Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
[X] Claim the tapestry as part of your share and give the Meng right of first refusal(-.5 multiplier to loot auction value. +1 Meng opinion)
[X][talisman] Liminal Scrying Mirror
-[X]Enhances scrying and allows one to peer and step into the Liminal Realm
[X][talisman] A mirror that appears full of shimmering mist
-[X] Enhances abilities that involve shifting things in and out of Dream
[X] Dreampearl: A fist-sized pearl that shimmers with the colours of the rainbow and doesn't seem to be entirely there...
-[X] Enhances abilities that involve shifting things in and out of Dream
That's about boosting abilities not about entering and exiting the liminal realm. It's meant to boost sixiangs power, not scry around the real and liminal world.

Its about boosting (Sixiang's) "abilities that involve shifting things in and out of" the Liminal Realm, which Ling Qi calls "Dream".

Presumably, if we had the misty mirror we wouldn't have strained ourselves when we brought everyone into the Liminal.

Edit: And, as a mirror, it can scry around the real and liminal world. That's an inherent power of ours. The misty mirror is better at moving stuff between the realms while the scrying mirror is better at, well, scrying, but both can do both.
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So there's been some talk about not liking exactly how the current options, Erebeal wishes their misty mirror had been a pearl for Sixiang and it feels like the scrying rings would have been a mirror had there not already been one. So I'm just going to suggest some edits (not wholesale creations) to the current winners that I feel more describes the intent if people who're feeling off wants to see if we can't replace the second and third wining Talismans with better fits.

[X][talisman] Pearl encasing an endless swirl of shimmering mist
-[X] Enhances abilities that involve shifting things in and out of Dream (Sixiang)
[X][talisman] Large mirror two hand spans wide set seamlessly in numerous inscribed rings that turn to reveal different perspectives.
-[X] Enhances divination arts offering the user much finer control in addition to aiding in piercing barriers that bars ones sight, be they physical or spiritual, illusion or the veils between realms.
So there's been some talk about not liking exactly how the current options, Erebeal wishes their misty mirror had been a pearl for Sixiang and it feels like the scrying rings would have been a mirror had there not already been one. So I'm just going to suggest some edits (not wholesale creations) to the current winners that I feel more describes the intent if people who're feeling off wants to see if we can't replace the second and third wining Talismans with better fits.

[X][talisman] Pearl encasing an endless swirl of shimmering mist
-[X] Enhances abilities that involve shifting things in and out of Dream (Sixiang)
[X][talisman] Large mirror two hand spans wide set seamlessly in numerous inscribed rings that turn to reveal different perspectives.
-[X] Enhances divination arts offering the user much finer control in addition to aiding in piercing barriers that bars ones sight, be they physical or spiritual, illusion or the veils between realms.

I don't really think it's possible for this to work, the update is like tomorrow. If you choose to rework your item at this point, all that will happen is that you will lose votes on your maybe winning talisman.
Insert Tally
Adhoc vote count started by EternalObserver on Dec 22, 2020 at 1:42 AM, finished with 231 posts and 85 votes.
[X][talisman] Sash
-[X] +Projection, allows the user to apply taunt effect on projections and constructs
[X] Mask of the Dramatic Entrance
-[X] Gives +Stealth, upon Stealth breaking (whether by user choice or enemy detection) switches to a lesser bonus to Projection and applies a free taunt effect to all enemies that can observe the user. Taunt may be reactivated every other turn for a qi cost
[X][talisman] A mirror that appears full of shimmering mist
-[X] Enhances abilities that involve shifting things in and out of Dream
"Any luck yet?" Ling Qi asked, turning back to Meng Dan. He had fallen back into a chair at some point, with Yinhui perched on its arm. The book lay open in his lap and a pile of densely written notes had begun to pile up beside his chair.

"I have begun to gain a picture of events," Meng Dan said with some satisfaction. "The minor civil strife which ended the High King's rule, the passing of his grandchildren into the care of other tribes…. I have traced a few generations, they seem to have been on the winning side of the mason's war at least. Sign's seem to indicate that their blood concentrated in the southwest. There may be some connection to the fallen Li."

"Is that bad?" Ling Qi asked. "That's still the dead end problem again."

"Ah, but both my family and the Diao adopted refugees from that clan when absorbing their lands," Meng Dan said cheerfully. "Not to mention intermarriages. If I am correct, our argument remains solid."
I am confused; can someone explain to me what "our argument" in the above is; i.e. what point that Ling Qi and company are trying to make, and how this Tapestry supports (or at least doesn't oppose) said argument?

I regret not voting for the other option.
For which vote?
[X] Claim the tapestry as part of your share and give the Meng right of first refusal(-.5 multiplier to loot auction value. +1 Meng opinion)
[X][talisman] Practicioner's Divining Rings, a set of large inscribed rings that offer much of the benefit of a more traditional stationary scrying setup for the practitioner on the move.
-[X] When channeling a divination art across the rings, they serve to stabilize and enhance the connection offering the user much finer control, and additionally aid in piercing any illusions or barriers that may bar one's sight.

[X][talisman] Practicioner's Divining Rings, a set of large inscribed rings that offer much of the benefit of a more traditional stationary scrying setup for the practitioner on the move.
-[X] When channeling a divination art across the rings, they serve to stabilize and enhance the connection offering the user much finer control, and additionally aid in piercing any illusions or barriers that may bar one's sight.

[X][talisman] Sash
-[X] +Projection, allows the user to apply taunt effect on projections and constructs
[X][talisman] Sash
-[X] +Projection, allows the user to apply taunt effect on projections and constructs
[X] Mask of the Dramatic Entrance
-[X] Gives +Stealth, upon Stealth breaking (whether by user choice or enemy detection) switches to a lesser bonus to Projection and applies a free taunt effect to all enemies that can observe the user. Taunt may be reactivated every other turn for a qi cost
[X][talisman] A mirror that appears full of shimmering mist
-[X] Enhances abilities that involve shifting things in and out of Dream

[X] Claim the tapestry as part of your share and give the Meng right of first refusal(-.5 multiplier to loot auction value. +1 Meng opinion)
I am confused; can someone explain to me what "our argument" in the above is; i.e. what point that Ling Qi and company are trying to make, and how this Tapestry supports (or at least doesn't oppose) said argument?
"It is good that you brought this matter to my attention," Cai Shenhua pronounced. "It is interesting. An organically developed escape talisman, meant to draw the smaller piece the larger one. Mistaken for kin indeed."

Her amusement was echoed, if less enthusiastically by the court. Ling Qi felt Cai renxiang's eyes on her back. This was going to be the hard part.

"Is it possible that she was not wholly mistaken?" Ling Qi said quietly. She steeled herself against the returning pressure of the courts attention. "Speaking the tongue she did, her civilized accoutrements… The tribes of the hills are ancestors to many of us, are they not? Enemies of the Cloud tribes, even before they were brought into the fold by the Weilu and the Hui."
Compass, mirror and Rings!
Adhoc vote count started by Elsecaller on Dec 22, 2020 at 2:08 PM, finished with 240 posts and 89 votes.
FYI the idea isn't rings you put on fingers, I'm imagining fancy things the size of hula hoops that float around like some magitech antennae array and through which you peer into.

ETA: basically full utility talisman, not for combat use. Just fast-deployable without hours/days of setup as would probably be required for a stationary array which I'd imagine would be located at geomantically useful places and such.


to make sure yrs sees that detail about the rings
[X] Claim the tapestry as part of your share and give the Meng right of first refusal(-.5 multiplier to loot auction value. +1 Meng opinion)

[X][talisman] Dream Drenched Compass:
-[X] Perceptiveness, Survival: A Navigational aid for use in the Liminal Realm
Well, it looks like are getting some pretty sweet talismans from this Hui's ring. Also, a bunch of stuff to help us on DREAM ADVENTURES. I wonder, does the Dream Drenched compass always point to a specific location in the dream, does it point the way to where you want to go, or does it point to what your heart dreams fondly of? The liminal realm is a wacky place, and I can't wait to explore it further!
Well, it looks like are getting some pretty sweet talismans from this Hui's ring. Also, a bunch of stuff to help us on DREAM ADVENTURES. I wonder, does the Dream Drenched compass always point to a specific location in the dream, does it point the way to where you want to go, or does it point to what your heart dreams fondly of? The liminal realm is a wacky place, and I can't wait to explore it further!
It's a dream compass, it obviously points towards the plot. Because paths through dreams are narratives. Or it points towards your heart's desire, where you need to go, the center of the realm you're in, the most unexplainable coincidences, or wherever the spirits greater and lesser wants to direct you. The compass is meta-aware enough to be the Grey Pilgrim in Practical Guide to Evil. Sometimes when it should point at one thing it points at another, and the only way to determine what it's doing is asking yourself "Where does the protagonist need to go and what do they need to find in the current story?".

Every time Yrs needs Ling Qi to go somewhere and have to come up with a good reason for why he should instead shrug and come up with a reason the compass points at it. In the Liminal itself where places are meaning the compass doesn't just point but unlocks a path that explains the concept of the local realm. A nightmare realm is to others an endless realm of terror but to Ling Qi it becomes a tribulation to overcome, a path to walk to its conclusion. We get Perception because the protagonist has to notice plot relevant things, we get Survival because no hero of destiny ever died mundanely.
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