Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
I wonder what Cai wants to talk about?
Ling Qi seems to have an idea... but I don't.

The song itself is a metaphor, and close acquaintaces of LQ with good insight will notice who the Songbird, the Scary Tree, and the Star are supposed to be, and the song itself melodically express what the Bird thinks of the Star.

Could be that RX is bothered somewhat about the quite public reveal and thus wanting to talk about it.

Or it could be about anything else, really.
Personally I quite like settings having side characters opinions and preferences firmly in place. Feels more fleshed out than having everything exist at the whim of the protagonist. Like having followers in games who'll react to certain types of illegal actions.
Yeah, I clearly didn't get my point across very well, sorry about that.
Because I agree.

What bothers me is two things coming together.
One: Being informed of the guaranteed consequences of a not taken decision, particularly if it is quite far down the decision tree, makes it look like a plot point. Something that was going to happen no matter what, which we would have been forced to interact with in exactly that way no matter what else we did.
Two: Being informed that the reaction would have been the same as the one we experienced if from a different angle, makes it look even more like a locked in plot point.

I'm not overly bothered, it's just... like a minor itch that'll go away once I forget about it.

Hopefully that's clearer, if not... well I won't clutter the thread trying again. :p
I will never forgive nor forget about the people that chose FSA over ASA. Down with their heads ! :mad:

Edit : Don't put hug rating on my shitpost. I voted for FSA lmao.:p
We have the Bai Meizhen negaverse, the Han Jian negaverse, and the alternate roomie-verse... only now do I realize that we are missing the most important alternate universe of all. Does anyone dare to write an omake portraying the wonders of the Ashen Shadowverse?
Right, so, it's pretty clear that if we'd picked the 'vanquish disorder' option, that would have been a more direct clash with Yu Nuan's theme. But how do you think picking the 'getting rid of loneliness' option would have played out? Maybe the little bird would have tried befriending the gigantic rampaging beasts? Lol.
I feel that if Ling Qi turns "Songbird and the Star" into an art, then it will probably be using heart meridians to quell fear in allies, grant them certainty of action, and gives some spiritual defense to allies.
So the perfect thing for a new Baronial clan who will be overseeing the growth of guards and soldiers in her territory? After all for the red/gold cultivators under a Baronial clan, they're not going to have the meridians open to use a spiritual defense art alongside the stuff they need to fight off spirit beasts and barbarians, but having some percentage capable of providing spiritual defense through a heart art, an entire squad can be protected for minimal costs.
Apparently Yu Nuan agrees with some people in this thread, that Ling Qi has never lost anything. Which is, to put it plainly, insane to me. Yes, we haven't had a real loss in the sect yet, and I'm not saying that doesn't matter. But Ling Qi lost her mother, lost her home, when she was what, 8? You could argue that she ran away and thus gave those things up rather than lost them, but what makes such a young child run away to the cold streets where she nearly died many times? She lost her home before she ran away from it, there is no other way it could have happened.

Anyway, great update, honestly one of the best you've done @yrsillar .

It kinda makes sense she would think that though.

I mean, this competition can be sum'd up as an argument.

LQ: Banish fear by building a home and community.

YN: Violence and death will take it.

LQ:I'll build it up, bigger and better.

YN: It will crumble.

LQ: All Things End. That does not diminish the value of what is built, or of the happiness it gives me while I have it.

YN: You only think that because you've never lost anything.

YN's argument is pretty nihilistic. LQ just doesn't buy into it.
YN's argument is pretty nihilistic. LQ just doesn't buy into it.
It is rather amusing that Ling Qi, someone who could probably be pretty accurately called the apprentice of a Yuki-Onna embodying what seems to be a concept pretty similar to the heat death of the universe, is the one rejecting the nihilistic viewpoint. On the other hand, it makes sense. If knowing that everything is for naught and all your work will one day crumble to ash was enough to stop her, she'd have stopped by now.
Also, and much more importantly, Meizhen is a lonely tree who just needs friends and Renxiang's main value is that her light makes shiny things look prettier.

More like, her big value is as a stabilizing agent.

Though it blinded her, and she found its radiance cold, she came to understand. The Star sought to banish fear, and create certainty and some part of the songbird loved it for that.
If nothing we do in this world matters (because it will all be destroyed in the end / you will die), then the only thing that matters is what we do.


Very interesting response. Very Dreaming Moon answer to Bloody Moon's you have to find your own lesson in things. Ling Qi found her lesson with Sixiang's help.
Looking back on the backstory of the dragons and the poisonous stars, I've got some questions.

Do most humans that ascend past white modify the world to better support humanity (I.E Moon)? Is there a threat of some hermit or barbarian ascending and altering the world in some way that is unfavorable to the empire?

The last ascension was pretty recent with the Cultivator becoming some justice aspect of Death, did this change mundane reality in some tangible way?
Just want to say that NPC are not always a mouthpiece of the omniversal truth. Or something like that. Sometimes the author can give them enough character to be wrong about something, without being obvious jerks about it.

I love the song battle, but wonder what our liege actually wants talk about. To talk how LQ motivation is incompatible with hers?(Probably not). How stupid she is? How she never lost anything and should be ashamed of herself?

Seriously, I hope for a heart to heart and affirm not only their goals, but also take a step closer to be friends.

But just my hopes and I am excited for what to come.
We have the Bai Meizhen negaverse, the Han Jian negaverse, and the alternate roomie-verse... only now do I realize that we are missing the most important alternate universe of all. Does anyone dare to write an omake portraying the wonders of the Ashen Shadowverse?
I really want this now. Clearly the fact that we could've stuck with knives would've let us get through it faster and it'd synergise with Zhengui's created ash to the point we'd Gaara our opponents.

Might have even inspired enough of a focus in fire to prevent water from constantly popping up...