Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
"She's having a little fun with the idea of inversion of aesthetics is all," Sixiang whispered. "Like the frost flowers Hanyi showed you. Beauty arising from desolation."

"She should mix elements of traditional attractiveness into the work. The uncanniness of the contrast between the attractive and repulsive elements will enhance the image she's going for,"
Sixiang rattled off in an instant.
It seems Li Suyin took Sixiang's advice in Turn 3, Arc 1-3.

Our villainess group is still coming along nicely.
Ling Qi descends out of the darkened sky surrounded by a freezing mist filled with the wailing of unseen ghosts. Her eyes, glowing like two pools of unearthly ice, settle on the young medic as the spirits of madness and death that live in her soul float around her. Her voice echoes from everywhere and nowhere, acompanied by the haunting refrain of Nothingness.

"Li Suyin, you need to stop being so creepy."
I resent that.

Our misty ghosts aren't unseen!
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As she watched something bright red tumbled out of the swaying fungal stalks, It looked like a big beetle the size of a rat, until she saw it rear up on its hind legs in time for another one, this time green to leap out and tackle it. They tussled on the 'ground' of the terrarium, but she was familiar enough with animals to recognize play fighting.

"So I decided to raise a brood of the altered eggs more naturally," Li Suyin said casually. Focusing, Su Ling spotted four others among the fungus. Yellow, Blue, Black, and Pink.

Beetles leans towards Kamen Rider, but the colourful team leans towards a Sentai show.

But seriously 'we began as beetles in a terrarium as part of our creator's project to create a true hero' is some classic sentai backstory nonsense.
wait, if she failed with fast adaptation to the surface, and she does it more naturally now..... how many generations will it take until it succeed? And with how many teams will she end up with at the end?
wait, if she failed with fast adaptation to the surface, and she does it more naturally now..... how many generations will it take until it succeed? And with how many teams will she end up with at the end?
Spirit shenanigans. This could be that end generation. We don't really know what the upper bounds of the eggs are, especially when nurtured by a mad scientist production cultivator.
Haha. Didn't see the rainbow ratchlings coming. They almost distracted from the imminent self eye surgery... ouch. Can't wait to the powers of the new peeper.

Thank you chat for the Beetle borgs tune stuck in my head.

So I guess the eggs she found weren't necessarily from that antlion monstrosity Suyin and LQ fought? Or she modified em into new genesis bugs.

I hope the ratchlings stay beasts / pets. Cause if the genetic / spiritual modifying is part of her hero project (back in the day LS mused about creating her own heroes iirc), she'll cross over into evil genius territory real quick by making warriors with genetic inhibitors of free will.

And just how many dry bones has LS amassed? How many can she control at once? I want LS to show up at Wangs war games, wave her storage ring and unpack a separatist droid skeleton army.
With some luck, some accidently spilled gunk from Li Suyin's experiment will find its way into a stream and influence a quartet of turtles. For reasons.
want LS to show up at Wangs war games, wave her storage ring and unpack a separatist droid skeleton army.
Suyin is just multiple memes/cliches personified huh?
On a smaller table beside it, there was a glass bell and inside it a stand
She even has the mad science lab staple of a floating eye in a bell jar!
"You know, you're starting to freak me out a little," Su Ling said eyeing the server and the silver platter it held. A fleshless skull stared back. It was from some kind of big cat, and the dim light in the workshop gleamed off its fangs. She was used to the fancy servants robs Suyin's constructs wore over their human-ish bodies. However, the fancy wig and ornaments that made the thing look like a macabre mockery of a courtesan were new.

Su Ling sighed and took the cup on the platter, slugging back the cold juice and setting the cup back on the platter.

"Hm, you think the lilies are too much?" Suyin asked worriedly, reaching up to adjust the flowers in the serving construct's hair.
...wait, is that undead hello kitty?

Li Suyin wasn't living in some hole in the mountainside anymore. Getting promoted to the upper five hundred meant she had an actual house. It had a yard and a garden and everything.
Thats the difference for a permanent residence I guess. No more moving dorms every few months.
"I know," Li Suyin tittered. "Honestly, it feels a little like playing with my dolls again, so I'm just having fun with it."

Su Ling grunted neutrally, eyeing the construct over her shoulder, already bustling back to the kitchen with its twitchy, not-quite-natural gait. Dolls, right. She'd had one once when she was very young and gran was still around, cloth and straw. Couldn't say she saw the resemblance. She'd seen those creepy ass porcelain ones some nobles kept though so maybe that was the difference. "I'm surprised you've got time for that kinda stuff."

Suyin's smile faded a little as they passed through a well decorated sitting room. "I don't really. It's probably a little childish to still be playing with the trappings of death while there is war at our doorstep."
Eh, everyone needs to keep their inner child around.

Ling Qi has hers running around outside though.
"You mean-," Su Ling cut herself off glancing down at her friends eyepatch. "Kinda out of my expertise, shouldn't you go to the medicine hall?"

"No," Suyin replied vehemently. "I need to do this myself."

Su Ling opened her mouth to reply, and Li Suyin held up a hand to silence her as they stood there on the landing above the dark stairwell that spiralled into the earth. "I've arranged things already. If something goes wrong someone from the medicine hall will come. But Su Ling, I need to do this myself."

There was a certainty in her voice that Su Ling couldn't argue with. It was the same sort of certainty that she had, knowing that her way would end either at that fox's feet or standing over its corpse. Cultivation was a real pain sometimes.
An independence Insight?
Did we give her too much loot and traumatize her?

Li Suyin frowned. "Well… it seems that I was overambitious with my previous project, trying to rapidly grow and alter a spirit was just too much for my current skill."
"Current" skill.
She's going to try it again later!
On a smaller table beside it, there was a glass bell and inside it a stand over witch hovered a faintly glowing blue eye.
Glowing blue eye, I wonder what it does.

Also @yrsillar "witch"?
... well, Li Suyin turned into quite the disturbing character somehow unnoticeably along the way.
My dude, she literally goes around everywhere on an undead palanquin like a dark lord.
She wears a chitinous clawed glove on one hand, wears a dress that if you stare at it too long you start seeing ghostly faces, and she has bone servants wearing with animal skulls as heads.

She's peak necromancer aesthetic.
And now she'll also have an eyeball that's glowing blue.
Probably to match her hair, or she'd have gone with red I bet. Or pink
I'm looking forward to Suyin becoming a sect elder. If only because the natural extension of her aesthetic means that her multibody technique is just going to be mentally piloting one of her servant constructs.
I've been thinking of that paintbrush. And Hui. And, though this is shameful of me; spite (but seriously, fuck the Hui).

So generally I'm guessing people want Biyu's future to be decided by her desires (as long as she becomes as cultivator), so this is just me throwing out a 'would be cool'.

The paintbrush has weird 'Law' aspects, so even after Biyu plays with it and makes silly nice kid paintings, but finds she does not want to do paintings, I wonder if it might be useful for ink-based formations if she wants to go that route.

Of course, if she never goes a route that makes use of it too, that's fine. It's just a paintbrush. Some other Ling can use it.

Or we might trade it to an actual painter for something nice.
I've been thinking of that paintbrush. And Hui. And, though this is shameful of me; spite (but seriously, fuck the Hui).

So generally I'm guessing people want Biyu's future to be decided by her desires (as long as she becomes as cultivator), so this is just me throwing out a 'would be cool'.

The paintbrush has weird 'Law' aspects, so even after Biyu plays with it and makes silly nice kid paintings, but finds she does not want to do paintings, I wonder if it might be useful for ink-based formations if she wants to go that route.

Of course, if she never goes a route that makes use of it too, that's fine. It's just a paintbrush. Some other Ling can use it.

Or we might trade it to an actual painter for something nice.
I both like and dislike the idea of giving Biyu the brush.

I like the idea of Biyu potentially having as many strong advantages as we can give her as she starts her cultivation journey, but I don't want to feel like we're forcing her into a mold she may not fit. That sounds like a recipe for resentment towards LQ and that would break her heart. We should definitely introduce her to finger painting soon though to see if she even actually likes making art.

But regardless I agree that we should hang onto the brush as a new Ling heirloom. Eventually we'll have some descendant (adopted or biological) that will be able to put it to good use. Trading it away seems incredibly wasteful unless we hit dire straits.
I both like and dislike the idea of giving Biyu the brush.

I like the idea of Biyu potentially having as many strong advantages as we can give her as she starts her cultivation journey, but I don't want to feel like we're forcing her into a mold she may not fit. That sounds like a recipe for resentment towards LQ and that would break her heart. We should definitely introduce her to finger painting soon though to see if she even actually likes making art.

But regardless I agree that we should hang onto the brush as a new Ling heirloom. Eventually we'll have some descendant (adopted or biological) that will be able to put it to good use. Trading it away seems incredibly wasteful unless we hit dire straits.
I've been thinking about the brush a lot too. We don't give it to Biyu, we give it to mom and tell her that she should let Biyu use it as a reward if she's been particularly well behaved that week or so. It mostly avoids the issue of Biyu losing it, as she gets older this system could segue into calligraphy lessons with Mom being rewarding bonding time rather than something she needs to be forced to study, and we don't have to tell her she can't take her favorite brush to the/a Sect a decade after we gave it to her. Showing up at a sect as a Red or Yellow with a Cyan talisman is just asking to get robbed, even ducal scions don't wander around with gear that much beyond their level.

Mom can give it to her as a present for reaching Cyan or even Green when she might actually be able to hold onto it/access some of it's abilities.
We could just let mom use it to do her accounting and stuff.

Really, as long as it is getting used at all, it's all fine.