Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
[X] River and Cave Region (Average Agriculture, Average Minerals, High Exotic Materials, Medium Trade, High Danger)
[X] Valley Region (Very High Agriculture, Low Minerals, Average Exotic Materials, High Trade, Low Danger)
I'm surpried Valley is gaining as much traction as it is considering Rivers/Caves has the potential to give us our own personal spirit stone mine.
Not to mention, the fact that trade is still average in this area despite the high danger says a lot about the quality of the goods we'll find here.
The trade is better than the plateau with higher danger, so either its a really good river or theres stuff there worth the trip. Both are good.
[X] Valley Region (Very High Agriculture, Low Minerals, Average Exotic Materials, High Trade, Low Danger)

Easy money, lot of trade seems like a great setup for being able to support arts and culture. Not seeing a need to try to focus on mining or fighting the environment when we can rapidly grow a base of power and then work on becoming an economic and cultural powerhouse of the region.
I like river and caves because it seems like the kind of place where we could play hide and seek with Cloud Nomads, and really get the most out of our lost mist and liminal borders thing for wards. It also seems like a really cool place to explore, winding river paths through mountains full of valuable discoveries and spirit encounters. I'd definitely be happy with it winning.

But there's just so many benefit in valleys. Not just high but Very High agriculture which we have already so many advantages, possibilities and investments for, great trade potential with really comes in handy if we plan to become the aorta of the Iron Road, and despite not being exciting it's the sanctuary home Ling Qi have always wanted to return to after her adventures.

[X] Valley Region (Very High Agriculture, Low Minerals, Average Exotic Materials, High Trade, Low Danger)
[X] River and Cave Region (Average Agriculture, Average Minerals, High Exotic Materials, Medium Trade, High Danger)

think about the aesthetic people! just google fantasy cave city or anything of the like , its amazingggg
[X] Valley Region (Very High Agriculture, Low Minerals, Average Exotic Materials, High Trade, Low Danger)

Safe base, not quest location, safe baaseeee!!!!!
[x] River and Cave Region (Average Agriculture, Average Minerals, High Exotic Materials, Medium Trade, High Danger)

I don't see the point of taking the high agriculture option when we have precious to upgrade it.
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[X] River and Cave Region (Average Agriculture, Average Minerals, High Exotic Materials, Medium Trade, High Danger)

Having powerful spirit neighbors is a significant long-term bonus given our chosen aesthetic, and we have enough Agriculture boosts stacked up to make an Average Agricultural region into a breadbasket already.
[X] Valley Region (Very High Agriculture, Low Minerals, Average Exotic Materials, High Trade, Low Danger)
[X] Valley Region (Very High Agriculture, Low Minerals, Average Exotic Materials, High Trade, Low Danger)

Considering the nature of our foes I suspect an option with words 'cave' and 'high danger' is less of the interesting (see: Aunty) type danger than would be suspected. Some certainly, but more so not.

And more to the point, as has been said we aren't going to have a lack of opportunities just because we have a low danger home base. It's possible that having a high danger home base could also mean having a high maintenance home base, giving us less time to devote to other matters.

Again, not that it wouldn't be rewarding, but I would prefer the possibility of freedom against the possibility of obligation in this case.
[X] Valley Region (Very High Agriculture, Low Minerals, Average Exotic Materials, High Trade, Low Danger)

Rewards are well and good but this is going to be the place where biyu is going to play when we go doing important things. Even with you nuan we are a two cultivator clan. Even if we invest into the best security all it would take is one bad spirit beast for something tragic to occur. So yes let's go for a safe place please