OK, thank you. That is very helpful.It means its an explore location like the Abyssal Ossuary, but its locked for now. you can still explore the greater region
[]ZhēnHé riverOr maybe something to do with Zhengui for better metaphysical resonance?
From high above it seemed like a ribbon of blue silk, with fraying threads winding amongst the mountains and hills. The yet unnamed river flowed down from the sky piercing rampart of peaks at the south of their claim, wending north and down until it joined the river systems of the greater Emerald Seas. It was a rough river, full of rapids and thundering falls.It plunged through canyons at a breakneck current, and here and there wended slowly between rounded hills, and in many places its tributaries would disappear for kilometers beneath the earth, only to come bubbling back up in geysers of heat and steam.
Under the falling curtain of winter, the land it flowed through was painted grey and white, dense pine groves clustered at the rivers edges, growing thicker toward the south, and petering out into a flatter vale in the north. The high cliffs and round little hills were home to wild goats in great breed and number, their herds checked only by the many wolves, bears and mountain cats. Larger beasts, elk and massively antlered and muscular beasts she had seen the White Sky use wandered the southernmost lands on the stretches of flat taiga that lay between immense peaks.
The wind whipped through Ling Qi's hair as she came down to land at the meeting point. Here the main course of the river flowed into an immense cavern in the side of a mountain and on the other side, emerged to thunder down some two hundred meters into a great lake below before flowing on. Here at the top ice floes gathered on the river surface, but below, the churning waters were clear and a bit warmer than the rest.Trees grew in great abundance there, on the lake shore.
"Water eats the mountain and makes it earth, fire feeds the earth and makes it grow," Gui said. "Mm, this is a good place too!"
Ling Qi lost count of the pockets of air in the stone and earth they found. Most were just that pockets in the porous stone that lay under the soil in the region, half flooded, bearing only small populations of odd fish or silty with odd minerals. Other's stretched on, forming galleries not unlike those she had seen beneath the thunder palace, with structures of damp stone that nonetheless held a vibrant lively qi.
In some places where the river and its tributaries went under the earth, they found only claustrophobic tunnels, passages barely wider than the water that flowed through them. In others they found pools and lakes, hidden grottos among the stone filled with odd plants which they dutifully retrieved cuttings and samples from for testing at the Sect.
"The river," Cai Renxiang said drumming her fingers on the table. "Our river. It has no mortal name, only the essence of its spirits. It needs one. I am open to suggestions."
I like this as a name.
I like this so much that I'm voting for it.Baiyu just makes me think of "bayou", and therefore swamp rednecks.
Oh huh that tracks. If we're going with English then...Ok, going with conventions in Forge here for location names "river" is not going to be in chinese, just as "lake" or "peak" are not.
That being said, I don't actually object to "White Jade River". I think that would be ok - though I'm also not sure it rolls off the tongue the best?
[X] White Jade RiverWhatever Veekie translates "Ice's First Run" or "Ice Beginning to Run" to be
This really wasn't meant as a joke, it's just an actual problem. A bayou is also a body of water and it has totally different characteristics to the river we're naming. It's... not really a pun or anything? It's adding misleading associations into the work which don't add to it. Which is just going to be confusing for an English reading or listening audience, with RR/novel/audiobook releases down the road.