Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
I don't think there's a bad answer, because each of the three answers can be gotten from LQ's observations at the end.

But are people just going for the meme answer to see her reaction? Or is it about the XP?

Because everything about the actual talk we've just had screams Matriarch to me. She seems to defend - and publicly align herself with - her court regardless of her own personal beliefs.

[X] A Matriarch (Community +1 XP)
[X] A Wife (Want +1 XP)

I dearly want the Community XP... But it wouldn't be the truth.
Linqin wasn't matriarch before she became a wife. She was an elder at the Argent Sect before Shenhua's return, and likely had little interest in her clan. If anything she feels as much apathy for the Diao as she did her Hui children.

[X] A Wife (Want +1 XP)
I keep seeing references to her dead Hui husband and kids. When did we find out about them?
[X] A Wife (Want +1 XP)

I'm voting for this mainly because this part of the Shadows of Xiangmen I

O heavenly King of the North, most precious of all, The Lover. Whose tears have brought a nation to its knees, who lives in every heart and cries out for every loss, O lady of vengeance and wrath, who will break all the world for the vision of her One!

Both being a Killer and a Matriarch are the roles she had/has to take in order to be Shenhua's wife, in order to fulfill her vision. They are not the core of her cultivation, they are subordinate to being a Wife.

Regardless, the information we got about the Diao clan is really juicy. There are 2 main divisions as far as I can tell.

There is an Imperial Conservative faction that was born from the Hui's oppression and then self-reinforced over the generations. This is the group that disdains our project, in particular, our claim of common ancestry.
Then there is a group of Weilu Reformists, the ones that approached Ling Qi, Li Suyin and Su Ling. Like the Meng faction, they want to revitalize the old ways and keep them relevant in nowadays more imperial-aligned Emerald Sea. Getting spirit blood with innate powers similar to their old foregone speciality into their clan certainly contributes to that.

The other fracture line is their actitude toward the Cai clan's future. Many see all the prosperity that Shenhua has brought to the Emerald Sea and the power that the Diao in particular hold. They would prefer to keep it that way instead of devolving into a civil war again. So they want to support Renxiang and Tienli, helping them, and thus the Cai as whole, become stronger and more stable.
But it's not like the other group want a civil war. They just wouldn't mind if Shenhua's descendants all failed to accomplish much or ascend to higher realms of cultivation. Then they could become the de facto dukes of the Emerald Sea, a position that they already kind of already hold due to the lack of blood related members of the Cai.

What I'm really curious about is how much these 2 different divisions intersect with one another, as I doubt that they are simply 2 separate circles.
Specially now that Renxiang is surrounding herself with elements of the old ways and the whole ice diplomacy endeavour.
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I actually think its the opposite. If she was allowed to follow her preference she would do nothing other than bask in Shenhua's light, but because she's the Diao Matriarch she goes out of her way to shield her clan from her love's destructiveness. I'm not sure Shenhua has anything to do with it really, more that Linqin has a stronger drive to fulfill her assumed responsibility than we've either seen prior to this or at least given her credit for.

I do agree that it is useful for Shenhua, but I think that's just a happy by-product of her innate character. I could be wrong about that, but I don't think we'd have been able to pick the Matriarch option at all given the instruction to be fully truthful otherwise.
I have a hard time accepting this sort of perspective when it's explicitly called out that she's apathetic regarding the existence of the ones she's shielding from Shenhua's light. Apathy is sort of the opposite of drive.