a bad idea though.

In terms of actually good ideas, I'd back Thunder river. We have a huge waterfall, and a bunch of dragon horses and the Moose King Thunderhoof nearby. It fits.
Do keep in mind guys this is a river named between all 3 parties so something too lq centric might not really be good either
Huh, so you are saying that a High Danger zone reduces the number of sites we can actually gain acces to and therefore reduces the amount of Exotic resources we can safely extract from our fief.
If only someone would have warned us about it when we were choosing where to settle.:V

But what's done is done, and our fief is still awesome. We just have to make sure the giant angry moose doesn't kill us. Or the indescribable nigthmare horror from the depths. Or the flock of mighty dragon horses. Or whatever we discover in the 3 exploration tiers we have left.

Oh, well; I'm sure everything will be just fine.

On the flipside, the quality of the sites is much better.

Hell, the Cathedral of Winds is better even completely undeveloped than anything in the Argent Sect aside from the Greater Vents, and between that and the Saline Grotto, we've actually almost made good on everything we're losing when we leave the Sect. The only thing we don't have is the insane upkeep bonus, success rate, and universal +1 bonus from the Greater Argent Vent, which is part of a geomancy megaproject anyway.

And consider, these are just the ones that are effectively 'open to the public'.

Yes, of the six or so identified traits, three of them have something scary sitting on them that needs to be dealt with to access it. The three that we can use are still of excellent quality. And we got this without needing to dumpstat anything on the way in. And there's still three breakpoints ahead to be discovered!

This place is absolutely prime real estate, that it'll require a great deal of work and negotiation to reach its full potential just means it'll be able to go that much higher. We could very well oversee the forging of a true jewel of the South!

Also, all of the threats on the table here are--in effect--things that generally keep to themselves and don't range outwards. Which means we can poke them when we're ready to make something of it, rather than a risk of constant attrition.

The issues with this territory boil down to "It'll be expensive and time consuming to fully extract its potential", money is something we don't lack.
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Some riff on alliances, music, and teamwork?
Possibly something that weaves in CRXs big goal or some elemental themes like Origin, Foundation, etc?

All I got so far is a bit clunky…
Harmonious Emergence (~和諧湧現 Héxié yǒngxiàn)
That sort of makes CRX either Late Summer (meh) or the time between seasons (a bit better)
Renxiang is either the full year or a star that is above such terrestrial cycles

The issues with this territory boil down to "It'll be expensive and time consuming to fully extract its potential", money is something we don't lack.
*looks at the various wars on the horizon*

Time on the other hand…
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